1 CRAPS 70 CRICKET | LEFT-HANDERS HAVE AN EDGE in bockey league, from tha standpoint Portsiders Are Supreme American League Circles, 1922 Records Show. For many vears or 11 was in its infancy, the rela- "tive merits of right. 1 batters 8nd those of scutiipaw swingers have been vehemently discussed. And while many arguments in fav- OF of both have been voiced time and time again, still it is generally ac- | hitters who strike | * from fthe left side of the plate have | cepted that the & distinct edge in that their position 1 the batter's box gives them a good | nll step lead over that of the right benders. : Obviously, then, countless little . fufleld taps are turned into base knocks that would mean sure put- . Cuts for the starboard gang. "The proof of the assertion that ieft-handed batters usually obtain higher batting percentages than do the right handers is borne out in the Official averages of the America League for the 1922 season Of the 12 leading hitters, no lees | * than nine of them take their "cuts" b from the left side of the plate, with Sisler, Cobb and Speaker, all south- paws, topping the st, Harry Heil- . mann of the Detroit Tigers, as was the case in 1921, led the fiald of " Fight handers, finishing fourth, In- didéntally Hellmann, swat king YOar ago, Is the only right-hand hit- _ fer to lead the Johnsonian loop in batting since 1905 when Lajole turn- | ed the trick, "After Hellmann, In the 1922 ever- Ages, comes Miller, Athletics, right: Williams and Tobin, Browns, left; Ppp, Yankees, left; Veach, Deiroit, : left; Galloway, Athletics, right: Col- Mins, Chicago, left, and Gosiin, Wash- ington, left, tied for tenth position. Thue it would appear. that left- {Band batters, as a rule, have a mark- od advantage over their right-hand Mivads in that all-important dash down to first base. YALE GETS 750 ACRES NEAK BOWL AS GIF1 The gift to Yale of a tract of 750 #cres of natural woodland, approxi- mately a quarter of a mile west of 'the Yale Bowl, was announced last night by George Parmly Day, treas- rer of Yale University and of the Yale Athletic Association The prop- 'erty will be developed by the ath- letie association for athletic purposes. The name of the donor has not been £ EN ---------- Seek Dundee's Crown © At New York it was learned that Tommy Noble, who held the Lons- dale belt, emblemat'c of the feather- Wwelght championship of England, has matched to meet Johnny Dun- perhaps since | al + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORTING | RUMMY | TO RUGBY * | > : The crucial test of the senior city The Crucial Test of the Interest of the fans, at least {will be in the big double-header to ibe staged at Harty Arena to- right. Every game to date this sea on has heen the orite pastime and their favorite [teams In action on a right favorable {to everybody except the night-watch- | | men, R.C.A. vs. LIVE WIRES, IRISHMEN vs, A.O.H. That's the bill of fare for to-night, if you don't mind, and if you have ery appetite at all, at all, you'll bo [right there to enjoy the feast. Irish {tren vs. Hibernians-- Wow! What a game that'll be, and you'd be sur- prised to see the quality of* hockey |dished up by these boys from the leuld sod. The other game will be {equally as good, and as a matter of |fact, if you promise to not mention {this again--there is a little feud be- |tween these two teams and the fur {win fly for sure in the opening game anyway. And don't forget that every team in the league has a chance for the championship, in fact there 'is not more than a game separa ag any one of them. It is a neck and neck race Iright through, and the teams that | reach the play-offs will cemtainly earn |thetr honors, (Canadian College Team | Winners in the boxing events in the annual! intercollegiate assavlt-at- arms to be held at the end of this | month batween representatives of McGiM, University of {Queen's, will again invade the Unit- ad States, arrangements having been made for the champion fighters to {again meot cadets from the Naval [Academny at Annapolis. The bouts | {will be held on March 3rd. |GIBBONS MERITS DEMPSEY BATTLE | Tommy Gibbons is too small to fight Jack Dempsey. So decrees (Chairman Wiliam Muldoon, of the |New York State Boxing Commission, It is to laugh! Dempsey wasn't too small to fight { Willard. Bob Fitzsimmons wasn't too lsmatl for Jeffries, and so on down {the line. Old Joe Wolcott used to {fight opponents 50 pounds heavier {and a foot taller, and still hand them a lacing. Personal reasons must enter into such a decision. A glance at the etatistics of the two fighters is emple proof. Dempsey weighs only about 20 held on a Saturday night, and now the chance is being | given to the fans to watch their fav- | To Visit Annapolis Toronto and | Tn | | comic hit, | "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on Jour plano. Watch nightly for this big Sn et WARBLE THIS ON THE WARPATH. I | | Wele- wel! Guys! TRAVELLIA)? - A COUPLA DESP'RIT -- WHERE ARE YezZ To? | | | | | | 2 WE'RE GOIN' AFTER INJUNS- WE INTEND TO KILL FEW -- | | | | | | A 1 fined their activities to Eastern Can- ada. WHAT DOES HE DO? Football Star Up Against Hard Task. A curious case is that of Cyril As- chenback, elected captain of the Dartmouth eleven for next fal; He is such a good student that he is likely to be graduated from col- lege in June, even though he is elig- College | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1023. | BADMINTO TO BOXING 1 Pick out the teams that are winning and you will find they get their Sticks from the Sporting Goods Store. WHY ? Because our Sticks have & WHY 2 the right balance--made from Second Growth Rock Elm, and will stand more and you can handle the puck better. TRY and then you will always use Treadgold Spo 88 PRINCESS ST. [FOUR CROWNS | ARE IN DANGER Four fight champions are in dan- iger of lceing their titles before the |pessing of 1923. | On three of the four title holders ithe crowm is resting very uneasily. {One goed wallop from some ambit- {lous youngster and then soft mus- lic, Johnny Wilson, fluke holder of ithe middleweight title, has dome 1lit- {tle or no fighting for a year. There |are a half dozen middloweights cap- lable of disposing of Wilson. | Joe Lynch, if he ever consents to A meeting with Carl Tremaine, will {almost certainly be on the losing jend. Several' other VYantams are lequally dangerous, Criqui, the European champion, is being prees-agented for a bout with Johnny Kilbane. It is doubtful if Crigui wiil be able to defeat the feather champion, but there are a half dozen fighters in this country who have better than an even chance, Will Mickey Walker, the welter champion, be able to hold off Dave Shade? Also there is a rumor that Benny Leonard is packing on weight so fast | OURS them. rting Goods Co PHONE 529, Special prices to Clubs. NEW INTERNATIONAL OODE FOR TENNIS IS PROPOSED | New Davis Cup regulations recom- {mended at the recent London confer- ence, the possibility of joining the International Tennis Federation, and a new international playing code {were to be considered at the annual [meeting of the United States Lawn | Tennis Assoc ation, Efforts will be {made to revive the national inter- | scholastic championship and a pro- {posal to change eligibility ages for {national junior and boys' champion- |ships, as well as the age for enter- {ing the veten: singles and doubles 'championship were to be offered. | HALF WASHINGTON INFIELD | IN LINE FOR THE SEASON | Half of the Nationals' infield for | the coming season is under contract |Stanley Raymond Mlarris called at the [Washington offices, inseribed tho do- jcument binding him to service with the club and obtained the--er---per- [mission necessary to enable him to" {£0 to Tampa in advance of the first siuad of players for several weeks {of golf. | Joseph Ignatius Judge dropped A : ibbons. doe, lightweight, of New York, 'n a |Pounds more than @ 20wowne bout to a drcision for the |'Pampion's height is six feet one : » i> . * 130-pound junior lightweight cuam- |ieh, Walle yous Is a quarter of longs. Tae ouliest will be staged [ all other measurements Gib- ' , on | a DH 2 a Bijioon Square Gardens some |bons compares very favorably with n . IDempsey. The figures certainly don't i v G bear out the justice of the decision ow | In ad ween New A Roo {that prevents Gibbons from a chance Key arenas that have been built {n |t the title, that he will soon have out-grown the f¢ round and signed those papers, not lightweight limit, {hecause he plans to play golf, be- -- cause Joe hasn't contracted the fever ! , but probably to be different, as Has New Golf Club {Judge in past seasons has been one At Mex.co City lovers of golf are |r phe last to get in line, to have a new pasture 'n which 0 The first baseman and second pur, ther pleasure. A DOW |cacker both expressed themselves as country alub fhas cen organized, eminently satisfied With the terms rival'ng the old Churubusco Club, |cqored them ible for another year of football. It seems that he centered Dart- mouth from a New Jersey high scirool at the end of the war, The ~xig- cncies of his course in the Tuck School of Administration and Fin- ance caused him to miss a season of football. Thus he has had only two years on the varsity, vet Hin Yarfous towns and cities of Ontario | - Adolphustown. He could remain in college by fail- ing 'in certain exams, but Aschen- which was founded in the days be- fore the revolution and was cons- NI coin nt i uring the past few years, it is learn- | Bath vs, @d that one firm that has been doing | Adolphustown is a gay little burg, "most of the building, bas already con- | With their hockey flag unfurled. imacted to put up fifteen new omee (Their sports are bucking bronchos, | during the coming summer. It speaks | We'll tell this cross-eyed world. One well for the future of hockey. [day we asked 'em to come down and "REG" NOBLE One of St. Pats' best known 'hockey players. The team is fighting to main- tain its world championship. country and abroad for more than In add'tion to his back has been a brilliant student and | the Dartmouth faculty would be Mko- |ly to suspect the underlying reasons for his sudden stupidity, And thus suspicious they might have some- ered one of tie finest in Latin-Am erica. The Churubusco club hous has been remodeled and soclet, in great numbers has been flock- ing to it. Tho mew club house Is KEN. RANDALL One of the famous St. Pats' ionship hockey team, of Toron champ- ml ILLIA STI WHAT HE'S NOW OFFERED two decades. { Branch Rickey, manager of the St Louis Nationals since 1919, has s'gn- Kl & contract to manage the club for Be next five years it was announced t night by Sam Breadon, presi- of the club. icura Soap seeThe Healthy -- [Shaving Soap] | | | | | | | | "MMUNE JONTENAC TAXI SERVICE 279 KING STREET rlay a friendly game. We tied the score, then they got sore, last year they did the same. They shot a Mno of real rough stuff, and made things rather hot, But "Bing" closed in upon 'em like the lid of an iron pot Then "Ernie" took the notion to play their game for fair, and twenty minutes later the "bronks" came up for air. They grabbed their coats and hockey sticks and made their exit clever, we tried in vain to coax 'em back, "them days is gone forever." The Bath "Live Wires" are full 'o pep and all we lack is "fuss." We've Patterson in Putnam's place, "'there aint no boils on us." verified reports he is a hold-out, but | i Shephard too, | is a candy kid who never goes to | sleep, and when he elams the rubber home, we fall on his netk and weep, We like to play, and any day you want a hockey match, we'll put you out of business, with neatness and despatch. We'll run you to the read- ing room, we'll really treat you white, first give you fits, then pro- vide the eats, and send you home airight, ---- The woman's record for the 100- vard dash is 11 2-5 seconds, made by Mlle, Mejzlikova, of Czecho-Slovakia, Charles Robertson, Chicago Am- erican League pitcher, who in this first season dn fast company last year, hurled a no-hit, no-run game, denied rumors that he intended to jump to semi<professional base ball. Robertson said the contract ten- dered him provided for an increase of $100 over his last year's salary, and that he had turned it back with a requast that another cipher he at- ded to the raise. Robentson during the off-season is a bond salesman here. -------- Corinthians to Tow Canada thing to say about Cy's gridiron pros- pects for 1923, It's a difficult problem that con- fronts the young man. He coukl cverout chapel and even though pass- ing all exams would still be ineligible for a diploma. But there are certain rigid persons thigh in authority who might have a great deal *o say about this expedient also, New Lawn Tennis Head Lawn tennis rules are the same throughout the world as a resuit of the formal acceptance by the United States Lawn Tennis Associat'on at its annual meeting of the code adop- It is reported that the English Corinthian soccer team is willing to! arrange for & tour of Canada, but | before ncgotiations can be made with them the consent of the Various provinc'al soccer bodies must first be obtained. The proposed tour would | be conducted in a diff rent manner to that of the Scottish team two years ago. The Corinthians have Patd two visits to Canada, having! frayed In this country in 1906 ana 1911, but they have hitherto con- already tad recently in London by the other fourteen principal tennis play'ng rations. Universal standardization will not mater'ally affect the United States rules, as most of the changes were in the phrasing of the code. The West Side Tennis Clgb at Forest Hills was awarded the Davis cup chalenge round for this year. Dwight F. Dav's of St. Louis was elected president. Mr. Davis has been a prominent figure in the de- velopment of tennis beh in this DS THAT | THOUGHT PIPE WMA IT 1D - A STEAM international fame as donor of the trophy bearing his name, he has earned distinction as world's toam a player, A mind too vigorous and seitings. active serves only to consume the body to which it 's joined as the. richest jew- els are soonest found to wear their AACI closer to the city, and already enough {members have joined to assure its | Success, PILLS HEADACHE i (OLE AST Ll ---------- | He whe has a soul wholly devoid |of grat'tude should set his soul to learn of his body, for all the parts of that minister to vue another, Cleaniness may be defined to be the emblem of purity of m'nd. | ~ AA ONALD'S BOWELS HONEY-SUCKLE 24:25 ---- BRICHT CHEWING By GEORGE McMANUS YOU HURT: 91R2 NO- JUST ALITTLE PUT ouT! * # "a