STONE I ARTIN. ; MINK FISHER KOLINSKY GREY SQUIRREL FOXES in colors, etc. Your inspection invited. Prices are the low- : est, 'consistent with the high quality we maintain. : 8¢ 0 Skin-nay! nay! Yoo-Heo! C'mon over AND SER Oh Henry and His Liftie Sister CROTHERS - Kingston momen Trade Mark Registered : 1 WORK 5 MO Bs We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sols, 2: 8000 olim at $6.00, These are high-grade and worth $8.00. - Raat aug Eleeefls supgiien ofa kinds, Complete sets ia. stalled. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04, CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. i esl | IS | [day morning, judgment was reserv- away. The fenders on one side of the car were bady damaged; and! ft! THE_ DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MANY MEN ARE WAITING, % About Two Hundred on the Books at the Local Em= ployment Office. -- ~ ~ Work is very slow in openiug up, and there are many workingmen still awaiting the demand for their ser | vices. The usual number is around 1200, and while the majority get | work spaxmodically for a few days at a time, the local employment of- fice is constantly on the lookout for jobs, knowing that these men will remain on the books until outdoor work is available, With this condition duplicated in all cities of the province, there is no way in which any can bé moved from one place to another. All are trying to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Reports received on the matter of unemployment show just exactly what the situation is through Ontario and each locality is expected to take care of itself. There is no influx of immigrants at present, so that the employment agents have not a large foreign ele- ment to deal with for which théy are thankful, but are strongly opposed to any immigration, ~scheme whils they are unable to place home sur- plus labor in profitable employment. It was expected that on March 1st, the Canadian Locomotive-Com- pany would be employing 800 men, but thus far, it is said that less than 200 are at work. Many former mach- inists of the plant are awaiting re- ceipt of notification to report for work. It is stated that the delay is due to the slow shipment of ma- terials that have to be imported. Not many men are being employed on vessels yet for, contrary to .pre- dictions, navigation is not expected to open early this year, indeed, it is more likely to be a late spring, and the work on the steamers is not! being pushed. There is nothing being dong in construction work outside of the city's trunk sewer, as mason work cannot be started until tne weather is favorable. There will be plenty of work of this kind during the summer when Queen's new build- ings are started and the usual build- ing is carried on. There has been a substantial reduction in the price of lumber, thus offsetting the freight rates and builders feel en- couraged to plan a more extensive building programme than last year. JUDGMENT RESERVED. In Case Over Auction of Stock At . Parham, In the case of Willlam Commodore vs. R, Cronk, tried in the county court before Judge Lavell, Wednes- ¢d. A large number of witnesses testified for the plaintiff, while T. J. Rigney, K.C., for the defence pre. sented a motion for a nonsuit on the ground that plaintiff had no special legal claim as a creditor as the chat- IAM JAM Bettys Strawberry (pure oo DANDY : CANDY f= NUT CARAMEL with Milk Chocolate 29c:alb. VANILLA OLD- 3 FASHIONED p + CREAMS with Milk Chocolate : 29c¢. a IB. - New York 72. Syrup in 8 1b. pails Large, ne Su ey New Cooking .8 Ibs. er tng Flys 8 tbo. oe .89¢c. 29c¢. 28¢c. 28¢. 4 4 4 5 AND SMALL FURS WILL SOON 'BE OVER "Have you taken advantage of 3 ? Greater bargains than ever. a gaicle and tales drantngs of \tel mortgage upon which the action was: based, had not been registered. The action arose over the auction of the stock and implements of W. J. Naddow, at Parham, on Sept. 4th last to satisfy Joseph Bedore who endorsed a note for Naddow, Cronk wag the auctioneer, Witness claimed that he was informed of the exist- ence of the chattel mortgage, but proceeded with the sale without ad- vertising, and on Yerbal instructions from Bedore. G. M. ' Macdonnell, K.C., acted for the plaintiff and T. J. Rigney, K.C., for defendant, _ Gasoline- Prices It was learned that the difference between the wholesale and retail price for gasoline in Kingston was six cents per gallon. Premier gaso- line on Wednesday was selling at 80 cents a gallon wholesale, and 36 cents a gallon retail, at the service station. White rose gasoline was 32 cents a gallon wholesale and 38 cents a gallon retail. Shell Motor spirit was one cent a gallon dearer than White Rose on both the whole sale and retall prices. The King ston wholesale dealers have nothing to say about the setting of the price as this is done from headquarters. H Canadian Pacific. 180' Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Empress of Britain, from Havan- nah, arrived Port Antonio, Feb. 27th. Empress of France, from Hono lulu, arrived Yokohama, Feb} 27th, Montcalms, from Liverpool and Empress of Russia, from Boag, due Vancouver, March 12th, i nist Fathes Nicholson's Address, | | ~ Following a few days' iliness, Han- nah Washburn Macdowall, wife of Nel] C. Polson, passed away on Tués- day at the residence of her son-in- law, Harold W. Davis, King street west, Mrs. Polson has been a life- {long resident of Kingston, and will be mourned by many friends, who will remember her for her sweet na- ture and warm sympathies. For the past week she had been surrounded by her seven children, who deeply mourn the loss of a devoted and lov- ing mother. Mrs. Polson came from a family closely identified with the early days of Canada, 'being a grand-niece of the Hon. Simeon Washburn, one of the first members of the legislature in Upper Canada, end granddaughter of the late Rev.- Robert Macdowall, who was sent by the Dutch Reform church at Albany, N.Y., in 1798, to 'ailsts In. this part of Ontario. Hé was 'the first moderator of the Pres- byterian church in'Canada, and one c/ the founders of Queen's Univer- sity. Mrs. Polson was a devoted mem- ber of Chalmers church. She is sur- vived by her husband, four sons and three daughters: N. C. Polson; Jr. Montreal; Henry Gordon Polson, New York; Dr. Stuart Polson, New York; Dr. James Polson, New York, and Mrs. Harold W. Davis, Jessie Currie, and Una Washburn, King- ston. The funeral takes place on Toursdey morning at ten o'clock at 163 Xing street west. A @ TOBOGGAN ACCIDENT Charles Woods and a Young Lady 'Injured at Fert Hl Charles Woods, a student attend- ing the Kingston business college, received a bad shaking up on Tues- day evening when the toboggan on which he and three other people were sliding struck a stone. The party, which consisted of four, had been riding down the hill at Fort Henry. They had made eleven trips and were going down hill, and the four were thrown off. Mr. Woods, who was steering the toboggan, and the girl in the front 'were both bruised. © Av): Was Damaged The motor car owned by Dr. A. R. B. Williamson was bady damag- ed on Tuesday, when a horse attach- ed to a milk sleigh, owned by Mr. Prentice, who resides near the Mowat hospital, took fright end ran will cost about $50 to put the auto in repair. Dr. Williamson was not in tho auto at the time. To Stop a Cold in One Day Take Laxative BROMO QUININE tablets. The box bears the signa ture of BE. W. Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO). 30c. ada. A ---- Thaw Will Block Trafic. As soon as the Nau thaw sets in, the local mark®tswill be very small until the roads become, good again, as mud and slush is hardly in accord with heavy traffic in the coun- try. The funeral of the late Mrs. Martha Fly, who passed sway on Saturday night, was held on Tuesday after- noon to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. Edwin Burgess 'eonducted the cere- mony. The pall-bearérs were Charles Higgins, John Lambert, James Dor- an and Walter Cook. Mash of such strength that it burned holes in the leather gloves of the Provincial officers handling it was found by Provincial Police and Inland Revenue Officers on the farm of Charles McNamara, near Lyn. minister to the United Empire Loy- young || tha | twelveth timé when the toboggan | struck a stone at the foot of the Made in Can- | SPECIAL SALE LATEST FICTION $2.00 BOOKS AT $1.50. SHADOW OF THE EAST by E. M. Hull (Author of The HOUSE OF MOHUN by George Gibbs (author of Yellow THIS FREEDOM by A. M. S. Hutchinson Comes). MY DISCOVERY OF ENGLAND. FLOWING GOLD. CAPPY RICKS RETIRES COUNTRY -BEYOND . THE PAGAN LOVE .. THE TALE OF 'TRIONA . HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF COOMBE by F rancis THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE \pHONE 919. by P FOR SPRING WEAR na, Pear, Ivory, Black. Price $1.59 YARD. SPECIAL HABUTAI SILK 36 inch--a good, heavy quality. and in all the new w shades: WEDNLSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1028 Sheik) Dove) (Author of If Winter hen Leacock Rex Beach eter B. Kyne 'by James Oliver Curwood . . by John Murray Gibbon . by W. J. Locke Hodgson Bur- OPEN NIGHTS New Silks and Woollens Wool Canton Crepe, 40 inches wide. This is a strong, soft material for house or street wear, and comes in pretty shades of Navy, Nigger, Fal- low, Sandalwood, Wallflower, Hen- 130 per ie ALLTYME CREPE One of the season's newest materials for Dresses. We show 20 pretty shades; and guarantee' it to give parfecs satisfaction, Per yard . BLACK DUCHESSE SATIN y 36 inches wide--a quality that will give real wear. ful lustrous finish. Several qualities at $2.25 and up to PAISLEY. CANTON SREPE and CREPE DE CHENE New designs; 40 inches wide vias DROP STITCH "TRICOLETTE New Radium Laces . Miva ' New Bertha Laces-tall colors : sertously hurt on Jrucudyl afte pod Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ° Rev. Fr. Mea's Olose Call oy When loe 8lid Off Roof REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT $2,800--Cherry St., large frame, 9 rooms, bathroom, me yard and cel- ar, It -is nothing less than & miracle that Rev. Father C. J. Mea was not on King street, when a "jreat quan- tity o ico fell off a roof. Father Mea was walking along the stdeet when he heard a noise overhead and thinking it was ice moving on the roof he jumped in close to the build- ing. He had only reached a safe place when a great mass of ice left the roof and fell to the ground, mis- sing Father Mea by a few feet. furnace. Fire Insurance. Money to Loan. 3 Days More ! Our Be Si Will continue for the rest of this week, ending Saturday night. Many prospective Fur purchasers have urged us to furthor extend the opportunity to buy Furs at Sale Prices. : This Sale har meant genuine reductions. on | our entire winter stock, but if bargdins count. fhe Clasing days of the Salo this week WhY sce A Whiriwind Shish. CAPES and SCARFS and all small Furs are offered at huge discounts ," and at the same price as and so are the qualities. a = 3h 2 : ---THEY SAVE YOUR GOOD SHOES. THEY PROTECT YOUR HEALTH, Y 'THEY SAVE YOU PAYING DOCTORS' BILLS. Try us for your next pair of Rubbers! gine car's the met ch Swe chance for thrifty buyers. Coats of Electric Sdal, also Mink Marmot, $60 i Coats of Bolivia Beaver, also Leopard, $50 Cpataiof Australian Coon, also Seal Dog, $40 Montreal, Feb. 28. started selling 2,700 tons a Sone co 2 from their lower level i dealers' bins waiting delivery. By noon today practieatly All of the SAT Stistucon snd this mern- Daén Somracted tor by (paid $35.00 -- Colling- wood St., 7 rooms, B.and C,, gas, elec- tric lights, hot air == {ll Rubbers For Shushy Weather We sell nothing but first quality Rubbers for Men, Wonten % and Children--"every pair guaranteed to give the utmost in service and satisfaction {interior It has a beauti-- $3 per yard. . $3.50 yd. and up. 54 inches wide--for Blouses or Dresses. This comes Circular and 14 yards will make a Blouse. Colors include Ivory, Sand, ' Grey, per yard. een 8c to $2.50 a yard. .95c. t0 $2.50 yard. ame han hi ton ar mil 'Mortromt Sols Well Coat | city Welsh not mean, however, that (ars coal to the pd tosay pumping yards situated at tha foot of Atwater avenge, This coal retails at $16 & fon 'rocefved hero between ate the same as the 5,000 tons American al, This is plus cartage, which is by the citizen or dealer, ak -