\ J ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG RUMMY WEDNESDAY, FESRUARY 28. 1033 } BADMINTO v TO BOXING CRAPS TO CRICKET SPORTING | & VERONA ENTERS ~~ COUNTY FINALS Defeated Sunbury 5-2 in Play- off on Tues- day. : By defeating Sunbury 5-2 at the') Jock Harty Arena here yesterday afternoon Verona has qualified to . enter the eenior finals of the County Hockey with Wolfe Island -and will give the Islanders something to * think over for the final honors. Sunbury and Verona played to a tle In the semifinals, each winning on home ice by two goals, but when * the Verona team got on the larger ice surface their greater speed and bet- ter combination play todd and they were masters from the beginning, though at times they would have been forced to fight much harder for their game had not Revelle, in goal, turned aside many Sunbury shots. A crowd of nearly'a thousand peo- ple turned out for the game and gave the Kingston hockey fans a £00d example with their whole-heart- ed and good-natured support of their 1espective teams, The Sunbury re- Presentation was particularly strong and numbered a large quota of ladies out to cheer for their favorites. The first period--or rather the face-off of the puck at the beginning of the game--started the excitement and it lasted until the final gong, with Referee Joe Smith a busy man. Fach team soored once in the first round and 1n the second Verona © jumped into the lead with two goals in quick succession., In the third they gathered two more; while Sun- bury could notch but one, and that a Kigh fly which was interfered with by Manson and dropped over Revell's * shoulder. Penalties were fairly thick, Patterson, of Sunbury, draw- dng the greater number, Martin, of Verona received a cut over the eye in the second pericd but was able to continue; Much of Verona's success was due to the fine combination of Merrill afd Craig and the beautiful rushes Of the Trousdale brothers, while the Gordon brothers and Noble worked well for Sunbury. Sunbury--Goal, Turner; defence, C, Patterson and L, Patterson; cen- tre, L. Gordon; wings, Noble and H. Gordon; subs., George and Ruttan - Verona--@Goal, Reveils; defence, BE, Trousdale and Manson; centre, K. Trousdale; wings, Merrill and Cralg: subs, Martin and _ Vande- 'Referte--"Joe" Smith, Fronte mae. FRONTENACS AND HUSSARS ON TOP Enter Finals of the Garrison Indoor Baseball League. Fe The 4th Husears and Frontenacs - Will enter the championship finals of the garrison indoor baseball league Uy virtue of their victories in the ' { "LISTEN TO THE MOCKING BIRD." "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read It, you sing it., Try it on Your plano. Watch nightly for this big : comio hit, : 3 3X xs 1 HATE ALL WOMEN 4 LIKE EM -- THEY'RE FEMININE -- "4 [|X 1 N20) Intercollegiate Hockey Final. ------ €1és and Varsity seconis meet here in the first of the final games for the intermediate interccllegiate tite. This series has bean hanging fire since Queén s last game with R.M.C and it is the last chance of the tri- | ship this winter. They have held the intermediate honors for two years now and should come through again. I~ Varsity will be, good. They beat 8t. Mike's to the western group and many had selected St. Mike's as the winners, The Queen's outfit win have thelr work cut out for them and if they are going to win must carry a good margin with them when they 80 to Toronto on Saturday next, The students are turning out in force this. winter to support their team and it should be a very success- ful evening all round. The Queen's players who are to be on deck for the occasion are: A. Browne, Ritchie, Cleland; E. Lind- say, Hanson, Stewart, Nickle, Hard- ing, Johnson and Finkle. Harding has developed Into an able hockey player and Nickle wil! also show some speed when he lets out, "Mutt" Browne fs a great old tower, of strength in the goal and the Ritchie-Cleland defence will be hard to-beat, ------ Pembroke Wins Title, Pembroke seniors won the cham- Plonship of the Upper Ottawa Valley Hockey League when they defeated Renfrew by 1 to 0. This gives Pem- broke the play-off for the title after Playing three post-schedule games, The first game wv 3 played in. Pem- broke on Monda, night, and resulted in a win for the home team by 1 to 0. Renfrew reversed the decision by the same score on Wednesday. The Coairal Ontario Baseball Lea- gue will shako «<ff hibernation oa March 1413 for the annual a wting at Cobourg, Kingotea's appl for a plare wilt bv) considered and the local teamn will almost undoubtedly be ad- Pn, third innings when twelve of the Frontenacs trotted across the home plate, Another comedy of errors on the part of the batterymen had a great deal to do with the scoring of ten moré of tho infantrymen in the seventh, and although the losers never lost heart it was apparent to all that they rapidly lost ground alter the first three innings, Even at that they shut out the Frontenacs in four of the sessions, and it they could have steadied down the score might have been much more even, Howéver the winners were the best team on the night's play, although to the credit of the losers they gave of thelr very best with three of their regulars, including their star pitcher, off the team. All interest will now centre in the opening game of the championship series on Thursday night. The game Two brothers, Nick and Mantin Dumovitch, are expected to win per manent berths with the Chicago Na- tionsls this epring. Both are left- handers and Nick starred with the Los Angeles club last year. Martin Flayed with Springfield, Mo., having 4 season's batting average of .350. Ty Cobb's mark of .420 made dur- ing the 1911 season, still stands as the American league batting average record. : . Edmund Lamy holds the world's ager. A. J. Reach was the first profes- | sional ball player, leaving Brookly! to go to Philadelphia in 1864. gue magnates. He has been a credit to the spoft in every capacity he has|iy tng world's single sculls champion, sought to fill player, coach and man- His influence for good should without a defeat. it the te head be felt among the owners, story is correct that de is the Boston Braves, ' The White Sox are reported to have paid $50,000 for Eddie Collins. If, iIn.basketball, the ball is toss-- ed up by the referee and one player makes no effort to tap it, a foul may be called for delaying the game, The roller skating record for the mile is two seconds faster than the indoor ice skating record. mitted. Walter Hoover, of Duluth, Minn., Colin has a record of fifteen stants N\{ A CITY QUEEN'S SECONDS In First Game of Intermediate This eveniug Queen's interme-di-. color to pull out with a champion-. i RIDE >a 8 5 ? oh] | | YY] GET RIGHT WITH NATURE Save Money--Ride A Massey If you buy 4 tickets for 33¢., six days & week, you pay for a MASSEY Wheel by September, ona Street Car. WHY WASTE MONEY d them you own your Your 'health will be better and you will feel amore like work when yeu ride a Uicyele. YOU CAN SMOKE on our MASSEY street ear. Buy now and have your Wheel half paid for before You take it home, ONLY ONE PLACE TREADGOLD'S Sporting Goods Co. a¥ PRINCESS STREET PHONE 529, HAS PUT THEM OVER. Frazce Holds Decided Edge In Latest Big Deals. While Boston fans are not en- thusing over the pennant chances of the Red Sox, there is no denying that Owner Frazee has put over two good, deals with New York and Washing- ton, - ; For the vetera Southpaw. Pen- nock, Boston gets three youngsters from New York, Pitcher Murray, Third Baseman McMillan and Out- fielder Camp Skinner. The Washington deal gives the Red Sox a good catcher in Picinich, a promising young outfielder in Goe- bel and the best utility player in the American League, Howard Shanks. Shanks can play any position in the infield and is a mighty fine out- fielder, While not a hard hitter, he takes a healthy cut and is danger- ous in a pinch. In return Washington gets a good j catoher in Ruel, and Russel, consid- ered 'through as a pitcher. Consider the two deals from any angle and it must be admitted that - Frazee holds the upper hand. In ad- dition, it is said he had a bit of cash slipped him in each case. E------------ Clonie Tate, Canadian lightweigh®, 'has issued challenges to both Lew Tendler and CharMe White to seo who will meet champion Benny 1 d for the world's title, major league MOGULS OF THE : : C.0.B.L. TO MEET Annual Meeting of Oentral League Is Expected to Be a Lively One. The Central Ontario Amateur * Baseball League will have its annual meeting at Cobourg on March 14th. . This will be one of the most im- portant annual meetings since the - League's organization in 1919, as the first of January residence rule, the movements of different players' who attached their signature to senior certificates last year, and whether | the league should revert back to the single schedule in preferencs to the double, which has been in force for the past two years, will all come wp, and a lively debate js promised. . A new application, that from the : Kingston Baseball Association, will be dealt with, and the Limestone ' City will have a representative pre- : sent to press their admittance, : SIX McGILL GRADUATES * ASSISTANTS 'TO "SHAG" McGill © will have a staff of six ; grad ate coaches in addition to Shaughnessy for {its footbaM team Lext year, according to an announce ment made at a meeting of the stud- euts! soclety in. the MoGill Undon. a The men will be chosen from the more recent graduates of the univer. sty who have starred on the grid- iron. . " 4 - semi-final games staged at the Arm- ( will be called at 7.30 o'clock and as gg . ourfes or. Tuesday night. In the in- | the first game means a lot of advant- {record for the running broad jump ig J kuson Sein aL i game the Hussars defeated [282 both outfits will be out to win jon ice skates--25 feet, 7 inches. his team. ' a " Battery. by 16 to 6; while in tho [from the start. On the dope both -- --- 3 second contest the Frontenac Regi- | teams are well-matched, the Hussars Benny Leonard:is the only man so nent took rather an easy viotory | having defeated the Frontenacs twice | who has ever knocked Kilbane out. Sr sanization oh jae Bt. Thoms "A" Batters to the tume of [in the regular schedule. -- completed this year. Youths under 31-6. Score by innings: y The International Amateur Swim- eighteen years of age who have a The galleries of the Ammouries | "B' Battery , +.100000032-- ¢ | ming Federation, which records the hankering after the football game Sore crowded with interested speota- | 4th Hussars ...:...03203026x--1¢ | oficial Swimming records, meets ev-l "TE & no mistake in linking lors and the cheering was very im. The teams: 5 | OFF Year, up with the local league which made Partial - throughout, although the| "B Battery--~QaiifieM, ¢; Mellon, oT 3 a fine record last year. The addition Supporters of the battery teams were | P; Osborne, 1b; White, 2b. Hufnes, | Christy Mathewson will be wel-| Aylmer it it becomes a reality, Hsdppointed in the two (8; Kinghorne, It; BoutiMer, re; |comed to the JA5kS of the big lea nls increase the: ae & in the fossos suffered. Both the losing | Johaston, '3b; Vanelvery, of. ew orion, : Outside of a small 'sum for train- wetit down to defeat without a> gy Teepe ss; Arnelll, 06 and thelr players showed |2b: ngrow, 1b; Gourdder, p; . Teal sporting spirit even when tha | Nickie, of; Crawford, rf; Angrove, Be Made to Hear 2 ing expenses, the entire proceeds of $888 of a chance in the finals stared | 2b; Watts, Ir: Weaver, c, This question can be answered |the Siki versus Carpentier fight on I In the face. The two battery| Uspiros--Coyne and Carey, both ways. If the deafness is due to| September Sth, will be devoted to a iS are composed of real sports- 'Score by Inninss: Catarrh, success is general if the suf-icharity. The bout needs plenty of and the hats of the opposing y Es: 1030-- ferer persists ia the use of Catarrho- charitableness on the part of the Jae > sone, and thereby drives Catarrh out|public to tolerate it. - -- v%lof the system. Penetrating through -- And fans alike are off to them | A Battery ..10 010 thelr splendid work which de- [FroRtenac ....051240 the passages of tba ear. the soothin ; vapor of Catarrhozone' Toho the They've unearthed about every- The teams: REL on rs | en ro In the opening game the "B" Bat. [0 ; ne, ss; Smith, 2b; inflammation, destroys the Seeds of thing from the tomb of old King Tut players jumped into the lead for uous, of; Cummins, rf; Deremo, | Catarrh and thereby allows nature to except a set of poker chips and a innings, but the Hussars cams Papdtow, ®. re-assert herself. For Catarrhal Deat-| Pair of galloping dominoes. enacs---Cornelius, rf; MoOul- | ness, pain. over the eyes, plugged -- lough, If; Twigg, ss; Woodhouse, ©: | nostrils and other symptoms assoclat-| 'Tex Rickard has enjoyed the faith Ttichards, 2; Oo Of SIaES. ed with Catarrh. use Catarrhozons [Of the fans for the past sixteen 1b; Fleet, 3b; Sands, p. You'll be more than pleased with the | years but if he 'should permit and | Vmpires--Coyne and Carey, quick Improvement in your condition. | foster a Willard-Dempsey = match st Two months' treatment, One Dollar, | his relapse of popularity would rank Ohristy Mathewson is a graduate | gold everywhere, or the Catarrhozone| With that of Babe Ruth and Roscoe of Bucknell. Co., Montreal. Arbuckle. : ' their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own Fine Gut