TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1923. { . ----- THB TE FOR-- COUGHS, COLDS and ASTHMA We Sell and Recommend DR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY REMEDY. L. T. Best DRUGGIST WE Have a Large Stock of Waterman Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pencils Any type of Pen Point or style of holder can be sup- plied. --ALSO-- we are well equipped for all REPAIRS for either Pen or Pencil. Announcement Kingston Taxi Service PHONE 960 wish to announce that they comply strictly to city tariff. Day and Night Service. All Sedan Cars. Eversharp Leads al- ways in stock. SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited Established 1840. SAXTON (COAL For Hot Air Furnaces and Heaters--$15.00 per ton, CANNEL COAL For Grates--$18.00 ton. WOOD King Street, Kingston THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Culled From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. A. Hos} for Toronto, upon the y f thie sudden H. J. lacey eath in Tweed distriot last week was that of Matiida Bosley, Wife of Albert Cournoves Hunger- ford, in her fifty-eight ¥ Wi 1 Carnew, + Beil receipt of kins fevidle icath of her who un- on Sun- 2] Hospit- I mousdy ill, | Recommendation in favor of the appointment of a Victorian nurse at AeMeville to do comm nity service, A made by the Belleville Minister- Association, Pr. N"H Sutton, Peterborough, has been appointed district » Succeeding Dr. G. (Mir ton, The headquanters of the district will be at Peterborough. is, is sl Jiealt Pelle town, N.Y, one of the largest and most valuable milk condensaries in ythe United States, will resume opera- tions March 1st next, Mrs tthew White, a former Frocky resident, is dead at Van- icouver, following paralysis, She was seventy Years of age. She was the of H. B. White and Mrs. , Brockville Corbett, Belleville away Sunday from 5. She had been a resident of sixty-one years and had ided on Albert street, where she died, for forty-ome years. Mrs. Cor- bett was born eighty-tw 0 years ago. At the residence of her nephew, Walter A. Smith, Lyn, on Sunday the + familiar figure in Brockville Lad been in ill-health for some time Slabs--cut 12" long, $3.75 load Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 load. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. cr eer Ne artnet ee. George Campbell, London, who had his arm torn off in machinery is dead, in spite of efforts to save a fellow employee. James Scott, being taken to Mont- real from Chicago, to answer to train near Hamilton and was taken in a serious condition to the hospit- al in that city. The average height of the human The Western Canada Flour Mills | Company is asking Goderich for tax| exemption on a $300,000 addition to its elevator, which they propose | to construct. ! EN NA Pn ches every 1,000 years. and had spent the past month and a half at the home of her nephew. She was In her seventy-seventh year. his life by transfusion of blood from | aj charge of murder, collapsed on the | race increases at the rate of 1% in- | A MODERN BATH ROOM Many of the fittings in your Bath Room have become worn through long use. Now is the time to install a White Enamel Bath or Basin with a silent washdown toilet complete. Possibly there are some Bath Room fixtures you may desire. TUMBLER HOLDERS, SPONGE HOLDERS, SOAP DISHES AND TOWEL BARS. See our display of Electric Fixtures, We do all kinds of wiring and electric work. McKelvey & Birch, Limited General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fittery Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Best Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Werk; Electric work; Painting and Paper Hanging. Special work of all kinds undertaken. 26th Annual Feb. Sale of Furniture and . Carpets Here are a Few of SORES a Our Specials: | Blue Velour Chesterfield, $135.00. Special ........ Ja ley Veen i $76.00 2 Sewing Machines, regular $50.00-- for ,....... teiiniaie. 7932.00 2 Sewing Machines, regular $67.00-- for.....:.. varia e 0347.00 2 Sewing Machines, regular $75.00-- for ........ sarees. NL. $59.00 3 Wilton Rugs, 9x12--$85 for . . . . $57.00 saw aby GEORGE S. CAMPBELL Halifax, N. 8, elected president the Bank of Nova Scotia. of ODESSA I. O. 0. F. EVENT. Arthur Simmons, Wilton, Suffers Fracture While Playing At School. Wilton, Feb. 2.--On Thursday evening, Jan, 25th, the members of the Odessa Lodge, 1.0.0.F. and their families attended the public installa- tion of officers at the lodge rooms, |Cdessa. Addresses were given by the officers, A dainty supper was served by members of the lodge, Arthur 'Simmons, son of Guy Sim- mons met with a serious accident {while playing at school by breaking {a bome in his ankle. The bone was set by Dr. J. E. Makee, and Arthur is doing nicely. {| J. Burley, Lenna, Sask., is paying a visit to his sister, Mrs. Obas. Stov- er, 0. C. Storms has returned to Wil- jron after spending several months | With his daughter and son-in-law, {Mr, and Mrs, C. V. Asselstine, Belle- [vue, Alta. Bert Babcock and family have moved to Dr. Bell's farm near Kingston. Kenneth Lemmon has noved into one of K. N. Storm's houses in the village. ---------- At Chaffey's Locks, Ohaffey's Look, Feb. 3--Dr. F. F. Chamberlain has returned |ing friends in Ottawa, P | Brockville. Quite a nu rescott and mber of the irosidents who have suffered from bad {colds and grippe are convalescing. { The sleighing is good, and people are {taking advantage of it in hauling {large supplies of wood. The Ladies' Aid held their meeting at the home [of Mrs. Frank Smith. owing to the linclomency of the weather, the at- |'endance was small, Mrs. W. H. Fleming is visiting relatives at Mont- real, Mr. and Mrs. Smythe, Corn- wall, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fleming during the past weak. D. J. {Moore is in Lansdowne for the week- end. J. W. Simmons has returned from Kingston. The harvesting of ithe ice for summer supply is com- 'pleted, with ice 14 inches to 16 inches thick. M. G. Henniger's cot- {tage is nearing completion an ibe ready in early spring. Thorburn's cottage has had some extensive re- Everything reduced. It will pay you to anticipate your needs for Spring. Pianos, Victrolas, Hoover Vacuum - Cleaners. T.F. Harrison Co., Limited Pe 50 {pairs during the past few weeks. 20 Per Cent. of Alcohol | Allowed in Russian Drinks | Moscow, Feb. 6.--As an econopiic measure the council of commissars I has decided to permit the manufac- ture and sale of liquors containing [ut to 20 pag cent alcohol, Exclusive nights to manufacture Mquors: will be vested in the state vodka factories, NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT The Nastles condensary at Moores- 's] death occurred of Miss Ellen Hanna, s She from visjt- | d will | HOUSE BURNED AT ODESSA. rec Mectings Held Last Week for the Farmers, 31 was too ing. The Overton Powles red i house was partially in | Bedford Mills, is the | rents, Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Hugh spent Saturday Mr ow, Kate Kenyon. id Gordon sday, a party held at the d Mrs. John Graham y night, when their many t to wish them every suc- cess in and ¢ very much that they are leaving here to make their home | in Deseronto, The O sa public school hockoy team pia the Albert Friday afternoon. The score was in favor e locals, i {ce Moore, who has been some time with her grand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kil- gannon, returncd to her home Watertown She was accompanied by Mrs. Kilgannon, who expeots to spend a month with her daughters, Mrs. Moore and Mrs, Souva., Mrs. ert Hamm and children, Harold 1 Hor pent a couple of days last k with her parents, Mr, and Mrs Stanley Fraser is Dr, L. M. Fraser A baby boy arrived las: ke his home with Mr n Heath. We ith son, Or Je Friday and. Mrs There w for the fam day and We Cleary, Guelph, for last In when Messrz ock branch of the nt agricultural the Ontario department of agricul- {ture Quite a number of the young peo- {ple drove to Kingston last Thursday inight for a skating party. Dr. Mun- {roe is moving in the O. H. Runion residence, WHOLE FAMILIES LAID UP Ai Clarendon With SInfluenza--Late Wiliam Gamble, Monteith Clarendon, Feb. 3.--There is a regular epidemic of influenza in and | around Clarendon, whole families | being laid up at the same time. A- |mong the most serious cases were Mrs. Richard Burke, Mrs, John Boles |Ir., and Robert Boles. Mrs. George Burke, Perth, was called here on Monday on account of the illness of | her mother, Mrs. John Boles, sr. George Craw has gone to Orillia | to work for the C. P, Rly. Compmw's |extra gang. The sidings are fast | [filling with pulpwood, lumber, ete. | | The Frontenac Lumber Company is | icading lumber and tles at Roberts- !ville siding. Thomas Fox and Frank Rreman, Deseronto, are stopping at | The Frontenac House. Mrs. Robert | Francis called on Clarendon friends | today. Mrs. McDonald, teacher at Boles | school has gone to Toronto for a| | couple of weeks. all the children be- ing laid. up with flu. and school ¢los- jed. Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and family are on the sick list. J. Camp- bell and E. Kirkham ere loading lumber at Robertsville. Mr. -and Mrs. John Crain are visiting their son, Harold at Lonsdale, Wiliam Gamble received the sal hews today of the deeth of this | yourigest son Willie, Montieth, New | Ontario, aged twenty-one years. Deceased had been ill with influenza but was improving at the last writ- {ten word. The wire telling of his | death came as a great shock to Mr. | Cambie and his eiéter, Mrs. Richard | Burke. Much sympathy is extended to them in their bereavement. Mrs. E. Boles, Winnipeg has been | dangerously {ll with erysipelas. Her many friends here are glad to hear doctors now have hope of her re- covery. Mrs. Boles was formerly Miss Finnigan, teacher at Clarendon. Charlrs Cook took his son Robbie to Sharbot Lake yesterday where Dr. Bogart removed his tonsils, | Battersea News Budget >~ Battirsea, Feb. 2.--Roads are in very good condition once more after the recent storms. Wood cutting is the order of the day amongst the men. Keeler Bros from the Carry- ing Place, filled all the ice houses this week. The hockey players are not daunted by rocent failures, but | are practicing as lively and energctic- | ly as ever, The many friends of Rus! sell Balls are sorry toknow be is very | low. Mr. Lennon, Queen strest oecup- led the Methodist pulpit on Sunday. ! He gave an interesting talk on edu- | cation. Miss Jennie Clarke, Keeler-| ville is visiting friends in the village. | Gordon Ducette 8 improving nicely | after his serious illness, Miss Mar- gar+t Jamiesom, Albert College, is spending a few dars at home. Fred Langford has been engaged as cheese maker for the coming season. Mrs. Alec. Turner spent the week-end {with friends at Sunbury. 'The Ladies Ald are preparing to haw an oyster supper on Feb. 14th. Mrs Bert Hartley and Mrs. Arthur Sparks are confined to their beds with the grippe. Mrs. Leonard VanLuven re- ceived word that her brother A. Teachon, Watertown, was dead. Chatham's civic advisory board recommended that all large civi grants to outside bodies be subm! ted to the ratepayers, and that : spending bodies have their estimat: ready by the middle of this month. arrived | r future place of residence | school last | in | three interesting days i Monday, Tues- | and Barber, Brant- | delivered lectures and demon- | ions under the auspices of the | Dominion | of agriculture, and the | representative branch of | PROBS: -- Wednesday, easterly winds, snowfalls. * t 4 4 Sp V New Knitting WOOLS! We have just received our full complement of new Knit- ting Wools for the Spring and Summer season. Our showing is most complete and is sure to arouse the enthusiasm of those who take a pride in dong their knitting The qualities are high and the values exceptional, as inspection will prove. The New SweaterWools Pullover and Slip-on Sweaters promise to enjoy the greatest vogue of their career this coming season, and now is the opportune time to supply your future re- quirements when time hangs heavy, oi Silk and Wool Zephyrs 30c. A BALL. The colors are Nile, Hone ydew, Sky, Mauve, Scarlet, Copen, Silver and Canary. Corticelli Zepherene 20c. A BALL. In colors Black, White, Westend; Reindeer, anium, Poppy, Doe, Jade, Sand, Sky, Pink, Black, White, Copen, Ger- Pumpkin and Caramel. Steacy's Special Shetland Floss and Sport Wool 12Y%¢ ball SHETLAND WOOL In colors Pink, Goldenrod, Ca- det, Grey, Havana, Seal, Navy, White, Black, Caramel, Pea- cock, Harding, Rose, Tange- rine, Sky, Nile, Mauve, Tur- quoise and Buff. SPORT WOOL Seal, Buff, Caramel, French Blue, C-det, Navy, Black, White, ddy, Flesh, Maroon and Car al. Both are full one ounce balls, White Heather Fin 25¢c. A SKEIN Baldwin's Celebrated Knitting Wool in colors White, Pink, Grey and Black. Corticelli Silver-Gleam 30c. A BALL Honeydew, Black, Coral, Ses. Scotch Fingering A full range of shades as Black, White, Navy, Light, Mid and Dark Grey, Brown, Khaki, Caramel, Paddy, Cardi- nal and Scarlet. Also a complete range of Yarns, Saxonys, Andulusions, gering In colors Tangerine, Lilac, doe, Mauve, Azure, Ashes of Ro good Shepherd Wool, Factory etc., at new low prices. F ebruary Sale of House Furnishings!! is now in full swing and offers many exceptional econo- mies for the home beautiful. v | STEACY'S - Limite 0) "Agents for the new McCall Pattern." A d =