THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MRS SHLUDES OBS r E-- FoR * STORY OF NAF VANPRE COUGHS, MN Breaks Down Dscribing Loss of =E cows - [I ENTREE |"aeeiete"0= | DISH | Now York, March 2.--Mrs. Paul- [i Just Four More Shupring Vedi Ter Easter ! ! elle Saludes--amall, chic and French | ASTHMA --vesterday peinted for the jury, | We Sell and Recommend « J SPE TAL. i1ying her on a charge of murder, the picture of a male vampire and DR. HICKEY'S [then labelled the sketch Oscar Mar- : jieiliete, the broker whom ehe shot ; SPEEDY i We have had made u his William gtireet office last Octo- | 3 - fer. : . { for us some very Spe- ll! . making the stand in her own de- | ; ' REMEDY. fense and at times sobbing hysteric- | cial English pattern |ally, she declared that Martellicre | PROBS: --Saturday, showers, then colder. [had 'exerted over her an almost hyp- | 4 'me notice influence, Vosine | Ber sway] L. T. Best || Entre Dishes | =o Glorifies the En Hiro Siore] Mude of the very best materials "He had worked me like a 'busi- --- "Silver Plated: on hard ress proposition, as he told me he kad worked his wif. d oth vO- metal'--plain in design and [{IT27 PORRer Ns WE GN Her yo Old styles are dead. Now live the new. The store cordially invites you to view its new : convertible into two dishes by |} mam, adding later thet she, had | " yardage oods Milliner Read -to-wear and House Furnishin sections on Saturda Announcement turning the handle off at the [| learned from Mrs. Martelliere her- | y ge eg Ys y g Ye Kingston Taxi top. 3 1067 oO 00) 300 WEN lo Na = "THE TALK OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRYSIDE "I had endeavored to breakgof our : a | Service { While these last we Fepsions, He Rid, "I begged him | + : to go back to his wife and be a 1 PHONE 960 '[ll , "crrorimg hem we msn bern E gmt SPRIY G1 ns w!l his power over me to keep me." announce that th > i Wish to 9 ey $9.00 each. | During her testimony Mrs, Saludes comply strictly to euy: tangy. 1} J] said that Marteliierc; a friend of her Day and Night Service. | Fully guaranteed. lusband"s, had induced him to go All Sedan Cars. { abroad on a business. venture, and] i h ' ! {then poisonad her mind against Sa- is ' | ludes, referring to him as a thief. ' | Er § | Finally, she said, hé had moved into | ; ( | | her home, and promised to marry her SAXTON COAL { eo {as soon as both of them had been | thle to got divorces, ! "Tim \ | © Then, she continued, Martelliers | ) SH Unie ' . For Hot Bly Rurasces wd Jewelers, Limited began getting hold of her property, LA ! va Heate: "00 per ton blished 1840 inducing her to put a mortgage on | iE SHEE CANNEL COAL Establishe : [the house her husband had given her of L For Grates--$18.00 ton. | King Street, Kingston land to sell his automobile, While ] ) \ 3 . {they were lying together, she con- WOOD " tinued. Martelliere contributed to- a . . Slabs--cut 12" long, $8.75 load | | |ward the upkeep of the establish: We have every fight to believe, that assembled under this Hard Wood--12" , 84.25 || , d then bo d most of 2 Yes ar Re : LY . . . Noma Pa ES arn: *0 Won Morrow] Mok ot ir . 'roof is housed the largest, most varied and popular priced dis- | -At last, she said, he became less : A ioh- i illi Highest Prices Paid for |attentive pl ane us ¢ Nis Te play of high rade Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery, ever W. A. Mitchell & Co. | All Kinds of Junk [""*™ Lab - 2s shown in Eastern Ontario. 15 Ontario Street Communicate with | On Bo eed ry Ih, Mrs. | Telephone 67. Standard Metal & [sits ida vo bois SUITS i Waste Company + ||settlement, but he tried to put her ih wr : | : (off. Priced from ..... $16.50 to $35.00. Priced from . ..... $15.50 to $39.50 . 5 )SEN, M A The U. 8. Senate Thursday after- | M.: RC s Manager | "I did not want to believe wrong Bon appropriated 3500,000 fdr the Dific mi 2 areliouses about lum, but witlle be was owt 1 1,000 Suits--developed in All-Wool Cana- 500 New York Top Coats, Capes, Sport Ase = o ; : encouragement of rubber growing in | 170-172 RIDEAU STREET {saw his check books and his papers. Latin America and 'the Phillipine | Phone 2060J. [Then I realized it had all been Hes dian Homespun, Imported Serge, Tricotine, Islands, ; {and he had never been true to me | Poiret Twill, Twill Cord--in Navy, Black, Coats, Wraps and Dolmans--in a wonder- {from the beginning and had only | hy me for the money he could get | Brown, Cocoa, etc.--in youthful and tailor- ful range of the most exclusive styles -- ON Tees uni Wil ip aot Ms ro ed styles--for Women and Misses -- the made up in a splendid. collection of the voiver and kill myself, When he told sizes range from 14 to 44. Every Suit a choicest pile, cord and velour fabrics. Every me he did not care what I did, he « > ° = : 3 " - . - - - Electric L amp S left the office and slammed the door. super-value--as comparison with all other new shade is included in this extraordinary IT ha y a 1) 4 4 aw . ' ge J a po ui myer, Sompetitive values will prove. iw are > display of the most swagger new mode. The When Marteifiers left, Mrs. Sa- | proud of the price as we are of their out- prices are beyond comparison, as i casual ial Pri | S {ludes said, she went to her lawyer | 2 1 d martn - 4 . - Pp €cCla rices J} :n4 to1d nim of her distress. re sata, standing quality of material and smartness glance at these outstanding values will he told the court, that Manrtelliere of style. . fe rir Fart Sie an prove. Sizes from 14 to 44. 25 Watt Mitrogen . ..........48¢. | |H" mm she roturata to Martasiorr| | office 'and waited there until he re- | 40 Watt Mitrogen {Jeo Te semcraton is duo of tmser: | I oy These are special gas-filled Lamps iT that, Mrs, Saludes said, she | OUT-OF -TO WN CUSTOM E RS jreited So rovatver; there 11] TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE C. O. D. DELIVERY and they give more light on less con- |scuffle, a shot and everything became | \ : murky. It was not until next morn: sumption of current. ling, she said, that sho realized what | To all points within 20 miles of Kingston we deliver Free. If your purchase is not [od hepbened. satisfactory, return goods and receive your money back' All Mail Rural Routes are in- 25 Watt Tun sten Lamps | She declared she had ne recollec- | g Pp lion of seeing the prostrate body of | cluded. - We are at your service with better values--for less! 40 Watt Tungsten Lamps | Martelliere on the flor, or of empty- | ing the pistol into his body. 60 Watt Tungsten Lamps . . . a Seiomtane. sid sho was Sr NEW SPRNG] ; erin | [EEESEE] ww sear | NEW FROCKS PROPAGANDA OF KLAN M I L L Many a Mode is of Egyptian Inspiration. A y CAUSES HIDIGNAYION H the latest interpretations of a he E RineT : . . NE mm ere are A | : ti i t McKelvey & Birch, Limited [[rossomeoe || mrss Brg Bice, | meee of be eptr Kig Tt Destruction of Canadian, | New York come these charming new | 1'as swayed Irock: styles pring. e mater- General Contractors, YC Spectatiats, ee Fitter and Plumbers, Churches. od Sport, Tailored and Dress Hats--in all ials include. Canton Crepe, Luter Crepe, Printed Jobhers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Stives, Shelf, H ---- \ and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olle, Hest supplies, Shes Meta | Arbany, N.Y. Moreh 2.-Mombors their beguiling new shades and trim- +{ Silk, Crepe de Chene, Taffeta, Crepe Romaine and Tin Werk; Electric work; Painting and P. Hang! and 1 he Wark Wieeteie Work; sper Tanging. Specinl lf}, the New York Stato Legislature | min Priced from $3. 50 to $12. 50. Alltyme Crepe--exquisite new styles and trim- - {are being deluged with anonymous gs. . 3 mings -- showing the latest and most approved letters from persons stating they are a oT a Tw IRENE HATS RM New YORK styles and colorings from New York and Paris -- are propaganda against 'a bl just | Gey over 800 new Dresses to select from. ing for making puvlic the list of | Ask to seethem. They i up to | Priced from + $19. 50 up to $50. 00 introduced in the legislature, provid- | Siesiibers 91 tue Kian 1 Now York " $11.50 eac Regular and oversizes. One letter received quoted exten. . sively from Rev. Charles Chiniquy's Lora * : bok, "Pity yeirs in (no chur of hE The Piece Goods Sections Rome" and stated that his expose of amt, {5 destroy Pio. are replete with new Spring stocks of all that is the-mode for the ensuing season. We par- t erica had been pro b, 9 roca ovonts Ry 'ticularly invite your inspection to-morrow to cur SILK, WOOLEN 'and WASH GOODS Poms Tg Tumi DEPARTMENTS, where the n new things are on special display -- attractively priced Canade, and a few, in the United States, is put on the Klan by the throughout! > 26th Annual February Sale [55-52 i n: ' & e ruary e Raming cross." me P LEA SE N OTE : Tie last few days of our Sale afford you amother oppor. and iy Tatsole ii + Woudumios +unity to\save money. Everything in the store greatly reduced. Legislature are indignant af the ~ Our REST ROOM is at all times at your disposal We invite you to take advan. It you require>Furniture or Carpets in the Spring it will Siinpatgy and declare they will sup. tage of it when fatigued from shopping. pay yon to purchase now and have us store until Spring Free of port thé measure aimed to curb the no. ; activities of the Ku Klux Klan. The rost office department may investi- gate in an effort to locate the sources Pi s--Victrolas--Records Sewing of the propaganda. Machines and Hoover Vacuum J} = v. ram's milinery opening Cleaners TR} "ae assoctuted: vadertarers ot imi eC . : Greater New York have risen to a test against exhumation of Tutenk- ; | 1.2. Harrison Co., Limited Phone 90 | Uvitien of Egypiolacists, the ea 0 TE ~ Agents for the New McCall Patternt' 8 Printed 1-