THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1028. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG spam Ron Devs ALL ROADS CLOSED EXCEPT ONE | '| The International Sunday School Lesson for February 11 Many people become run down, but | Is "The Spirit of Prayer." L uke 18: 1-8. don't know just exactly what their | | By Wiillam T. Ellis. trouble is, when, as a rule, it is im- | roper circulation of the blood. | » . : he Die : » ore they need is a good tonic tol A few days before Christmas I was Gordon and Havelock, have be ieved . talking over the ominous plight of in prayer apd used it." build up the system and put the blood civilization in the Near East with a| into proper. shape. : | Government official in Washington, | For this purpose there is BOthINg | who has lived for many years in the thick of oriental conditions. He is verts were known as 'Praying | In John Eliot's time his Indian con- | on the market to-day to equal i In-| Burdock Blood Bitters It regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the blood and tones up the entire system. Mrs. H. Paole, Port Dover, Ont. writes: --"My system was run down and my blood out of order, and I suf- fered a great deal from pains in my head which made me feel very miser- able. A friend told me to try Bur- dock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle and before it was used I found it was doing me good. I kept on until I had taken three, and now I feel like a different woman. My husband algo took it and it has built him up." For the past 44 years B. B. B. has been manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CATARRH AND HEAD COLDS Speedily Respond to the Antiseptic, Healing Virtues of Wormwood Prompt rellef--guaranteed---no more hawking, spitting, or blowing, dry tick- lings, dull headaches or buzzing head noises. Just put a little antiseptic Geero Wormwood Balm in your nos- trils twice a day and bid good-by to catarrh. Your clogged nostrils and air passages quickly open up--you breathe through your nose freely (as nature , intended), and your dull old head feels i clear and clean. 3 The soothing, cooling, healing and antiseptie virtues of Wormwood Com. pound penetrative to every nook and corner of the air passages of the head and throat, soothing and stimulatin the delicate inflamed membranes an throwing off the mucus. Relief 1s prompt, certain and gratify- &. Be sure and get "Geero" Wormwood Balm at all druggists. RUB RHEUMATIC PAIN FROM ACHING JOINTS Stop "dosing" rheumatism, It's pain only. St. Jacob's Oil will stop any pain, and not one rheuma- tism case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrat- ing Bt. Jacob's Oil right on the tender spot, and by the time you say Jack Robingson--out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints, and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, sore- ness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bot- tle of old-time, honest St. Jacob's Ofl from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer! Rub rheumatism away. A i A When You Catch Cold Ru | b on Musterole Musteroleis easy to apply and it in its good work right away. ohn it SFesents 3 rkd om tuming ine iu" or pneumonia. Just Musterole With the fingers It: docs al the good work of grandmo 's mustard plaster Without tha blister. usterole is a clean white ointment made of oil of mustard and othe hey simples, It is recommended by many doctors and nurses, Try Musterole for sore throat, cold on the chest, rheuma- congesti _ pains and aches of the back and joints. _ "sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, fap ek hs, Justice Dominique Mone:, dix on faezday of hear: disease at San {a diplomat by profession, a realist by temperament. After we had canvassed the situation somewhat in detail, my friend closed the discussion almost with a snap by declaring, "Nothing but a new spirit can save the world. Ev- erything that has been tried has fail- ed, except a new sort of spirit among nations and people. And that is the business of religion." Fhose of us who hold religion as our chief concern often feel rebuked as we observe how clearly men of the world see straight through to the cen. ter of the spiritual significance of our present life. This public man has a firmer grip upon the central truth for our time than most of us who write and talk constantly about spiritual things. Organized civilization has been driven into a corner; and all ways out seem closed, except the way up. Statesmen know this, business men know it: why, then, is it not trans- forming all our thought and life? The grim realities of daily events should drive all Christians to their knees; where Abraham Lincoln said he had often been driven by the conviction that he had nowhere else to go. "Men ought always to pray, and not to faint." The prayer route is never clos- ed in any weather. Beggers Versus Friends. Everybody prays sometimes Some there be who pray oaly in the hour of direst need. This is scarcely scemly; for what son wishes to hold commu- nication with h's father only when he needs to ask him for money? More filial and delightful is the lot of the son who followships with his father all the time. The boon of blessings brought is no greater than the comfort of communion. Intercourse with God that prayer may bring. Jesus prayed. His was a life of pray. er. He considered prayer so desirable and so essential that he made heroic sacrifices in order to achieve the pri- vilege of prayer. This was one secret of his soul-culture. There is a twen- tieth-century paganism which sneers at the development of a man's inner life. It is at no pains to develop the spiritual nature. Yet, judged by lowest standards, this is unwisdom; for the lives which keep their windows open towards some Jerusalem are deeper, which cultivate no influences except the irritating affairs of every day. Purely for worldly peace and progress it is advisable to develop the unworld- ly side of one's nature. "Men of the world in the best sense of the word-- heroes of literature, like Scott and Johnson; men of research, like Max- well or Faraday; statesmen, like Lin- coln and Gladstone; soldiers, like is a higher reward than any bounty | higher, serener and sweeter than those | dians," and his Christian Indian vil- | lages in colonial Massachusetts bore the name of "praying towns." In the! mind of the native of words, "pray- ing" and "Christian" were synonyms. A Christian man was a praying man; a praying man was a Christian man. When we run across this term, "pray- ing Indian," in our reading, it should { suggest to us that there is no Chris- tian life apart from the prayer life. The church through all the ages since Jesus taught that lesson to His own followers, has been a praying church in the service of a praying Master, Her purity and progress and power have been born in the travail of prayer. When Christians cegse to pray their religious life ceases to pros- per. The sudden international vogue for Dr. Coue's "auto-suggestion" reminds us that his main idea is straight out of the Gospels. Want something badly enough, like the importunate widow in the Lesson, and you will get it. Man's importunity is God's opportunity, It scems as if thé Father in heaven de- lights to honor those who are posses- sed of perseverence. To hold on is usually to win out. As Jesus taught prayer, it is no cas- ual spasmodic, intermittent, temper- mental thing. It is a great and reso- {lute laying hold of the character of God, It is a desire that is also a deter- | (mination. '"'Prayer," said Philips | Brooks, "is not an overcoming of God's reluctance but a laying hold of God's willingness." But it also is a matter of a real grip. The way to hold out is to hold on. God has undreamed ! of favors for his children who are de- | termined, like Jacob when wrestling with the angel, not to let go until they | receive the promise, | Had Jesus A Pet Antipathy? | Almost everybody has a favorite aversion; and it seems as if the pet antipathy of Jesus was pharisaism. He scorned seclf-righteousness. Parading, posturing, posing piety really afiront- ied him, His most biting "woes" were pronounced against the professionally religious class. He spoke of them with irony and sarcasm and contempt as well as with downright condemnation, Their spiritual self-complacency ap- peared to him to be the direct antithe- sis of true religion. . So we have in the Lesson the cameo portrait of the pharisee and the pub- lican at prayer. One was a proficient professional; the other was an unskill- ed penitent. One recited his virtues to heaven; the other in humility asked only God's mercy. And there is no true prayer that is not marked by this | reverent contrite spirit of lowliness jooiore the presence of the Father who is in heaven, : of the Rhur district a success. IN THE SOUP. The French have succeeded in making their occupation --From the London Opinion. VILLAGE OF WESTPORT Late Mutchael Cobourn--The Ice Races Last Week Westport, Feb, 5.--At the C. W. L. bail on Tuesdty evening, a mis- cellaneous shower was tendered Miss Rose Coburn, whose wedding takes place shortly. Many beautiful things were received and a most enjoyable time was spent for a few hours in games and dancing Congratulat- ions and good wishes were extended to the bride-elect. At the close of the evening dainty refreshments were served An old and respected c'tizem in the person of Michael Colbourn pas- sed, away 'Friday 'morajng in Nis eighty-seventh year after a long ill- ness, He leaves to mourn hig loss his wife one sister and four daugh- ters, and three sons. Thy burial took place Saturday morning to St. Edwards church, where high mass was sung by the Rev. Father Rourxe. The body was placed in the vault. Mr, Silver mmenaud left last week for Detroit, Mich., where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. faan, Port Rico, Clty of Hamilton sells $250,000] hot] 'esue af a cost of 5.30 per! rant, John MoCam have the sympathy of thelr many friends in the lose of their ttle daughtir, Helen Marie, mn Ame year and nine months. Ralph Myers is seriously fll. H. Lyons, Newboro, spent a fow days last week with Mrs. Thomes McCann. The ice race held at Westport Thursday and Friday were largely attended. 'Two Taces each day were rum off. On Thursday Dr. Hamilton's colt wom the greem race. Slippery Dan, vwn- ed by C. Poke, Portland, won the 30 class. On Friday Arly B, owned by J.H. Stott, Newboro, won the taree minute class and Slippery Dan won the free-for-all, who passed away om Saturday aged We still have a few lines that must be cleared out regardless of cost. Here are a few of the exceptional bargains: -- MEN'S SUITS Here are values that should not be overlooked--at 84102 08 BOYS' SUITS In Tweeds and Worsteds. '3.95 up BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS Sizes up to 35;. .19°1.39 19 MEN'S BOOTS Good, strong, Working Boots. 2.19 EE ------------ LADIES' BOOTS Values up to $8.00. 198,149 '1.95 ---- MISSES' BOOTS In Black or Brown. 1.39°1.89 i a = CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Pure Wool in Black or Red. 3 pair for | '1.00 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS These are all pure wool -- some with V necks. 'L19 BOYS' BOOTS Some with Neolin Soles. 1.49, °1.98 -- or -- HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS. "L. Abramson | 336 PRINCESS STREET. ALBERT L.CLOUGH' Keeping Tabs On Radiator Temperature This Is Especially Necessary During Cold Weather IF YOU USE a radiator cover and button down fits front curtain when the car is started on cold mornings, how do you know when it should be rolled up and the radiator put on its job of keeping the engine cool, unless you have a radiator thermometer? If the radiator is kept shielded too long, that expensive alcohol, which you put in, will go up in vapor and will have to be replaced, or protection against freezing will be sacrificed. If the radiator tront {s exposed too soon, the engine will run too cold, gasoline will be wasted the engine will take longer to get to running right. If either a h operated shutter front or a manually operated chokevalve in the circulation is used, the same troubles are bound to be experienced and loss of alco- hol, possible damage through over-heating and waste of fuel and oil will be the almost inevitable penalties. The radiator thermometer warns the operator when his radiator shielding should be removed, but allows him to retain it and thus promote engine efficiency right up to the time when his engine reaches the maximum safe temperature. Even though water temperature control is automatic, by thermostatic action, the radiator thermometer is highly desirable as a check upon the self- regulating device which, like every other contrivance, is fallible. SPARK-PLUG OVERHEATS ENGINE MISSES AFTER TIGHTENING BEARINGS GRAVES BROS. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given our personal careful attention. HOUSE-FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 We are now fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--Pirst Clase Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 6546. Car Washing, any type ....... $1.00 Gasoline and Clls for Sale. Distilled water always om hand. QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) Os) After having my engine block rebored, new pls- tons and rings put in and all new bearings fitted, my car ran fine for three months, when [ took up the a little. Right after this F. H. writes: The second cylin- der spark-plug of my Ford truck engine gets red hot, at times. Can you tell me what causes this? Answer: If this plug makes a leaky joint in its hole, so that there is considerable escape of intensely hot between its shell and the metal of the cylinder, during the explosion stroke, it will become greatly overheated. From what Hardwood Floors Cleaned! Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? We have bought a new Floor Cleaning Machine and guarantee to make your floors look like new. Estimates given on new floors laid, Carpentry Repairs of all kinds, Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or "phone 987, and