Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1923, p. 7

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"THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ¥ ; * For The Latest Styles In Hats See Van Horne's shipment of Soft Hats just received in all shapes and styles. Geofge VanHorne's ' Phone 362. f 213 Princess StYeet. have headaches. relatives wonder why they are so irritable. In all probability, . the cause lies in some defect of the . eyes, which glasses would correct. Foolish to suffer when science has .® remedy, Correct Glasses do not disfigure, 'but improve the appear- Talk ft over with our Optometrist. They Thetr Registered Uprometris st. Upp. Post 8 roomed. cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $8,750. Also double ¢ement block house with all improvements. Very easy terms, $5,000. Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products 'OFFICE: 6V Patrick Street Phone 730w. SPECIAL VALUE GENTS 'WATCH = ------ " If you eay @ man is ungraterul, "you can impute to him no more de- "geatable act. Impatimce dries the blood sooner [in %than age or sorrow. 3 - $8.00 A Nickel, Open Face Case, fitted with a 15 Jewelled move- ment--a high grade Watch which we sell regularly at $12. To clear at ween §8., 00 eee Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON ve Dr. Nash Dentist - 183 PRINCESS STREET Best Fquipped Office in Kingston We try to observe the Golden Rule both Service and Fee, x "Royal Doulton Dinnerware Our open stock pattern of "Old Leeds" Spray is now complete. Let us know what pieces you want before it is again sold out. THE GREAT PROBLENS | | {church in the city of Kingston, and | day. TAT CORON CH The Soclal Service Work as It Pertains to Can- ada. -- "There are paople outside of the always have been," declared Rev, GQ. I. Campbell in speaking of Evangel- ism and Social 6 in Queen street - Methodist' church on Sune "One of the great prob- lems that confronts the church is found in the unemployed rich, and not In the unemployed poor," sald he in discussing the q of evan- gelism &nd the need for it in the pro~ gramme of the ohurdh, Rev, Mr. Campbell is the secretary of Evangelism and Social Service in the Methodigt church, and he dis- cussed' the programme which has been 'laid down and which require the enthusiastic co-operation of all of the church members, : "The church has but one pro- gramme. Speaking generally the church is quite famiMar with parts of this programme, such as the mis- slonary work in the domestic and some of the foreign flelds. We have a fair knowledge of the missionary worker, but the social service work is a part about which we are perhaps not so well informed upon. I will direct particular attention to the Canadian part of the church's work. "We have spent considerable time upon the temperance question. but we have a different temperance law in every province. We are experi- menting, and I think that in this province we are only in the experi- mental stage. Ve are asking for tter laws, and In the meantime Carr; on our educational ocam- paign. Methodist church was the pioneer in temperance work, and We were alone for some time. To- day we have wide co-operation, "Then there is the Labor question. and. it is well worth while for us to study this question when there are three hundred groups of men doing this in Canada today, from the em- |rloyer on the one hand and the work- J ing men on the other. The Labor programme of the church calls upon us to face this issue. Then we have a great problem in the narcotic drug lssue. This is a very diffeiit prob- lem to fully understand with all of its terrible evils. Amusements and entertainments call for the attention of the church in the Interest of the veople, - There is a suggestion of a programme for home and comnfunity entertainment as solution of the craze for amusement, eliminating cards and dancing. I'am not speak- : ing of ghe little. home dance, but of the dance hall without supervision. "There at the back of all of our programme the great moral question, but there is not one single point in the churche programme' on any question that ie not challenged by the world todey.: It is challenged in every quarter, .Jl.ook at the enorm- §[ity of the growing practice of smok- ing by ladies." The speaker toM of the evils of the cigarette and related an incident on a trein when he saw one woman seated with five men and smoking. "This is not the way for the women of Canada to reise our esteem but they will bring it down to a lower level," We gtand for a high standard of morals in our social service programme.' Mr. Campbell told of the work carried on by the social service workers of the church at seven roints -in Canada, Truro, Montreal, Toronto; Hamilton, Winnipeg, Rd- monton and Vancouver, They are entirely madequate for they work. "Take the city of Ottawa where there are sixtyeeven Protestant when that chiid js eight years oi it will never leave the church; but with educating our children up to twelve years we only see them leave us. "But in our attempts tg solve the oroblems of social service we cax- not dispense with 'the evangelletic campaigns, for I believe that thera is a growing desire for a more in- telligent stattment of the great plan of salvation." Here the speaker gave particular: instances of conversions and answering the question why it Was necessary to conduct a campaign on social service, said it could not bu dispensed with. yin places like Kingston we have no great social Question, but we find that some of our most acute problems are in the rural distriets and villages, If is the unemployed rich who are at the bottom of the trouble, and every church must adopt a strong social service. programme. The Salvation Army 'and the Roman Catholic church always have dono this and it is significant today that they are the two bodies that are actually growing stronger and making progress. We must make ours 80 effective that all problenis will be solved. This calls for the consecration of all individual members of the church to the work. Here in Kingston you might bring a soul to @od, for Kingston has al- ways had souls outside 'the church" Rev. W, 8. Lennon conducted the pervices and the quartette "No Ewil Shall Befall Thee," was beautifully jendered by Mrs, J. Crawford, Mrs. Fdgar, Miss Allen and Miss Bowers. A special contribution was asked on behalf of the Soclal Service fund BARREN NORTHLAND MAY PROVIDE RICHES J. D. Oralg Qives Thrilling Lecture at'Ottawa on Arc- tic Archipelago. Ottawa Journal The Arctic Archipelago, ordinar- ily looked upon as barren waste land, may become a prized terr- tory of the Dominion if the re- sources are devaloped, J. D, Craig, commander of the Canadian Arctic expedition of 1922, contended at a lecture last evening in the Victoria Museum under the auspices of the Engineering Institute of Canada. Mr. Craig said that the real development of the archipelago would come when mineral resources were found in pay- ing qualities. There was alsv a possibly of providing a world meat supply on game, principally musk ox. ; Indications were that these resources would at some time be developed. The lecture was one of the most interesting of its kind. ever given in Ottawa and was thoroughly ap- preciated by the 500 present. Five thousand feet of film showing the interesting parts of the expedition and the lend visited, were shown on the screen. This was the first time the fim hed <been exhibited. It was announced by Mr. Craig that the- picture would be edited withing the next fow weeks and re- leased by the Government for gen- eral distribution, The film showed the iwute travelled, Bafiin Island, Ellesmere Island, Pond's Inlet, and Green- land among the principal points visited. The expedition, Mr. Craig, said, was quickly organised in June, 1922, for the purpose of making a survey of the archipelago for the further establishmeaqt of police posts. I" The intention of the Government, He said, waa to cover the whole terri- tory with these posts insthe uext few years. He explained that the total area of the archipelago was 500,000 square miles, Baffin Island being the largest with an area. of 211,000 square miles. Small moss IN -------- MM us it is too often the ease that after c Ladies' Rubbers ABERNE 200 pairs Ladies' " Brown and Black--regular $1.00 in Black and $1.50 in Brown-<-all clearing at High Heel Rubbers -- all sizes 2 to 7-- Tres ins iasi vung vi GOcents THY'S SHOE STORE This season's teas have arrived. Enjoy at its beat. Neo o tea quite as good, DALY'S GOOD TEA Re matier what you may pay for it. Order to-day from MAROOD'S DRUG STORE - THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpemt work, Estimates given on mew Frid laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- 0 itn our mew floor cleaning ma- chine, ' SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET, Bonar Law Qiven - Vote of Confidence London, Feb. 17.--The House of Commons yesterday gave Premier Bonar Law a vote of confidence on his Ruhbr policy. A labor amendment to the resolu- tion adopting the palicy outlined by the king's speech from the throne at the opening of parliament was de- feated 277 to 180. CONCLUDING ADDRESS, Re By Dr. Herbert Gray at Queen's On Sunday. Dr. Herbert Gray, Glasgow, Scot- land, completed his series of ad- dresses at Queen's on Sunday morn- ing when he spoke on the subject, "The Kingdom 6f God." The .meet- ing was well attended and the oon- cluding address was judged by many as one of the best of the eeries || which the eminent Scottish preacher |H delivered during his visit at the! col- ego. Principal Taylor presided. Sat- urday evening, Dr, Grey's subject was "What are the - Fuidamentals™ when he, as on the previous occas- ons gave an inspiring talk, Continuing on his visit of Can< adian colleges Dr. Gray left Sunday noon, His in piring addresses and personality will be long remembered by those who heard him. ] ------------ The greatest contribution of all the cause of "Better Homes," with its unprecedented ar- ray of worth-while savings. Our. F. ebruary Furniture Sale is a rare opportunity for every home lover. : Watch our windows for daily bargains of Sample Suites from recent Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition. JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR SERV Let Us Do Your Catering We are fully equipped to do catering for Parties, W. Social 'Events, etc., and our service will he of He wy Sa, DISHES AND SILVERWARE TO RENT. FF. C. HAMBROOK CATERER 115 BROCK STREET. 7 PHONE 19%5w. - David Bradén-et 52-has 'a goodly Sum lai He came into our office to explain what it had meant to him----that $10,000 Endowment Policy he took out 20 years ago. Still in his early fifties he now has $10,000 in cold cash. "We chose the better way of saving, my wife and 1," Mr. Braden ex- plained--"All my salary every year was spent, except the moderate sized cheque that paid-my Life Insurance deposit to the North American Life. comprised the vegetation. There was no timber, but occasionally some willow was found. The difficulties of navigation due to icebergs and ice flops- were clbar- ly shown while many interesting panoramic views of the north land | and portrayals of Eskimo life made! up the bplk of the film. | Mr. Graig is a Queen's University | Arts graduate and a son of the late ex~-Ald. W. G, Cralg, Kiggston. We carry the largest stock of open stock semi-porcelain dinnerware in the city, and prices are lower than else- sixty-seven Protestant ere. : ; \ churches are helpless, but this 1s not so of the Salvation Army ahd Start your DINNER SET now by Se Roum atholie SN oy getting a few pieces and add to it at your convenience. foundling, an infant left on a door- "Come In and Look Around" step fn Ottaws. When found there were only two places that could give it a home, vis, the Salvation Army and the Roman OathoMe church, and into one of the infant hospitals of the church it was taken. o e Others were putting a: their little hundreds year ye; Qath of Office A ratepayer has asked the Whig to publish the form of oath taken by the aldermen, school trustees and "That annual payment represented our 'savings' and the halance of that I will truly, faithfully mpartially and to the best of my ability execute the office to which I have been elected in and Sgr he of Kingston; and that I have no I and will not receive any payment or reward or promise of such for tbe exercise of any ity or malversatlon, or other undue execution of said office; and that I i - fi go : ' § " ~ Solid as the Continent™ | W.d. FAIR, inspector, Kingston, Ontario. X would like to reed "Twenty os fi

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