Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1923, p. 6

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tn 1 ey THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG hyo a Za MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1088, THE BRITISH WHIG| THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. lation In this zone would cause trou- | BIBLE 'THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY 90TH YEAR. /nited Empire, of London, de-| ble, and the British troops would x - HOW TO GET AN IN-' |clares that though the state of the | then be forced to take steps againsy| Fon = ; Nes | A be- | the Ger tect the French. CREASE: --Let the people EXTRA VALUER ' q | world's affairs makes it bard to e- | o opmals lo grotest the | ttn thee, O God;. let all the people | , in z BIBBY'S . MENS. |ago, hope is certainly encouragad by | also be a breach of neutrality as it 5 | in gwhile fashion 'decrees something {of co-operation has been developed | fected by thé settlement is reached satisfactory to | Although 'you state Others readily endoree this view. In| both parties. : | Wb sets you dont agree. for-| i LR Neat patterns, late models. Sizes 34 to 44, for 1 the Asiatic Review Sir P. 8. Siyas-| pel I'n oh rs rod ¥ : war Alyer, Who atigined the thing MOSCOW'S BACKDOW V. | "But what the poets speak the truth. | $27. 50 : 1 \ 6 oo ° session as a representative of India, | fe enthusiasm for the Mascow | Ive always found | That man's content with little here | ' f Sh ' {shows that the assembly is far from |g varnmens 46 probabil much ofi~tho \ 3 * Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by!® P y below; ' i) ; - THE BRITISH 'WH1G PUBLISHING being a mero costly debating soctety, wane, both in Berlin and Angord, A giaes of beer. y Sf : : MEN'S TROUSERS 00. IAMITED~., |and that its work so far constitutes | As... allowing themselves to be used} A suit of clothes and just a piec- > dent|a record of which ft may justly be lag 4 hogy to influence both the Laus-| ture show. LT. SUA. 87 pairs of Men's English Hair line; pure wool Managing. Di Javor Proud, Sir Joseph Cook describes anne conference and the pollcy of | ou Lanes ; ! ) Tweed Trousers, Sizes 32 to 48 at UR W/ ' J ' TELEPHONE | the array of subjects before thie third py 0q 1 the Rubr, the Bolshevists | "She threw herseif oc Bim" said % Private Exchange, connecting all | assembly as formidable. Its out- have suddenly "gone back" on their | Binks. : ' ° fs Sapartments [standing achievement was = the |Gemnan and Turkish friends and re-| "Yes" replted Jinks, "ut ane | 4.50 alr SUBSCRIPTION RATES | ve tra an | Proposed, whe threw' him down be- - | f G0 rrr hE Sn sem communi of satin 5 poe mi oh Selene renin | Zo, Bn \ ! " 1 ! t is now annoounc rom Mos~ g i One year, if paid in ad $5.00 | | | ' % ' One year, by mafl re inch 2.50 | Order. Its most interesting discus- cow that Russia will only" defend | * Oueh ! s ; MEN S UNDERWEAR Oné year, to United States $3.00 'sion was on the proposed treaty for tack | "A sclentist tells me thers are 3,- . : - ' (Semi-Weekly Edition) : herself if attacked, but will give no 000,000 species of insects in the world," Heavy ribbed wool Shirts and Drawers. Regu- lieve that the ideals of the League | The necessity of taking a sda ive thee. Then shall the earth : MEN'S SHIRTS {of Nations are 'any nearer realiza- | would be avoided by handing the (eld her increase; and God, even | at $1.95 I'don Aas they were when thé League | Whole zone over to the French. But |... own God, shall bless us.-- Psalm | : [came into existence three years this, it is argued in England, would 67: 6, 6. ! STOCK T KI : la record of what has already been | would be an indirect way of Increas- | sensible protection for thetr ¢hin ! j -| Ing the French grip on the Ruhr |soles--Sam Hill = ; jaccomplished at Geneva. Lord Ro- | Ing : grip , 4 . . . wl. . . [bert Cecf) says so strong @ habit | valley. 'A compromise has been ef-| They've got to wear 'em, for ones 'Don't Miss Paying Us a Visit if youareina Money-Saving Mood British agreeing 10) ruining that 1s useful If mot OMe : [by the meetings of the counall and vacate a portion of the zone through } mental. 2 .--Tom Deming. MEN'S YO G ' \ which the railway passes. Thus a| . Ls % AND UN MEN Wassembly that the atmosphere of [W | What Mam Wants. : y {the League has become a reality. i ; A . P ERFECTLY TAILORED SUITS One year, by mall, cnsh .81.00/ a mutual guarantee with a view to active aid to any one beyond her own * | , . remarked B ous Fear, i ht bald tu 2dva S150] disarmament, This year a concrete frontiers, She will not even aid the | nclading: x yappose, the species : lar $1 50, $1.75, $2.00 value. For QUTLOR TOWN KEFRESENTATIVES, "Homo Will be formulated by the | German workers (f they should | that wears troreeny on one (oD tcle CF Wider. 2 St. John St. Montreal Mixed commission to Which it Was bring off a social revolution. Nothing | es stand dn the street car" snapped : $ 1 00. each ¥. Ww. re Feruio. King St. W.! referred. The Wine tout. ot Hie 'has transpired "4 the message the wife. - . ® Letters ° tor are published League's success must 'the reduc- (gent to Angora, but there is OVOIY | The. Oranges Must' Found Marriage : - MEN TR i Add the MOA uams Tyr the tion of the world's armaments till reason for believing that the Turks, . a a = S ob OUSERS e ony of the best job {the forces maintained by nations |¢ 0 ! (Divorce nots in Dallas News) 63 pairs Men's fine Worsted Trousers, neat : Attached fe r the be | 00, are to he left to fight their own 3 MEN' Ul I pes. Sizes printing offices in) Canada. *°® amount to mo mors than a sort of | battles. a i Whi Mus Orange vi. Willam SS S - or - : 4 | international police. The League, as| mMpie change of front has probably Tan i : WITH EXTRA PAIR TROUSERS $2.90 PAIR The circulation of THE BRITISH {Colonel Ward says, represents the |come as a cold douche to Angora, It's Their Business. WHIG is authenticated by the {hope of humanity. If 1t fails then where the vague threat of Russian | TO undertakers we : For $25.00 HOSE ABO there seems nothing for #t but to support was Mustapha Kemal's hn es frown 4 patterns ' good quality Tweeds. M '" Pure Wi ose, fine quality, English Audit Bureau of Circulations contemplate the indescribable horr- trump card in dealing with the pOow-| To keep a fellow down. : » Heat go miss a suits. Ribbed Worn Fey ' ors of the next war to which Sir ers. The nationalist army, unaided, --Cinclonatt (Oho) Enquirer. Sives 3410 48, 2: 3 PAIRS 00 ) Hew -- ven | William Manning referred. Recalel- | does not count as a very formidable | Aren't you mistaken, 3 FOR $1. |» Rubiral scenes are not all peaceful. |trants there myst alwways be in en fighting force against the Allied | Think it over, my friend; r------------ | imperfect world, but there is no rea- troops. Undertakers. plant 'em J The trouble with too many 'pro- son why they should be allowed to 7ith So that they may ascend. } | With a million or so Russian --Warren Tribune. Sressives" is that they aren't, | smash civilization any more than troops looming up vaguely behind ' ee ' 10 the criminal element is allowed to | Turkish contingents, Mustapha Not Needed a Family Oar. 3 : On 3 - A man's sins stay around await- | dominate national life, Kemal was a power to be reckoned | A #peiking tubs has been invented Kingston s Cash and One Price Clothing House ing the opportunity of using a mega- | to extend from dhe Tear of a motor . 'phone, : MANUFACTURING SUNSHINE with. But his badly equipped army, bus to the driver's seat to enable the hy { MA) A A NE. opposed single-handed to seasoned latter to hear signals from following : . J . .. | For years there have been efforts | British. French and. Italian troops, | cars.--News item. This may be uge- on, © Divorces don't multiply so Tapid-| to produce rain by artificial meas. |would have no chance of victory, | ful on a motor bus, but where friend mins ain baegetiua i ly in a community where the people] The public will readily recall the The collapse of the Moscow bubble le jr gitting on he heat ake . y | do. | work of Hatfield in Alberta a year |will mean the end of the Angora |'Pand directions on how to drive. Pr a ing ream A hey called film plots? al or so ago. Reglons afflicted with | "pute." - Help. \ a Why are they oa Mm Piols? A! drought have pald good hard coin to 3 V J i im © sometin ou can sce g ---------- Since medical science ' a ] b ng you | experimenters, but where results . . \ Has learned to graft on us pigs ugh, % . ® ---- n were.obtained it 4s not at all certain . ves, b ei a-- ; Here's hoping that they wil Clogged Air P. Open at | J Naturally enough, when the world | that they were due to the efforts of That Prevent our suffering from pig Onoe--Nose and Throat Clear. : ig ide down the dregs come to the operators. 'The rain might have i stys. By ; th pe | --Pprobably would have--come any ---- It your nostrils are clogged and -- S 9 10p. | way. However, at McCook Field, at 0 p : nave It Down to a Science. ), |YOUT head stuffed because of catarrh . { * "They say a blind man develops a |OF a cold, get Ely's Cream Balm at The' 2 nfused dd Dayton, Ohio, scientific experiments A 2 - d A I ¢ this . . ¢ man of confu eas may > of Tonerful sense of toueh," remarked A govt wire to 20% OFF ON ALL OUR -BOOTS, ot know where he is going, but he Jame oi Sondusted in So pration IL does & wheal cream into your nostrils and let it is on his way, ° "lw 6 army air service which are u Fi man ways 3 ) ! hard up," growled Smith, who was | Penetrste Lhrough every alr passage SHOES ETC. P announced to have produced rain. 3 Pours looking over his I. Q. Us. of your head and membranes. Instant H tH] ' EVENING SLI - ) -------------- No 1 duck need BSyiffer if he | The clouds were made to disappear oie relief. PERS AND OXF 2 ue Jue 5. How good it feels. Your head Is ORDS. las a typewriter and a litkje know- | and precipitated their moisture. The Dally Sentence Sermon. The bigger you feel the smaller you | Clear. Your nostrils as: spen. = You ledge of official scandal, .. "~_ Tesult was obtained by dropping { By James W, Barton, M.D, - : i : iar vs Thad eet die ssta [| --NO DISCOUNT, ON RU3BERS---. ---- | electrically-charged sand on the Ty . ------ If he doesn't care how he looks, | clouds from aeroplangs. The feeling ' of dizzinees is most News of the Nambs Club, yield Hke magic. pil stuffed be has fallen beneath hope or climB-| The chief offect observed was not unpleasant whether you have the| J. W. Blewitt, of Jeffersonville, is a | UP, choked up and Fable. Roller member of the band thers, but he |i SUre. "© od beyond competition, { In the amount of moisture precipi- $enanston of iting or sinking, or nar Ina Bana : The S a tated but in dissipating the clouds, the things around you seem to be . et wo d er oe tor None of the infant republics ap-| and value for this is forecast in |Whirling or sinking. -The physician ATuros wuomar mu ofan--Ohazies i Wy e . Pear to be afflicted with dnfantile | the removal of fogs over cities. The [8¢ldom worries about dizziness in play for us at church some Sunday. 3 4 paralysis of the grabbing hand, » experimenters foresee a practical | YOURE People, because the causes are ---------- é Phone 159. = 184 Princess St. a immediate benefit fn the means]. t1Y One of two things namely, - jan ' from the Intestines and liver, due to A bathing sult is the/only garment | of making mists, which often ob- indulgenes in food, or form Neuras- 4 kL that can make somé girls more scure flying fields, disappear at will. | thenta (tired nerves) due to over GANANOQUE i thinly dlad when summer comes. | phe time taken to destroy the clouds {indulgence in food, or from Neuras-|. rr h | . : TT -- and bring out the suh, presumably, | mental work. The method of rid- n . a There is nothing new under the rarely exceeds two minutes. ding yourself of dizziness from above a J) The oon Mine Sutees BITTER »> sun, except, perhaps, the queer led | Causes is evident, Do without food nme the .Delaney Theatre . While rain has been precipitated for a day or two or ting r | Saturday evening, under the auspices { 'ORANGES ' things 'a legislative body thinks of. In small quantity, the tests do not brain if dizsiness is due to worry or | ©f the Winona Circle of Grace : : Fer the Lenten Season at For Marmalade | The honeymoon is over when he | "%°® to offer much hope for relief mental work. There is another cause | Church, drew a packed house, and Pewins to tamamber That hb once bad in cases of drought when the sky of dizziness I really should mention | there was also a very large attend- ay . 8 number of delightful men friends, | "CMAi08 brassy. -Since clouds are |and that is from eye strain, the over- | 81¢e in the afternoon. Every one Our Oanadi < ¥ now in stock. required on which to operate, and |yse of the eyes, or using the eyes| Was most enthusiastic about it. . Question e % ore ' one nie. thie about hay. | 167 must also contain moisture, | Without glasses or with wrongly fit-| Mrs, Campbell accompanied Henry And Answer i : : lng dont 1 over ho penton, | Poh conditions are tikely to at Tits oe To oer a | Svapieil %% 8 Duis tip tg Ot vad (| rom srmmwr - » raene mess. [||| Jas. REDDEN & Co. Fewer things are considered acts of Apel Pits Al 13 most 1 "|are a variety of causes 'of dizziness A. Larmer, of the staff of the| Q "What #8 the extént of Can- Phones 20 and 990. 'war, ut if fogs can be removed at wi 1, and they require careful considera- | General Motors, Oshawa, sgent the |ada's ownership investments? "The House of Butipg 2 ; the invention will be of great value tion, ' It may be due to the harden-| week-end in Gananoque. A. Canada had in 1922, $3,000- : tion Switzerland does not seem to ex.| \D Many localities, since the system ing of the arteries. The artery in| Miss Loretta Beaubien, Toronto, Is | 000,000 invested in publicly Swag perience any éhortage of cities in | "8S Not difficult to put into effect | the wrist, feels almost Hke the stem | home on account of the serious iil. |and operated enterprises, vis; mun! which international conferences may provided 'the proper appliances are [of a pipe. Sometimes in older peo- | nes of her brother. - cipal, $215,000,000; provincial be bela 7 | available. = ple also it is due to some forms of| W. D. Squire, Bank of Com-|$315,000,000; Seredat, $1,660,000 oleh . heart trouble. There is a form of [ merce, Kingston, spent the week.|000. Hetimate of Citizen's Research em gm TT. dizziness also which is due to dis-| end at his home here. Institute of Canada. Some people think they are good BRITISH NEUTRALITY, turbances in the middle ear accom-| Misd Lottie Laughton feft Satur.| Q. How many letters and post- Just because they enjoy being horri-| = The British cabinet has a very panied by shock, Nausea, and vomit- | day to spend a few holidays in To- | cards were mailed In Canada in 1931- Sed Dy the sins of those who are] delicate-and difficult problem to face (Ing with all sorts of hissing and | ronto. = _ wt 3 wt ny on 3 a ht, roaring sounds in the Partlal | Mis Kat] 2 Over half-a-bill etter an ug! In the matter of neutrality in the ng ear, is 'Kathleen Boyle, teacher ot a Woy a ------ Rhineland. Premier Bonar Law's|deafuess being always present, which | Holland public school, spent the Is the important part to remember. | week-end here with her parents, Mr. | IR the yoar 1921-22, the sale of 337 BARRIE ST, (Near Princess). OVFIOR HOURS: 3-4, 7-830 p.m. © Thrift is the knack of convincing | Policy was summed up fn his part- Dox't let dizriness worry you. There | and Mrs. John Boyle. stamps totalling $28,350,000. Jourself that' you'd probably grow |-!& words to M. Poincare, in which 15 a cause for it, 50 get busy and dis-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper spent : red of the darned thing even if you | N® expressed the begt wishes of the [cover 10 With most of us an old | Saturday in Kingston. M, E. Knox bas been chosen chalr- #hould buy it. British government for the success friend (or enemy) overeating is at| Irving Bruce has accepted a posi-| Man Of the Picton Collegiate Insti- -- of the French policy of the occupa- the bottom of it. If you find that tion in Windsor. 3 The boy stood on the burning! tion of the Ruhr, while at the same | dizziness persists after fasting and Jack Prettie spent the week-end deok years ago, but there's nothing ( time giving utterance to his grave |the effective clearing out of the in, in Kingston. fo make It hot for the modern | doubts as to its efficacy. The most |!estine it would be as well to have 8 | Bruce "Hall, on the staff of the : youth with a cold deck. the British government could pro-[Phrsiclan help you- to locate the | Sydenham Hospital, , spent y ia SEN BITUMINOUS 3 : mise was benevolent. neutrality, |S*3%°. Remember thers is always| Sunday in Gamanaque. y : a a cause, : A daughter 'was born to Mr. and ; : ? : . . Movie & fn - suit for divorce This neutrality has on the whole " ; : ¥ Rr bhae Toret | y well maintained. In no quar- SI _{ Mes. Ward Valles on Sturdey, the | x er 9% Egg and : should he, with his spouse gett- | ter in England has any sympathy - Miss Pearl Turcotte, Kingston, Cation , : & million per year, been 'éxpressed for Germany in the wi » ; S . Si ---- "| vient nto watch sho nas brought || ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR {is visiting "ner mover tor» tow 2 vs ~ tove Size The reason lightaig never strikés | OTIC. At the same time serious BY SAM HELL }| The many triends of W. MeCar- |} We are always sup- art a ta : doubts are felt In many circles as to . \ ney, proprietor. of the . . . : et Particularly adapted for Hot %8 In the sme piace is hosius | J fency of ies to know that lied with a full line adequately wrecks the ultimate q a Expediency the French action After the Day of Rest. : a iS cold, A Pp : Air Furnaces and . Quebes the first time. 3. the Ruy They say that Sunday is a day of a SsVore of sick | Heaters. Price 2 This question was recently brought and threatened with pneumonia. } : room _ res ; ' . a Temt, Le : 2 The final outcome of that little to a crisis by a request from the, And thought ft may have been in days On the in. of isit La pa . i r matter should throw some | Paris government that & small strip Th I thnk, that Monday | Me : ne ; 15 00 PER ought to be ; o J g VV TON t on the theory that hell is pav-| of Rhineland territory held by the 2 "| sented hop: . E'with good intentions. © | British should be handed ar For then we feel'the need of rest-| watoh, acco 1 ? wants and let us de- liver promptly. , French decdfation. The request was| _In% more in Hollywood in the use f| runs a line of railway tapping the ¢ memb v , C 23 3 BES, an investigator reports. Foi | Ruhr coal basin. This the French - Museum 0110 : Dr. Chown's Drug Store 'There has been a marked de-| made because on this strip there > E& hation see mortality statistics. | desired to utilize for the export of : X fal 2 . Dr. : w Ruhr coal to France. The French sentence: "Billy," | government pointéd out 'that "you may have myY coal trains would probably bave to) Crawford + while, but call me be operated by French crews. n | must fully ho, to! | wEDNES 4 BR : 3 ail Phone 9. Foot of Queen Be, Rermio n begins". was possible that the German popu- : al ; Tk Spam. : CR ? wey 0 RAN gs

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