Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1923, p. 8

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3 sminton players will come from Hall fF Bawden made tea at the tea hour ® Raled all night long. THE DAILY BRITIS TEE Editor of Women's Page, Tele- Austin Gillies, Ottawa, who enter-| on Saturday evening at a! dance after the Drawing| I { tained supper loom. _ phone 243. .Private 'phone 857w. - . "The players from the son Badminton Club who to Toronto on Wednesday for the | ®econd annual Canadian Badminton peiation Championship meet, are . and Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mra th Hicks, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss dith Carruthers, Col. Foulkes, CoA. kwell, Major Lafferty, Capt. Ro- |ones when they returned to Berts and Douglas Carruthers. Bad- church hall. Kingston will t .9 0 Prof. Matheson's B Chalmers church went for a sleigh Do ! enjoyable outing. , Winnipeg and the Pacific cot t | Mrs. Keene Hemming, this interesting event and 1 {Ont., wore a beaut of social gatherings are plann- and go'd with trimmings topaz for them during their stay In To- land emerald at the Drawing Room {at Ottawa on Saturday evening. "is ow of. { Mrs, « o Mrs. H. C. Welch, King street, was the hostess of an exceodingly plese- {rire ant bridge of three tables on Mon- Sa urda day afternoon when the prizes wer Browse, won by Mrs. George Bawden, Mrs some EA. Mackenzie and Miss Hew'tt. Mrs Montreal, tertained at a bridge and tea y in honor of Mrs, Bernard Kingston, who is spending time in Montreal, LJ . - Filson, Misses M. Nesbitt A. MacDonald in Harrowsr J. D. Shibley . George Pyke, Mrs. H L, Allan Saturday guests of and at *he table decked with spring blos- #0ms. RTL EER : | 8 Mulock, Toronto, and | DE a oe London, Ont.,| Mrs. Frederic Etherington, Kings- rs. : ' rs. (ton, who has been the guest of Mrs. ol tf Capt, and Mir mn, ¥ the guests © p ~~~ | Walter Boyd, Ottawa, for the past Tells Mothers [ week, has returned home. . How To Treat Child's Colds The Direct Action of a Vaporizing | Salve Is Best. [Cottage, ententained tho Bridge Club ns mite Treat one cold with Vicks Vapo- b and, as in the case reported be- | w, you will adopt this external ne od for all the cold troubles of the : | deen avenue, before Belleville Mrs, . this afternoon. | . * . {day afternoon. . Miss Mollie Hambly is spending a few days with Mrs, N. Gill, Aber- returning to ily. When the little ones come in wet d sniffling, just apply Vicks over | ible Class at drive on Monday evening, and quite | undaunted by the cold, had a most | Hot coffee, beans | and doughnuts awaited teh hungry | the London, | Seeded Raisins ful gown of jade | en- | on | ton, and little son, The bridge given by the Ladies'! : ] ine site ROYAL Military Collage has retires {Curling Club at the new curling rink | '03 Military College has returned : fron est P |Is one of the large social events of | 2 West Point, ] | Real Raisin Bread Order from. your grocer or your bake shop now. Old-fashioned, full-fruited raisin bread with at least eight luscious raisins to the slice--thg kind you like, To get the best, in which the raisin flavor permeates the loaf, ask for bread that's made with Sun-Maid the best raisins for bread, and | all home cooking uses. eee eed A A AAA cr atts cs visitors while in town at the Y. W. C. A. have gone to Gananoque, Mrs. Charles Abbott, King street, | Guelph, |has returned from - - Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Denyes, Presa Douglas, are vis. Denyes' parent Ashley, 198 iting Mrs Mrs. G. F. | Street, Mrs, J. F Preston, George street, will go to Toronto on W ednesday Frontenac {with the Badminton players to visit | |her sister, Mrs. G. S. Bowerbank General Sir Archibald Macdonell, | Miss Beatnice Bedell, King street, | . taturned from rime > ( py Mrs, Frances Macnee, St. Lawrence 1 from Aylmer, Que., today Miss Jean Whyte, who has been in | | town fo or Sw 3 of which she is a member on Mon- VR for a few days with Mrs. J. G. | Elliott, Barrie streat, {Ottawa on Monday, | Miss Anna Hanlon left on Sunday |Tor Westmount to be the guest of {Mims Frances O'Brien, Dorchester |etreet, returned to | | roat and chest and cover with aj Nora Macnee, Urdon street. | St. Paul's W. A. tea and sale at uel cloth. Repeat ai bedtime. {entertained the Bridge Ciub of which cks acts lik i In addition, {its ingredients, |she is a member on Monday after- , rized by the body heat, are in- {nuon. LJ | © The child is usually Better nest Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac morning and the bad after-effects of \ciroet, entortained the Bridge Club internal dosing ate avoided, Just as |p which she is a member on Mon. good, of course for adults. Say ~ Mrs. Wm. White, 44 Sebastopol St . 98%, . treal, Que., writes: "I find Vicks | . . : a Motor I used it for headache and| Mrs. Heber Lafferty, King street, throat and also used it on baby he Stenaluing the Tuesday Bridge bronchitis and when I called in ub today, doctor he said it was the best I could have done. I have re- mended it to others and they used it. I apply it freely to the | ted parts and leave it to do its . " . * Frederic Etherington and Mrs, Douglas Chown were presented at the drawing room in Ottawa on Saturday. "At all drug stores 50c. a jar. For| At the drawing room at Ottawa free test size package, write Vick [imported cloth of silver with an over- emical Co., 344 St. Paul St, W., |dress of silver and rose beads made a ontreal, P. Q. {beautiful gown for Mrs. Austin Gil- © Though Vicks is new in Canada, it lies, while her guest, Mrs. William 2 0 a remarkable sale. Over 17 | Mulock, Toronto, was handsome in millions jars used yearly. {royal blue chiffon cloth. * » - mm Mrs. Joseph Tyrell, Toronto, is with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Dal- 31S Telgmanr. School of ton, Earl street. Music | Mrs. Munroe Reynolds and her Plano, violin aha, other ned Jk |chuiaren who have been in Halifax uments. Alida V. Telgmann, a. |8ince coming from 'England, are he Postion and Delsaris may now with Mrs. Reynold"s parents, at any date. Terms on applica- (Rev, J. 0. Crisp and Mrs. Crisp, Al- | bert street. . 484 oC Mrs, A. N. Lee, Villa St. Olare : 4 BR ST apartments has returned from" Wind- A ne . 7 sor, Ont, Miss Frances Nickawa, Rielly, who have been much and Miss feted The most delicious marmalades you ever enjoyed are those made with CERTO Je Sta 2s on, 4 Po -- Bitter Orange; Sweet Orange; Orange and Lemon; Grapefruit; Orange and Grapefruit. Certo never fails. Certo is Pectin, the natural jellying substance of fruits. The use of Certo enables you to have just the right amount of Pectin for Perfect Results, . The Certo method overcomes all un- certain and poor results, and your Mar- malade will cost less, because you get so much more from the fruit. Years of experience have that Jams, Jel- lies, and des made the Certo way will keep perfectly. The Certo booklet with every bottle gives complete, simple directions for all kinds of Marmalades, Jams and Jellies, Make Certo Jams today from Dried or Canned Fruits, or Certo Jellies from bottled or left-over juices. | FREE. Write today f the new, revised » Targed CERTO bertier ot 13 Menor? Ir -- grocer does not have CERTO in stock, send $0c we will, by return mail, send you a bottle. ! {Mrs | | James Sutherland's, 51 Clergy |stivet, Wednesday Feb. 7th 3 to 6. | | * 1 To Snap N ee Encourage Native Talent] In order to encourage Canadian literature the Imperial Order Daugh- ters of the Empire is offering two prizes; the first of the value of $200 for the best short story, the second of the value of $100 for the best one-act play. These prizes will be offered annually for ten years. The condi- {tions under which they will be award- cd this year are as follows: | The Short Story. 1. It must not have been {lished before bei |competition. 2 {2,000 words, nor more than 6,000. | 8 It must pe typewritten on |Paper of letter size {and written on one side {paper only. | 4. It must be sent flat, {folded or rolled, have the author's 'nom de plum," but not his or her real name, on the title page, be re- Gistered and mailed to the National | Education' Secretary, LO.D.E., 238 | Bloor street east, Toronto. | B. A sealed envelope with the "mom de plume" printed or writ- ten clearly upom it, and the author's name within it, must accompany the manuscript, 6. The manuscript must be eub- mitted on or before April 1st, 1923. 7. The writer must be a British subject. 8. The copyright of the story adjudged the best is to be vested pub- ng submitted in this of { | | I |in the Imperial Order Daughters of | | | | the Empire with power to arrange for its publeation in magazine or in book form or in both, The Play. 1. It must be a one-act play. 2. Its presentation on the stage should occupy not less than 20 minutes nor more than 30 minutes. 3. It must not have been pub- lished before being submitted in this competition, Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the short story apply also for the play. Names of the judges selected by the members of the Canadian Auth- crs' association will be announe- ed at a later date, AT THE TURN OF THE ROAD. There's a change of luck at the turn of the road, A pot of gold, a Nghter lead The end of parting, and tears and pain, With sunshine breaking through clouds and rain-- At the turn of the road. At the bend of the road lurk vio- Jats sweet, A green-sward path for the weary feet, A new life started--a journey's end, And the trusting of a dear, dear friend--- At the turn of the road. --Norma Phillips Muir. When youn silverware becomes tarnished, place it in potato water and it Will look like new. This is an economical method 3nd also a time-saver, Swordfish range from four feet to 15 feet in length, the sword itself being over three fect in some cases. ' Shi PA HA NTL PA EET - H WHIG TOMORROW'S MENU . Breakfast Oranges Cereal LT: | Readers asked fo cheting a Dou are mine; I Column ons for cro- it Bean Bag. Here a moderate size of | brown silkateen, Chain 30 stitches, Join Ch. 3, then 1 d. c. in each chain. | (By 'd. ¢' I mean thread over once of 'your r dir Toast Luncheon Fried Cooked Rice with Magle Syrup Cookies Dinner Corned Beef Cabbage Boiled Potatoes | Raisin Tarts : n fourth sixth and eighth Coffee e nine rows in all. Brea -- Answered Letters. { F. L. C. "Not long ago one of vour Column Readers wrote abou i : ke second half FTOWS are ¢¢ ther wo parts toget!] , Mr, and | It must not contain less than | (82 x 11 in.) | ¢ the | » I not | er hu ine stain on : . hole thre € rien o there was, j Ehty * iodine spot « ixed starch and cole to put on the spot and 24 h when I brushed off the star 'dine stain wa 3 s gone Answer: Thank you, Reader | for sending us this method. M. C R.: "What can 1 brass.and-enamel bedstead on the et brass is worn off ir and some of the enamel is also gone? Answer: If only lacquer is worn off brdss, the lacquer can be reapplied af. or he brase polished. But hed | man in care of the "Efficient House- he brass itself is gone, then the only | keeping" depart 'i 2 ' 3 thing to do is to return the bed to a freeing asparmsat will be ered brass factory to ha enamel parts, ho over yourself. Sandpaper down the | edges of the worn places and try | Stamped touching these up by applying fresh enamel which matches the old ename If the result looks badly. however, yo A mn "riend, hat there are readers 3 g us for a| 1 do 1 who are always ready to help women when they can, { Tomorrow dard Wool Materials. | didi ich All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and uiprovince.--The Editor. Free, to Try. Send for Trial Bottle | Don't Be Gray When I can stop it To let gray hair spoil your looks, by making you seem old, is 80 unnecessary when Mary T. Goldman's Halr Color Restorer ~-------- | What the: Editor Hears Peete Genes ttns. {Presented her Excellency jof the Red Cross (first class) rd >» Dra '$ fo 3 will bring back the original color surely |C1dCT at the Drawingroom for ths and safely. Very easily applied--you sim- [first time. ply comb it through the hair. No greasy | sediment to make your hair sticky or stringy, nothing to wash or rub offt--just That the presentation veil and beautiful, natural, becoming hair. I My Restorer is a clear, colorless liquid, feathers worn at the Drawingroom: Slean as water. No danger of streakin, at Ottawa were most becoming to or iscoloration, tored color is even an » patural in all lights. Faded or discolored [young faces, and gave dignity to the hair restored Just as successtully and [bobbed heads of some of the girls, | naturally a gray hair, {who made their courtesy to vice- MAIL COUPON TODAY {royailty. Send today for the special patented Free Trial pack~ | age which contains a trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's | | That" once in a lifetime a woman [finds her "ideal man," but after that Bi se jit 4s seldom again possible for her Please print your name address { L MARY T. GOLOMAN 1 {to scrape together enough illusions Goldman Bidg., St. Pawt, Mian. 1 ro y human bein with oI 805-703 _e 10 cover any huma ng with per Outht. X shows cniec of bates Tin | fection § Black... derk brown... medium brown | . auburn (dark red) | ! Qightred)...... bionde ! Hair Color Restorer and full instructions for making the convincing test on one lock of hair. Jndicaty color of hair with £ Print name and address plaihly. 1f possible, enclose a lock of your hair in your letter. FREE TRIA That the future Duchess of York, dy Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, ean laim relationship with John Knox ~ [whose wife was Marjory Bowes, a COUGHS THAT PASS {daughter of Richard Bowes INTHE NIGHT | | {unarters from Sydenham Lodge, to delivering coal into their cellar, is nearly as much an object of envy tn GRAYS SYRUP of RED SPRUCE GUM motor parked at their door. fiowers have a spring like look whic is most attractive. To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble Sure Way to Get Rid of Blackheads There is one simple, safe, and sure way that never fafls to get rid of blackheads, that is to dissolve them. To do this, get two ounces of peroxine powder from any drug store--sprinkle a little on a hot, wet cloth--rub over the blackhemds briskly -- wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackheads have disappeared. Big blackheads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dis- solve and disappear. Blackheads are a mixture of dust and dirt and secre- tions that form in the pores of the skin. The peroxine powder and the water dissolve the blackheads so they wash right out, leaving the pores free and clean and in their natural condition. 3 WEDNESDAY, FER. 7. This promises to be a day of Im- portant events, acoording to the rui- ings of the dominant planets, With Uranus strong both by junar and mutual direction, there is the auvgury of radical departures and stirring ac- tivities, possibly of a sudden and un- premediated nature. The tendency may be to the bold and adventurcus, with the disposition to stop at noth- ing. This may be profitable, pro- vided that the money or substance be not handled in a foolhardy manner, since speculation, lending money and standing security may be hazardous. Those whose birthday it is have the forecast of an unusually active year, with possibly radical changes of an abrupt nature. These may be profitable if the money be not sub- jected to risk of any nature. Social and domestic activity is also preeag- ed. A child born on this day will be active, energetic, adventurous, inde- pendent, kind and generous, but may be restless unless it is carefully train- ed, Just a trace of sooth- ing Cic--to make it the perfect soap for mother, baby and ail the family, FANTS ELIGHT ITS WHITE Silk furnishes the longest continu- cus fibre known. One cocoon has been known to geld nearly three- fourths of a mile. A cube foot of water is convur- other | When You Buy the Stan. | e it done over. TI | quires considerable time, however, ow- | wef, vou can do | ing to the great number received. So if 1 personal or quicker reply is desired, a | | Wat the Editor Hows | | Stead ! That the Serbian Consul General | tire 'Lady | {Byng of Vimy, with the Ser vian order | and | | Her Excellency on Saturday wore the | That the local branch of the Red | Cross Soclaty has moved the head- That a family with a coal sleigh | their neighbors as one who has a new | That small hats of satin gay with | 4 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1023, El Clearing Out Sale fe PORIET TWILL and SERGE DRESSES Women who appreciate dress. es that reflect a dignified, refined charm will be quick to appre- ciate the extraor- dinary values in this offering. Circular skirts --draped skirts -- basque and panel types de- veloped in super for canton and flat crepe and or namentations of buckles and beadings. Shades are Navy, Black, Brown and Co- coa. We space by a Sample We are them at will the taken up lot of Dresses, need offering prices which sur- prise you. Misses' and Women's sizes in Navy, Brown and Black = plain, and effects to choose from----- all beautifully finished. beaded ems- breidered i | | Kingston Belleville Peterboro El | Phone 2009. BARNUM'S | |. BAKERY SPECIAL! Homemade Lemon Pies--Try our Fried Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. "THE TASTE WILL TELL." Prevents-- Chapped hands Cracked lips Rough, dry skin Redness Chilblains Makes your skin white, soft, clear and smooth, and keeps it so. All druggists sell it |the rooms over the Bank of Nova | | Scotia, in readiness for the member- i {ship campaign which begins shortly, | THE Heintzman & Co. PLAYER PIANO With no trace of mechanicalism in its playing, the Heintzman & Co. Player Piano is idealistic, PRICE $1025. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. TOT A CWI ND SAY WMITED CET CITI LLL 121 PRINCESS STREET, Toier Soar tible into 1662 cubic feet of steam. Rings were used by the Egyptians Vis an equivalent for money. ¥ If instead of grating cheese for lend put # through the potato rices #acarond you cut it In small pieces [it will save time and labor, . El

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