Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1923, p. 5

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5 £ $ ---- - | Se-- 3 ' _ § Funeral MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1023. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG YAIR QCRAND TRUNK Sistem AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention givea your family Ler friends going to or returning from ! the Old Country. Passports arranged : for. or information and rates apply to Jd re HANLEY, C. P, and T.A.G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Tice: C.N.-G.T. fation, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- ~ ip a Night. en an g » 'PHONE 99. TT TTY "gg Bg " FOR SALE 1,500-~Summer Cottage--Dea nay Bay ~-- 6 rooms, verandah, wharf, shittters; 1 imcluding about 1000 feet lum . rooms and 20 fece bath a »! . block. gd 1 floors, Bot | ale f furnace, good cellar. Let 33 Adelaide Sy rect sliding lots $78 Now is the r. Tmo to list your properties for sale or rent. ino op r-- BE, A. EMMONS TAXI PHONE 1747-F ALL SEDAN CARS R. H. Waddell Phones 326-890, 86 Prock St. ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) © Use. Use It Always All Ways, Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.8., D.D.S. Wellington 'and Brock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington St. Evening by appointment, PHONE | DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 re For Mo EIGHT, FURNIT RE, SAFES, PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. FR PIANOS, ARIE and HoRAGn oF GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted, Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, sciasory and edge tools ground. Lee wall that is J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street. Kingston Phone 2006J. Y DESCRIPTIO 377. Eveain ELLINGTON WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Streot, ' Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. RET, Kingston Transfer Co. HA lL TORONTO designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Residence, 1137, EVERSHARP PENCILS @ - We are equipped to make any rodairs to above pencils, "We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, and COKE BOOTH & CO. =. 'Atove Inn Yard Phome 188 FISH For the Lenten Season at Gage's Store PINE STREET - - Phone 3145f MONTREAL ST. Phone G40w. ® ardineg British Columbia Red Salmen ..38e. csssnces 4 ting $1.00 F ruit and Vegetables |g Chetes "assortment : nu Ri ete : for good things to eat. 7 See us | 3 | : gc For saleat low prices Meat Store 'Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1368J. To-morrow's HEAD CHEESE . ....... 15 HEAD CHEE. vail: Real Bargains. For the balance of the month we will put on sale our entire stock of Gent's Furnishings, see the bargains in our windows. Prevost, Brock street, So ---- To Meet in Kingston. The annual meeting of the Ontarip and Quebec district of Typographical International Unfon will be held in Kingston during the second week in June, James Chatterton, chairman of the local committee, will be in charge of the arrangements, Will Be Definitely Awarded. Owing to difficulty last year in ar- ranging a date for the culminating match of the Debating League the final champdonship debate between Queen's and Loyola was not staged but this year the title will be defin- itely awarded. Have You Furniture in Storage? If you have furniture in storage you will be interested in our unfur- nished apartments to rent. Onerof those apartments, furnished attrac- tively, and your furniture would be earning money instead of spending it. Accepted the Invitation. At the official board meeting of R the Wellington Methodist caurch a unanimous invitation was extended to the present pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, to remain for another year, Mr. Robins has accepted subject to the decisfon of the stationing coms mittee. His Coldest Drive One farmer who was plucky enough to make the trip into the market on Saturday morning, stated that it was the coldest drive he had experienced this winter. "I si-aply had to comis.in for supplies," "aid the farmer, .'.but otherwise I would not have come into the city." . Book on Finland. W. K. Macnee, secretary of the Board of Trade, is in receipt of a most interesting book on Finland, published by the financial, manufac- turing-and industrial interests of the country, It is full of i{npformation regarding the resources of Finland and the development of natural re- sources, 'Bad for Business. The severe cold weather of Satur- day morning was very bad for busi- ness in the down-<town stores.' And one could not blame citizens for not coming down town to do shopping if they were not forced to do so. "I in- : tended going down town," ome lady ormed the Whig, but the weuther | was 50 cold thet I just went to the telephone and ordered everything I wanted for over Sunday. Delivering Ice. ' Saturday - afternoon, when the mercury was trying to drop out of the thermometers, a truck loaded | With ice was making its rounds of ithe vardous hotels and restaurants. "Just look at that ice," one oiti- zen remarked, as he gazed at the sight. "Does it not give you a grand and glorious feeling on a morning like this?" "Who wants joe on a morning when it is so cold as this?" another citizen was heard to remark, Canadian: Pacific, 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Empress of France, from Hono- Julu, due Yokohama, Feb. 27th. 'Minnedosa, from Antwerp, Havre and Southampton, due St. John, Peb. 26th, £ Metagama, from Glasgow, due St. John, Feb. 24th, Marburn, from St. John, due Liv- Sivoo, Feb. 25th and Glusgow, Feb. 45th, ' Bmpress of Cameda, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Vancouver Feb, 26th, "Beef, Iron and Wine," Quinine, Iron and Wine," "Cough Remedies," Kingston and Vicinity Ri cussed the situation 'confronting the county from every angle, and the steps to be taken as soon as the amendment to the good roads bill has passed its third reading. It pass- ed the first reading last wepk After the receipt of official tion ft is not unlikely that a meeting of the council will be called to deal with the financial matters brought up at the last meeting, including the by- law for the appropriation of $95,000 that was 'blocked by the councillors from the north at the last meeting. It is now considered that #t will pass as a matter of course, if last vote is not interpreted ag being sufficient under the amended act, which only calls for the votes of tho representa- tives of the townships concerned, Second Reading Assented To, W. F, Nickle,K.C., in the legisla- ture on Friday Re. Tn the second reading of his amendment to the Municipal Act, The intention of the change which he sponsored, the member declared, was to remove the disability to contest municipal office of a tenant on property on which the taxes were not paid, providing of course, that the tenant was not by contract liable for the taxes. In the majority of such cases, Mr, Nickle stated, the owner of the property, and not the tenant, was responsible for the unpaid taxes, and yet the tenant was deprived of the right to aspire to. municipal office. The' second reading of the measure was assented to. ; A Shortage of 80,000,000 Pounds. The tea business, like nearly every- thing else, has been having its hard tinies since the war. Unfavorable tea growing weather, labor troubl on the plantations, and the unsettled" political atmosphere generally, have so seriously reduced this year's crop, that the world is now faced with a shortage of over 80,000,000 lbs., or more than two years* supply for the whole Dominion of Canada... The in- evitable. result has been steadily in- creasing prices, until to-day, tea is bringing higher prices than ever he- fore in Be history of the industry. In Canada, the Salada Tea Company, jour largest 'tea concern, has been forced by this condition to recently increase the price of all their blends, in order to "maintain their standard of quality.--Advt, " THOMAS COPLEY || " Carpenter. wan Estimates given on pew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- un with our mew floor cleaning ma- ne. Have you seen any samples of "California Redwood? Dark and rich-colored as Mahogany; soft and workable as" White Pine. A beautiful house finish at a moderate price. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Ofiice Phone 66. Factory Phone 1410 < : - - Dr. J. O. Macdonald 337 BARRIE ST, (Near Princess) OFFICE _HOURS: 2-4, 7-830 p.m, "PHONE 1710. Phone 987. us for all kinds of. Carpentry SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. 1 ar NN rg Golden Wedding. On Feb, 15th 1873 at the home of James Black, Camden township, William M. Bell and Eliabeth Black were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Koyl, the marriage being witrvessed by John Reid, now of Alberta, and Mary Reid, afterwards Mrs. Stinson, recently deceased. On ¥eb. 15th 1923 |. at the homesof Hubert W, Wagar, Enterprise, tfie same couple celebrat- ed their golden wedding, and receiv- ed, the congratulations of many of their friends who expressed 'their STOP WONDERING What you are going to get for dinner. You have puasied too long In thinking of a change. Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad to rest. NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont, Fhoune 655 good wishes In an address, edged in gold. mmm mgm a Used After Shaving KeepsSkin Softand Smooth tion' of the skin as a result of 9 shaving. With some it assumes most annoying and unsightly. By applying a little of Dr. Chase's Ointment after shaving the irritation Barber's Itch 'and Eczema are prevented or relieved. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT 60 Cents a box, ajl dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., I4d., Toronto ~ Many men suffer from irrita- . form of eczema and becomes is overcome and FUR COATS A FEW LADIES' COATS AT - SPECIAL. PRICES 'GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street FLOUR FOR BREAD Royal Household, Parity, Cream of the West OUR MOTTO: Good quality, Prompt "Service, Square Dealing. W .F. McBroom 42-44 Princess Street. Phone 1686. nn After Every Meal What we have eaten and how it is "a makes all the difference in the with us" mouth cool and moist, the throat muscles relaxed and plant and he nerves at ease, Suit Sale en and Yours Men's $30.00 to $38,00 Suits for: 25.50 Sizes 34 to 42, TWEDDELL"S 'Clothing House House Jresses for about the price of the material it contains. Made from Ginghams and Chambray of an excellent quality-- nicely trimmed and finished in the very ©' latest of this season'c styles. Sizes from 34 to 44, for only-- - $2.95 EACH,

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