pe \ Jedd | Life's Social Sid Editor of Women's Page, Tele- lego colors were caught with stream- phone 243. .Private 'phone 837w. | rs to evergreens to the balcony where vs = | the spectators enjoyed the music and The Science dance of 1923 will long | looked down on the charming scene be remembered by those who were |The vogue for gay colors, silver and fortunate enough to be present in|gold cloth and sequins made the Grant Hall on Wednesday evening ball rogm a riot of color, the scarlet for not only was no trouble spared tunics of several cadets from the to make the fine hall more beautiful] Royal Military College lending an for this festive occasion, but the in-|added touch of scarlet. Overncad genuity of the Canadian wouth, train-| were strung countless balloons of ed In Queen's celebrated Science red, blue and yellow each with school, had devised surprises and no- {streamers attached and in the centre velties which surpassed those of all| was a contrivence, Which the great previous years. At the entrarce|grand-fathers of the young men who to the ball room, J. BE. Hipwell in-|invented it would have called it troduced the guests to the ladies, | "black art," !n which mirrors were who received with Princ'pal Bruce tarranged in some marvelous fashion Taylor, who were, Mrs, Taylor in a that gave during tne moonlight handsome sequined gown, Mrs, Ar- dance the effect of millions of fire thur Clark, wearing a gown of black |flies flitting among the daucers. satin and a gold colored scarf; Mrs. |Showers of confetti were arranged to L. M. Arkley, in black charmause fall at a given t'me and through an- and lace with a silver scarf and Mrs. other electrical mystery, the balloons Douglas Ellis, frocked in orch'd crepe |fell at the flying fee. uf the guests. embroided in silver, und holamg a ln the corridor a punch bowl was! large fan of white ostrich feathers. foet in a block of ice in which colored | Bartells, E. C, Menzie"s Dance Orchestra of Mon- |lights glowed. The Red Room was treal was stationed on the platform arranged as a sitt'ng out place with and played a well chosen and in- cosy corners, a fire glowed on the spiring programme of dance music | hearth and light, ehaded with red 8. Griffen, G. F. Geiger, C D, A. Henderson and E. Lee. Among those present were and Mrs. Stanley Graham, Prof. and Mrs: M. B. Baker, Mrs. G. G. Vincent (Hamilton), Mrs. G. C. Monture, Mrs. C. A. Louden, Mrs. 3. J. Smith, Mrs. A. R. Forrest, Mrs. E. F. El- liott, Misses M. Booth, MacDonell, M. McLelland, M. Francis, B. Sim- mons, M. Black, M. Kirkland, R. MacClement, R. Simpson, C. McDon- ald, J. Gray, S. Burns, M. Lewis, H. [ Guild, T. Cobb, Bour, M. Bruton, | M. Downey (Timmons, Ont.), P. VY. Cassells, W. Finkle, M. Porteous, Harper, D. Wilson, M. Dowdall, P. Kane, D. Douglas, H. Tumelty (Springbrook, Ont.), M. Harvey (Hamilton), F. Reed (Ottawa), L. Lower, MecKercher, V. Meneilley (Toronto), F. Kelly, J. Fullerton, ¥. C. Spence, Newman, Vick, M. Watts, A. McTague, G. Ettinger, M Kd- wards, A. C. Rose, T. MacLean, G. Bullock, D. Gibson, H. Koen, M. Richardson (Goderich, Ont.), F. A. Fawoett, G. Woods, E. Burke, G. Lemon, G. (Chatham, Ont.), D. Ross, | Misses H. Wootton, J. Dwyer (To- | ronto), 'B. Bell, A. Gow, J. Sim- mons, E. Simpson, R. Robinson, G. Sparling (Toronto), Dixon (Ottawa), M. Reid, D. Whit- taker, K. Bibby, G. Mooers, M. Me- Donald, K. Edgar, Foreman, G, L. Cottnam, F. Collier, T. Hoag, B. cn their remarkab'y fine instruments. gave a rosy tint to the dainty frocks | Roblin, M. Connerty, K. Lyons, A. "Seclence" was above the platform of the guests. Across the hall a and underneath a minature windmill, | class room was arranged as a moon- its arms turned by electricity, its lit grove of evergreens with most windows lighted and a real balcony |artist'c effect and named the Blue and steps. a triumph of workman- | Room. Supper was served in the ship. Evergreens, soft "by shaded cafeteria and was as excellent as lights, a crescent moon added an [all the Test of this enjowable ball. attractive touch, Balloons in the col- | The committee was J. E, Hipwell, H. AA tA BARNUM'S | | BAKERY SPECIAL! Homemade Lemon Pies--Try our Fried Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. "THE TASTE WILL TELL." | Brophy, M. Gourlay, K. Chisholm (Ottawa), M. Porter, K. Howard (Ottawa), E. Bennington, K. Manley (Belleville), M. J. Croft, E. Me¢- Whittaker, VanLuven, M. Johnston, M. Woodruff, F. Foulkes, A. Corri- gan, M. Dunore (Toronto), E. Mac- kay, Macarthur, A. Smith, F, Bax- ter, D. Craig, H. Lovett, 8. Spencer, M. Simpson, E. Cropp, C. Salsbury, W. E. Wright, H. Ashley, G. Dun- | lop, M. Blackburn, B. Billings, D. Sutherland, C. Farrell, L. I. Southhall, Misses A. Campbell, M. McAlpine, K. Lockhart, M. Oliver, D. Folger, C. | Mitchell, M. Smith, E. Laidley, IL. E. Watts, G. Fitzsimmons, G. Milli- ken, M. A. Connolly (Toronto), H. AI AAA An becaus When health demands bran, 's because it is ALL BRAN! It is scientifically prepared so as to give you relief that is possible of no other food. Fight constipation to the last ditch and fight it with Kellogg's Bran! Foods with a low bran content can never give consti {sritation--but that will give control, get cases. Bran sweeps the bowel tract, and purifying in a nat- ural way, It causes no distress or positive action sufferer natural Every membet of yoiir family can Climo, {| Prof. | Bruce, B.! E. McMillan | Roberts, B. | Cartney, F. Hope, B. McPherson, M. | Taylor, | pation sufferers permanent relief! very delicious spoonful of K 's Bran you eat--as a cereal, sp! on hot or cold cereals or be saved from constipation by Kellogg's Bran. Realize what it means to health; understand also its t value as a body: food! Kellogg's Bran contains im- portant mineral salts and many of the vital food elements.) You can THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG i Two Hundred Evening Shoes On Sale "4.95 Pairs Ladies' Fine Friday and Saturday $15.00, $12.00, $10.00 Evening Shoes | in Satins, Patents, Suede and Kid. All at one price. "4.95 LOCKETT'S | Franklin, M. Davidson, L. Carter, | McKay, Vivian White, B. Abernethy, I. Minnes, M. Draper, H. M. Price | (Chesterville, Que.), H. Tangney, J. Henderson, I. Publow, D. Williams, | R. E. Wesley, L. Fulton. | . * . | Under the distinguished patronage ef Their Excellencies the Governor- {General and the Lady Byng of Vimy, ia very delightful ball was given last |evening at the Century Rose Room {by the University Alumni Assocla- tion of Ottawa. The colors of the different universities were used effec- tively to add to the attractiveness of the beautiful room. A delightful programme of dance numbers was furnished by the excellent orchestra. Mrs. J. G. Macphail and Mrs. Austin Gilles who were among the hostesses represented Queen's University and tively, F. A, Sproul and Capt. K. D. Fripp represented the Kingston col- leges on the committee. . . . Mrs, J. T, Sutherland, Clergy st., gave her home for a tea and sale in a'd of the W. A. of St. Paul's parish on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs, Goulden, the president, received the guests, who {had paid a small admission fee to Mrs. W. Dewey and at thé tea table witht its silver candleabra, Mrs. F. Williamson and Miss Frances Car. wright poured tea and coffee. The home made cooking was well by Mrs, 8. McCullagh, Mrs. Thurs- ton, and Mrs. F. Harper, and the candy was in charge of M!ss Arthurs. Canon and Mrs. W. F. Fitzgeraia were present to give a word of wel come to the visitors. The proceeds amounted to $58. ' [ . Miss Bowers, Fort Willtam, who was in town for the Science dance, is at the Y.W.C.A., Johnson street. Mrs. John Ballantyne is leaving for Ottawa to spend some time with her son, Dr, Ballantyne and her daugh- ter, Mrs, W. T. Bherrift and Dr. Sher- riff. - - * Mrs. Ada Lingham-Wagner came down from Toronto last night for the direction of the Myra Hess and London String Quartetts concerts. (Continued oni Page 16.) Myra Hess Concert. Famous English pilanist's return engagement by special request, Fri- day evening, Feb, 16th, at 8.15 o'clock, Grant Hall, Queen's Uni- versity. Famous London (Eng. String Quartette, March 9th. Do not miss hearing these world's best art the Royal Military College respec- | sistance may be proffered. Personal industry, application and frugality will be in all probability find reward. 'A child born on this day will be clever, industrious and responsible end should rise in life to a high posi- tion because of these qualities and through the aid of friends. 1 What the Editor Hears That the slide at Fort Hill is in splendid condition and the cadets and their girl friends are enjoying this fine out-of-door sport of tobog- ganing, That the Big Sister movement is doing good work in Toronto. Don't let us deceive ourselves into think- ing their is no need for such organ- ization in Kingaton, That the men who are contemplate. ing buying new cars should aleo cone template teaching their wives to drive them is the opinion of a mem- ber of the Whig"s editorial staff. A woman's knowledge and resourceful- ness saved him longer suffering when hie broke his arm in the rocks of the north of the county and his wife took command of the wheel and the situa- tion. Making good time towards a dootor, she was held back by an old man with an ancient horse and buggy, who claimed the middle of the road. 'Let me pass,' she called, "my husband has broken his arm," "Tf can't," he sald, "my horse has brok- en his brechin." But a woman gets her own way and the car passed the horse, That Mrs. Odlin H. Campbell, Win- nipeg, who has been regent of the Fort Garry chapler, 1.0.D.E,, in that city for the past twelve years, and Is retiring, was presented with a hand- | some rope of pearls with a diamond clasp, at the annual meeting held last week, Mrs. Campbell is the mother of Cadet Campbell, Royal Military College, and has many friends in Kingston meade during visits to him. That Kingston may well be proud of her pretty, talented giris who dance so gracefully, "The Seasons" put on at Ontario hall on Tuesday evening by four Kingston girls had a finish rarely seen except in profes- sionals and a simplicity and modesty that was altogether charming, their LOTTI LLL PL DC SL LLL LI 5, [IIL of a A ------ ists. Concert director, Ada Ling- ham-Wagner, For Relief + from Piles SEE { *s ¥ Bed a i Bu; Briers al enters rvs i make up delicious baking-batches Yih Eallogg's Braz as wall aa using cereals. Recipes on every, Rotlogghs B in individual served by leading hotels Jackals Ask for it at res rant, All grocers sell CTC I TT TITY LT EE CTEIerT) To-morrow's : HOROSCOPE : By Gegevieve Kemble THE Heintzman & Co. - PLAYER PIANO With no trace of mechanicalisa in iis playing, the Heintzmén & Co. Player Piano is idealistic, PRICE $1025. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. SEEBIRRRTATERR RRL ABIES ERECT FRIDAY, FEB, 9. This day's astral activities give hope of the passing away of old ob- stacles, and the breaking up of thwarting congestions, making way for a steady and dependable progress, possibly through the intervention of old friends or through intereourse with long-established corporations. ed, Domestic and social activity are predicted. Those whose birthday it is may look for a year of fresh opportunity, following long: L -and stubborn obetacies. Friendly as- PT TTR