Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1923, p. 1

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n British Whig A TERRORIST | By the French Apint One | Mir Gy a Veet. 3 CRE WIE NN TO-DAY All Star Cast in "A Child ~ For Sale" _ 'The Dail KINGSTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1028 . RUSSIA WILL (5775? ua HANGING IS |" Sat ames MAKE CHANGE JUST MURDER "hee Secretary Mellon to Call Debt Refunding Commission T the London, reb. 284 Tn 0 Adopt "Capital: {" arranged by the Brit mpire System of Government. Together. Producers' Organi n-and includ- Washington, Feb. 28 --Secretar ing agents of va "associations v -------- i Se i et * meen 2 According to the Wife of representing Australia, South Africa, East Africa, Mauritius and Canada, Industry And Education Are Considered 'As Being the week to pass the final arrangements , ? Sol of the British settlement to consider (Canada $ Solicitor-General. waited on Sir William Joynson- HORRIFIED MN EXECUTION Hicks, secretary for overseas trade Most Important. London, Feb. 28.--S8oviet Russia extending a renewed Invitation to the debtor nations for negotiations yesterday and urged that the obliga- tion be imposed on every department 4 Of Women, Whe Protect Life And Should Never is going to adopt the, "capitalist" system of government 'at the end of with this govermment. Only one na- tion, Czecho-Slovakia, has broached of tze Mow Government and every railway and public authority Montreal, Feb. 28.--* "When we al- March when the communist congress meets, according to Helsingfors des- the debt question since Great Brit- tin agreed to the refunding terms. The central Eufopean country has advised tho tpé&sury that a com- to purchase goods entirely of Brit: 'mission will be sent to Washington. ish Empire origin and to employ It was stated at the treasury, that only British labor on their contracts. instead of a bond issue of various Sir William sympathized with the denominations, the British indebted- deputation's object and said that ness may be covered by a single bona for a considerable time the matter for the full amount. The United |low state killings we Canadians are (had received the careful attention States has reserved the right, accord- | guilty of murder." of the government, particularly of ing to the treasury spokesman, to This is the stand taken by Mrs. |the cabinet committee on "unem- {obtain the bonds in whatever form |{D. D. McKenzie, wife of the solicitor- [ployment, The question, he said, general of Canada, who arrived in|was undoubtedly one of great and. patches today. Montreal yesterday to speak against |immediate importance and the rep- At that time Eeon.Trotsky, war "capital punishment" at the annual [resentations of the deputation would Br TL Lake over Ha Siretion meeting of the Prisoner's Welfare : Association. Saucatio; ue Dally Jord, | eoBe Killing is murder, Mrs. McKenzie ® s , " TS a to a Ot system nays. hy oh or Jets dows Ry the In will be complete and will necessitate "Do you think It 13 worse to exe- the turning over of power to a group representing the trade unions and co-operative socialists. Under! the new regime, the tasks of fostering in- dustry and education are considered it. desires, or to exchange the larg- er bonds for Small ones later on. be given full weight. TORONTO IS OPPOSED cute a woman than a man?" Mrs. | McKenzie was asked. the most important, wherefore Trot- sky will be asked to take over one The tentative policy will be to hold TO DAYLIGHT SAVING "I am not more for a woman than or the other. YEAR 90; No. 50. a LOOKING FOR "5 ANOTHER Ww AR yracuse_University, N.Y., Because They Play Only Basketball, Between France And Ger- many When Latter Can Fight. "FRENCH IN RUBR 10 STAY University had a new sensation to- day, says the Syracuse Herald, when it became known that the senior Germans Do Not Expect Their Enemy to Leave For a Long Time. council had appointed a committee of three members to confer with ad- ministration officlals, propoging a limitation on admission of Jewish students, The chief reason for the action of the council is that Jew'sh male stu-. demr 'as a whole are sail to lack iaterest In athletics, exc:pt basket. ball. It was said that the percent- age of Jewish students who sought places on the football and athletic teams is small. Dusseldorf, Feb. 28.--The most : Startling feature of the Ruhr oocupa- tion is the calm complaisance with ""which both the French troops and the inhabitants accept the idea that there will be another Franco-Ger- man war as soon as Germany is able to fight. That is the ultimate ans- 'wer one gets in answer to the gues- tion "what is going to be the -vut- some of the oocupation?' For the immediate present a more pressing question is: "Will the French and Belgians ever get out and on what conditions?" The cor- gespondent has asked Premier Poin- oare, General Degouette, Herman Meyer, a grimy German mine fore man, and many persons in the in- paded territories. Premier Poincare said: "We will L Berlin, Feb. 28.--The French in the Ruhr are carrying out 4 definite and well-organized policy of terrors ism, openly waging provocative measures of frightfulness against one principal city a week, an official spokesman of the German foreign office charged today. It was declar ed that first Essen, then Gelsenkir- chen, Recklinghausen and now Ber chum have been made the centre of ° 'terrorist activities." 3° Even in the-old occupied territory, the French are acting similarly, the Ptoreign office says, pointing to Trier.' At this city, it is charged, the popu~ lace is cut off entirely from the outs side world, no trains are running, no mail on newspapers gets in, no local 'Papers can be printed and the inhab- itants are "virtually slaves," not knowing whal goes on outside the Trudges Miles In Snow To Confess Killing Man - Middleton, Feb. 28.--The aufhori- ties of Pike county, Pennsylvania, announced that Joseph Gould, 650, trudged 20 miles through deep snow from a mountain lumber camp to Milford, Pa., to surrender himself after-mortally wounding Earl Raitt, aged 28, a woodsman, during a quar- rel over Gould's sixteen-year-old daughter. ¥ The girl and her sister, Mrs. Van Whyk, served meals for the lumber. men in the logging camp at Creek Swamp, Gould, the authorities say, claims Raitt was about to attack him when he fired five shots into his body, 1 not be necessary for the British ambassador (0 send a formal re- funding agreement to Great Britain the securities for a time and then Monster Protest Petition to be for signature, * for a man," she said, "though I to exchange them, possibly for Submitted to the Oity would save a woman at all costs. A $1,000 bonds for marketing pur- 08es. Secretary Mellon feels that it may Council. woman is life. She protects life and Toronto, Feb, 28.---When the gay- vy light eavings maasure comes be Ought: never to be, executed. fore tha city councl] for ratification "1 was surprised and horrified to : y Soup 13.8 year it wil be stréenususly op= refuse to ewacuate until Germany proves she will execute the Versailles treaty and give sufficient guaran- tees." Here For Thousand Years. Gengral Degouette said "If Ger- many doesn't pay us for a thousand Pears 'we will be here for a thousand pears." Regardless of official opinions the oorrespondent sought the view of workers and of French officers and poilus, A grimy German mine fore- man pointed to a group of childrew swarming in the streets of this as of every Rhineland town, Herman Meyer 'was his same, When did he think the French would go? "Not until those boys have grown tp and drive them out by war." | German business men, who evi- dently thought as does their govern | ment, shrugged their shoulders when be & long time." i wsked this most vital political ques- of Europe. "God knows, it will ' French Policy of The essence of opindon gathered by the correspondent in Paris and dn the Rhineland leads to the belief that French ideas are swinging more strongly each day toward a policy of "security above everything else." It is felt the French and Belgians . "should maintain control over the Rubr in some manner, without an- nexation, for a long period, thus pre- venting Germany getting into a posi- 'tion for war on France again. There ds justice for this thesis in the gen- _- gral belle of the inhabitants that will be anpther confliot, either in five years or in fifty, The Germans : for their part, declare Fremch busi- fess men want to seize the rich in- ~ dustries of the Ruhr, Crowd In Quaker Oity Demand Swift Justice Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 28.--While a crowd of men and women on the street shouted for swift justice, Wylie F. Morgan, slayer of six-year- held without bail in a police station in the northeastern part of the city. Then when he was removed from the station to a prison van to 'be taken to city hall a shower of stones and other missles were hurled at the frightened prisoner. No one was struck and no arrests were made, . FULLY $500 CONFRNE DRG ADDGIS If CARA According. to Hon, Dr. Beland --Heavier Penalties Are Advocated for Offenders. Ottawa, Feb. 28.-- Reliable statis- tics show there #Fe at least 9,500 confirmed drug addicts in Canada, of whom 1,800 are in Ontario, Hon, Dr. Beland told the commons last night, in presenting his estimates for the department of health, Hon. Harry Stevens, Conservative, Vancouver, and A. W. Neill, Inde- pendent, Comox-Alberni, advocated heavier penalties for offenders against the drugs. 3 Hon, Charles Stewart, acting min- ister of immigration, informed Sir Henry Drayton that the deputy min- ister of immigration is leaving for England to arrange cooperation with the overseas settlement board. _ The senate resumed its sessjons af- old 'Lillian Gilmore, 'yesterday was : |serWee, The good of the Church nd A "CANDLE-SNUFFER." Methodist Itinerant System Blamed by Chancellor. ! Toronto, Feb. 28.---While the Methodist, church in Canada has nev- er had éuch all-round efficiency as it has to-day, Rev. Dr. I. G. Bow- les, chancellor of Victoria Univers sity (Methodist), admitted yester- Gay that the Methodist itinerant system was not productive of great pulpit power. Dr. Bowles to that extent agreed with Rev, Dr. D. G. McQueen (Presbyterian), of Edmon- ton, who in a ent interview stat- ed that Methodism has had no great preacher since John Wesley. The ft- inerant system was a "candle-snuf- fer" sald Dr, Bowles, and its advant- ages and disadvantages had been | a any rate, he gaid, it the church had | laid down. its omatorical laurels, it Had picked up the burdem.of social the good of the community niight perhaps be attained without (words of flame and speech of god. ' : i THE LIBERALS CANNOT JOIN PROGRESSIVES Only Room in Parliamentary Life For Two Parties Says W. E. N. Sinclair. Toronto, Feb. 28.--There can be no joining of Liberals to the Pro- gressive party, W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal, South Ontario, declared fn resuming the budget in the house yesterday. There is only room in parliament for two lines of political ter a week's adjournment. Today jt1contended that but for revenue re- thought, Mr. Sinclair insisted. He the] ad mmgrce in UNITED STATES WANTS ALLIES TO PAY:ARMY Memorandum 'Received = Re- garding the Cost of Occu- pying Force. London, Feb. 28.--In r question in the House of Commons to-day as to whether he had infor- mation that the United States gov- ernment was about to demand from the Allies payment for the cost of the United States occupying army, Stanley Baldwin, chancellor of the exchequer, said: "The Aled fina m ceived a as i tion from -the unofficial representa tive of the United States Govern- y Ax Se inisteys re hear that England, whos'should have led us in this matter, had executed a woman." "If she had not been torn by un- rest and factions she would have been leading us, That is the only reason that can account for such an action from England who should have led the world on this point. Canada has had several years of quiet and there is no reason why she should not take a lead. "If we must have executions, have them in public so that the people can see what is being done in their name." Mrs. McKenzie concluded: "But if We go on permitting state killings, let us not call ourselves Christians. "If we are atheists and do'not be- posed by large business interests of Toronto. The fact that the measure was not universally adopted through- out Ontario and by the railways a year ago created confusion. Already local business interests have set in motion their campaign to oppose the measure, Circulation of petitions is under way and when the matter is taken up. by the city council the op- posing forces will be on hand with many thousand signatures of. citiz- ens, merchants and business men who do not want the change. . The business Interests contend that the half measure of daylight saving militates against business. : Quebec Travellers Opposed. Feb. 28.---~The Catholic city limits. 7 22 Killed in Collision. Berlin, Feb. 28.--Twenty-two per- sons were killed when a stationary train outside of Dueren: was tele- scoped by a fast train from Aachen, according to reports, from Essen. The express had been switched onto the wrong line, it was believed. France's Will the Paris, Feb. 28.--"Within four or five months the occupation of the Ruhr have modified our econ- otic ns," Louis Loucheur, lead industrialist of France, de clared in the chamber of deputies last night. "We intend to pursue the operation to the end. It's a war of wills and France's must be the . lleve in anqther life, by all means let . jus go on inMicting capital = punish- I bh -But a " | permit it If it is truly Chiigtian." THE FUEL BOARD WILL HAVE POWER TO ACT Parliamentary Committee Not Considered Necessary to Study Coal Problem. ~ Ottawa; ~Feb. 28.--"The Gov- ernment feels that no good purpose would be served by appointing a spetial committee of the House to consider Canada's fuel problem with a view to the adoption of a national and British coal policy for Canada." This information was given to T. L. Church (Conservatve, Toronto North) in the House of Commons in answer to a series of questions plac- ed on the order paper." The government, it was stated further, had created the dominion "fuel board to Investigate the recur- rent unsatisfactory fuel situation and seek a solution. If funds were Travellers' Association the city refrain from adopting day- light 'saving this year, They declares that since Quebec was the only city in the entire district to adopt it last year, grave inconvenience Jo-- bual- ness was suffered. ; me, next . 090000009000 000000 IRISH FIGHTING + IN ABERLOW GLEN * --- °® Dublin, Feb. 28.--Heavy fighting is under way be- tween a strong rebel force and Free State troops in the Glen of Aberlow, it is report- ed here. At least two insar- gents have been killed. De- tails of the battle are mo known, eply to a ©0000 000000000000 TRAFFIC THREATENS SPIRE OF CATHEDRAL Ot ddd etdhot te + * * ° ® this' ques- London; Feb. 23.--Eighty Conser vative members of the House of Commons met in the Commons com= mitlee yesterday to consider the question of communist schools @ (Great Britain and after some discus- sion unanimously adopted a tion calling upon the gover take up the q 'of supp # seditious teaching of child sixteen years. The resolution urged ment to introduce a purpose themselves, or for the passing .of a We eit. SUGAR PRICES BREAK. New York Prices Down Half Cent a Pound on Raw. New York, Feb. 23.--Raw sugar prices broke gne half a cent a pound yesterday, Cubas declining. to 4 3-4 under increasing offering from op- ' govern. ve facilities bill. . ment on the reparations commission during the conference at Paris in March, 1922, The question is at pre- will pay tribute to France for thejceived almost at the close of gift of the Vimy Ridge memorial|Y®8r, the province would have faced site. a deficit instead of a surplus, Liquor to Be Sold : A British Empire Exhibition provided as proposed In the estimates for the coming fiscal year, that board would initiate various investi- NN : - 9g | orators. ¥ The Foundation of Britain's Soruck Sagan dion HS London, Feb. 28.--In the face of _etrong opposition from temperance and church organizations, and oppo- sition also from interested publicans, lquor will be sold at the British Em- pire Exhibition. . The licensing magistrates of Wealdstone, Middlesex County, uted conditionally the exhibition nagement's application for ten full excise licenses for the restaurants > and bars in the stadium. Waiter Burned To Death. Philadelphia, Pa,, Feb. 28.--Alby 8. Cheligo, waiter, was, burned to death and six men were injured in a fire which swept the Philadelphia rifle club here to-day. ' sent under discussion between the 'Famous Religious Pile . Attorney-General Raney discussed FRENOCH VESSEL SENDS CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Drifting Helpless in Field of lce--Canadian Government lce Breaker Responds. Halifax, Feb. 28.----An 8.0.8. call has been received from the French steamer Propatria, which, with sey- eral Americans aboard, has drifted for four days helpless in a field of ice seventy miles south of St. Plerre: The Propatria reports three 'blades of, her propeller gone, her rudder disabled, no fresh water and fuel sup- ply low. The Canadian government ice breaker Staley has gone to the disabled steamer's assistance. U.S. Will Have Observer At Qirl=Traffic Session '|earnings in New York state manu- at some length, H. H. Dewar's charge that the government had overpaid $30,000 in purchasing a liquor warehouse in Toronto. facturing industries decreased 13 cents during January, but were $1.78 higher than in January, 1932, it was announced today by Bernard L. Shientag, state industrial com. missioner. The average weekly wage for January compiled from payroll | records of representative industries wis reported as $36.22, £ Allied and the United States Gov- erments." : id Mirs. Lily Langtry Seeking 17 to Emulate Divine Sarah | ---- London, Feb. 28.--The press reports that Mrs, Lily Langs i Monte Carlo, as saying: "I would Mke to return to the stage immediately it offered a suit- able part and play, Iie gations with a view to finding satis- factory substitutes for anthracite "{coal and to suggesting means to alleviate the inconveniences arising from the frequently recurring un- satisfactory fuel situation. Movement on to Increase Marriage License Cost ---- Chicago, Feb. 28. --Going on the basis' that any wife ought to be worth $5 at least at the start, Com- missioner Murray yesterday began agitation for an increasing the mar- riage license fee from $1.50, the lowest rate in the world, to $5. "If a man can't pay $5 for a wife, Needs Strengthening. London, Feb. 28.--Heavy trafic in the surrounding streets is threaten. ing the famous spire of Salisbury Cathedral, the tallest in England. For 600 years the spire has reared its height of 404 feet : out of the green valley of the Avon without visible signs of deterioration. Engineers recently found, how- ever, that it leaned 23 inches from the perpendicular, Vibrations from heavy motor traffic are helieved to have caused this, and it will be necessary at once to begin the work of stre ening the foundation, .A police order bas issued he ought not to have one," sald Com- | prohibiting heavy trucking in the missioner Murray, On the basis of |immediate vicinity of the church. 85,000 licenses issued last year, the A Increased fee would bring the coun. ty an additional revenue of $132. 000. It also was proposed to increase court fees, but the lawyers set up such a determined how! that it'was seen the plan could. not be put through. Dally Ex several local Futures broke 23 to 40 points, May to 4.85, and July to 4.93, or About half cent under the recent high evel. EE ------------ Tate Miss Buell, Ottawa. 2 Ottawa, Feb. 28.--Miss Susan Harriet Harris Buell, daughter of the {late William Oscar Buell, barrister . Miss Buell came of a 8 family. Hpr grandfather was Rev. Michael Harris, firet rector of and she was a lineal descendant Wiliam Buell, U. E. Loyalist, k founder of the town of Brockville. Miss Buell was a Atiber of John's Anglican church,' and well known in Ottawa, where she resided for the past thirty years.

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