Founded 1847 MOTHERS BRING THE BOY TO-NIGHT -~ AND HAVE HIM TRY ON ONE - ~ OF OUR WEEK-END » Sale Suits! at 8.95 All Sizas - . : . -- ~ Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF 10UZ ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" x Quality--Larger Market--Service Retail Market Phones 458-459, Business Office 865. Wholesale Department 1767. Large quantities of Naval Oranges Best value--in large sizes. GRAPEFRUIT and EATING APPLES Cooking Apples--special . . . ...39¢. peck All at our usual low prices, 7 Watch this space to-morrow night for 39¢c. SALE WEDNESDAY HIGHLAND BRAND CANNED | VEGETABLES | Buy them by the. dozen or case. : TOMATOES --dozen warden 9045 CORN---dozen create Gs 181.35 PEAS--dozen .'........ ..$1.45 "ewe TRY THE NEW = ® rgarine Put up in rolls -- a high grade standard, yi i percentage of cream than any other make. Delivered by expr. tij | ensuring absolute freshness and quali Theprice ........ sh ines a aie ves BE LOCAL NEWS. | Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re=- : -- Mr. Swaine, piano 'nner. Orders {received at 100 Clergy street weét. | "Phone 564w. | The thermometer on Sunday rose {t6 three degrees above freezing point after Saturday's eleven below zero spell. Henry G. Polson, and Mrs. Polson, {New York City, arrived in Kingston, jon Sunday and are guests:--at the | Randolph hotel. ! | Hister M. Louis, of the House of Providence, has been bersaved by the death of her father, John Quinn, of the township of North Burgess at 'the age of eighty-four years. Ackland Baker, the Queen's science student confined in the Hotel Dieu with sleeping sicknesy, is show- ing no change. It is not the first case of the kind treated here, The firemen were given a call to the home of S. L, McCallum, 521 Brock street, at 9:45 p.m. Sunday. It appears that the heat from a grate fire set fire behind the sheetfiig. Only slight damage was done,. The firemen were on Monday re- ciplents of a box of cigars from Nickle, Farrell and Day, as an ex- pression of appreciation of the man- ner in which the brigade responded to the alarm' when the office of im- migration inspector was reported on fire last week. _ Prof, L. T. Rutledge, Queen's Un- iversity, addressed the Peterboro branch of the Engineering Institute of Canada on the subject of "Dr. Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Gravitation," Prof, Rutledge is the secretary-treasurer. of the Kingston branch and first extended the greet- ings of that branch to its nearest neighbor, - Be ---- JOHNSTON & WARD, Members of Montreal and Toronto Exchanges, 86 Princess, MONTREAL STC. KS, Feb. 26th, 2 p.m. Abitibi Power ..... Atlantic Sugar ,,.,. Bell Telephone Brazil ., British Empire 2nd Prd. Can. Cement. Com. Can, Can. Car Com. ,,. Can. Car Ptd. Can. Steamship Com. , Can. Steamship Ptd. Dom. Textile ..,... Dom, Bridge . Detroit' United Gen. Electric .,. Laurentide Montreal Cotton Montreal Power ; Mackay sesetaa. 118 National Brewerfes ,., evess Bl1Yg Ogilvie ssseves 315 Toronto Rails Twin City Wabasso NEW YORK STOCKS. Amer. Loco. ... Baldwin Loco, B&O. .... Cosden Oil C. P. R. Gen. Asphalt 5 T... .... ..... "os Marine Prd. . NX. GQ vi, va New Haven Nor. Pac. Union Pacific Wabash 'Stand. Oil of New Jersey ... Cuban Cane Sugar m. Cuban Cane Sugar Pid. .... " n---- = * Mines, g Hollinger. .............. 1340 Teck Hughes .....,. «89 DOMG. yee sinnsisens¥s ie ------ " TO SOUND POINCARE. As to Re-opening Conference For Settlement Paris, Feb. 26.--The French gov- ernment has received information of & vague and indistinct nature that the German government desires to negotiate a settlement of the repar- ations issue, it was declared in res- ponsible quarters here today. Most important of these suggestions ap- Pears to have been made through| M. Dubois, a . THE _DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee ee een GASOLINE TAKES JUMP OF TWO CENTS A GALLON --_-- It Is Stated There Will Be a Qeneral Advance in Lue bricating Oils. Someone is always taking the joy out tof life. Just as spring is about to arrive, after a hard winter, and when owners of automobiles were look- ing forward to a gay old time "stepp- ing on the gas" this summer, along comes word that the price of gaso- line is to be boosted two cents, A despatch from Toronto, Monday morning brought the sad news to Kingston, and local dealers confin- ed the report, It is stated that there will aleo be a general advance in the price of all lubricating ofl. ---------------- Theory Examinations. The following pupils of Miss Memie Tierney were successful in the recant mid-winter theory exam- inatdons held in connection with the Toronto Conservatory. f «Junfor Hiistory--Dajsy McCammon honors) Edgar Vandewalker, (pass) Grace Horefall, Annie. Kershaw, Mrs, Brown. : rai iis - Free Locture B, C. Carroll, of Office Specialty Co., Toronto, will give a free fllus- rtratod lecture on filing tonight, at the Kingston Business College. Mrs, William J. McMahon, Brock- ville, died Friday evening at St. Vincent de Paul hospital, after a short illness, in her twenty-seventh year. Deceased was born at the Tin Cap; a daughter of Joseph Lozo and the fate Mrs. Lozo. DAILY MEMORANDUM British mail will close at the King- ston post office Tuesday, Feb. 27th, at : Pam, and off Thursday, March 1st, at PRINTERS | HANSON CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE = KINGSTON BORN: VANDERVOORT--At Switzerville, on Feb. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Vandervoort, a daughter. MARRIED BUSTARD----PERO--At Cataraqul. rec- tory, Feb. 21st, 1923, by Rey, Canon Smith, Miss Delerine Pero, daugh- to Arthur Bustard, eldest son of William Bustard, Collin's Bay. mn DIED, BIRTLES--In Kingston, on February 26th, 1923, Bessie Whale, widow of the late Sgt-Major Henry Birtles, in her 85th year. Funeral from her late residence, 49 Livingston Avenue. Funeral notice later. 'OVERT--At Bath, at the residence of his son, Faber, 3 Feb. 21st, Hiram Covert, in his 80th year. DOWNEY----In J iaguion, oh Feb. 25th, 1923, Hester ver, dow of the late Robert Downey, aged 36 years. Funeral! will take place from her son- in-law's residence, Albert Mc- Auley, 87 Colborne street, Tuesday afternoon, at 8.30 to Cataraqul Cemetery. ' Funeral private. ELY--In Kingston, an Feb. 24th, 1923 Martha McGarvey, beloved wife of Ellas Ely, aged 78 years. Funeral will take place from her daughter's residence, Mrs. Fred . Pringle, 351 Divi street, Tues- day afternoon at 1. to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. EMBURY--- At Napanee, on Feb. 21st, James Edward Embury, aged 81 years. HAWLEY---At Adolphustown, on Feb. 18th, Wilmot H. Hawley, in: his 83rd year. HORA~--In Vancouver, B.C. at B8t Paul's Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, Wilfred Robert Hora, only surviving son of the late Francis Hansord Hora, LN. LANE--In Kingston, on Feb. 25th, 1923, Esther Hawthorne, beloved wife of Benjamin Lane, aged 65 years. Funeral will take Elace from her late residence, 103 Pine street, Jueqday morning at 10 o'clock, to Catardqui Cemetery. MILSAP--At Camden East, on Feb. 15, Stewart J. Milsap, aged 53 years, ORSER--At Perth Noal, liver Sher- dan Ore.v, on February ith, aged 28 years. Funeral took place from his late resi: dence, Monday, Feb. 26th, at 10.30 a.m. to the Wilmer cemetery. Friends and acquaintances cordially : invited to attgénd. ol rdsy Sveaing. Feb. RENTON--On B Kingston neral 24th, 1923, | Hospital, Thomas: Turner Renton. Pungral (private) Tuesday, February SPENCER---At Napanee, on Feb. 15th, Margaret A., widow of the late «Henry Spencer, aged 80 years. SMITH---Entered into rest on Sunday, Feb. 25th, 1923, Mary M., second hter of the late Willlam Smith, er, of this city. rivate) Tuesday afternoon. Please omit flowers. SMITH--At Winnipeg, on Dec. 28th, Edith Smith, daughter of the late Odgen Hinch, formerly of Nap- anee. . ben C. Snider, in his 69th year. THORNTON----In __ Kingston, on Feb. Jaen: Shi Herbert A. Thornton, ag years. Funeral (private) from his late resi- dence, 44 Ordnance street, nesday, 2.30 pm. to Cataraqul Cemetery. Service at 3 o'clock. WALKER---At Napanee, on b. 16th, Mrs. Walker, mother of Mrs. Wil- liam Huston, aged 71 years, JAM i EL, Phone 147 for Ambulance Primary Rudiments-- (let class || ter of Mrs. Margaret Pero, Godfrey, | SNIDER--At Violet, on Feb. 18th, Reu-|] JLAIDLAY & SON = LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754.755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 Spring Fashions of course, no tashionable woman ever waits until the first day of Spring by the calender to don new costumes. The sooner the smarter is her 50 that she might choose from authentic sources no matter how early. Come and view this smart array if nothing more, The New Suits TAILORED FROM SERGE, TRICOTINE AND POIRET TWILL, EMPHASIZING EMBROID- ERY AND BRAID TRIMMINGS. Youthfully becorning are the new Suits. Theirjaunty jackets gaily embroidered, braided, or with long Silk Fringe, and the Skirts are longer--much longer than prev- ious season s--Serge, Tricotine and Poiret Twill in at- tractive shades of Brown, Reindeer, Sand and Navy Blue. You'll feel tremendously stylish in one of these Suits on the first breezy days of Spring. $25 to $54.50 . 5 2 . And the Coats OFFER A WIDE AND SATISFACTORY CHOICE, BOTH IN UTILITY AND SPORTS MODELS. = "Spring often comes in like a lion, so you'll want a Spring Coat. Of course, there are other good reasons for wanting one. In'the first place, the Coats in many cases have Cape Backs or Cape Sleeves, which are quite good. looking and a pleasant change from the perfectly straight Silhouette of winter, ~~ = Then thereare the Sports Coats -- developed along -. jaunty lines, with wide belt, large pockets, etc., following the military style. : ; As for colors, there are shades here to please every! woman, in either plain or fancy Heather mixtures, $16.50 to $65.00. A