Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1923, p. 2

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THE _ DAILY BRITISH WHIG eS -- -- ve === ENCOURAGING REPORTS |THE BOB OTT PLAYERS| -- <> AT ST. PAS CHURCH ovr vor Fis wets e- | gagement at the Grand | |Work of the Year Under Re- Opera House. | view at Vestry Meeting i The Bob Ott players opened the X { Monday Night. | inal week's engagement at the ! S------ Grand Opera House on Monday even- : | The Easter vestry meeting was ling, and delighted a large audienze : | held at St, Paul's church on Mondey | hy the presentation of "Out of Luck" oF : a | evening, and wes well atiendel a polite musical play that made a . | Canon W. F. Fitzgerald presided. great hit at the beginning of the sea- | The chairman, made feeling refer- lson. "Out of Luck" is one of Bod {ences to the recent {llmess of his | (tt's clever humorous plays, aad it BY { church warden, R. F. Bllictt, and kept the audience in a state of mer- | expressed pleasure that he was again {rment from beginning to end. The L k 3 F T, k M | regaining his health, and strength. |scenery, costumes, dancing and GIOVANNI PAF INI rir : - The chairman also referred in happy |siuging of the chorus made tha | Clark. Pres! > te . -00 out for our | Md . ucks ake en terms to the faithful end excellent |.veuing's entertainment complete. Translated by Dorothy Canfield Fisher | Chtistian ent ones Society of quiries when they will be in your section, so you may secure the highest cash prices for your Raw Furs. Plone or drop a Postcard to-- work of W. J. Monk, not only as, Bob Ott, as Hans Wurst, and Ray- Undoubtedly the book of the year Rs Be ean 4A CHORUS OF PRAISE GREETS THB the portrayal of the Christ of ators and experience, making His Nfe Ive RATS GAA maa Jeich only X nd." Newton, Chw Dh Pater: nity, New York. "It is such books as this of Papint's that open the prison door and asus out into His World Fr Fa Jus Jeu "A boek not fen Ital . all our Western Carure. Te a modern Christ."--{he Dial. "Only & seoffer, newly oonvert the tryis ae ft in fn Jesus aria ii 4 supreme literary gift, could such a book as this" -- Fra: oy : --THE GIFT BOOK FO -- people's warden, but concerning the mond Marr, as Hi Gear, were the K R EASTER Octave, 405 pages, missionary and Sunday School funds. | central figures, and they wero ably . THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE zeal of the auditor, S. C. Wright. |L. Ott, James Mack, Fred Wright, The church wardens' audited An Ott, Louise Adams, Florence statement, the missionary funds, and (and Anna Breen, Melva Kane, Lél- the" Sunday school statement were |lian Green, Madeline Kane, Ethel read by Mr. Monk, and adopted. |Breen and Alice Downey, all well Each report was replete with inter- known to the patrons of the Sraud, est and encouragement. 'he musical numbers were remnd- The reports of the Macaulay be-|ered in a most pleasing manner, and quest, the W. A., A. Y. P. A, and |the dancing of Florence Breen Ladies' Guild, were read by the rec- |evoked repeated applause. Some of tor, and were records of excellent | the songs deserving of special men- work, faithfully done. The church [tion were: "Dapper Dan," by Ann wardens' report showed that again Ot! aud gpests; "Love of Mike," this year, all expenses were met, and [James Mack and girls; "Sell You a that there was a small balance on | Girl," Raymond Marr and friends; the right side of the ledger. The | Meo Are Models," chorus; Kiss church warden, however, in his re- Napa Mary Ott and chorus; marks, indicated that much was re-! nock Knock, Fred Wright and quired to be done in thé way of jSUPsLS; 'Specialty Bob Ott and necessary painting of the exterior | gals oats Gury Mildred Vaughiy walls of the church, fixing the roof leech Day om psays ou of the church, and painting the roof a eh Mary So of the Sunday school room, which | Fred Wri "ut aay ee -- = should be done, and which would | oo 5 8 ymon be done if funds were available. f * 3 \ Many suggestions of a useful kind arene will be a vow may Svery h as arranging for a |. S0¢ Jaatinge nesday an were Inadp, Fue id would ast {Saturday afternoons, and this com- Soom by ve oh Siem WOU "a | PAY Of artists will conclude its en- as us , |gagement at th : committee was named to carry out [FS e Grand this week that idea. | i. Another committee was appointed |CAPT. OLIVER BUYS to see about arranging for athle ic | teams for basketball and baseball | A COAL SCHOONER from genuine bonafilde members of | np the senior Bible class. The follow- | Which Will Ply Between Kingston and Oswego-- ing officers weré elected: Church wardens, R. F. Elliott, (rec- | It Carries 500 Tons. tor's); W. J. Monk, (people's); | He also referred to the ability and ass'sied by Mildred Vaughn, Mary OPEN NIGHTS Far SERNARENENRARERANENERERN. ASK FOR OH HENRY WITH A SMILE AND A DIME A Boxlof Oh Henry! Would Make a Most Delightful EASTER GIFT SLICE AND SERVE OH HENRY! THE HANDY-SWEET. 2,000 Yards SCOTCH MADRAS MUSLIN FOR CURTAINS SPECIAL ON WEDNESDAY CROTHERS KINGSTON EST. 1869. od L "ra RADIO aa We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, ts Ar is Elliott; vestry clerk, J. C. Bennett; auditors, 8S. C. Wright, F. E. Genge; A committee for arranging 'for ush- committee for athletics, McCullagh. Monk; Harper and Kenneth W. A, Ladies' Aid,; A. Y. P. A. were synod men, J. B. Bunt, A. Neal, R. F. | ers, A. Neal, S. Smith and W. J. | Votes of thanks to the rector, war-| den, Sunday school teachers, choir, | It was learned on Tuesday that Captain James Oliver, Kingston, had purchased the schooner Hattie { Hut, which is wintering at Sarnia. The schooner, a three-master, will be used in carrying coal from Os- wego to Kingston. , Captain Oliver will leave in the course of a few days to get the vessel ready for the open- {ing of navigation. The purchase of 35c a Yard 12 different patterns--pretty designs -- C only--36 inches wide. Woinedes Special . Team shalt i this schooner is a good thing for {Kingston as it will mean that she {will be able to bring a lot of coal to 'the city during the long season of navigation. She has a carrying capacity of about five hundred tens. During the years that Captain Ol- {iver has lived in Kingston, he has {sailed a fumber of vessels. Last year he sold his schooner to- Captain | Kirkwood, who in turn sold it to the | On Monday afternoon the Wo-|Sowanrds Coal pany, and it will men's Missionary Society' of Syden-| be used for the holst. * ham street Methodist church held| The number of schooners used in their annual Easter thank offering carrying coal from Oswego to King- meeting, in the lecture hall. The ston have gradually decreased dur- itreasurer reported that the sum of|ing the past few years until at the $229 had been received through the (present time there are very few in envelopes. On Friday," April 27th, |the service. The new insurance reg- the annual meeting will be held, and { ulations, which have been put into the mite boxes will be received. It is effect this year, may mean that some New Oil Shades-- White, Cream, Green . .. ..85c. each Flat CurtainRods . . ... ....... Single 20c., Double 40c. The House Furnishings House with 35 years' of practical Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE heartily carried. WOMAN'S MISSION SOCETY Of Sydenham Street Methodist Church Holds its Annual Easter Thankoffering. 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio amd Electric supplies of all kinds, Complete sets in- stalled. ; : y Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Al att DATES DATES | Extra choice, new Dates, fresh and new goods ..8 lbs. 20¢. b } Belleville Creamery : . . pe b All Pork Sausage, per 1b. 22¢. We specialize on [|| § All Pork Eggs, per don. . .30e, ---- full length Door Mir- Fancy Largo Grape Fruit 3 . b or 3c. rors for dressing Hindy (White. Govan) poms or halls; fitted }!§ Jl complete in your b Cherry Jam (extra choice), 'home. he K. D. Mfg. Co. 080 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 1681J. Strawberry Jam, pure, Magic Baking Powder on sal. Tuesday, 16 os, ste. - Cullen's CASH AND CARRY b Syrup (3 1b.. pail Table) ..89c. 9 KEEPING FIT AT FIFTY Means preparedness at fifteen. Start with your Know that they are night. Nombe is ills, mental and physical, known and unknown, are caused by faulty eyes. Play safe! Know! Consult! . S. Asselstine, D0S. ¥13 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 342 KING STREET - - KINGSTON "Factory on the Premises" expected that the auxiliary will be successful in raising as large an amount towards the support of mis- sions as it did last year, Rev. Dr. Dunlop, of Japan, and a former member of Sydenham street churclt, was the special speaker. Dr. Dunlop said that now when the they could bring greetings from the churches of the mission fields, whereas a few years ago there were no churches. In Japan there are now one hundred. and fifty-four Metho- dist churches. In former years the church services were held in the homes, and many are to-day, there are a goodly number of church- és. One cannot go through streets now without seeing churches, Dr. Dunlop stated that there is great women. Japanese women are now at- tending colleges in their own land and also in America, and when they return to their country they are looked up to and thelr advice is sought. Western styles are beginn- ing to ing ou of dress. At the close of his address, Dr. Dunlop took occasion to thank the auxiliary for their kindness in mak- ing him a life member of the W. M. 8., which he appreciated very much. od Dr. Dunlop on behalf of the meet- ing, for his inspiring and fascinating address. 3 Miss Hattie L. Chown led the de- votional exercises, and read the Eaasi- A very successful euchre was held at the House of Providence on Mon- day evening, with a splendid attend- "ance of the friends of this charitable hatation. ' missionaries returned to our land, |- but advancement in Japan in regard to; ear, and many are adopt; Miss Daisy Chown, president, thank-! jot the coal boats will have to go out of business. The regulations call for considerable planking to be remov- ed to allow an inspection. Some of the owners claim that it will cost them more to do this work than the schooners are worth. Headaches From Slight Colds The Tonic and Laxative Effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets soon relieve a headache caused from a Cold. The box bears the signature of E. W. Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO). 30c. Made in Canada. R. J. Diack, was called to Ham- iiton by the death of his father. the' 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store" APRIL FURS < | I We make and sell Furs every month of the year. To com- plete the Spring cos- tume, a Fur Cape or Scarf or small neck- piece is necessary. And then do you know that lots of folks buy their Fur Coat now for next winter -- leave it in our care and make payments on it until required next Thisis : 2 follows: Black; vico-commodore, Exclusive Millinery y Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET | KINGSTON YACHT CLUB. b ------ Dr. D. A. Black Chosen Commodore For the Year. The annual meéting of the King- ston Yacht Club was held on Mon- day évening with.a very large and enthuse'astic attendance of the ex- {ecutive and other members. En- rouraging reports for the past sea- son were presented, showing the club to be in a very flourtshing con- dation, while numerous plans for {the coming summer were also dis- cussed at length. In 1922, the local yacht club pass- ed through one of its most success ful seasons, and the natural enthus- fasm' for sailing was given a very great "boost" by the splendld pro- gramme of racing that was run off in conjunction with the Lake Yaoht Racing Association. Simf#lar plans have been made for this year and the prospects for an even greater season of activity is promised. Under the leadership of Commo- dore Casey and the other enthus- jastic members of the exacutive and various committees, marked pro- grees was made during 1922, and the membérs of the club were very fortunate in having such capable of- ficlals at the helm during what might have been a very trying sea- D. A 3 J. C. New- lands; rear commodore, G. H. Lock- #tt; sscretary-tressurer, C. 8. Kirk- vatrick; regatta committes, chalr- \ FOR' Semi-bungalow, solid brick, three piece bath, elec. tric lights, hot water furnace, oak floors, fireplace, garage. Possession 1st of May. SALE Semi-bungalow, solid brick, three piece bath, elec tric lights, hot water furnace, oak floors, fireplace. Possession 1st of May. W. H. Bmith; executive F. H. Ryan, J. M, . CS.L. Superintendent. H. McClymont, superintendent of construction, Canada Lines, Montreal, is in the city In- spect the work of outfitting the C.8. L. fleet of steamers in time for the opening of navigation. Kingston is splendidly situated regarding me- 5 wan, F. H. Ryan; entertainment chanical facilities, and the company Randolph hotel. Bas a small machine shop on the Topanenatbaspaony whart where much of the overhaul- ing of engine and boller parts done. The Collingwood Shipbuild- ing Company and the Davis Dry Dock are doipg the important work. ; - -------- : C. G. Brooks, supérintendent of locomotive power of the Canadian? National Lines, is in the city in con- | nection with the contracts for new' locomotives. Mr. Brooks is an au- thority on locombtive. power and construction. He fs stopping at the neaey waaay ~~.

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