F THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FOR-- - COUGHS, COLDS and ASTHMA We Sell and Recommend DR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY " REMEDY. L. T. Best DRUGGIST P WE Have a Large Stock of Wat im Fountair Pens and Eversharp Pencils Any type of Pen oint or style of holder can be sup- Announcement Ki ton Taxi ce PHONE 960 wish to announce that they comply strictly to city tarif. Day and Night Service. 'E 5 SAXTON COAL For Hot Air Furnaces and Heaters--$15.00 per ton. CANNEL COAL For Grates--$18.00 ton. WooOoD Slabs--cut 12" long, $3.75 load Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 load. plied. | --ALSO-- we are well equipped for all REPAIRS for either Pen or Pencil." versharp Leads al- ways in stock. MITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited Established 1840. King Street, Kingston | Tr . * joy TALES iL IN SUNNY LANDS | More About the Solomons. ! "Think what wonders were the portion nS ai yt Sort aN tion: To the isles where palm-trees grow. | "The Solomon Istanders, Teddy id Uncle Frank, "vary almost as much as the natives of Papua, but those one meets on the Moresby, or {in places away from home, impress {one as being of & more rugged types |that some of their ancestors at least were pirates. A mam whose ances- tors were half . cannfbal and half pirate should be quite a character, Hi W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. : rd The Arctic ocean is sald to be | getting warmer, with the result that dcebergs are getting scarcer and her- rings are being found in the old | ghest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Junk .Communicaté with Standard Metal & Waste Company M. ROSEN, Manager. Office and Warehouse: 170-172 RIDEAU STREET Phone 2060J. 'don't you think?" |- "'They certainly sound interesting, | Uncle," replied Teddy, "but from the {appearance of the war canoes on the {Solomon Island stémps you game me, they must 'be quite clever boat- ers." "Would you ltke to be able to tuild a canoe like the ones you see on the stamps, Teddy? I expeot that you would, but how do you think you would manage to sew the planks together? They are sewn together rand then caulked. You. must re- member that yntil quite recently these people were stone-age men and did not have nails to work with. Do you notice the high carved prow and |stern that produc: almost a cres- | cent-like appearance. These and the sunwale are often .{nlaid with mother-of-pearl, and wreathed with strings of shells and feathers. It makes them look quite interesting.' "I suppose the birds end insects are much the same as in"Papua, Uncle?" "To a great extent they are, but there are some birds that belong to Fapua and to practically nowhere clée. I am not sure, but I do not think the great frog found- in the Solomons is found in New Guinea, Rana Guppi is the name the scient- ists have given them, and it weighs two to three pounds. I confess that I'do not know very much about frogs, but I always understood that there were no true frogs in the South Seas, that is in AuetraMan waters, for most of the Solomon Islands are {north of latitude tem |means that they are uearly up to the equator. They are {always considered as being in the [South Seas, as you would soon find jout if you had any dealings with the great Sydney South Sea Fouse in Australa." "Who do the Islands belong to, Uncle?" "They used to belong to the Brit- ish Empire and to Germany, The | Germans called them 'Salomoin- |seln.' They are now British. I only seal-fishing grounds. a ~ Fixtures This Spring many people-will be required to do some decorating and repairing after they | out. See our stock of Electric Fixtures and Shades, also our samples of Wall. Papers. They will give your home the desired effect. The new Sample B Papers are in. Call and see 'them. Estimates given on Electric work and on Painting, Papering and Deco- rating. General Con Heating Specialists, Jobbers of work of all kinds undertakes. elvey & Birch, Limited and Mouse Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Best Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Werk; Electric work; Painting aud Paper Hanging. Special > et their fires ooks of Wall Steam Fitters and Plumbers, 1 Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces, covered in Blue Silk . brocade--regular $275. Special . ..$190 3 Pedestal Floor Lampe--| Rose Silk, - 2 Blue Silk Shades. . Regular $25. Special seessens veseseses... $14.95 : Ssets Dining Room Chairs, 2 Fumed: and | Golden Finish; Upholstered - _ Seats. Reg. $35. Special .....$20.50 |learn that all mentioned a few of them, but there Te Malaita, Velli Lavella, Ronongo, Kulambangra, Kausagi, New Geor- gia, or Rublena, and a Jot more. A big coral reef, Ongtong Java, lies to the north, By the way, dM I tell you thet Lieutenant Shortland dis- covered New Georgia In 1788. Some- where about 1845, the French Marist Fathers started a mission there, the good Monseigneur Dpaulle, the first vicar apolostic of Melsnesta, was killed by the savage Solomon Island- ors." "Are they less savage today?" asked Teddy. ' "Yes, most of them are, The Brit- ish Flag: soon brings fairness and Justice to the ves, and they soon white men are not thieves and robbers' It is the rogu- ery of white men that has caused the deaths of so many missionaries." Tomorrow's talk is mainly about Sandalwood. Shipping The Feldspar Limited is shipping feldspar from Godfrey in very large quantities. There is a new use to which feldspar je being put and the demand is y increasing, After being ground comparatively fine it is jsold in bags and barrels to contrac- jtors who use it for the outside coat of plaster .in "stucco houses, The effect of the feldspar in the plaster is said to be very artistic. en ------ On Wednesday Rev. D. A. Cowan united in marriage Miss Agnes {Evelyn McNish, daughter of the late iil ET trading | | AT STELLA, AMHERT ISLAND "The High Scheol Pupils Gave Con- cert and Dance Stella, Feb 14.--The islanders are driving on the ice. Quite a num- ber have been driving down the lake to 'he city, but report a num- er/ot cracks to contend with. ~The teaching etaff 4&nd pupils {of the high school gave a concert :and dance in Victoria hall on Friaay evening last. It was well attended | An xcellent programme was ren- | dered, Rev. W. F. MoCree acted: as chairman. George Tugwell is connneda to the Kingston General hospital where he | is undergoing treatment. Miss Eva | ,| Glenn underwent an operation Jn the Kington General hospital . last week. She is doing nicely. -Orwid Burleigh, an aged resicent of the island, is seriously il, The home of Samuel Miller is un- der quarantine with scarlet fever. Several members of the family have suffered from the disease. It is of a mild type. George Brown, Jr., had the misfortune to have his right | hand bady cut witht the circular saw which he was operating one day last week. He is having it treated at the Kingston General hospital, Rev. J. C.. Dixon, attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. | (Tucker, in Montreal, last week. Mrs. | T. Baker, attended the funeral of | Wiis sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Aubin, | fu Kingston last week. Mrs, H. BH Paterson has -bean spending a few deys in the city NOTES FROM PERTH ROAD, ~y Number of People Suffering ¥rom "Flu" and the Grippe. Perth Road, Feb, 17.--The storm on St. Valentine's Day blocked the roeds somewhat. Many were out with snow plows and shovels, A number are ill with the "flu" and grippe, in- cluding Willlam Peters, Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks, and family, Mrs, R. Rouse- horne and Miss Maude Rousehorne, May and Annie Stonness, and Mrs, C. Shales. A number intend shipping hogs on Friday. Word was received on Tuesday of the, death of Miss Roberts, sister o Mrs. J. H, Roberts. Deceased passed away in'the Kingston General Hospi- tal. The remains were brought to her brother's home where the funeral was held at 10 a.m, on Friday, and {rom there to Wilmur cemetery. ~The Community Club held a box social on Friday evening. The Mis- slon Circle will meet next Thursday at Miss Nina Guthrie's. The Helping Hand will meet in two weeks at Mrs. 5. Black's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harris | have gone to Cleveland, Ohio, to at- | tend the funeral of the latter's bro- | ther, Edward McFadden. Mrs. S. | Slack returned after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Darling Lake Opindcon. a ---------- Reports From Morton, 4 Morton, Ted, 15.--Jehold Coons psaw-mdll is running at full blast. A great number of logs are coming in. The village people are taking advant- age of the good slelghing, putting in ice and getting their fire wood, Henry York who got his arm badly eut in the sawing machine, is improving. Donald Martin, the youth who had his eye so badly injured, has return- ed to Kingston Hospital hn after spending a few days at his ' home 'here. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Steacey's, Tuesday last. Claud Somerville has gone on an extended visit to Winnipeg, vis- iting his two brothers, Robert and Clifford. Miss Lizzy Timlin, Ottawa, has returned home after visiting friends in Jones' Fulls and Morton, the last month. Ambrose Timlin, Kingston, is visiting friends in the village, Mrs, 8. Jacob's condition is | unchanged. Nurse Davis fs in attend- ance, Mrs. H. Dean is still very. ill. The many friends of 5. Wills are pleased to see him out again after an attack of la grippe, A number of children are suffering with whooping cough, ------ , Notes From Welli hy A Wellington, Feb. 17.--R. W. Ire- land is spending a few days in Tor onto. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best and baby, Lloyd, are home" from Toronto, where they have spent sev- eral weeks visiting relations. Mr. and Mrs. George Green and Helen returned on Wednesday from Mar-! mora, where they had been attending ; 1H E He sh i ii oi £1 i : i ' > PROBS:Tuesday, snow falls, colder by night. a [ Visit These now taking advantage of the good | See E=== Trips Into The Store. RING ry " Gone are the modes of winter--here are the modes of Spring. Each one a vital interpretation of the modes as expert designers have conceived it--each one an irresistible challenge to every woman everywhere. For here is the new, tH¥ best and most charming fash- ipns ever to emerge into an expectant world. : Your Early and Leisurely 'Inspection Is Requested ' | The née McCall Magacine + NEW SPRING SUITS 1,000 new Spring Suits, strictly tailored models with braided de- signs and Chic Bloused Coats that give that ultra appearance the 7 uette imparts. New, clever Eee spotlight, strictly tailored modes. $16.50 up to $75.00 NEW WRAPS *- Favoring new dressy types -- graceful drapes, cape sleeves, 'unique braid - trimmings. Top Coats are swagger in fabrics, uniquely patterned and in- lined with color. $15.00 up t0,$75.00 Frocks of Spring Swing Many a Clever Fold and Flaunt oh Oriental Color. - Frocks so versatile in every way present a vast "selection. Striking printed patterns in softly Jf draped styles--coat frocks of Twill or Wool Crepe are cleverly braided, Crepe Romaine, ; Flat Crepes, Cantons, Taffetas, Twills and _ Wool Crepes are favored fabrics. yy ey | $10.00 Wish To Know What's What for 4 Early Displays If You » for Spring now oh sale Te «$62.50 |