Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1923, p. 15

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FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1023, Rf ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Classified Ads. Are Tireless Salesmen For Big Firms as Well As Little Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM inc, Philadelphia, Fa. thelr the type. Ail ads. are restricted io proper classification, and to regular Dally Whig style of CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 39 cents. Daily rates per line. ¢ days caw é days irrerrrries 1 day ... .e Deatns--une lasertion, Births, lngagements, 00; cash, 3l.00. Na ot hanks and Memoriam Notices--Cnarged, $1.60; cash, $1.00 eacn insertion. Adverusing ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no 8d. taken for less taan basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telepuone and if paid at The Brit- 1sh Whig office within 6 days from whe hrst day of insertion, cash rate wiil be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will wnly be charged for the number of wmes the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at tne rate carned, sate per line for white space tie same as a line of typ: bpecial rate for yearly advertising upon request. runlishers reserve tne right to edit or reject all classitied advertising copy. \ 'veiephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker, b 4 5 5 charged. Marriagea, is PONDENTS--Britlan Girls de- sire Canadian correspondents. FPropo- sition 10c. London, 8 clngland. ~~ SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently, others have failed out operation. Dr. Elmer J. Lar, Lake, Eye, suiw. House 1135J. RE sr ES ost and Found PUNCH OF KEYS Office. Owner may Whig Office. -- have same at the CHAIN--Foung, for automobile. O may have same at 627 Princess Street. HANDBAG--LoOSt, on the r rowsmith, black leather, ' purses inside. Finder please leave jt in Syd am FP. O. for Walsh Bros, R. R. 1, denham. HUB CAP : tween Kingston and Collin"s Bay. Finder please return to James Reid and re- ceive a reward. i Gor a KEYS--Found, 3, on ring. Also foun- tain pen. Found, near corner Princess and Montreal sureets. Owner may have pame at Wnig Office. NECK-PIECE-- Found, lady's fur, on Chatham street, near Princess. Owner ply at 1,2 Chatham Street Found, near Post )st, nickie-plated between | Su>intleq. A. Lost, nickie-plated be or | AUTOMOBILE Charge Cash | or 4 3 Business Service = Business Bervices Of AUCTIONEER--And Appralser-- Book your sales with W. A. Twigg, 192 Bar- rie Street. Phone §20J. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finish- ing a specialty. su Plano ana Sure niture Polishing sordon Young, shop Queen stree!, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or phone 1878w. = 0 CARPENTERING -- Carpenter and builder. Estimates given on all class- es of work; hardwood flooring. James ¥. Jarrell, £71 Bagot <Street. hone so PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, / HEMBTITCHING--Plot edging, pleat- ing; work guaranteed. Mra. E. A. Card, 366 Barrie Sereet. 1'% blocks from Princess Street. PLAIN SEWIN ing reatly Jone. chiudren and women's clothes. 1. Willarc. 101 Barrie Street. "Insurance FIRE--. mobie aud Ca q I ance. kK. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Str Phone 1 . A 2 _ . FIRE--Health, Accident and Automo- bile Insurance. For rates or any in. Mrs. Clane, 16 Cembridge >t, | satisfac | tory Glasses fitted and furnished afiep| Goitre cured withe | 38 yecars' experience. __ Nose, | E Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone | = | guaranteed. Owner! PAID ad to Har-| Son ce children's PAINTING--Papernang Apply Van Luven Bros. Gar- | | | 'ouper Street. INTER lable compan > business. 107 Gore in all branches of Street. Phone --Only the most reliacie| | companies repiesented. Strange & | Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Jost Office. Trucking, Storage eaned out of cellars , clean job done. A. MacGregor, ssell Street. Phone 2265, BAU E--R. ile guarantees good service in Baggage, Express and move ing, reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Next to Armouries. Phone 146 --Trucking, jocal anc 100g dis. apply | e hauling of furniture Robert Henry Phone 786w. SPAC ) Apply E. E. Wathem, | Nelson str __Phone 1391J .or 618. | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- _306 Quecn StF} 5 "Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 J Given for painting, ~hanging,, decorating and hard- floor mfnishing; workmanship H., Horton, 205 Alfred |S y i PAl | first class work ana work guaranteed. { Call or phone A. Anderson, 166 Bagt 966. | street | STORAG and dry. 143 class work; best of material used. sample books on request. H. Ward & Phone 1867J. 132 Victoria St. Decorating | Glazing, Hardwood i'loo Finishing etc, frst class work, reasonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimate, submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfre PAINTING. Apply | | Jenkins, corner York and Raglan | SE aL toad. PAINTIL furniture finishing careful attention Frontenac St. North. PAINTING--Paper Han rating; wall paper samples; metallic gold Jetters for store and office win- dow Estimate submitted J. Flana 8 7 Mon St piano and work given Charles Hebert, 25 Fhune 2070w. 3 Robinson, rear 5 Bagot street. 3 SUN GLASSES--Found, dark rimmed. | WALLPAPE Paper HEnEine 35 Apply phone 1855w. TORTOISE: SHELL, RIN 'und, for glasses, on William St Owner ap Uglow's Book Store te | | RMOMETER--Found, nurse's, in| silver case, on Barrie street. Owner may have same at 109 York Street. Automobiles Gb Automobiles For Sale 11 1921 CHEVROLBT--Touring, Ford light truck; both in splendid - condition. Owners cannot use either; anxious to sell. Make offer, C. Hill, 14 Maitland Btreet. Phone 680; 651. ~~ a= CARS--GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEW STANDARD TOURING $1395; PRICE LIST. $1365; PHAETON BPECIAL TOURING SIX CY- LINDER TOURING GRAY TOURING $785; STANDARD SBEDAN TOURING $1485; $1760; $2095; SPECIAL SEDAN $2250; COACH F.0.B. TAXES CHARLES PESTER, KING , PHONE 939. $1650. KINGSTON PAID. STREET GARAG fIOME OF USED CARS McLaughlin, Fords, Chevrolets, Chalmers, Tour- wings, roadsters. Palmer, corner of Bagot and Queen Streets. MOLAUGHLIN--D43, in good condition. Cheap. Apply Dr. C, C, Nash, 366 Al- bert Street. Phone 1148 or office 735. MOTOR TRUCK--- Reo speed waggon, almost new, perfect condition, special- ly built body; suitable for retail de- ile ery; trial run on'appointment, Ap- 2 Jal RISA LT TEER Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 R. H 179 Stuart Street, AUTOMOBILE USED PARTS--For any make or model. Palmer's, corner of Bagot and Queen Streets, FIRES Why worry about weak tires. Use Maxotires. Maxotire Shop, corner Queen 'and Ontario Streets. SRI EE ree ree -- "Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 AXI--The only place which furnishes a proper 24 hours taxi service. 548). M. Corkey. 4 Baseball on Saturday. The local baseball "lid" will be pried oft with 1923 on Saturday af- ternoon when the A. Davis and Sons' team will stage an exhibition game with Meds '24 at the cricket field. Several other practice games are be- ing arranged and by the first of the 'week all of the city teams, senior, intermediate and junior, will be well on their way. Schedule Correction. Announcement was made by the Kingston League executives on Thursday night that a correction in the intermediate 0.B.A.A. schedule a8 drawn up at a recent meeting has made. In the published list, the Hussars were scheduled to play @&t Athletics on' Wednesday, July 18th, and this has been changed to Friday, July 20th, . The Canadian Bankers' Associa- | house painting done, Work guaran- teed satisfactory; prices reasonable. H. Rowley, 135 Bay Street. Phone 1361 ---- For ap- Division SEE ---- "rofessional MASBEUSE~ J. B. Capell, pointment phone 214sw. 78 Street, 28b. or, of _ Architects ARCEITECTS--Power, Son end Dr Mero ants Seok Chambers, corner sroc stom. T=, ye hiropractit MARCELIS--Wm., A. D. Ph.C, cors ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 3nd tioor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone ¥32J. Hours ® to 12 a.m. 1 to § p.m. LUCY--Dr. George F. Dr. Jennie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Speciaiist and Jraduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be. tween Princess and Brock. Telephon s4w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and cone sultatien free, Residential calls by appointment, Dental 28d. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159% Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 348. KNAPP--LY. A. B, Dentist, Office: ¥68 Princess Btreet, Phone 653w. Open enings b, appointment. - Legal 7 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barrisiers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C. Cyril M. ith. HEA--Amytrose, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, Ww office, corner of King and Brock,/over Royal Bank. Money _to loan. Fjope 1 REVELLE RENNETT, C. W.--M.D,, 133 Clergy St Office Phone §51. Res. 1845m. Office _hours 10-12 am. 2-4, 7-58.30 pm. Osteopathy 5 28g. birth, ete. Send Edna Ashcroft, 304 King Street. Repairing 20 SHOE REPATRING--AIl work neatly done. Rubber heels a. specialty. Skates put en. W. H, Purvis, corner Bagot _and larrack Streets. - FURNITURE FINISHING--OT all kinda. Call and see W. Driscoll, 233 Joan street. Phone 206F. - ATRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient sere vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- 1 Ueen streets. ed; saws sharpened es given on all kinds of papers hanging. Satisfaction ny motte, W, Mcl.ennan, 283 Division Street. UPHOLSTERING--New ture, work guaranteed. card. W. J, Gavine, 21% T UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- he a reasonable prices, BE. J. Goode 2043F. 244 University Avenue. Phone Ce a : ron Ph ve at or a card torr. W. Harold, 194 Clergy Street, of used furnl- or drop a ot street. The death occurred at Wolfe Is- land on Thursday, of Donald Cattan- "Sewing end repair-| Estimates given for eet, formation call or phone E. Williams, 2 GILVIE--Representing and! --¥or furniture, clean Decorating -- pering, Decorating, first] Bl | SHOW CARD WRITING--F or us. Make {| cards for us. ging and Deco-| | Colborne Bid. | SALESMAN t. Phone 1432.| 281. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS--~On how | to answer your child's questions about 10c. for copy to Dr. What's Yours? What do you want--a better position--a more com- fortable room--a new home--an automobile ? Everybody has some big want--and a lot of smaller ones on the side. You want to be successful and com- fortable--these two wants are sure. But--you know what particular things are on your mind to-day--and whatever your immediate wants are --a look through the indexed columns of the A-B-C | classified section will help to satisfy them. | This classified section is a clearing-house of all the wants and offers of the people of Kingston--every day you'll come upon new opportunities to find what you've been looking for. Get the habit of getting satisfaction---use this ser- vice regularly! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT---IN OPPORTUNITY, Financial "Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Inves Society, incorporated 1861. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-preside B. Cunningham. Money issued © and farm properties; county debentures; fe Help Wanted--~Female i "38 | COOK--Apply Mrs. R. E. Kent, 85 King Street HOUSEKEEPER--Or capable ma a family of three. References requirs ed, 164 Frontenac St. after 7 pm. PRACTICAL NURSE--For an invalid lady. Apply to Box No. K-14, Whig Office. Le i "Help Wanted--Female 32 | SBBRVANT--Good, general, immediates ly, good wages. Apply Mrs. Bruce aylor, Principal's Residence, Queen's e Grounds. Phone 1893 for ap~ mortgages osits received and interest Street, Kingston, Instruction get Treneer's Orchestra. Treneer, 261 King street. 1164 or 979w. oa Apply sof ~~ Live Stock | | BERVANT--Geod, general. i Earl Stréet. | 5 SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS--Natural | heelers with brains; easy { SALESLADY-- low in color with ears standing - - C.J nn, Enterprise. Poultry BABY C Leghorns, EXPERIENCED, APPLY JOHN LAIDLAW & SON, white, brown and conas, Minorcas, Keds, Barred and White Rocks, cents; hundred orders, cents; five hundred, twenty-two thousands, twenty cents; Silver | sa /yandottes, thirty-two cents; | bhi moth Pekin Rucklings, forty | =~ thirty-five dollars per hundred | n r . i ; 10 er . GROCERY CLERK--Experienced. None| poy Sidsia eipress prépatd other need apply. Te ea twen Help Wanted--Male 3s i rT Es ~- - L BLACKSMITH--First class, general, to | "work In shop. Apply at once, stating to Ernest Blackman, Seeley's A. ulover. - COCKEREL--U ) good laying strain. _232 Albert Street N. | | money at home, §15 to $60 paid week | ly for your spare time writing show Nu canvassing. We ine struct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 vronto. Live w salesman, to sell gasoline pumps, etc.; must have ences and be In position himself. Man with car Territory Kingston to Belleville. Box R-18, Whig Office. YOUNG MAN--For delivering with bie cycle. The Doughnut Shop, 1i3% Prine cess Street. Help~--Male or Female COAT MAKERS--First class. Apply Livingston Bros, Brock Street = er Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 33 NURSERY STOCK--An agency for & rellabie nursery nrm i prontable. You can sell in country, town or city. We grow and sel] the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents tor unrepre- sented terr'torie Write now. Pel. ham Nursery Co, Toronto. SALESMEN AND AGENTS-- New in. vention by Canadian lady; appeals to every housewife; nothing like it on the market; low price; quick sales; bj profits. Sterling Specialties Corp., 11 Church Toronto. "7 Situations Wunted--Femalo 30 LAUNDRESS -- Bxperienced, wants laundry to do at home. Apply Box E-13, Whig Office. diately. BARRED ROCK BGGS-- $1.00 pe ting, from hens that do lay. Princess Street. ., specialty, pumps, oil TAT guod refer- GS5--White to finance| hatching; bred for egg preferred, | MY pens head by. Otiawa Ap-| Joseph White, Poftsmouth, I'none 2301 ring 4, EGGS which averaged 217 eggs year, mated w in Eggs 33.00 per setting, or 2 se for $5.00. Also White Leghorn $1.50 per setting. J. B. Hollan Clergy Streat, City, -- Leghorns, famous for $1.00 per setting of 15. Apply 6 Hajus Cottage, Welli reet, Opposite Freight Sheds. LETS---S. C. lets, Tom Barron Strain. that lay and pay. _ing. 10 Thomas Street, City. The HORSE--5 years old, weighs 1,05 for sale or exchange for larg geo, Muller; 373 King Street. WwW, -- 1923. On George McGowan's far land Road. . Apply W. E. Caver R. No. 3, Odessa. Merchandise = Articles For Sale ANTIQUES--Set of curled walnut short buffet, parior tables, grandfather's ete. incess Street. Phone 1045w. AWNINGS--Orders take and Tents; best service. Repair satisfaction guaranteed, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. LADY CLERK-- Seeks Phone 1888. employment. PRACTICAL N work; best of references _Q-18, Whig Office. Financial Business Opportunities 38 TRSE--L ooking or day Apply Box c IF--An average rionthly Income of $6.82 paid monthly, on each $100, de- posited with privilege of withdrawing your money upon thirty Sry notice, appeals to you, write for full informa. tion to M. M. Wolff, 72 Wall Street, New York City. condition, $12, Apply 470 Barr Phone 1443w. PRIF municipal Dogs, Cats, Pets Phone 1534m. Barred Rock eggs from n for Awn 0) tment President, nt, A. n city and pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; de- allowed. . C, Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence 'Musical, Danang, Dramatic 44 ORCHESTRA --The best costs no more-- Ted Phones "born trained; yel- up. A, m pure bred stock, bufr, twenty-five cents; $20.00 per 100; An- Wyandottes, ty-six twenty-four cents; Laced Mam- Leitch, DRAKE WANTED--Any breed, imme- Apply Box P-17, Whig Office. r set- Apply Wyandottes' kggs for roduction; all inner. Ontario, pen pullet to cockeré: from official 225 egg hen at Ottawa laying contest. tings Eggs, d, 182 LEGHORNS -- Sunny Brae S. C. W. winter laying. Eggs tested by Magic Egg Tester to prove fertility. ngton ite Leghorn Pul- kind Also eggs for hatch- le, Implenients. 48 0 Ibs. one. 50 CATTLE-- To pasture for season of 'm, Is- ly, R. "walnut chairs, walnut locks, Lesses Antique Shop, 507 nings, work, F. W. Cooke, BABY CARRIAGE -- White, excellent ie St. ____Merchandise ____Rooms For Rent Articles For Sale _p1 nd Ford Storage Battery. Both in excellent condition Apply to 309 Earl Street. ay BABY CARRIAGE-- IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION APPLY 11 ABERDEEN STREET. BRIUR--Hard and "soft, any quantity Apply E. E. WaRkhem, corner Birch and Colungwood Streets. Phone 613 or; 1391) re aL | BABY CARRIAGE -- White, V in Al condition; will gell rea- also sulkey and wheel crib| with ress. Phone 300m. ri] COAL--Choice Pea.Coal, §15.00 deliver- ed or $14.60 in five ton lots; weighed] on market scales. Place your order] early. Phone 1375, 1982J, 22M. | CLOTHING--Men's new Work Shirts, black, blue, khaki, 75¢. Overalls, §1.25, $1.60, $1.76. Men's Used Suits, good condition, §6, $8 and $1v. A Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. Fhone 1451m. | COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE -- Would sell or exchange, and good selection of records for gentleman's bicycle. | Apply 247 Lower Patrick Street. | FURNITURE --Soms nice parlor furni- ture, brass and iron beds, up-to-date | 000k stoves. We also buy. J. Thomp-| son, 4343 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. | GASOLINE PUMP---And Tank; in good| condition; cheap for cash. Also coal| oil tank. Apply Box T-18, Whig Of-| fice | GAS RANGE--One new cabinet (Jewel) | at a bargain; one Knechtel Kitchen! Cabinel; three new electric fixtures (hall, dining room, living room). Ap-! piy to 412 Johnson Street or phone! G040M. l AARDWOOD--1T cars of mixed wood, $3.25 per quarter cord. One car Slabs} $3.00 per quarter cord; hardwood] (green) $3.75 quarter cord. Also saw-) dust for sale, H. Talbot, 8 St. 5 Yard, Concession St. 1d harness, suitable ivery or carting. Will sell sep- Apply Phone 618, New Eng- ry, Collingwood Street. _ HOT WATER FURNACES--One No. 7 "Dais: two No. 83 "Daisy," one No. 9 "Daisy," one No. $B. "Oxford." Two Upright Boilers (6 and 10 horse puwer), one Keewanis Boiler, almost new. Same may be inspected by ap- plying at Kingston General Hospital or write for particulars. HARD COAL COKE---Reduced to $10.00 ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of your winter supply. Cordwood and slabs, stove lengun, split, $2.50 1-8 cord; saw- dust, $1.v0, cart load. Cinders $1.00. Clinkersg Svc. All delivered. Baggage and general cartage. Phone 103yw. 248 University Avenue. W. C. Bruton.!| MATTRESSES~--In stock and made to order; all prices from $4.50, Cot Mat- tresses $3.00 and up. Mattress reno- vating a specialty. Frontenac Mat- tress Co., King Street. Phone 1961J. bea z MOTOR BOAT--Glass cabin, 32x6 feet, strong construction, semi-heavy Buf- falo engine, electric light, dynamo, storage battery, search light; fully equipped, ready to run, WwW. J. B i} ingston, Ont. PIANO iason & Risch Upright, ebony case, ivory kéys; in good condition. | Price § Terms $16 cash and §7 _ionthly . W. Lindsay, Ltd. | PIANO--Square, in gwod condition.| Snap for a quick sale. | Must be sold Apply W. Grimwood, 66 Upper Charles Street, City. PIANO--Wormwith, in good condition. Phone 647. | Lawrenson"s for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and var-| nishes 387 Princess Street. . Phone! $38w,, oppusite Orange Hal! | STOVE WOOD--Choice, hard and soft,| two 6 foot silent salesmen, new 8" electric fan, a.c. Apply Bert Stans- bury, 8 Chestnut street Phone 1730w.| BHADES--Made to order, for electric or oil lamps. Work guaranteed, Prices! reasonable. Apply 255 King Street--| where shades are in the window. | SEWING MACHINE--Singer, good con-| dition. Fishing punt, new, with oars. Apply 351 Johnson Street. | ---- ee ee | RESHING MACHINE--At once. Ap-| y O. Galloway, Collin's Bay, Ont. | CTO ew Fordson, slightly used! --fully equipped with pulley, fender and governor. Apply to R. W. Martin, | _Harrowsmith, O | oo OLD GOLD--Silver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, cess street, Kingston. TH rl | | _____ Rooms For Rent ~ Rooms With Board 07 | BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 29% Universit) ue, near Brock Street. UNIVERSITY AVENU 243 -- First glass rooms and board; all improve. mente; centrally located. ROOMS--Warm, good board, reason- able rates; close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 Jobn-| son street. - "Do not send original testimonial 1 replying for a position, A copy will do! Just as well, | | They Don't [EH Suitny ore ARE £ YES, MADAME! That Way 3 4 REMEMBER -- SME MUST [FE YOU CANT CET THAT compination In ONE COOK! - Rooms Without Bodrd ROOMS--Furnished bedrooms. Apply $3 Queen Street. | 68 3 "'Syden-| _ham Street, near Princess. ROOM---Furnished. Apply 15 Btree ear Princ ROOM-_--Furnished. Apply 151 1 Sydenham Su | == | Rooms For Housekeeping 69 -- i APARTMENT--Furnighed Possession May 1st. 230 Barpje. Phone 2356w. KOOMS--Two, large, furnished; able keeping, li | able rent. Apply 405 karl Street. | ROOMS--Unfurnisned, for light house-| keeping, gas for cooking, electric! lights Use of phone. Apply 354) Brock § or Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Mats 7 APARTMENT--May 1st, 4 rooms, pri- vate J piece bath, heated. Apply 520 Princess Street. Phone 1634m. APARTMENTS furnished or um-| for light house- en rooms, heated, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, gus grate and gas range. Large bal- cony. Janitor service. Possession 1st of May or 1st of June. Phone 657J. APARTMENTS--By May 1st, heated and lighted, with all conveniences. 1£x« cellent location. Apply 450 Princess 5 t. - M lay 1st, four rooms and bath room, nrepiaces, gas range, hardwocd floors, electric Apply 69 Brock tiled refrigerator, Hghis, well heated. Street. AVARTMENTS--Two, one of 5 rooms, possession May 1st, and one of six rooms, possession June 1st; hardwood floors, electric and gas, 3 piece baths, hot water heating included, in most central part of the city Apply to H. B. Wartell, 338 King Street. Phone 10187. FLA also 2 suitable for Ught conveniences. 'Ielephone. Queen Street. ROOMS--Three large unfurnished; al- 80 use of bathroom, on bathroom flat, private balcony, light, water and phone included with rent. Possession at once. Phone 722w or call at 64 Livingston Avenue. : ee Busin Places For Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS---Hooms on King siree ~formerly occupied by the [.O.O.F. Apply to Cunningham and Smith. One 4 room unfurnished flat, rooms on bath room flat, both housekeeping; all Apply 286 Farms For Ren: 76 ----e - et te cp 100 ACRES--Pasture farm, 3 miles from Kingston on Perth Road. Apply to . M. Macdonnell, 3§ Clarence Street, The following, situate on White Lake in the Township of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the 8th Con, Lot 17 in the 7th Con. Lot 17 in the 6th Con. Apply to G. M. Macdon-~ 8 Clarence Street, Kingston, rooms and extension, Single .garages at 69 Queen Street, next Harkness butcher shop. Apply 185 Queen Street. Phone yssw, HOUSE---Moderate sized brick, hot wae ter heating, electric lights, gas, hard- wood floors, May 1st, Apply § Birch Ave. > seve reomed, north side, electric light, ¢ piecé bath, fur- nace; close to rrincess, $27.00. Also two apartments, $20 and §i5. Apply orman, 69 Patrick Furnished, six rooms or four rooms, unfurnished, all conveniences; rent very reasonable. Possession May ist. Apply to 91 Heverly Street, or Phone 135855m after § p.m. HOUSE--SIX roomed, frame, west side, near Queen's University, three plece bath, electric lights, gas, barn, garage, heated by stove, no cellar. Rent $28 per month on yearly least, from May ist. Write Box V-19, Whig Office. 273 DIVISION 8T.--Centrally located, all modern conveniences, including -a 8, open firepldce, reason-| garage. Apply at 271 Division Street _8t noon hour or after 5 pm. ° 490 BARRIE ST.--Seven rooms, all im- provements, electric lights and gas for cooking, newly decorated. Posees- ston at once. Apply 15 Quebec Street or phone 1708w. 98 EARL STREET Large, commod- fous house, newly decorated, electric light, electric attachments for fans, vacuum cleaners and warmers; gas for cooking; 3 p. toilet, Sunshine hot Air Furnace, garage. Vacant May. J. Gil- bert, 194 Barrle St. Phone 254. After 6, phone 773w. 188 UNION ST. WEST---Furnished, with garden and sun room. Possession June ist. bove address, 8a GARAGE--On May 1st, Brock Street. Apply McCallum Granite Co. $4 pér month; cemented floor, electric light, iF, separate key. Apply 360 pa Two locks | from Princess. GARAGE~--14x16, 2 pair doors suitable! for 2 cars or will partition it for 2 par- | ties if desired. F. 15. McNamee, corner Princess and Alfred Sts. Phone 2292w, PRIVATE GARAGES---T, let on Brock | Street. Apply No. 69, Brock Street | np 25.00--Tlats over 217 Princess Street at reasonable rental, HOUSES--= $15.00--87 York Street, 5 rooms, toilet, gas. ! $30.00--61B Livingston Ave, cement block, 7 rooms, two pl Bas, electric lights, furnace. E. W. MULLIN & SON Johnson and Division Streets detached | ece bath, | _ __ Summer Places For Rent 80 SUNMET] COTTAGES -- At Eastview Park, a beautiful spot on the St. Law- rence, { miles from Kingston, furn- ished bungalows, Nnreplaces and screened verandahs, with 6 or 6 ruoms. Apply J. D. Boyd, $32 Universiiy Ave. Faone 1088, Wanted--10 Heal 81 HOUSE--Furnished, or flat, wanted im- mediately. Box W-18, Whig Offi Lo Tm Whether it is womeone to whitewash your cellar, hank your house, take down your sCreens--or &ny one of the thousands of odd Jobs to be done around a house at Inia me ot year, you will nnd someone dependable throu Whig want-ads. 8 Deity Advertise that spare room for rent, there are many d able roomers to be oad through Daily Whig want-ads, | Real perty $ HOTEL PROPERTY--Known_as the Queen's hotel, Tamworth. This is & tnree stary brick hotel known so lon by the travelling public, This hotel has just been tacroughly renovated, I'or rurther particulars apply to J. A, ter, Tamworth. , er A SRI EI EEE IT Farms and Land For Sale #8 FARM--OT 115 acres for sale or to ren or would exchange for city property, 12 miies from Kingston, 3 miles from 3 villages, Ub or $0 acres plow land, 30 acres seeded, 25 fall plowed; well wate ered; frame house and barns. Bate. man's Real Estate Agency, 159 Wal i situate om White Lake in the Townshalp of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the §th Con. Lot 17 in tha 7th Con.; Lot 17 ia the 6th Con. Apply to G. M. Macdon~ nell, 38 Clarence Street, Kingston. LOT--Part of Lot 29, Con. §, Claren= don Township, known as the Boerth Mining Property, Boilers and Stamp mill included." Will be sold to highest cash bidder May 19th, 1923, at Plevas _by Clarendon and Milier Council. Houses For Sale 4 ELMTREE HOUSE---Prof. D. H. Meér= shall offers for sale his residence and grounds. All information will be give en at his house, corner of Union street and Alwington Avenue. HOUSES-- COLBORNE STREET--7 rooms, 4 bed- rooms, § plece bath, lights, furnace; nice verandah. Extra lot $4000. i SOLID BRICK HOUSE---2 story and ate tic, 10 rooms, 6 vpedrooms, electric lignts, gas, 5 piece bath, also toilet aud basin in attic; hot water neating; Hnreplace; Cypress trim; large versn- dah; tne cellar. Fine location om South side. M. B. TRUMPOUR FPhone 704 or 843J. 237 Bagot Street Barrie Street, Clergy Street, $3.000. $6,600. $4,000, Two houses, Queen Street, $5,000. Division Street, $4,200. Bagot Street, $2,400 Barrie Street, 3 Aberdeen Street, houses, $3,000 $6,600, H. B. WILSON, Uptown Post Offies. SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ad. vertisement, page s, column 1. 58 VICTORIA STREET -- Solid brick, J0x30, modern; lut o6x132, with gar- age; ten rooms. ,rrice $6,000. Apply to J. B. Cooke. Phone, office bvaw.; res, B43w. ATH STREET---7 rooms, irame, 8 piece bath, electric lights, polished iloors throughout, Colianade arches With white enamel nnish woodwork. Butit by owner. Frice $3,300. Apply 101 Queen Mtreet or phone' 1796w. UNIVERSITY AVENUE -- Solid brick house, lot 456x200, ten rooms, hot wate iurnace, separate bath and toilet, : fireplaces and brick garage, Also Jelid brick house, barn and » acres on 0 red. Apply 352 Univer . rhone 1083m. Pyly Iveraity valor BALL Wanted--Real Estate 8 HOUSE--Six or seven rooms, or BUNgR- low, in good locality. State price, ivy in frst letter, Write Box IF-6, clo. HOUSE -- WIth aii improvements, good location. Please give full at ticulars and®lowest cash price. o 4f3nis need apply. Apply Box U-1§, = EET Blunder To-Day's Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) The writer of this check neglect- el to fill out the stub. It is hardly possible for any one to remember ax- actly the amount of each cheok write ten and the balance remaining on deposit. When writing a check fil out the stub * and bring the balance forward. With this memorandum [you will always know how your ae- {count stan ds and will thus avoid any trouble or embarrassment througa overdrawing, Bele BUSINES SE Cid "W, Kent Macnes | Pank of Commerce Buildin, A and King Streets. Phone LE General Insurance Ageney, dering --Automobile, ry Accls dent, Sickness, Plate Glass urglary ele. Representing only reliable coms MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason- able Prices on STOVES Well repaired. at a rgiht price. . J. Turk's PHONE 705. Free Advise Regarding the best way to re- pair our Automobile, Motor Boat, Engine, and all machinery parts--we 40 a good line of this work at reasonable prices. Oxy-Acetyiene Welding, Oxy-Acetylene Cutting, Oxy-Acetylese Carbon Burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. East End of Wellington Street ANTHRACITE BOULETS A product of the very highest grade Hard Coal. No bone, slate, or other impurities in this fuel. Every plece is a heat unit. Uniform in size. tion is opposed to the establishment of a loan department, claiming it would hurt exchange. The 'Republican garrison in Kerry Cave quit after a spectacular siege. Three were killed and the remainder captured. 'Thorough spraying is advised in _ €onnection with control of peach ach, aged eighty-six years, a retired | farmer, i Government official states tha: land speculation is at root of depres. | sion ig nin River country. . Sir Adam Beck may be offereq Conservative nomination in Water- loo. E. J. Dufty, Hamilton, is a visitor tin the city. One customer reports they burned in his furnace for 24 hours without attention, and gave splendid heat. We bave a car of this fuel in transit and will take orders S07 ARlIYEry H1OM CAF AL uo v.'s suv unsnnsenies $14.00 per ton. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street

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