THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG think of suggesting any course which | IW. F. NICKLE RAISES ROW c'scx mest ™ it "3" vet | | right and justice. He's not a man of | that sort. He's not a man who sails | (Continued from Page 1.) | el tothe r » . | close ules of the house. If miasion?" asked Mr, Nickle (Con | he's Atarn. it's a virtue that servative, Kingston), after observing : i that Mr. Carmichael had taken his | might emulate. : : seat towhrd the close of the after- ---------- : . : : noon. "Surely if a man is being paid | JOHNSTON & WARD. s é : $6,000 of the people's money, the Th and ® : representatives of the people have a | embers treal | oron right to hear his voice when matters | Eeshaich 9 Pines. - : LIMITED : are raised such as those which have MONTREAL BTCORS. KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE been raised this afternoon." Abitibl Power... .. Sits Silent." Asbestos. .,. :... .. .. .,. "He bh |Atlantic Sugar "1 Jometmes. wonder," Be ton- Ny, ty phone. 11 Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9to 5.30 T 69% tinued, 'it the honorable premier rit has told him to be carefuly'and that | meses he keeps silent because he fears that TORBIOR. . -- vase les sue if there is another outburst similar |e ng Com, gz to that of a year ago, the premier | british Empire 2nd PHd.. .. would accept his resignation." {Cuban Canadian Sugar Com. The events of the afternoon, added ;Cuban Canadian Sugar Pfd.. Mr. "Nickle, had produced an exact Can. Cement Com... .. ... pafallel to those which attended the OR. Cement Pmd.... recent attacks on the ~ Workmen's | C80 : Compensation Board. Then the | CAR. SR. . minister concerned had spoken only | hy hee nea after extreme provocation. "And fan. Stoumukip Prd.. .. . MARCH-- - inister without portfolio . BL. teen is Tae - a an a and from. Bridge. ... 5 is just another way of saying Spring. If the glad news Without mush Mors spiue." Detroit Gaited >» : of the new season's arrival were to be heralded from the "If the minister without portfolio | Gen. Electric intends to maintain his position gu (owas Smith.... .... ..- housetops, you could hardly be more aware of it than the commission, then the house de-|lLaurentide.... .. ..... afboF un vist throah tho Risto ditoe Siete uf mands that it have his opinions, If [Montreal Cotton gh store. . time- this $11,000 was spent for propa-|Montreal Power... . ly merchandising bids you make the home ready for the i | Mack L : ganda purposes, if the premier had | Mackay "one warmer months, while hosts of captivating new clothes advised his minister that such ex-|National Brewerles.... . | penditure was not authorized by the |Fenmans.. seem to say: "Prepare, Easter Will Soon Be Here." As ~ \ i | Price B government, where was the minister Price Bros anise ina 2 without portfolio when the expendi- | Quebec Ralls . hee usual, values are significant. ture was being made? Was he then [Spanish River Com..., .... : as silent at the board of the com-|Spanish River Pfd.... ... ' @ mission as he has been here this |Smelters.... ,..... ...... afternoon? And if he was silent, is |Shawinigan..., .. .. .... not the government as much toSteel of Can..... .... .. . HERE IT IS! blame as the chairman of the com-|Toronto Rails..., .... . mission, who is alleged to have acted in an improper manner?" This Hat promises to be about the most Hen "oh : SPRING'S NEWEST SHADES IN : Answer Not Ready. popular member of the entire Soft 'Hat After F. G. Sandy (U.F.0. South NEW YORK STOCKS. : Victoria) had intervened with a|Amer Loco.... .. .. ...7 127 > family. The shades are Pearl, Grey, Drab declaration that the minister re-{Baldwin Loco.... .... ... 138% ™ : : ferred to had 'just as much prin- |B. & O San neee BYR and Fawn. . The prices : ciple in the house," Mr. Carmichael | Gosden Oil 59Y ' took up the cudgels in his defense. Crucible Steel... 81% He referred first to the demand |Gen, Asphalt.... .... .. .. 48% . : . . 3. 0 which J. W. McLeod (Liberal, |G. §. T ve 9% A beautiful quality that is much favored for the mak- 1 Stormont), had made for an answer 40 . . . to his question regarding the Hydro |N. Y. C 13 ing of Suits, Dresses and separate Skirts. campaign funds. The answer was New Haven.... .. .. a s 90 . BUY YOUR EASTER HA not ready, but he had .asked the Pen. Amer '» coer - 81% secretary of the Hydro Commission | Pan. Amer, oo 73% $ br AT a Aa el pond itsel? | Sou. $e Nx i ar as the expenditure L} J was concerned," he continued, "the, oe aa x ° yard matter was not brought before the! oe Rin @ ® 9 ' Hydro Commission. I knew per-|{r g. : " : . - . . \ Sa Liv ingston % fectly well that no funds had been En ma For Spring this fashionable material is being shown » . authorized for Hydro-Radial pur iStahd Of of Calitornia 61% in many pretty shades, that are decidedly hew, and more poses Stan. Oil of New Jerseq.. .. 43% 75-79 BROCK STREET "I knew that the government had | Amer. Sugar... .. .. $1m8 attractive than ever before. "IF OFF 20UZ ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" refused a request of the chairman |Syban Can Com. . 5 the : : LT of the Hydro Commission. I can say |Cuban Cane Sugar PLd. . |. Eu This Homespun'is every thread pure wool, not too i In all truthfulness that the account ; £2 rough a finish, and a quality that is suited for the making Jj | for the money expended was never Min f . brought before the Hydro Commis-|moilinger.. ... . 1340 of almost any Spring wearable. sion; that it was never sanctioned ron . Ee ries Commons on | Teck Hughes... o.oo. 898 | The newest shades that are being featured are: jie Sapnditure Yay Bot #WHHOTIEOE Myiptyry, sense oe 08.76 GOLDEN BROWN ROSE HENNA : 9 8: lo 1 Tn : RR TURQUOISE GREY PEACH ut ux wos ple, 8 was Wade with- EX-KAISER WANTS LIGHT PURPLE ORIENTAL HELIO count was passed, it was done with- T0 QO TO CORFU CARDINAL SAND LIGHT COPEN out my knowledge." a : Tao Sniister Shes Jueesd hid = Owing to High Cost of Living swer e pe nai rem SO A ; ponent, remarks which he termed lies May Refuse . ALL WOOL "uncalled for." : Cageg ii M ket- ice /Red-bot Crossficé. Berlin, March. 1.--The wander- « \ Quality--Lar el al --3] Vi "The premier knows," he continu- {lust--and the high cost of living-- : v g ed, that he is at liberty to accept my | have come to the former German . ream omespun resignation whenever he wishes to | kaiser, Wilhelm, at Doorn, and he § Retail Market Phones 458-459. Business Offi 3 Wholesale Department 1767 _- ie 305 do so. I think that the member for | Walls to get away and go to his , = ? Kingston owes me an apology. His [castle in Corfu. v $ remarks were offensive and um-| It.appears the Allies would balk truthful." this-plan, but that Princess Herm- , d yar Mr. Nickle was on his feet with |0ine, his bride, may be permitted to iH an immediate demand for & refrac- |80 to Castle Achilieon. tow of "ihe Lim two wards." Mon Fake Stand ey A beautiful quality All-Wool . Cream Home- GOOD KINDS. TO TRY After admitting that he had used For Britain Says Meighen sun that is specially suited for the making of Suits TO re eT and separate Skirts = N FOR THE WEEK-END ita the me courtesy he wil 180 | algae wt ie rent eee nS Jot It is fully 56 inches wide, and all pure wool. withdraw." Princess Pats Canadian light infan- 56 INCHES WIDE Sea Herrings-- - Cohoe Salmon-- Mr, Nickle refused to comply. try, Right Hon. Arthur . Meighen Mr. Carmichael stuck to his guns. said independence would mean that (Fresh) large, bright st Headless and ) 3% or = pound ah 0c.| whole, fine flavor2and red. If anybody would suggest that I| canada would swing out of the orbit Pound 20¢. would do anything under duress, if of another country. i he would make the statement out- "We must take our stand for Bri- SPECIAL | 800 Ibs. Sliced Salmon, Red {][sée the house souls toss woe se |g, e205 take cur stand tor neff AN ALL Wook Cohoe, Ib. Cri Paes «20, Sue 24D usually tients 3fother WhO | giayeq, : P. arsley free with orders. Then ensued an argument as to| o.. Hi, aired otroot Dad ott Zon : : NAVY what Mr. Nickle had sald, to the : - . Old-fashioned Labrador Herrings 6 for 30c |] ot desks and cries of withdraw | 40% , | | Dr €SS I lannel BOTANY SERGE : ne For Dresses, Middies, $ | 7 5 . Are still a treat with Potatoes boiled in their jackets for a change. Try them. - Withdraws Word "Spineless." Mr. Carmichael --You said the Tams, etc. Fresh. aud cheap. They are the prettiest Fish coming from s that they 39 uever dreamed, A it spolls their appearance. ter and pounded its appreciation. any Serge. It is 54 inches MACKEREL _ fore. You called me spineless. T am | 304 Yo the mast nourishment. = Perhaps wo should [Lae sided with the Mints- [JB : $2.00 yard A fine, AliWoo) Bot- 180, Mr. Nickle finally drew he : Flainel is a material that wide and suitable for the GREEN STUFF 'and NEW Be ba io ideally suited f rts | making of Dresses and VEGETABLES he Sarmichat pst tn Malo PERE or gene] Wess. It Gomes | Separate Skirts. demand for an apology. During the Note the new features: . exchange the speaker was address- Funeral (private) from her late resi. . LL ed, but no ruling resulted, R. R. Hal} dence, 31 Colborne Street. Friday at In many attractive shales, NAVY.BLACK y Ralishes, Celery, Rigo To- (Liberal, Parry Sound) added more Ho ak nicely and TRICOTINE Spinach, Lettuce, ; : - : The Flannel at this price $2.50 to $3.50 FRUITS : me ; A lovely, oft Tali, Ae Tors in 3 New: California Pears (first quality). : : : Navy Blue and Black. t--special ...... ... 3 for 25c. hem,' a 22 : There are several extra rnia Navel Oranges .32c., 39c., 48c. A high : Pi | : good qualities--54 to 56 Special sizes at the prices. i ! | > inch Wide in Srrect Pin 1 large size and ripe, juicy st : . Parlors Prin Fa i55 > igh ts for the making E- eh ae Soe one accep re ; il ; 'of Spring Suits. : o