THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1028, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIu ORONTO. MEDICAL SCHOOL" ™*% ssc People who don't grow too fat are the | ' fortunate exception. But if You find the | - | fat accumu} or already cumber-| sume, you be wise to follow this| suggestion, ich is endorsed by thou-! ee Sakds 22%Dle who kaow Ask your | ruggist for Marmola Prescription Tab- Investigation Shows Evils-- lets and follow directions One dollar ' { ls the price the world over. Get them Canada Needs General Doc= from your own druggist or mend price | direct to Marmola Co., 4612 Woodward tors, Not Specialists. | Ave. Detroit, Mich. By doing this you will reduce stead!ly and eas- vation diet or tiresome | -- NEW SPRING BOOK TheEnchanted April By ELIZABETH Here is a novel of wit--a rare and precious thing. A month out of the lives of four wemen in an old Italian Castle--two unsel- sh and with a keen sense of humor; the others, selfish and with no sense of humor --produces a series of situations which only Elizabeth could handle. Price... . $1.90 R. Uglow & Co. EEE ABERNETHY'S Big Mid-Winter Shoe Sale IS NOW GOING ON. YOU CAN SAVE FROM 20% TO 50% OF YOUR MONEY BUYING NOW. Evidence taken at the sittings of | eermias®" the parlizmentary committee of the | ~~ Ontario legislature on the govern- newly appointed full-time professor | of the University of Toronto, lof medicine who was essentially a fled even more completely than laboratory man Sincs the crying was anticipated the position taken need or Canada is for more general ! by Saturday Night last spring in sup- | practitioners and not for laboratory porting the demand for such an en- men and specialis's, the dangers of | quiry. Says that well-kmown To- | ic experiment are apparent to the | ronto journal which the Whig quotes layman. This reorganization there- | as follows: ; . {fore tended not only to deprive medi- | | It was pointed out that the powers | 4; education of the services of pal- | cf the board of governors were un- | mots whose experience had beer duly autocratic, and that evils typical [greatly augmented by war service, | of autocracy had arisen In the exer- but of the guidance of doctors whose | cise of those powers. The University | knowledge had been gained in the | Act provides but one check on these school of experience at the bedside et The Battle of Life Calls For The Best equipment possible in order to | ensure complete victory. Physical fitness is the first es- "sential. If your eyes give you trouble, causing nervousness, irritability, loss of confidence and energy, you 2 : are seriously handicapped. Playing Cards. These are a Have your eyes attended to at pleasure to play with; also once by an experienced optome- make very appropriate card prizes. The highest grade English CARDS in Leather Case -- complete J The greatest contribution of all the cause of "Better Homes," with its unprecedented ar- ray of worth-while savings. Our February Furniture Sale is a rare opportunity, for every home lover. Watch our windows for daily bargains of Sample Suites from 'recent Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition. JAMES REID PHONE 147 10K SERVICE. X CARDS only, gilt edge-- 70c. to $1.00. Registered Upwometriss 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Wn i FOR SALE 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $8,750. i Also double. cement block | house with all improvements. || Very easy terms. $5,500. Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. ---- One Evil Led to Another. As usually happens, one evil led to another. The prospect of another gift, the million dollars offered by the Rockefeller Foundation, gave an ex- cuse for reorganizing the department of surgery along lines similar to i those covertly adopted in connection { with the department of medicine. |The Rochefeller Foundation origin- ally had no intention of attaching conditions; but influences were set at work, (as stated in these columns last spring) the gift became heavily {and expensively encumbered. Four | gervices at Toronto General Hospital, presided over by surgeons of very wide experience and ability were scrapped, and a single service creat- Changes Condemned. 4 oq under a full time clinical profes- Apart from the breach of fatth"in- sor, who became a veritable Pooh- { volved, the changes aimed at in the !Bah. This new head has charge of {reorganization process were publicly lal surgical patients in the T.G.H.: {condemned by many medical men of | ot fhe out patients and Emergency |ilto the home of the farmer, remota the highest eminence. Formerly there | department of the same instituiion; though he be from academic contro- | were three hospital services, presided land supervision over the teaching versies, 2 {over by physicians of established re- {ana surgical work in St. Michael's, ---- fputation for the training of students |4;; western and Sick Children's Hos- in actual bedside practice and the | pitals;--which means that these in- [dutdes of a general practitioner. |g; tine cannot make surgical stai? These services were abolished and |... intments without his consent, on control vested in one individual, & alin of losing thelr clinical comnec- END A HEAD COLD [ime oi sos etc QUICKLY; JUST USE THIS PURE CREAM Dr. Herbert Bruce testified, it would require a superman to perform such If your nostrils are clogged, your throat distressed, or your head fis a multipHcity of duties. | stuffed by nasty catarrh or a cold, ap- It is obvious that under such a system prevailing in an institution | ply a little pure, antiseptic, germ de- | stroying cream into your nostrils. It which is the chief source from which the medical profession in Canada is recruited, the public interest must in the long run suffer. The evidence where. | penetrates through every air pas- | sage, soothing inflamed, swollen | membranes and you get instant re- | Hef. of the most eminent professional wit- Start your DINNER SET now by How good it feels. Your nostrils nesses was that the inevitable result ettin e ieces an i g ga f Ww pi d add to it at are open. Your head is clear. No would be to encourage mediocrity. The system will necessarily prevent your convenience. | more hawking, snuffling, dryness or | struggling for breath. Get a small the university getting the' best men |.jjege is Dr. J, C. Connell, who has in the surgical field, for no man of |014 that position for the past twenty " " , Co an I 0 bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from any me In d ok Around | druggist. Colds and catarrh yield Don't stay stuffed up. outstanding ability will subordinate years. | like magic. himself, and give up initiative and independence to supply a cog in such Hay P { y Fressers Busy Florida, Feb. 6.--The hay pres- A Real Treat | Rellet § : The Effect Deplorable. | Relief 1s sure The effect on the university as a a czar-like machine, sers have been in this neighborlood. and xi in ive one at that ROBERTSON'S Li ited GAS IN THE STOMACH whole, of these experiments, injus- Ross Martin is busy sawing wood CHASE & SANBORN'S vices and anomalies in its greatest 73 Princess St. IS DANGEROUS with his sawing mach'ne. People and most expensive departments, is Overcome Trouble, Ca vod by 0 d 3 a 3 ------------------------ annually by that body. | The investigation has made it clear that the university question is no | mere academic feud it a matter ir | vhich the general sic is deeply | concerned, not merely because the {university is a state institution sup vorted out of the public purse; but because medical education of the rational kind is a matter of the most vital interest to all. Doctor after doctor of the most unimpeachable charaoter gave evidence to show that the whole tendency of the reorgani- zation §s to decrease rather than provide a supply of efficient general practitioners that may serve the vast public which lies outside the large cities, Thus the question goes right Nps ---- smn --_-- on-- GANANOQUE NN ct rh Notes From Clarendon, Clarendon, Feb, 5.--Mr. and Mrs. [E. Kirkhah spent Sunday with Oso ? friends. Mrs. EK. Kirkham, Miss Della land Doris Kirkham went to Sharbot ! Feb. 7.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray [Lake on Sunday. Miss Mona Boles entertained a number of their friends {1s on 'the sick list, Miss H, McKay on Monday evening at their home on [2nd Miss B. Donnley were in Claren- Tanner street. {don on Saturday. William Gamble Dr. Clarke, dentist, Brockville, is {has been confined to bed the ldst few the guest of Dr. Fraser for the Golf days, Club dance tonight . Mrs. Winchester's quilting bee was not very well attended on account of the extremely cold weather. On Sat- urday. Box wood is being shipped frcin here to Pembroke, Herbert Farks is shipping stove wood to Perth. Our new doctor is doing a rushing business. Mr. Kennedy, lum- ber buyer, was here last week. C. Burke is doing a good business celivering goods for shipment, Mrs. Joseph St. Perre made a business call : to Sharbot Lake during the week- Mrs. W. Robinson was called tofgng. Needless to tell you we are hay- Kingston on Monday owing to the ing desperataly cold weather, The serious illness of her son, William. boys' new song: Mrs. Juniper who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George S. Mastin, has left for Belleville where sha will take up residence; be powers, namely, that decisions of an |and on the operating table. During | important nature must be ratified by !the course of the enquiry the absurd | the lleutenant governor in council,-- Argutient was put forward that the inet, Bat 1t was made clon from she | C21, OF the Bractical Slagosician was | Cina testimony of Sir Joseph Flavelle that ot es iy i 'the Th 'oan aa. cari out na own Por rKIRE physician in the rar ue ¥ gat scctions of Ontario could afford to as GILT EDGE Sued! JA Timer Te the | wait for laboratory tests with a dy-' Gxt the Bablitatt 10 8 Sovd -- ew ean an Fo aiid TL DAYS 6000 TA Il OUR BIG FEBRUARY reglect was an '"'unfortunate over- | 1 4 teht |over is that the board of governois | You will find it deliciously refreshing PLAYING ER te gure od as Srv on {agreed to this radical step at the dic- | morning, noom and might. Order from FURNIT fo nate e Sens J. simpiil- si ana co i fiers the task of revising those decis- eo 2 utile Yomi MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE URE SALE CARDS iona and repairing some of the Bross |g, ssional members or which were | .. lsZiripin . njusices involved, junior members of the medical fac- | a Even more sensational tesdmony |p. pywg of the most eminent mem- { A T "YE . ¥us fort} ing when it was shown |, ry 0 ihe board, Sir Joseph Flaveile wl Sr fH "2% teat Ia one S00! vite) He Ie {and Sir Thomas White, expressed the | . Sh he oad nf FUTITOm Tad Aetatiy [Li that the governors should ne | MFG. Co. 3 {have accepted the gift under these legated its authority to a small {, qitions. It was reiterated again | OF CANADA, LIMITED, cutside cor pose. in Srhanke for > land again that Sir John Eaton him- || 281 WELLINGTON STREET arge donation to the University. g v 2 was in reality this action which pre- jo a ue Coniitione | | are rebabbitters of all kinds of cipitated the present crieis. In 1919 understood them to have been at- | Babbitt and Bronze Bearings for the late Sir John Eaton, one of the tached by a medical man--whose | | all makes of Automobiles, Trucks, moet generous men this country. has |absence in California prevented his | | Tractors, Marine Motors. ever known agreed to donate half a |} ging called. The action of the board We are also prepared to make iilion Soiare i payments SWtend- jin selling out control of medical edu- | | Bronze Bearings for Electric Mo- in over erm of ears, to be dorel cation In exchenge tor a monctars | Lior and Generators, Ross, v 10 knew Sir John well testi. | 517: however large, can hardly bel} Nothing too small or too large. fied that it was farthest from his in- : All work guaranteed. . 9 tentions to encumber his gift with D. M. L. CRAIG, SUPT Kinnear & d Esterre embarassing clauees, But apparent. Office Phone 828. 'Res. 1205F. ly on the suggestion of others, con- JEWELLERS d'tions were embodied in the agree- PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON ment of the gift, which had that effect, As a result the medical de- partment of which the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital is part, was re-organiz- od during the absence of many of tha | leading members of that department lon war service, and without submit- Yr a | ting the proposed scheme to the fac- '® lulty itself. Several leading physic- | ians were removed from the staff, de- D ti | spite the promise of the president, en 1st | Sir Robert Falconer, before they FYEavce! ou went overseas that their positions 183 PRINCESS STREET | vould be kept open for them, Best Fquipped Office in Kingston. We try to observe the Golden Rule in both Service and Fee, The #an who knows nothing in- «ists on leiting it be known, He ds but a counterfeit of a man who has not the life of a man, stain tm -- The Ladies' Auxillary of the G, W. V.A. held a very successful and pleasant euchre last evening in their rooms. The prize winners were ladies' prize, Miss Joe. Ford, gentle- men's, Tommy Ferris. The Hidden Itime medical professors--those in [Number prize was won by M'ss Vi- pathology, anatomy, physiology and ola Rogers, Consolation prizes were preventive medicine. The highest | won by Mrs. Alice Dempster and Leo salary paid a fulltime professor here | Morgan, is five thousand dollars, but thesc full-time men have various ways of augmenting this amount. The pro- fessors of surgery, clinical surgery, medicine, gynaecology, obstatrics, lete., are all part time professors. |The professor of clinical surgery and the professor of medicine are tha most highly paid, as the other part- time professors have large private practises and are willing to give their services to Queen's for a nominal sum, The dean of Queen's medical At Queen's medical college, King- ston, there is progress rather than the backward movement reported at loronto, Queen's has a few fuli- Royal Doulton Dinnerware Our open stock pattern of 'Old Leeds" Spray is now complete. Let us know what pieces you want before it is again sold out. The sun shines east, The sun shines west, But the man up the road, Makes the sun shine best. We carry the largest stock of open stock semi-porcelain dinnerware in the city, and prices are lower than else- Alexandria Bay hockey team will play the Canoe Club tonight, A The game last night between tae A postoffice and police station have Stelcos and Seeley's Bay drew the been established on Craig island, the uargest crowd yet seon on the rink |1.08t northerly island in the world, this winter. It was a good game re- [850 miles from the pole, sult'ng in a victory for the Stelcos, The suprome happiness of life is the conviction that we are lovea. ~-- CREE BRAND Miss Lottie Martin, Wh'tby, is spend- ing a few wedks with her parents, | Mr and Mrs. R. Snider were visitors | at B. Snider's, also: W. McKn'ght. David Smith, Odesso, spent one even- ing last week at Walter Compton's. Mrs, Davy is spending the winter are glad to see the bright woather again. Mr .and Mrs, Baxter Red- len, and Guy and Clayton, spent Sun- nocessarily deplorable. So long as [Gay evening at George Redacen's. the university was employing men of eminence in private practice for part- To Overcome Trouble, Caused by time work, the latter could afford for Fermenting Food and Acid the saks of professional pride in thc eimai ---------------------- | Indigestion institution and a sense of public ser- | Gas and wind In the stomach ac-|/.c® !0 accept moderate remunera- tion. As a matter of fact the so-call- Sold only in 34, 1 and 2b. airtight tine. Whole, ground or my | Thursday | Feb. 8th | Do "Allan M. Reid r Day companied by that full, bloated feel- | ing after eating are almost certain i evidence of the presence of excessive | hydrochloric acid in the stomach, | creating so-called "acid indigestion." | Acid stomachs are dangerous be- cause too much acid irritates the deli- cate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by | serious stomach ulcers. Food fer- ments and sours, creating the dis- | tressing gas which distends the stom- |ach and hampers the normal fune- | tions of the vital internal organs, of- | ten affecting the heart. i It is the worst of folly to neglect | such a serious condition or to treat | with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurat- (ed Magnesia and take a teaspoonful {in a quarter glass of water right af- ter eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutral- ize the excess acid and prevent its formation and there is no sourness or | pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in pow- | der or tablet form--never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, in- | expensive to take and the best form | of 'magnesia for stomach purposes. It | is used by thousands of people who : enjoy théir meals with no more fear with her daughter Mrs. Frel Orser. Stuart Martin, V'olet, is at his fath- er"s, Dr. Martin's . ed ful! time system has not been ectually imposed; but the two new heads under the reorganization, out- lined above are each in receipt of $10,000 per annum, It is certainly invidious to pay two professors in the medical department such a salary for what {s really part-time scrvice, while the highest salary paid to a professor in any other dapartment of the university is only $6,000. Thus the seed of dissatisfaction and unree* 'which makes the bed of the board of governors uneasy at the present time, was sown hy themselves Tho evid- ence showed that heretofore, for pro- fessional reasons, men of the highest standing gave their services as In- structors at the nominal salary of $1,000 per annum. : Of the highest importance as a pre- ventive of such differences as those recently ventilated Lt.-Col, Thomas Gibeon, a graduate that all major appointments, nis and Ciemissals should be submitted to a counefl of the facuMy concerned, elected by its members, and submis certain precautions against under- kand intrigue, Futher, on behal of the profession, he suggests that the lot in on. fdean of medical. faculty be elected fine ground for Tricolator or percolator use. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal.