Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1923, p. 3

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BA il 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 31, 1028 "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'FOR-- COUGHS, COLDS _ and ASTHMA We Sell and Recommend DR. HICKEY"S SPEEDY REMEDY. Have a Large Stock of Waterman Fountain Pens || and Eversharp Pencils GENUINE RUINS Mary Pickford's "Tess" Scen= ery Supplied With Real Thing. When Mary Pickford got through instructing Frank B, Ormston, her {art director, as to how she wanted the reproduction of the lowly fiish- erman's village built for her new rhotoplay version of "Tess of the Storm Country," coming to the Strand theatre all next week, he says he felt just as if he had been plunged into a combination house wrecking and junk business, This feeling was inepired by Miss L. T. Best DRUGGIST Point or style of] holder can be sup- | plied. . --ALSO-- we are well equipped for all - Kingston Taxi Any 'type of Pen | Pickford's emphatic( determination to. attain actual realism by having a "set" in which real dilapidation {should be unmistakable, As describ- {ed by Grace Miller White in her {novel from which this photoplay was {adapted, this centre of the activities lot the lovable Tess constituted a veritable last word in tumble-down shacks and shanties. The requirements of this produc- tion, so explicitly explained by the {dlar, sent Mr, Ormston on a qu st Service ot old things in general which ex- {tended over a period of five weeks REPAIRS for either Pen or Pencil. | Eversharp Leads al- ways in stock. SMITH BROS. PHONE 960 wish to announce that they comply strictly to city tariff. Day and Night Service, All Sedan Cars. 2 SAXTON COAL For Hot Air Furnaces and Heaters--$15.00 per ton. CANNEL COAL For Grates--$18.00 ton. WOOD Slabs----cut 12" long, $3.75 load ' Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 load. W. A. Mitchell & Co. -_15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. Charles Gorman, St. John, N.R., clipped one-fifth of a second off ine 440 yard skating record at Moncton, N.B., on Tuesday. He made it in T 1-6 seconds, . Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Junk Communicate with Standard Metal & Waste Go pany M. ROSEN, Manager. Office and Warehouse: 170-172 RIDEAU STREET 20607. : . fornia. 'and covered most of southern Cali- In San Diego he found a ,Gueer old house, built 43 years ago. He bought the whole thing, took it apart, crated and shipped it to Chatsworth lake, the site selected for the village, where he put it to- gether again and made it one of the dozen or more complete and practical huts In the "set." Up near Santa Barbara he found a particularly cld fashioned door- etep which soon found its way to the shores of Chatsworth. It was on one of the oldest ranches in America that he found the hut "which served a3 the picture home of the Long- mans, Ezra, the younger of whom, cuts such a wide swath in the story through his persistency in foisting his ill-advised love upon the heroine. The shack of Ben Letts, the villain, eame from a real fishermen's village in lower California, as did __also Tess's thoroughly dilapidated cabin. All tI boats and fishing parapher- ralia cyme from wyarious long aband- oned Pucific fishing poitits, Great care was exercised to pre- serve every mark of time: on this large collectton of anticipated mate- rial. Real money was spent to avold the destruction of 'eveh a single cobweb. Old windows with cracked and partly broken panes were hand- led as if they were fine ' cut ghss, Days were devoted to the search for old broken-down furniture and stov- es. More days were dedicated to the jassembling of old<time fishing nets, This Spring many people will be required to da some.decorating and repairing 'after they let their fires out. ™ * See our stock of Electric Fixtures and Shades, also our samples of Wall Papers. They will give -rour home | the desired effect. The new Sample Books of Wall 'Papers are in. Call and see them. rstimates given on Electric work . and on Painting, Papering and Deco- 'Mekevey & Bir Lined nae Favaiehian Trivinn Tesi Cum. Bast Sebpcions Dhret any ADDRESSES AT BETHEL BN I By Miss Mary A. Butterfield --and- Rev. Edgar T. Capel. A 'good-sized audience gathered in Bethe: church on Tuesday evening to heat Miss Mary A. Butterfiuhl, Jerusalém, Palestine, ana Rev. Ed- gar T, Capel, Montreal, who are the speakers with the Christian ana Missionary Alliance now holding Sous days of special meetings in the city. Miss Butterfield todk as her sub- Jeet, "The Mahommedan Problem of Palestine." and gave a very thrilling account of the mission work being carried on in the Holy Land. "There re 760,000 people in Palestine" said the speaker, "of which 78 per ceat. are- Mshommedans. There are aw welve so-called Christian sects pu: most of them are very wicked amd indifferent, and not like the Cnr ians we kpow. These Christian sect and the | ommedans are now un- ited under the name of the Mahom- medan Christian Association, - and thelr chief object is to try and keep the Jew out of Palestine. As they are seeking at all time to keep the the Christians divided, this mukes the work of the missionary very bard. There are 226 billion Mahom- medans in the world to-day praying to the Angad Discord to confound their epemies. They recognize no Trinity, and bit one God, and taav cne Mahommed. How it is that Satan gets control of these' bilnions of people whosesreligion comes from without the pit? And what are we Christians doing about it? The Ma- Buu we Missionaries will preach Christ' 1 Chesterfield Suite, 3 I pieces, covered in Blue Silk brocadé--regular $275. Special ...$190 : 1 Rose Silk, Regular 525 to the Mahommedans if 'we have to Se in going ¥ 'We have one thing to gladden and strengthen a " IN THIS PICTURE g |In 170 BEGIN WORX NEXT WEEK On Collin's Bay Road Diversion --S8ome of the Tenders' Figures. A. H. Muir, secretary of Kingston Suburban Rodds Commission; has is- sued the following. report ~of the | meeting of the commission which | took place on Saturday last: '"The commission has awarded the contract for the cpnstruction of the causeway east of Gollin's Bay to Vic- tor Ostorberg, Halifax, N.8, The tenders were based on unit prices ry using the estimated quantities bs price would be $44,262.35. Twenty-seven tenders were received for ithe rock fill of which Mr. Oster- berg's was the lowest and the highest was for $97,177.20. Tem , tenders were ved for the alternate scheme hich was the concrete bride and rock fil plan, the lowest being $47,651.75 and the highest $103,307.50. The contract calls for the completion of thé work by Aug- aust 1st, I am advisid by Mr. Oster- berg that he intends to commence work next week." The successful tender has done _conriderable work in the province of Ontario, having worked on the Canadian' Pacific Lake shcre line from Belleville to Ottawa. The most of the machinery which will be used in the building of the new roadway is at Halifax but will be brought to Collin's Bay at once. Some me- chinery is in Montreal, and Mr. Os- terberg is in that city this week ar- ranging for the transfer. Among the contractors who sub- mitted prices for the work were Mc- Ginnes & O'Connor, who have con- slructed a la! of provincial » in the province, and Roddy & Monk, Kingston, An Italian contractor, who dlé> work for the provincial highway department near Stratford, and was highly recommended, made a bid for the contract. LAWYERS GROW RICH ON IMMIGRANTS' FEES Den of Thieves "Represent Themselves Able to Control Influence of Congressmen. " Washington, Feb. 21.--In New York City there is a building inhabit- ed by lawyers who make a lving by representing themselves le to control the influence of meéxgbers of ocngress, Representative bert PROBS: --Thursday, snow flurries, colder, winds. I SPRING HATS Refreshing Alike i in Fabric and Trim. No florist's window ever presented a more joyous mes- sage of Spring than the Hats here do. Beautiful Ribkaon Bows lend a piquant charm--graceful Capelines and quaint The colors include delectable, crushed berry tones, green, mimosa and orchid tones. 3.50 to *12.50 p-like shapes loanaquota of romance. lanvin Priced from Johnson, chairman of the Rulés Committee, asserted to the commit- tee yesterday. This building, he®said, is known as a '"'den of forty thieves," and the lawyers in this "den" are growing rich by taking fees from the friends of immigrants by telling them that they are influential with members of Congress, and can get the immigra- tion restrictions lifted. "I know of one case," said Repre- sentative Johnson, "where friends of an immigrant were told that for $1,000 the mfiuence of a certain member of the House could be had | to get the immigrant into the coun- try under bond. I know that the member of the House had no know- ledge of this matter, These lawyers got the money and got the man in under bond, without ever going near the representative whose influence they claimed they could obtain." The practice of lawyers of taking money from friends of immigrants on the plea that their influence with members of Congress will make it possible to get friends admitted even though the quotas are filled, is wn evil which is growing up not. only in New York but in other sea- board cities, Mr. Johnson said. He added that his bill, which authorizes the consular office to examine the applicants abroad and determine whether they are eligible, and can be admitted under the restriction, would. do away with it. "Among the worst duped of the naturalized citizens are the Armen- fans," Mr. Johnson concluded. "In New York there are a number of lawyers who are taking big fees from these people . when they know full well they can do nothing for them." PREMIER BRUCE'S POLICY. White Australia With Cordial Im- Sydney, Australia, Feb. 21.--In a speech at a luncheon tendered in his honor, Prime Minister Bruce "em- phatically declared that the Govern- ment was going to Hft aM war-time see, and act nationally, and hold the scales evenly between all classes and ii 2 8 = ¢ #5 will fe Frocks for Spring Swing Many a Clever Fold and Flaunt Oriental and Frocks so versatile in every way present an intriguing selection. Striking printed patterns in softly draped styles have an exotic charm. New flat Crepes, Canton Crepé, Taffeta and Crepe de Chenes are much. in evi- dence, while in colors the new wood shades, from Beige to Nigger, with Greys, Navys, French Blues and Black are in favour in the order named. ried $16.50 to *50.00 from sini Over 500 styles to make your choice from. "NEW SPORT AND TAIL- ORED COATS, $15.50 250 smartly Tailored, All- Wool Burberry styled . Coats and Novelty Velours--a won- derful collection of the most advanced Spring styles--in a choice array of all the new lovat, wood and brown shades. * Priced to attract the attention of every woman or miss with a new Spring Coat in view. _ "NEW SPRING SUITS At $25.00 and $35. 00 600 smartly "Tailored and _ Novelty Styled Suits, devel- oped in All-wool Tricotine and Twill Cord -- all sizes from 14 to 44. Absolutely the greatest values in fine tailored Suits ever offered at such popular prices--as com- - parison will prove! Pursuing Our New Store Policy --of red prices to the lowest level to enable us to 'double the volume of our present business makes the: above quotations on the new Ready-to-Wear as described above possible. mrien re LESS IS THE 1923 SLOGAN OF V < i» ic fe : f

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