BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. RIGHTEOUSNESS BRINGS | REJOICING: --When the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 198, ---- A STRANGE ENDING. clnsion, there has been a continued 1t was a strange philosophy of life, [Inf ux of women Inte occupations { of love, of happiness, that prompted |and professions walrtu were previnus- {a recently wedded French couple to (ly considered sacred to the sterner 2 tend it all in death. They did not (sex. They jumped into almost every Hshtotus are 10 SoH. the peo. lack money, were in perfect health, |line of industry and business, and bearsth rule, the people mourn.-- loved each other madly, were happy |in many cases they did so we! that Proverbs 29: 2. ~--=e0 ran the note they left--there- they have been able to retain their fore they determined to cross the Positions in the face of male op- divide. Was it distrust of the future |Posttion. Opinion may be divided into or some strange notion that by snap- | Wo camps on'the question-of wheth- ving life at- ity happlest they could |r or not this may be good for the pick up the broken threads of" hap- | State or for the women, but the fact piness in the beyond that led them to 28 that women have made a v . plan the tragic ending of their prather successful invasion of many ne Ti hey Al Right. dream? fields which "were heretofore reserv-| = , ning of beauty and grace, Evidentiy the actors in this ed exclusively for men, It has been | But does, I greatly fear, French tragedy looked through a dif- [left to London, England, however, | * Use too much powder on her face. ferent end of the telescope from that |t0 provide the most unique occupa- OVacrvitions of Clucat Tubabitant." generally used by humans, Usually [tion for a woman, for from that city | 1 never dia think much of old-fash- va {when men and women are happiest |cOmes a news.despatch telling of the | loned winters. : a-rlars rm Weekly by | they hold life dedrest. Even when |only woman wine-taster of the coun- 00. LIMITED 'days are dreary, and life is burden- | try, and probably, of the world. some, hope for happiness in the future urges those who love to strig- |dry province A woman wine-taster > :| With the daily privilege of sipping at the 'most selected and delicious WHEAT HOLDINGS, wines, and being paid for doing it. : SUBYCRIPTION RATES, A 'great deal of Canadian wheat |Men have been willing to permit the One year, in city .. : : was marketed during the early |feminine invasion of many lines of a A rain lo Oo! months of the 1922-1923 season. | business, but this seems to be a lit- One year, to United States . Many farmers. needed the money, [tle too much. Here, in this fair One TOA al «nd could not afford to hol. There | province, there are no doubt thous- Sue Tear Af not pald in a '39| were 'some, however, who. held on, [ands of men who could fill the posi- OUT-OF-TOWN REPREsSmwiiooco_|and these, asocording to latest re-|tion with great credit to themselves, » Taonce a 1 LLRESENTATIVES; ports, included debtors as well as and, instead of asking remuneration We Thompson reniat® KI"E St. W.| fi mers who are debt free. The [for doing the work, they would be Letters to the Editor are published | Monetary Times calls attention to [eager to bid against each other .for i dnd The _etisl name " rd the statements that there are a hun- | the privilege of being allowed to do Attached is one of the best Job | dred million bushels on farms, thirty | it. printing offices in Canada. | millions in interior elevators and | The despatch goes on to say that | sixty millions in eastern terminals, [this worhan Is also the proprietress the larger portion of which is still {of the establistrmeit for which she owned by the farmers. On much of [tastes the wine. If she is possessed {this mdney has been advanced dir- fof the business acumen with whidh | ectly in the form of loans by banks |women are often gifted, she will not (and loan éompanies. With one-thir-|long continue to occupy the position. TTT teen quotations the farmers show no |She could make a nice little fortune It is easler for nations to get to-| disposition to turn loose their hold- by advertising in Ontario, perhaps gether if they don't livu*foo close to- | ings on the prairies, and inside deal- |in Kingston, for a men who would gether, ers assert that by July oze will sce [be willing to serve as her wine-tast- 2 a surplus carry over above the world | ef, and the bonus she would receive You can say one thing for Bolshe- | needs with new crop in sight. If these | for the privilege of taking the posi- - vism. It does away with the annoy- [claims are correct it will mean low- [tion would go a long way towards "Do you use liquor?' asked the ex- ; ance of banting. er prices for the surplus held - !ifwmaking her comfortable in her old amining physician for the insurance ; ---- Western Canada or that portion that | age. It may be that she is contem- | company. No wonder the Turk eschews |is held at that date. Cash wheat is plating such a course, and is mere- | "Say, do you think I'd be here if I A aver tackled thi d al 1 liquor. He doesn't need it, He is|around one dollar. That is what ap-|ly sending out a little feeler before eney -- pe Ts NT Deel Jun born that way. * - 'BIBBY"S | | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | ri . === | HOUSE CLEANING SALE The Paper Hangers, Plasterers and. Carpenters who - are decorating our store have been putting things topsy turvy, but we hope to have everything spick and span by the end of the 'week. -- The fas Club. "This suit is all cotton, but we are Think of it, ye who thirst in this asking the same, for it as we would for an all-wool suit," declared the salesman to us yester . ciiiieee. Editor and Managing -Director TELEPHONE Private Exchange, conn departments fle v8. During this week we are offering very attractive and pleas- ing es. Prices so pleasing that we feel you won't mind the slight'inconvenience you may be put to during our House Clean They Are. "They come high," observed Jones. "What - do?" asked Smith. 'These movid stars." ---- Or What Have You? (From the Kenosha News) FOR SALE-Violin, lesson books, and stand; will take a good bicycle in trade. Nick = Buttera, 803 Market. street. Phone 3846. / ing period. MEN'S SHIRTS |MEN'S TROUSERS 'ook Arro mak When say Trousers we ------ a es ow iss mean i more * than $21.00 14 to 173% . plain Pants. Pure wool Eng-| Men's Tweed Suits anil ao * lish" Hairlines, splendidly tail- | thing more, pure Wool Tweed, $1.95 ored. $6.50 value for well cut and tailored. Sizes 34 $4.50 to 48. MEN'S HOSE Pure Wool Black, Ribbed UNDERWEAR Wool, also Heather, Grey, Ivory yd I or Sominativs ~--regular 50c. and 65c. value. | yalye, i SPECIAL - OER SPECIAL 3 for $1.00 : $2.90 per Suit BIBBY'S SUIT SALE Will the Ladies Please Say Something : About This ' American women spend $75,000,000 a year for corsets and the men $85,000,- 000 for hats.--News item. ---- MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Sizes 84 to 42--last Suit of a range--Suits that were $27.50, and $30.00. ¥or . - $18.00 The Five Semses. A merchant needs an eye for busi- ness. > A musician sn ear for music. A reporter a nose for news, A planist & delicate touch, But most anybody can develop a taste for liquor. -- -- A Sunny Jim. The elevator boy Says that he never frowns, Though life to him, of course, . Is full of ups and downs. ------ The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC ' Audit Bureau of Circulations Proof Enough. proximately the one-thirteen quota-|advertising in this way, for it f5] pied the applicant. tion means to the man on the farm | worthy of note that the news de- who must deduct from that quota-|spatch referred to gives the full A fow politicians. think: they are yop 'tng cost of goiting the grain 10 | postal addres of he Bers. of which public servants, but most of them (poy widam, - she 1s the head; and for which she is think they are public opinion. The -propaganda of 'hold your | the wine-taster, ' wheat" has been gery widely el?- Only a few men in this country |Culated among the grain growers on have the true look of greatness, and-{ the prairies as the result of the con- NOTICE To Automobile Owners We are now able to get the real Burbank top material as used on the latest McLav zhlin special cars and have a stock ready for the Spring trade. Burbank is the most durable top material made, as well as the most classy looking, and adds greatly to Gems From Guide Book To Success. Ideas are constructive or destruc- tive oftly according to the use we make of them, and as we are both sowers and reapers In our respective flelds of thought, our. harvests will be just exactly that which we culti- vate and no more, except in a greatly multiplied form. -~J. BE. PF. OUR ANNUAL DISCOUNT SALE -- Fool Questions. : most of them are traffic cops. - Ident assertion of H. W. Wood, Hd president of the U.F.A., that wheat A -- y is always a scarce article in May and That A. K. asks: "Doesn't a horse get the appearance of the'car. tired of hearing the drivers' 'woes?' We alsa have all the other 20% OFF ON ALL OUR BOOTS, standard top materials used on all the different kinds of ears. Ford Sedans are coming out this year without any light inside. We will install a dome light and switch complete for $7.00. JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Phones €62. Giddup. v Le Am---- We'll Say He: 'Was Not. of Dear Sami That Western cattle.' man who advertised for a he-man who could drink, swear, smoke cigarettes and chew tobacco evidently wasn't Bourg [ioe one Se John Flannagan, " Scranton, ; \ By James W, Barton, M.D, - - Panton, Penn, Information You Ought' Have. An Inventor has combined a rubber 1 ings The Value of the Trained Body. | tongue with & pair of cotiea. sprees | RUSSIA Still Cling i Some months ago one of the ma-| in a device to absorb the siam ot To Her Sordid Dream gazines had an interésting story con-| automobile door, Be Paris, Feb, 26.-- Soviet Russia cerning a young college professor. a. . He was very poor, was trying to Overlooked a Few, clings as tenaciously as ever to the MAKING RECKLESS DRIERS support his father and mother, and| "Tt says here the manufacture of dream of carrying the flaming torch Svoring gum ives employment to|,¢ war and revolution through west- S over 25,000 persons in the United ne Neny mehodn of punbment hve [Pea 1 In word © © |, 0 int © sr" Bato, bu reer ty ostaons © effort ¢ 1 "Huh! Th : Seen tried tn 28 io eliminate | 4,p or two on "business," said busi- Birla he: ore 479 hay Tm tary offensive until 1925 or 1926. reckless automobile "driver Who | pegs being really professional box-|repMea Black. "| Such is the sense of an important Is a WgHuce to himself and the pub-|ing or prize fighting, although no ------ © speech on Russia's foreign policy 1ié © imposition of fines has not | one of his colleagues even suspected Daily Sentence Sermon made in Tiflis recently before a con- made any appreolable difference. The | Such a thing. » The reason some people are short is grees of members of tlie; bolshevist Job stared sadly at his bolls. |giving of jail sentences has been | His plan of fighting was simple, | Pecause they le in bed too long. party and heads of the Sevrglan mill "Well, thank goodness," sald h ; [ted on a smal He was a physiologist, and as neces- . tomy. tary organizations by G. 8. Zinoviev, } "Stiey are' not colonial PoRmeions the } is, a. 48 & TU | ty is the mother of invention, he to Rance Chil. in a|Who as president of the congress of : : 88 are | nad put his knowledge to use. For Oriental peoples -and president of 4 church &t Duston, E ; A -------- averse to send citizens of the auto- instance, he knew that from the Ay a wanna. at Hi the third internationale .is second It Sir Olicer Lodge tan't busy, he | ™CPlle Owning classes to jail, and are | time he attempted to strike his op. | sr _ |m influence only to Lénine himself. . Might page Bismarck and get an in. | "Uher Prone to imposing fines when | ponent until the blow really landed| A. Knapp lyves at St. Lous," but IS oplulon oF heb pn | they have theroption ofgiving a jail | Was a certain fraction of a second. | You'll ind he is always wide awake. at ® renc term, Some time ago, a D@rolt judge Likewise he attempted to guard him- PoNcy. tried th self from the other fellows blow -- d . Saation: of taking speed- either by using his guard or ducking As - ers and reckless drivers to see the re- | pis head also took a certain fraction we Kk over the world situa- maing.of automobile accident victims. of a second. By constant practice tion, w» can't decide whether the in Jy / orgue, or to visit huspital | by himself, shadow boxing as it is trouble Is greed, hysteria or ade- patients who were injured in auto- | called, he found that he bad lessen- ' - nolds, - |mobile mishaps. Little, however, | od the amount of time required b, . > © eeesemad delighted at Ber daughter's choice has been heard of this plan recently, twenty-five per cent. Thus when he] A.--The Totem Pols of the Can- of a career, the arrangemehts for went into a boxing match he was al-| 8dian Indian, found chiefly in Brit- which are now being completed, With game laws tightening every [74 It Is not ktiown whether tt is still | F270 "U0 © PUES quicker than his|ish Columbia, is the family crest of "Would Amend Oriminal Code ie Ottawa (Feb, 26.-- J. 8. Woods- Dr. Chown's Drug Store : Body Some saylugs just naturally sug- {june and consequently higher prices gest fiction. For instance, "pieces of | will be obtained by the farmers who eight," and "Ohristian nations." hold their grain until those months. It the trade is correct in its views, The radio eliminates distance, But the farmers of the west stand to lose it still is too imperfect to eliminate heavily by further holding, but if the Wood theory is correct by the same platitudes from the speeches, 4 token farmers will profit by their ~ ~ determination. Present prospects for The decay of patriotism isn't sur- 2 large acreage and heavy yield in Prising. The best fool story doesn't (1923 on the prairies is bette? than sound funny on the morning after. at this time last year, which may "| mean another bumper crop. tlic SHOES, ETC. EVENING SLIP- PERS AND OXFORDS. --NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBERS. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. - 184 Princess St. ---------------- Tu. Some races are superior, of course. But it fsn't probable that any one tongue is spoken exclusively in hell, WALK. was engaged. to. be married to the Naitions are unlucky at that. Wher A collector appears, they can't send the children to say they are not in. BITTER ORANGES For Marmalade * now in stock, SICK ROOM NEEDS plied with a full line of sick room Jas. REDDEN &: Co. Phones 20 and 990, "The House of Satisfaction" Deserts Society for Stage. London, Feb. 26.--London society "9? was stirred dy the announcement that Lady Mercy Greville, nineteen- year-old daughter of the Countess of Warwick, is shortly to go on the stage. The countess, in an interview with the E ng News, says she Is Our Canadian Question re- And Answer Corner a a quisites. Phone your wants and let us de- liver promptly. DAV) Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec laity. All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Sgreet. Phone 1277. You can estimate the length of Just a little quicker than your op-|The crest indicates the animal as neither fines nor jail sentences are t whether it be in a boxing|Well as clan ensign, with which lts|t® criminal code. designed to repeal the amendments Hime the wife has been a b: : Way by the | effective remedies, €o he #5 now sen- match or In the dodging of an au-|OWner claims traditional relationship, < | tancing offenders to various Pa-iods, | tamobile in thé street. Such as that of the wolf, or beaver, ition made at the time of the Win- "on the ground," during which they | There Rave wonderful deeds|Or bear. To the red man the totem ion strike! are forbidden to drive or tide in an [performed in saving of life, by|(Pole is as important as the coat-of-|"/Po8 - en automobile, If they are found vio- | athletes, who perhaps were no bray-| armsof a British nobleman, . - lating this sentence, then they are an their A--S8ir Bdmund 'Walker, -LL.D,,| Acquitted om Arson Charge depriv4 of their Noenses and num- 0.v.0. D.C.L., of Toi , is the| Barrie, Feb. 26.--John ber markers. ' of the Canadian Bank of K.C., Collingwood, was acquitted It cannot be said that this is an Commerce, a patron of and a connis-|she charge of having set entirely new method of punishment, residence in Collingwood on ~ but it is one which is resorted to less I~ IS hard to kill a crow with an empty sling. And Just as hard to seize op- - portunities without: watching the A-B-C Clas- sifled Ads Fear, about the only things you can | Ving used. opponent. Why do I tell you alll the head of a tribe. The big up- bull and : adopted another pilaf to make reck-| 8 ,» that if you are willing to|10&s, the crest on the tp and the sen eraps. imply. yo ng to worth, Labor member for Centre 188 Prisivess Street. Phone 343 to the criminal code as regards sed- . WO Cars Shoot with impunity are husbands,| Another United States judge has |tnis? right log or pole carries, in its carv- less drivers realize/the enormity of | train your body asa typist trains|Tecord of their chief and the crude Winnipeg, has given notice that he their offences. He has found that her fingers you will do everything|figures illustrate his achievements. ata introduce his bill to amena | _ BITUMINOUS Stove Size | Particularly adapted tor Hot Air Furnaces and = Quebec Heaters. Price 1*15.00 7 Crawford oi COAL TE Phoue 0, Foot of Queen Bg. : sified Adages do|ledged atthority on University Edu- cation and a successful writer and overy day of the period during which . . - jopeaker. : ct it wes In force, to the man upen Rs i : whom it was imposed, that it was his duty to conform to the rules of safety | . in driving his car. The only dificudty would be in enforcing it, as it would be a hard matter to keep track of a man's movements, and to find out it he had violated the requirements of his sentence, If some metliod could be found, however, of seeing that the sentence was carried out, it might be | very effective, : A NEW OCCUPATION FOR WOMEN. Read them to-day! {CASTORIA | (Copyright, 1923, by Bast] L. Smith) Gasoline price fn Ontario advances ¢ two ceats a gallon. | Duz'ng the war, and since its won