Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1923, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee ---- Kingston and Vicinity OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special atteuluu gives your family PF Ir.ends going Lu Or returning Irom ihe Old Country, Yassporis arranged tor. a. Was Badly Scalded. boxing tournament of the Royal M{l- The littie son of Jack Howe, Ren- [tary College will be started about rew, was badly scalded, a kettle of | the first weak in March. The var- ) |tous bouts in the prelimina~y and For information and rates apply to | J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. | Ry., Kingeton, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, Ontario, Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. A A corner | King- | Real Estate | General Insurance. Reliable Companies only rep- resented. Bonds bought and sold, R. H. Waddell lL Phones 326-596. 56 Broek St. | > | : { 4 | b rr ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It All Ways. Use Always Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. L La Phone 256, Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 156 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. PHONE #79. A a DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, of Johnson and Wellington | Phone 363 Corner Btreets For Moving of i FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF - EVERY DESCRIPTION | Kingston Transfer Co. hone 377. Evenings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET. AA A aa ------ I ms E. A. EMMONS TAXI PHONE 1747-F ALL SEDAN CARS PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing , and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819%w. CLOCKS SPECIAL BARGAIN EACH WEEK DURING FEBRUARY. SEE WINDOW ! L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham St. Semmes Aree WE LEAD-- OTHERS FOLLOW For Parties, Receptions and Socials, give your guests a real treat-- Neilson's Saladice Bricks, Eskimo Pies, 85¢. doz. West End Fruit and Confec- tionery Store. J. H. JARVIS Upp. Princess Street Methodist Church. Phone 2373m, OPEN NIGHTS. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Streot. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 11387. PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 ~~ Made f#bm Pork Sausage. Put upein one pound net tins. Coo fresh -- the favor is surprisingly different to what one expects. Just the thing for holiday trips and hurry-up meals, BOft MARCHE GROCERY Phone Corner King and Earl Streets. 1844. i FOR SALE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES GASOLINE ENGINES, PIPING, STOVES, BUILDING MATERIAL. I Cohen & Co. 267-273 ONTARIO STUEET PHONE 830. renee | REAL ESTATE $2500--8 rooms, 3 bedrooms, B. and T., garage, eectric light and gas. $3600--6 room frame, 3 bed- rooms, B. and T. electric light, hot air, h. w. floors, garage; cen- tral location. Solid brick, hot water heating, h. w. floors, ® rooms, 2 piece bath and 2 separate tollets, 2 veran- dahs, 2 bay windows, good barn with a real loft, nice garden. See this before you buy. f {boiling water upsetting over him, Nine Are in Jail. Nine prisoners are confined to the county jail. The men are busy white- washing the inside of the jail build- Ang, Ex Mayor Has Crippe The many friends of Ex-Mayor S. S. Corbett will regret to hear that ihe has been confined to his home, |the past few days with the grippe. To Attend Annual Meeting, T. M. Asselstine, president of the Kingston automobile elub, will like- {ly go to Toronto on Monday next to attend the annual meeting of the On- taro Motor League. Engagement Announced. William Breen, Tweed, announces the engagement of his only daughter, kose R, Breen, to Herman J. Mc- Nicholl, Buffalo. The marriage is to | take place early in February Large Cadet Camp From present indications there ! will be a large cadet camp at Barrie- field this summer, but as yet there has been 'no official announcement regarding the militia camp. Send To Lakefield. George Woodhouse, a former resi- dent of Tweed, in charge of the Can~ ada Cement Company's plant at Maribank for the past four years, has been transferred to Lakefield. Our Annual Sale, All this month we will put on sale our entire stock of Gents' Furnish- ings, Ready-to-Wear clothing and made-to-measure suits at a great re- {duction in price. A call will convince you. Prevost, Brock street. Will Make Transfer | GG, Merritt, an employee of the { Weber piano company, expects to re- join the Canad'an Locomotive Works' force shortly, He is a moul- der by trade, and incidentally is a well-known baseballer, | | Stopping Coal Ditwors Coal drivers are being beseiged | {on their rounds these days by u'ti- | zens making inquiries for coal, and {it is alleged that bribes are being | offered for a supply of coal - but of course the drivers have nothing to {do with the sale of the fuel. Fajher Fleming Recovers The residents of Wolfe Jsland are greatly pleased over the re-appear-| ance of Rev. Father | their midst, after spending some days | lin the Hotel Dieu, as a result or »u-| Juries received when thrown trom his cutter, | Gx Will Be Deacer | It was stated on Wednesday, that | it was expocted that the price of gasoline 'and other olls would be | higher this summer than last. There | has been a jump of about 65¢ a barrel on crude oil which certainly | has an effact on the price of coa:! Fleming in | {semi-final contests are always inter. {esting, and this year will be looked {forward to by the many friends of ithe college , On Tuesday, Feb, 6th, the death occurred at Cataraqui of Mrs. Naney widow of the late John Deceasod was eighty-four 2, and had been ill only {a short time. The late Mrs. Smith had formerly res'ded in the town- |ghip of Kingston, her husband be- | | The Late Mrs. John Snv.th | | i Mclvor, Smith, sears of ing a farmer, but for the past few. been residing with Mrs. John Woodruff, {years she had | ber daughter, | Cataraqui. { May Stay A Year | The two Chinese laundrymen sen- {tenced by Magistrate Farrell to a fine of $400 and costs and six months lin the county juil, on a charge of ibaving opium, will likely' have to! |serve a term of one year. It is not likely that the Chinamen will {pay the fine. The Chinamen put in ja very restless night and on Weadnes- day morning appeared to be wer {Sth or stand still, A and asked the jailer to have a local jrestaurant keepar visit them, | Want Young Liberal Clubs, A meeting of the Ontario Liberal | Association has been called by Wel- lived there ever since. They had el- | even children, one dying in infancy. | Mr. and Mrs. Saunders are the | proud possessors of twenty-five grandchildren and ome great grand- | child, Both are still hale and hearty. Died at Napanee. i There passed away on Feb. 3rd, at | the residence 'of her son, a respected | resident of Napanee in the person of | Mrs. James Empey, in her seveniy- Sixth year. Her husband predeceas- | ed her twenty years ago. She is sur- | vived by one son, John T., Napanee, | and two daughters, Mrs, Arthur Pars rott, Camdep Bast, and Miss Effie | Empey, - a graduate nurse of the | Nicholl's Hospital, Peterboro, who | bas been a faithful and almost con- | stant mttendant on her mother for the past year. The funeral took | place Monday last. i | { | | SCOLDING THE CHILDREN Nervous mothers, worried from | morning to night by the care of | children and the duties of the house- | hold; nervous children, perhaps| worn out by overstudy, unable to sit | or keep their | concentrated on anything, | both need Dr. Williams' Pink Pills | to build up the blood and strength- | en the nerves. ! Try a short treatment with these | strengthening, tonic pills and watch | !lington Hay, M.P.P., provincial lead- | the color return to pale cheeks and er, to take place in Toronto on Tues- day, 13th inst. One of the important lips; see how the worn, tired nerves recover their poise, note how much || | matters to be dealt with is a proposal i less irritating the children become {to form young Liberal clubs in all | ; {constituencies for the purpose of {propagating Liberal principles. It is | { | and how much less scolding they | need. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are | a blessing to nervous people every- |degree to the phenominal success of | | {the Liberal party in successive elec- | tions. {a great need for some method by {which to engage the interest of the rank and file, Canadian Pacific, 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steam- | ships: Empress of Britain from La Gua- iyra, arrived Port of Spain, Feb. 4th, 4 p.m, | Empress of France, from Panama, {due San Francisco, Feb, 8th. | Empress of Scotland, from New | York, due Funchal, Feb. 10th. | Montcalm, from Liverpool, arrived St. John, Feb. 2nd, 11 p.m. Montclare, from St. John, arrived [Liverpool Feb, 3rd, 8 a.m. Melita, from Antwerp, Havre and Southampton, arrived St. John, Feb, £th, 3 am, Marburn, from Liverpool andl Greenock, due St. John, Feb. 12th. Marloch, from St. John, due Liverpool, Feb, 11th. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, due Hong Kong, Feb, 9th. dmpress of Asia, from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, Feb. 12th. Celebrated Golden Wedding. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Saunders, Carleton Place, was the Today it is felt that there is | | strength to meet them. recalled that thirty years ago such | Where, men as well as women, boys | | organizations contributed in no small | 88 Well as girls, because they build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. They lighten the cares of life because they give you mew | In the case of nervous children the trouble should be corrected at once, as it is but a short step to St. Vitus dance. Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to bulid up the blood, and whether boy or girl they will become pink- cheeked and rugged. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every home, as a precau- tion against the many troubles due to watery blood and weak nerves. You can get the pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i -------------- The Late William B, Macdonald, The passing of William B. Mac- donald, an aged farmer of Woe Is- land, and one of the real pioneers of that vicinity, has been the cause cf general regret among the resi- dents of the island, who were warm friends of the deceased. The late Mr. | Macdonald, though qulet and retir- ing in disposition was widely known | i . as a "good neighbor" which is about the best tribute any man may be given at his death, Born on Hows Island eighty-five years ago, he had aved most of his life on Wolfe Is- Jand, His father was of staunch CLEAR LUMBER Special . importations of rich colored woods of beautiful grain, for special in- terior house finish--California Redwood, Louisiana Cypress, B. C. Fir, Plain and Quartered Oak, American Walnut, etc. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking. Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 : Tone Up Your System by OLAJEN Pre- venting Flu and Grippe Take OLAJEN as a preventative. A builder for any period of the human life. CHILDREN LOVE IT. For Bronchial Affections, Malnutrition, Loss of Weight, Run. Down Condition, OLAJEN HAS NO EQUAL. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR CHOICE FURS SEE US. Gourdier's 78 Brock Street. It will give you satisfaction to sce our offerings before you buy. o!l and gasoline, Bad Nr Business soine of a very pleasant event Wed- |Soottish Highland stock, and nvigrat- | nesday, Jan. 24th when some of their |ed to this country many years ago. children and grandchildren gathered E. L. MARTIN 111} BROCK STREET Phones: Office 229. Res. 2260J Every household should have on hand in case of sickness-- Absorbent Cotton, Camphorat- ed Oil, Castor Oil, Cough Syrup, Grippe Tablets, Liniments, Quinine Capsuls, ete, « - A fresh stock of all house- hold remedies. Special care in filling doctors' prescriptions, We serve you promptly. M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone 82, Opposite St. Andrew's Church Glasses or spectacles broken ? Guards bent--out of alignment? Temples too long or too short? Whatever your requirements, our service is prompt and highly satis. | factory. | Bring your repair work to us. ll tendance. I! vided tho music for the dance follow- The cold spell has been very pad | for business, a merchant reported | today. He stated that he did not | blame the people for not doing then shopping in the severe cold weather. i Just as soon as the mild weather | sets in, the stores will be doug x rushing business. Restoring Fire-Swept Hearst, Freeman Clench, of the firm of McKelvey & Birch, who has been | installing a new hoating plant in the new miss'on hospital at Hearst, Ont., has returned to the city. Mr. | Clench reports wonderful activity in | people of the north on the work of | restoring their homes lost in the fire, { A. 0, H. Euchre The weekly euchre and dance of the A. O. H. was held on Tuesday | evening and there was a large at- MaGrath's orchestra por-| Ing the games. The ladies' prize was won ly Miss E. Wilson and {ing contrast, was noth'ng but an in- the gentlemen's by T. Killeen, Dane- ing was indulged in from 10 p.m. to 1 am. -------- Courses Approciated The physical training courses con- ducted at Renfrew and Pemb.uke by Sergt.-Major Gilbert, of Lt.-Col. G. H. Gillespie's staff, will be con- cluded next week. The privilege or attending the classes was greatly ap- preciated by he school teachers of both towns as well as many from the surrounding d'stmet. Certifi- cates of qualification will be sssued by Col. Gillespie in due course, -- First Time To Be Seen It is interest'ng to note that when the cadets of the Royal Miliary Col- lege paid a visit to the United States Military Academy, on Friday last, that this was the first time that the British scarlet tunic had been on the West Point peninsula gince the Re-| volut'onary days of 1776. Then the | British regulars were fighting our American cousins, and the recat. visit of the Canadian cadets, 'n strik- vasion for the purpose of staging: en. exhibition of our National sport. ! -- i Boxing at R. M. C. } it is expected that the anmual \ # | together to celebrate their golden anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Saunders were married in Smith's Falls, Jan. | James Re'd firm, 24th, 1873, and moved to Carleton |place at Wolfe Island. | Place, shortly afterwards and have |his widow and two sons, | fesor funeral will be held on Thursday ghorning to the Church of the Sacred Heart, under the direction of the interment taking Surviving are DR. Mother and Her Baby Are Relieved of Eczema Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Salt Burn, = | "Dr. se's Ointment has complete! relieved me of eczema and piles, ile used this Ointment for my baby, wie out in eczema. A few applications that was necessary in her case, Ointment has been worth a hundred dollars to me--before using it I had spent a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treat. ment from doctors. We have also used Dr. Chases other medicines, the Nerve Food {fg having restored my health after suffering 4 from severe nerve trouble when a girl." CHASE'S OINTMENT 60 Cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates # Oo., L¢d., Toronto I also No broke were all Dr. Chase's Nn OUR ANNUAL DISCOUNT SALE 20% OFF ON ALL OUR BOOTS, SHOES, ETC, EVENING SLIP- PERS AND OXFORDS. --NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBERS-- The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. ¢ [ bu Men and Young Men's $30.00 to $38.00 Suits for 25.50 Sizes 34 to 42, TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Y All Pure Linen § Table Damasks Imported direct from the best Irish makers--the kind that always look well and gives satisfactory wear. Unbleached Pure Linen Damasks at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 a yard. ~ Bleached Damasks, all pure linen, 72" wide, at $2.00, $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00 a yard. Odd Napkins in 4 dozen lots, brok- en sets and odd lots; all pure linen, at very special prices. W. N. Linton & Co. g Phone 191. The Waldron Store.

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