THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1923. Telephone 67. : inher || SILO Kingston and Vicinity Hardwood Fuel Ame | R 3 | - --- No better substitute for hard Coal than Briquettes snow, but the city streets are pract-| ¢ude the convention should take | good Hard Wood. : ically bare of snow, and wheels vi 1 thai dro | ani you nagEsa Ifyou hover . 19wary he pioposs] tha Hydro | The Fuel that kept our forefathers warm. should be brought into use. abandon the Central Ontario Power | : see any more Stove Coal. Every | present occupied by W. T. Halliday, system as recommended by thc com- | We have some very nice Hardwood person who trys "OURS are { to Louis Pecor. Slabs and hard Cordwood of the same opinion. ! v mission of inquiry. S. ANGLIN & CO. | the | : KE. WOOD other directors of the Kingston Fair PEA COAL; COKE, W Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Two Died of Influenza assert that the exhibition this fall A. Mitchell & Co. Ww. Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. been | | Death visited the home of Mr. and | Will over-step the record in every de- | Mrs. Peter Barr. Poland, claiming | 15 Ontario Street Factory Phone 1415 partment, and they are planning | their only daughter; Mabel, Mrs. L. | more features all the time. The|C. Paul, who had left her home to | C.N.E. officials will soon have (0 help murse the brothers who were | step lively, | seriously ill with influenza. A young- er brother, Cecil, passed away | FOR SALE | Theatres Crowded Monday scarcely two weeks previous. She | $1,500--Summes Cottage, Dead Man's Bay. | Monday was quietly observed as! will be greatly missed by the choir | Soeur soap ft umber A wn a public holiday. While many plac- | and in church work. The sympathy | 83.000 Ellerbeck Street--Brick, 7 rooms, | electric light, small barn, lot 66x132. | $6,000--Brick, semi-detached, 8 rooms, 3 izes bath, electric light, hot water furnace. | A es of business were opened in the | of the community goes out to the be- erlooks city park. | PIANO TUNING { forenoon, there was little or no busi- | reaved. ness, and they closed at noon. The i theatres did a rushing business, the Bick, ace mardwoed floors || * Plano Tuning, Repairing and electric light, gas. Yu centrally located. || Player Piano Adjusting. Norman T H. Butcher, Pine Street. lineup for tickets in the afternoon reaching far out into the street. Furnished flat, June ist to October 1st. : Dining, Living, 2 _bed-roone, aos ( PHONE 1819w, t and kitchenette. Very central. Brought to Hospital month. | David Rowe, Campbellford, who 1 o Sem---------- oe---------- R. H. Waddell | = created some excitement in P. C. 'y/ @® iy i Hanna's store has been brought to Phomes 326-896. 56 Brock St. & & a Seon D® THOMAS \@ Kingston it is stated, as he is be- ECLECTRIC\\® OIL lieved to be mentally unbalanced. D si RSA | Sold Her Property {| Miss Eva Moffatt sold her property fon King street, west, Gananoque, at Will Be Better Than Ever Manager R. J. Bushell and Are Getting Licenses The police sergeants have kept busy during the past few days Ls i bi - Sloan's kills L issuing 1923 licenses. The horses nn undergo an examination before licen- T A X | I secs are granted. }+ The Are Rehearsing | Young People's Society are rehears- PHONE 32 ling for their entertainment which will be given about the middle of members of St. ---- Afale in Canada Office Phone 66. Ny Se ------ George's | this menth. Election of Officers The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario East of the L. O. B. A, met at Picton and chose there officers: R.W.P.G. Mistress, Mrs. Proudman, Ottawa; R.W.P.G. Deputy, Miss L. Clark, Cornwall; R.W.P.G. Jr. De- puty, Mrs. W. Beaven, Ottawa; R.W. P.G. Chaplain, Mrs. Boles, Picton; R.W.P.G. Secretary, Mrs. Tang, Ot- tawa; R.W.P.G. Treasurer, Mrs E. Gillespie, Perth; R.W.P.G. Dir. of Ceremonies, Mrs. Bowman, Ottawa: R.W.P.G. Lecturer, Miss Jennie Mijlls Smith's Falls; R.W.P.G. Deputy Lec- turer, Mrs. Hussie, Kingston; R.W. P.G. Jr. Secretary, Miss H. Hewitt, Stitteville; Auditors, Mrs. Cooke, O:- tawa and Mrs. Henley, Napanee. STOMACH TROUBLE "INDIGESTION" Relieved By Burdock Blood Bitters May Get the Shrievalty The office of sheriff of the county | of Hastings is vacant but we under- | stand James H. Clare, reeve of Hun- | gerford, has been offered the ap- pointment. 27 Not Heard Here | As far as could be learned from {many local radio enthusjasts, the i sermon of Principal R. Bruce Tay- | lor broadcasted from Chicago on {Sunday night, was not heard in King- YOU DON'T HAVE TO Olajen { TIRED Ko WILL POSITIVELY | WORN our if BUI y y ANAEMIA LD NEW TISSUE - pponcarms j AND GIVE YOU REAL RESULTS | Loss or. weiame "A BUILDER FROM CHILDHOOD TO OLD AGE \ NECN SornboN, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. began helping himself, and when Mr. Hanna interfered, he resented it. Students to Work Here Many Queen's students are expect- ing to obtain employment jn this city during the coming summer vacation instead of going to look for posi- tions. Conditions will be much bet- ter here this year and the students are among those who heartily wel- come the change. A #pexcial Purchase We have been able to secure 100 boys' and young men's suits at a great reduction in price, the boys suits we will put on sale at $6.50 and $7.60, a suit, all colors, all sizes and the young men's suits in brown, grey and black striped, we put on sale at $18 to $20. Prevost, Brock street. Rowe went behind the counter and K i SURE. | ili | i ! Heavy Easter Traffic | The railways report a very heavy | passenger traffic over Easter. At Kingston the arrivals and departures over the week-end were unpreceden- ted, especially via the Canadian Na- | tional Lines. Dr. Waugh DENTIST RATS WANTED The sufferer from dyspepsia, indi- gestion or other stomach troubles who has to pick and choose his food is the most miserable of all mankind. Even the little that is eaten causes much torture, and'is digested so im- perfectly it does but little good. Before ycu can eat heartily and en- jov your food, you must put yqur stomach right so that it will manu facture its own digestive ferments. Mr. Wm. Kruschel, Morden, Man., Gave a Farewell Banquet A banquet, tendered by the Meth- odist congregation at which over one hundred citizens of Maberly and vic- inity attended, was held on March | was #1 for but a few days with DR. J. C. W. BROOM Entrance, 158 Wellington St, TOPS RECOVERED | sons survive, all living in Prescott. BROCKVILLE, ONT. | coal being driven through the city DENTAL SURGEON. | 24th in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 106 Wellington Bt. Phone 350, A Prominent Man Dead | pneumonia. He was a merchant, a L.D.S., D.D.S. Evening by appointment. | PH Wheels Should Be Used Phone 663. | streets by use of seighs. In the Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Doctor Reports Canadian Renn | | William MacInnis, Prescott, is | dead, aged eighty-two years. He : | Mason," a Fenian Raid veteran, a Wellington and Brock Streets. | Liberal and a Methodist. Three ONE 679. Write for Prices to i : ee s WwW ie members oO. e umane 0- 4 Ww WINNETT JAS. . JUDSON | clety complained on Monday about DR.A.W. | country there is still considerable } er Streets Phone 363 a or Moving of Ld FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, SAkiaon and STORAGE OF Kingston Tranter Co one Evenings lo 153 SI ENLINETON STREET. FOR S $5100--Double with 7 and § rooms, elec. and gas, B. and T., on paved sid South. $5100--9 room house, § bedrooms, 3 Pp: b., elec. and gas, hot air, verandah, garden; near University. 855009 room brick, hot air, 3 pb, Found Relief from Mintine. A doctor writes:-- Soldier Gassed in France "Among patients who had been | gassed in the world war was a young Duffy, who are to reside in Perth. An address was read and the presen- tation of a purse was made by Mrs. J. A. Buchanan. Nonagenarian Buried John Cummings, who had reached the extreme old age of ninety years was buried at Grafton, the funeral writes:--"Some time ago I had quite a serious case of stomach trouble, in- digestion. I could scarcely eat any- thing, outside of some light food, and even then I generally had pains af- ter each meal. I tried many different medicines, but without .any improve- ment, and had almost given up hope of ever being well. A neighbor re- commended Burdock Blood Bitters, GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street | man of the Canadian "Black Watch," | who on Armistice Day had the dis- | ant eS Sah pore, Apter, io: temper of respiration. = Some time 3 -n . : o * > ago I met him again and foun 8 like 00, wurden, Small payment apy respiratory tract all right. On en- quiry he gave the credit to Mintine for his improved condition." This Doctor further states: "I had long since had the opportunity of giving Mintine my faith in Broncho-laryn- geal troubles." and after using it a short time I felt much better, so I continued to use it until I was completely relieved. I can honestly say that B. B. B. has done wonders for me after all other medicines failed." B. B. B. is put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR She Mived Sulphur With It To Re- store Color, Gloss, Youth. fulness. elec. and gan, garage, taking place from the home of his gon-in-law, Samuel Matthews. Mr. Cummings was sick for about a week. He had lived at Smijth's Falls un?il about eight months ago, when he removed to Grafton. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and JFlants daily. designs, bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1187. 965008 room solid brick, 2 p.b., with separate toilet, hot water heating, elec. Sia son hw. floors, 2 fireplaces, .sun nr Sou inks 00d SSriqe Aug gur- E. L. MARTIN A 111% Brock Street. Phones: 229. Has Gone to Cochrane : Miss Gladys M. Eveleigh has left Don't tolerate a Cough. Mintine | . contains soothing Yeas and as-| Picton for Cochrane, Ont., where she tringent principles that allay inflam- | Das accepted a position in the Lady mation. Get a bottle from yqur drug- | Minto Hospital. Miss Eveleigh has gist, to-day. _, | been engaged in private nursing Proprietors -- The Mintine Co., Lia, | since her graduation from Prince Toronto. ; Edward county hospital 'and has cc oa Agents -- Harold PF. Ritchie & | made many friends who wish her -- -- ; success in her new fleld of labor. USE-"TIZ" FOR SORE ? TIRED, ACHING F EET association in connection with the Graduate Nurses' Association of On- Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, | tario. Officers were elected: Hon- jl | swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling | orary president, Miss Alice Shan- if a, Set. rus callouses," bun neyte; resident, Wiss Native Amald, -bye, ' my "| first vice-president, Mrs. H. B. White, | get a bottle of \V veth's Sage and Sul- ions and raw spots. No more shoe second vice-president Miss Jean) "hur Compound at any drug store Nicholson; secretary, Miss Beatrice] 8ll readv for vse. This is the old- Hamilton; assistant secretary, Mrs. time recipe improved by the addi- H tion of other ingreGients. Herbert Vandusen; treasurer, Mrs. Whi! : Mantord Howitt. hile wispy, xray, faded hair is not sinful, we al! desire to retain our Jautlid! appearance and attractivo- uess. By darkewsg your hair with Wyetk's Sage nnd Sulphur Coe pound, no cue can tell, bacause it dees it so aat.u ally, so evealy. Yoi jugt dampen » sponge or soft brusu with it aad draw this through your hair, taking cone small strand at a time: by 2.9rning all gray hairs have disappeared, arc. after another ap. plication or two. your hair becomes Lwautifuily durk, glossy, soft aad luxuriant. { i i and Young Men's $30.00 to $38.00 9 Suits for 25.50 Sizes 34 to 42. TWEDDELL'S Clothing House will relieve you of that cough and restore the bronchial tis- sues that have been worn out with coughing. Price ... B50c. and $1.00 STEARN'S TONIC will fit you for the spring work. Start a bottle now and enjoy your work. $1.00 per bottle Sold byi-- M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone* 82, Opposite St. Andrew's Church P.8.--Ice Cream Bricks always on hand. Form Alumnae Association The nurses of Brockville General hospital have organized an alumnae Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revela- tion ii your hair is fading, streaked cr gray. Alixi:g the Sage les and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to or drawing up your face in agony. '"TIZ" is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous udations which puff up the feet. ¥ | The New Ginghams Are Here in Great Variety Pretty Plaids and Checks with plain shades to match in the new colors. Wide widths, at very special prices -- 19c., 25c¢., 35c., 45c¢. and 50c. a yard. 'We are showing the new man- nish Sweater for Women, New York's latest novelty, in a big: range of colors, W.N. LY Phone 191. ND ST. PATRICK'S DAY, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks 35c. Eskimo Pies 2 for 15c¢., 85c. dos * Masoud's Ice Cream Bricks 30c. Just phone 2373m. and we will bring anything to your H. JARVIS Princess ' St. Methodist Church. - OPEN NIGHTS. : See us for good things te eat. BOR MARCHE GROCERY ---- I =e 5E" iss -- Ise 04 Jag forget your foot mis- ery! ! how comfortable your feet fool, A few cents buys . box of Col. Gillespie in London -- gill | "TIZ" now at any druggist, or de-| The London, Ont., Free Press has partment store. Don't suffer. Have | the following: , good feet, glad feet, feet that never} "Lieut.-Col. George H. Gillespie, swell, never hurt, never get tired. A | recently appointed inspector of ca- Place Your Order year's foot comfort guaranteed or|dets in Military District No. 1 has SOF | CO AL . Early for money refunded. taken over the duties of his office at ' ~ | Wolesley Barracks succeeding Lieut.- { i Col. McCrimmon, who has been and Cannel Coal. (| BURNS? || MRS. MISENER'S | co.iecom. ' Col. Gillespie marks the beginning : : of his work by announcing that plans Mixed Wood cut in ACHES AND PAINS ere under way for holding what will stove lengths. probably be the greatest cadet camp 5 anish 2 2a } in Western Ontario's history, which BOOTH & 00. Vi E ahed Af ter Vsing Lydia 'will probably begin in this district in Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 ams ve July. Every school in this district x Com will be urged to send representatives. » ; The 1923 cadet camp will have for B directors of his physical activities representatives of the Ontario ath- lotic commission that has heapdquart- ers in Toronto. This is a distinct Order through your Grocer departure in cadet camy adminis- tration. Col. Gillespie states that he fis very pleased with the condition of the cadet movement in this district which has been so ably supervised by Lieut.-Col. McCrimmon. , Kingston is the new cadet inspec- tor's home. He was born and brought up in that city end spent many years | of his military career, to date, there. Hsl work in connection with the Can- adian cadet movement, has received the highest recognition both from official sources and from citizens at large. i frials for All matffria buildings at lowest : A" 'door. today to attend the convention of the Ontario Association of Munici- palities of which he is third vice president. It is stated that many matters of vital importance to BEast- ern Ontario will b> considered. One. of the most important is the attj- io