y x PEJeNAY JERUARY 0 1, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | PROFESSOR MITCHELL. i 'BOARD OF WOKS | Gives Splendid Address on "Humor" PROBS: -- Friday, westerly winds, colder, Snow. FOR-- ! HAS PAYING PLAN " True hu oon et hold any- to ridicule," stated Professor COUGHS, 2 ne wp -- 2 G. W. Mitchell in an entertaining ad- WE A Claim Against the City Has ; .. io the cadets of the Royal Mfli- aaa COLDS Have a Large Stock Been Entered by Mrs. [tary College, on Wednesday, 'Some things are quite wrongly oonsidered James Grant. and of as humor, such as satire, which is not . Thea a : smtirely kind in its substance. True I'he street paving programme for (emir ) [1 = ASTHMA Water an 1923 was definitely settled at a meet- (FIERO? does not hold anyone up to : | ing of th od- e | We Sell and Hecommend Eft ee Te Lo wags site n wit DR. HICKEY'S Fountain Pens given to the city engineer to call for | VISItOF to the R.M.C. and bis recep- . tenders for the necessary supplies |tion when he rose to address the ; nd Alderman Sargent, chairman of the [cadets on Wainesday afternoon tesi- | = SPEEDY a board, prisided and those ified to the warm esteem in which he | are resent | Point Frederick Institu- | | | wera Als. C. C, Nash, E. Godwin, J. 13 held at the Po - | | John r , _|tion, His able address at the col- REMEDY. ! Eversharp anton, W. Holder and Mayor An {lege last year on "Julius Caesar and | | Pencils "A letter was read from Messrs, [the Field Service Regulations" is still | Nickle, Farrel and yr givi Day giving notice and consequently his talk to the of a claim against the city by Mrs. t L. 1. Best { Any type of Pen James Grant for Furies rosdtvad cadets was to Bom the realization of | DRUGGIST || Point or style of | hen sho was thrown trom sleigh, |. pleasure they hed anticipated for @ reident al e to t vs, holder can be sup- || condition of Princos street Ii wer | In tis address the speaker pomted | Lied referred to the city solicitof. jout the traits of different countries | ij pled. H. C. Nickle attended as a repro- [Pd showed how the customs of a | | ALSO Ee ties Cammtaston 1 ee mo eo | ~~ _-- which had sent in a letter containing |'™® | , - | Announcement { 1 . d I ine tot of streets ready ponds {emple the case of an Englishman and : - | we are well equippeé |The lst adopted was as follows: | ® German at dinner was pointed out. | . Kingston Taxi for all King street from Princess to Queen | TDe German tucked his napkin under Bf ® o 5 i | street; King street from William to | 11S ¢hin, whereupon the Englishman ce REPAIRS {West street; Union from King to |®RQuired politely if he thought he Wellington; Gore from King to Wel- | V&8 dn a barber shop. \ p The criterfan of humor is that it PHONE 960 | for either Pen or lineton; Berl from Ling to Wellin [must be a criticism of life in a few wish to announce that they || P . ton; Stephen from Montreal to Divis- | encil. ion; Wellington from Princess to | Words, This may be done by anec-. . . comply strictly to city tariff. 1 Bay; York from Barrie to Division. |4°te, by the relation of personal ex- An overflow sale from the greatest Dollar Day in our his- Day and Night Service. Alfred from Princess to the fair |PeTiences or the experiences of others {remembered by the senior classes, | ap Eversharp Leads al- |] crounds; Amert from Union to Pris" |or in the form of a tale. Prof. Mit- | tory--here are values of exceptional merit, that should interest cess; Brock from Alfred to Nelson; [hell gave numercus {lustrations thrifty shoppers. ways 1n stock. and Rideau from Barrack to North. [2nd almost convulsed the cadets with | It was pointed out that the work |'aughter at the amusing stories he | Ce 5 < for the entire season is limited to |Folated. | ' S AXTON Co AL SMITH BROS two miles and that somo of tha || Himeslt of Scottish rth, Prot. WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, 98¢c. EACH -- streats named may not be reached | Mitchell has the n 7) . . . ® Il, auring the time avatiabie. {of anecdotes detrimental to Scottish | : 24 only, Crepe and Nainsook Nightgowns with French ear a15.00 per ton. imi ed | There was some discussion on the |!Faits, though in many cases the ; . $e : : Heaters--$15.00 per ton. Jewelers, Limit report of the sub-committee appotmi. |siories ar directly contrary to Seot- Knot Embroidery and Blue Bird designs--in White and ' ed to inquire into th sal to [1iSh customs, oug 8 oars j For NE oA Established 1840. Bani tr on DP [truly generous, the anecdotes regard- Flesh. Regular $1.75 each. ....... dy FRIDAY, 98c. : : will be continued with property own- [108 thelr thritt are rather magnified, | King Street, Kingston Ta \ : las is instanced by the Englishman | Y.oop | TS yuose lund is Yequited for the {and his Scotch friend who sat down | WASH MIDDIES, 98c. EACH---- Slabs--cut 12" long, $3.75 load right of way. | nis a Jown The engineer directed attention to |to breakfast together. The English Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 |! : Sue the expiration of Roddy and Monk's Man, looking af his friend's bowl of | 48 Women's and Children's White Drill Middies, and load. Er a ot AeA iq ; Charge of Abduction. lcontract for stone, and he was auth. | Porridge said, "Are you going to have | . . Belleville, Feb. 8.--Samuel Sweat | (°0 OC 100 Mone: 80d Ro was auth- |; 5 5 ve you had it." Middies with Colored Colars. Priced regularly from and brought to has been arrested } 286. Oi ol ! | Col. T. V. Anderson, D.S.0., who is Ww. A Mitchell & Co. this city on a charge of abducting a I I aniRd pes m 3 {noting commandant, during the il- $ I 50 to $2.00 each. Teese FRIDAY, 98c. » ' _ [cents per tie was authorized, | > ward of the Children's Aid Society | A charge against Robert Jamieson |1'€58 of General Sir JArinbed Mes for service placed in a lot on Mont- | donell, who is confined to ed a 18 Ontario Street {io orem. ian gut thn | serice acc In a Tox on Mont | done vic ie ontined Jo be bdo LINEN TEA TOWELLING, 4 YDS. FOR 98c Telephone 67. children loft the Shelter here, and oi, JL LE UFCIE O18 ORR | itchell for his able address and the ' . = one was recover n five weeks. e | ' dets showed their appreciation o . . other two did not return until they JF n es Taade De Xie 19 vy by iced applause, There is 300 yards All Linen Tea Towelling Se-- full bleached -- | were brought back with Sweet when | . doubt that Prof. Mitchell will al- . . : Wik a temperature 'of: forivope nr Cu At ba jog to 138.80. © © ARE ve oe 1 weleomed Teturer ut fre full 24 ins. wide; worth. 35c. yd. FRIDAY, 4 yds. for 98c¢. Jogrom a ro oaday the Aen property was brought up | Royal Military College, ' est Seven more German towns have lin a letter from the city auditor etat- | een | 2 | "THE CAT AND THE CANARY." BLEACHED SHEETING, 2 YDS. F OR 98c.-- ' t on the prairie provi by F po 8 yratsie p hoe. been occupdd by French troops. ing that while the solicitors for the | Allen estate had given consent on S---- ! . . Sl etait of ae Her cote a ra | Good Mystery Play Presented At The 300 yds. of fine Bleached Sheeting; full 2 yards wide--a [ Grand, Wednesday Evening. f : tho mecomary documents. | "87 | rhe Cat and the Canary" present- splendid value at 65c¢. a yard. . .F RIDAY, 2 yds. for 98c¢. The Grand Trunk Railway System |2ave the audience what is known as {offers attractive facilities for winter | the "'crveps," but it was well acted, | [cruises to the West Indies and the [8nd enjoyel by the audience As in : B A ] H ROOM jSfuises to he Wan Tadies 5 fan | Th ve 100 yards of extra heavy Bleached Table Damask; full are also in effect to Atlantic City, |Orand, the plot is very cleverly wov- | 54 inches wide; worth $1.35 yd. .. FRIDAY, 98c. a yard A MODERN : We NeON1Y Sosuments. ed at the Grand on Wednesday cven- { Winter Cruises. | ing, 1: a goo! mystery play. True, it | | | TABLE DAMASK, 98c. YD. - Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, |®0. and the villain who creates all | Many of the fittings in your Bath Thin, Sota. Jew Drieans, can S19 1 oui vad thre AT res woo Room have become worn through long Vietorla and Vancouver. For all in. | masked until the end of the play. But | SHETLAND FLOSS, 10 BALLS FOR 98¢c.-- use. Now is the time to install a White Lo ues, aren, oe Et aay ovens] 160 balls of full one ounce balls Shetland Floss--10 new Enamel Bath or Basin with a silent js G. T. Railway, Kingston, Ont. Seo Sou ai BERR of a Biet ass | shades to select from. Sp cial value at 15c¢. ball. washdown toilet complete. | re chmod Now Fag, [ig tho setiencs gocusing toy ++++ve...... FRIDAY, 10 balls for 98c. Possibly there are some Bath Room |the count house bufldings was pur- |Of the guilty party. Just as soon as fixtures you may desire. Be an heeuty wwimte. | Le Of io Suarutiers i vicked ont STEACY'S SPECIAL CORSETS, 98c. PAIR TUMBLER HOLDERS, SPONGE fe DE mutnee, Wis IU J Tal Inuther pasty. 180 pairs of fine Coutil Corsets, in high and medium bust HOLDERS, SOAP DISHES AND | purse, So iriey Bove a harming. --four strong garter supports--in colors Flesh and White TOWEL BARS. oo a a a Speen --regular $1.25 a pair. .. ... See our display of Electric Fixtures, | onesday, apet gov. Sr ts Fai We do all kinds of wiring and electric Tha created muh amusement NEW DRESS GINGHAMS, 5 YARDS FOR 98c.-- work. let apoyo wel, 600 yards of new Check and Plaid Ginghams in a large 3 ws STAIN Haro Hartall, as Roger Cosby: yasiary of patterns and colors; a complete dress length of McKelvey & Birch, Limi ed : Richard Farrell, as Charles Wilder yar ds F RIDAY ' 98¢. } and Marian Tanner, as Oirely Young, Semel Contr, Aree Stee, Scan itr 1nd ember WT Pp aren some Pavawes MEN'S COLORED HANDKERCHIEFS, 8 for 9gc.-- and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Hest Supplies, Sheet Metal & , Result of eo Jam at Foot of Long| 240 Colored Cotton Handkerchiefs--worth 15¢. and 8c. Brovkviiie ph Raa ot] each. While they last . . FRIDAY, 8 for 98¢. the vicin'ty of Aultsville are look- ing for a repetition of the flooding COCOA DOOR MATS, 98c¢. EACH-- and damage to property which 26th Annual Feb. Sale a Susurted Joma Years ago as the re- 24 only, heavy Cocoa Door Mats--good size -- regular sult of an ice jam in the St. Law- = : rence" Niro tin Jam Bas rig $1.25 each FRIDAY, 98c. each of F City and i predicted tht witin owt, itl]. ALL-WOOL HOMESPUN, 98c. YARD present coi ons cont'nue, te e- | : . > phone Hues will bo down In the 75 yards only, All Wool Canadian Homespuns -- in the H F f ; : ne al ways wil COR On ay 9 : impusabie The tum 's anand 57 new Amethyst shade--full 56 inches wide; worth $1.50 1 Blue Velour Chesterfield, $135.00. ote ayard........... ............ FRIDAY, 98¢. yard Special ,. ...... ......... ..$76.00 i A ope An CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES, 2 for 98c.-- "2 Sewing Machines, regular $50.00-- er becat Yarker, for 1923, took place ss foi. [J] They lows: 72 only, smart, little Gingham, Print and Chambray OF Jy enc. va. 2.00 a : 2 Sows ing Machines, regular S670 710 cial frit acids. Justa le Bop Sear, Wana! V.0s Deke Dresses, in # 500d Sesoftment of ee Jind colors. The Tr re y : on Doce; sieumrer, Boultia; B. SF. sizes range from 2 to 6 years; r r /35c. to $1.00 each. 2 Sewing Machines, regular $75.00 the mest delicous ome. |X. Trasooti; R. 8. V.0. Keys finitrrs stanes eves ienss:. FRIDAY, for 98¢ 1 GF nesters ahi aii. $52.00 potes,de mb 1.5,V.0. Warden, V. Wamner; son-| | - 3 Wilton Rugs, 9x12---$85 for . . . $57.00 : AMET! Suits, Lowdy; ALL SALES CASH AND CARRY. Wilson. Everything reduced. It will pay you t : : anticipate your needs for Spring, > Syd Crt yd tend 5. Waa, Kinguon, 9 ® © Pianos, Victrolas, Hoover Vacuum J 2! : he in rv. IPG. | : | | I.E. Harrison Co., Limited Phone 90 : pd = Shy "KINGSTON'S SHOPPING CENTRE."