Fine Selected Prime Fur Skins FOXES in Red, Blue, Black, Platinum; Browns, Cross and Silver; Beaver, Mink, Fisher, Stone Martin; Wood Martin, Hud- son Bay Martin, Japanese Martin, Silver Raccoon, Kolinskeys, Ermines. . ALASKA SABLE MUSKRATS HUDSON SEAL SKUNK . * Southern ALASKA SEAL Northern \ ' MOLES, etc., etc., etc. We have the past two months bought quantities of : above Sas Surtig the pst (wo Moulin You sorting and se- lecting the finest for our Custom Order trade. z * BRAN COOKIES J 4 J PALATABLE AND NOURISHING Just the cookie for this season of the year, Keeps the-family fit. CROTHERS KINGSTON Established 1869 5, TWO ANVERSARES I CTY CHURCHES Princess Street Methodist and' 8t. Andrew's Had Fine * Services Sunday. --- The thisty4hird aaniversary of the dedication of the present St. An- drew's church bullding, and the 117th. anniversary of St. Andrew's | toeelt, was celebrated on Sunday, iwith special services, Rev. Principal JD. J. Fraser, D.D., Montreal, occupy- ing the pulpit. Special music alsc featured the services and there was A splendid atteddance during the day, Dr. Fraser took as his subject for thé mormwing service, "The First Pro- testant," and in his very able ad: dress - outlined the principles for which = St. Paul, and later Martin Luther, stood for when they revolted against the old orthodox idea of re- ligion being a set of laws and cere- monles. In the first century, Paul (fought against the principlelof the HIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING * Quality and Service Our Motto BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT 10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. Fish Fish Fish Fresh Sal Water Herring, 1b 106, Extra fine Quala Salmon, 1b 17e, Chicken Halibut, sliced, Id 2se. Fresh Finsan Haddles, 1b ..18e, Week End Candy Special ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 35¢. a lb. MARASCHINO CHERRIES } Fancy Red Salmon, large tins S7e 49¢. a Ib box dEblen Pink Rhiaen, ammil, ASSORTED CHOCOLATES | with 'Nut and Milk Centres. " ew York Candy Store 314 Princess Street ta ... 34, Pork Sausage (daily) Ib. ...3%. Befled Ham (sli¢ed), Ib. ...50e. Sliced Corn Beef, Ib. ....#* ge. i Aafia ded 4 4 2 4 a 4 4 44 4 4a OUR SALE OF . | LADIES' FUR Ey * BE OVER 3 _\ Have you taken advantage of it ? : Come quick and take advantage of this sale, 4 A° a Jewish Christiane who claimed that they were just a Mttle better than the Gentile Christians for the mere reasons of diet and certain customs. Faul stated that Christianity was not & set of rules, but a simple and last- ing faith in Jesus, St. Paul saved modern Christian- ity from becoming a mere Jewish cult,~and it was this same principle that Martin Luther based his fight which brought about the reforma- tion in the 15th century. There was a great danger in modern times of the members of churches taking their religion as a matter of course and as & routine. Mere attendance and the living up to a creed 1s not the right kind of Christianity, Christianity #8 Christ's spiritual view of life and this 1s the principle that must be followed by ail who week salvation. In another way many people base their religion om the giving of money to charftable work, though not giving any scoount of how they obtained this money. It must be first earned by honest methods and spent as a sacred trust. The special anniversary music in- chided the rendering df "How Lovely Are the Messengers," Mendelssohn: '"The Roweate Hues of Barly Morn," Slater; and an organ recital by Prof. Milner, esisted by Miss G. Bartels, viglinfet, and the phoir, -- Princess Street Methodist. The congremation of Princess street Methodist church celebrated the forty-first anniversary on Sunday. To mark the ocossion Rev. A. E. Runnells, B.A., Montreal, one ¢f the cutstanding young men in the Meth- odist ministry, was the special preacher. During the forty-one years that [Frincess street church has been serv- ing the Methodist people in upper end of the city the church has been fortunate in having some strong ministers but it is safe to say that the present pastor, Rev. J. A. Waa- dell, who is completing his fifth year is without question one of the most Popular with all classes. Mr Waa- dell asked for a &pecial collection of $450 which the finance committee needs to carry on the work, The choir ynder the able leader- ship of Mrs. Loney, gave special music at both services. At the mora ing service the musical programme consisted of vocal duet by Mrs. Percy 'Ward and Mrs. Fred Rutherford; vocal solo, Mrs, W. N. Archibald. Bpectal anthems were rendered by the choir at both services, . At the morhing service Mr. Run- nells gave a powerful sermon on the Subject: "Public Opinion Pays Hom- sge to Reality." He took for his text Aots II, 40-47. In opening his 'address, the speaker stated that in the early' days the great: task THE DAILY B ------ a L-- A 2 wink an eye. He claimed the early church 3 not have similar condi- tions and if the church of today were. filing its misston things lke that would not be. When closing N's address ho stat- od thta if the church were impressing the people that it meant businees:- the crowds would certainly come and there would not be, so many vacant THE HEALTH OF CHILDREN of School Physician and Nurse. ------ : Dr. R. R. MacGregor, who is en- gaged in the schools of Kingston along with Miss H. Lovick, the school nurse, is doing good work for the little children. Reports are seat to the-parents when children are found In need of treatment or speical care and immediate steps are taken to correct such matters ds diet, cloth- RITISH WHIG J ee | SPECIAL SALE LATEST FICTION - $2.00 BOOKS AT $1.50. g y E. M. Hull (Author of The Sheik) eorge Gibbs (author of Yellow Dove) THIS F REEDOM by A. M. S. Hutchinson (Author of If Winter . by St SHADOW OF Comes). FLOWING GOLD . nett ' THE PHONE 919. ing, habits in play, the sleeping hab- its of the family and such matters effecting the welfare of lille Ones. On Friday Dr. MacGregor addressed a meeting of the parents of children attending Victoria school along gen- eral lines and gave good advice that the parents greatly appreciated. The first report sent to parents in the form of a note pointing out that the child is under the average weight or is ill, and Miss Hoppin, who is in charge of the dispensing of milk to children, places the child's name on her list at the parents' request. She now has about 120 who receive an extra pint of milk daily, and there is a marked change observable In the condition of many children. The teachers of Victoria school show sympathetic care of pupils in their classes, many belng able to tell par- ents just what a child needs. Many are found to require more rest at home, especially the youngest mem- ber of the family, who is constantly trying to keep up with older children, and escapes the observation of the parent. There are many matters now Jeing brought to light, and the ad- justment 'of which is going to have a very Important effect upon the fu- ture welfare of the children. ---------- England Drinking More Tea. England fs the greatest tea-con- suming country in the world. Re- cently her annual requirements have greatly increased, due to a largely increased consumption. This strong- er demand, coupled with the seri- ous shortage in the tea crop this year, has caused tea prices to soar. We are feeling the effect of this con- Company, the largest tea concern on the continent, has recently been forced to raise the price of all their blends, in order to maintain quality in "Salada" that has built thelr business.--Advt. i ----------h------ Burial M. Henderson. 2 of the:late Mrs.- Mar- garet Henderson, who passed away in Rochester, N.Y., on Saturday, was held from James Reid's undertak- ing parlors on Monday morning to Cataraqul cemetery. Deceased was the widow of the late Henry Hender- son, formerly a prominent Kings- ton photographer dy trade, and was ninety-two years of age. She was a Presbyterian in = religion. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, of Queen's University. \ a Change in Club Luncheon. A change has had 0 be made in the visit of Sir Henry Newboit. He bas been asked to visit Government '(House on Saturday, Feb. 24th, and will not be able to reach Kingston until Monday afternoon, Feb. 26th. He will speak that might in Grant Hall, Queen's University, and on Tuesday, at noon; will be the guest of the Canadian Rotery and Ki- wanis Olube at Juncheon Frontenac, ---- Every day men and women are having their pets, pins and pearls re- turned through the want-ads. dition in Canada, as the Balada Tea | the |, jn Hotel THE EAST b HOUSE OF MOHUN by G HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF COOMBE by 1 COLLEGE B MY DISCOVERY OF ENGLAND... CAPPY RICKS RETIRES...' : COUNTRY BEYOND . THE PAGAN LOVE ... THE TALE OF TRIONA * she vee Sport Dress---1537 sc Late Henry Sanderson. The funeral of the late Henry day, was held from James Reid's une dertaking parlors on Monday morn. ing. The remains were later shipped to Mountain Grove for interment, the remains being accompanied by an only daughter of the deceased. The late: Mr. Sanderson was eighty one years of age and up until a few years ago had been an active farm- er near Mountain Grove. ---------- The firemen were called to the home of Ald. George Laturney, 151 Princess street, at 11.51 am. Sun- day, for a chimney fire. There was no damgge. which confronted the church was the rescuing of the world for Jesus Christ, In those days it was a time "The \ Jesus are final and i¢ taking, and as we come --that is one only that This applies to Coats," and all Furs. ~ We are in the middle of our annual stock- across an odd fur piece - we cannot duplicate-- it is placed on sale at a big reduction to clear... Capes, Scarfs, Muffs Fur Chokers aslowas . . . ..$3.50 Fur Shawl Collars down to ., 6.50 J Fur Scarfs as lowas ........18.00 Fur Sets (Muff and Cape). x down to .. veswnind v2 45.00 | Fur Capes as low as . . ....20.00 Fur Cons aa lows ...... 45.00 Sanderson, who passed away on Sun- || Announcement STYLES that come straight from Paris, the Fashion Capital of the World, may be found in The Spring Fashion Book Styles that are practical, mod- ish, and easy to make PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS for March -are ready and awaiting your ap. proval. Notice that each one is Sass veces ----_--_-- ® eos Sy - AR ---- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 10%5. hen Leacock y Rex Beach «+... by Peter B. Kyne + +++... by James Oliver Curwood sss visess.s.. by John Murray Gibbon «+s... by W. J. Locke Francis Hodgson Bur- OOK STORE 'OPEN NIGHTS ~~ 3 Mrs. C. G. Edgar of New York, > Representative of the Pictorial Review. Patterns Tuesday, February 20ta You are-cordially imvited to call and discuss your Troubles. with her. She will help you smooth them out to your entire sausfaction, and the pleasure will be hers. MARCH PATTERNS NOW ON SALE Pictorial Quarterly for Spring contains all the advance styles . ..25¢. Pictorial Magazine for March ity | Pictorial Patterns Sold Only by r Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 18e. Ea 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3,500 020 Livingston Ave. detachod cement block; gas; electric light; hot air fur- nace. ) Fire Insurance. FOR RENT / 87 York Street--S3 rooms and toilet. 4 186 Stephen Btreet--6 rooms, toilet, gas. Money to Loan. I =