imc et ier Sora (6 To Se rs eat ha on TT Ev THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1023. - ---------- ---- THE GENERAL HOSPITAL |; 1 plone cine | STOCK. MARKETS | Founded 1847 . ye oo Coun hook | (Reported by Johnston & Po | Laundry hors Proved ee iy Unsatisfactory. changes). - ri ! New York. At meetin f the Kingston 2 A s April 20th | Trades and Labor Council on Thurs- -m. | " | day evening, the employment at the! Jes. Lose: ciel ae aed 134081 -- 1708, (loi. | Kingston General Hospital of Chi- *| shen sulianioh 3% | HI lds | nese was the subject of considerable (6 & Or ooo. Lo BER KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE | discussion. It was stated by mem- jCosden 0il anes y | bers that the action of the superin- [C.D BR. Sot en a fv woman by 'Chisess, was unfair Cuban Came Sugar Com. . 13 . Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 | 1 : men Chinese, was unfair | oe n [Cuban Cane Sugar Pfd .. .. to CG dian labor, and action was | eg "| Gen. Asphalt .... .. ,. .. | R.E. Kent, chairman of the (Cen. Motors... . { board of governors of the General [G. 8. T... | Hospital, when interviewed by the {Marine PHM..., .. .. .... 34 ; | | Whig on Friday, stated that it was |{N- ¥. C.... .... .. .... in the interests of the public service | ®W Haven, .... .. .. ..: that Chinamen be employed in' the Fan. Amer. Pete......" .. . i laundry at the hospital. As much as | Pan, Amer. Pate "B" .. .. | Standard Oil of California .. the hospital authorities tried, they were unable to get help that would {Standard Oil of New Jersey turn out laundry in fit condition, |Sielair iO... .. .. .. .. and for that reason six Chinamen |Studebaker.... .. .. .. .. Tou Joins nn [Son Pac Ba 50 STYLISH NEW SUITS ARRANGED IN were engaged. i has | Sou. Ry ve ow oa neo Chinen or ad has Sow Ro TWO SPECIAL GROUPS_ON SALE TO- ve Chines ssatante. 10 In tre fn- Texts OF. 0. MORROW AT 10 O'CLOCK FOR | to have the laundry done in the|U. S. Steel... .... .. ... most modern way and the only way | Lo -- that it can be accomplished is by | GRAIN MARKET. employing men who are profession- | als in their line of work. It was to | meet complaints that the change was effected. Chicago. Wheat--- July. ... NEWEST | ee APPOINTMENT IS FILLED > i i a | IN YOUNG MEN'S | AT HOME FOR THE AGED uy 45 sane $ | | | Oats-- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Web- July. ey | Sl RING | ster Are to Take Over the Nay | Work. ws Winnipeg. . | heal | ea ® | ! The board of management of the {yyy = . .. , . . .,. T P T {Home for the Aged has appointed Nay... ..., .. ., .,.. OO COA S Frederick Webster, who resides on Oats-- {Princess street, as superintendent of lauly...... .... on the Home for the Aged, succeeding SPECIAL | Roston Baldwin, who has resigned after nine years service. The posi- --a||")pptr:,:sr"tpina r y b This Jot includes the season's newest and most [tion of course calls for the appoint- thus | popular styles--Suits that are well tailored and de- ment of a married man, and 1 | se. Webster will assist her hus- BA SEBAL veloped from such serviceable materials as Tricotine, band in the work. Serge and Poiret Twill--; V @ | Mr. Webster was employed for SCORES ¢ Black I wre wilighiy ia Shutes " Sav Blue and --al med with Braid, Em- some time as a gardener. He has a 4 |krilliant war record, having served broidery or Tucks, and included in this lot a . re Tail {in. the Boer and Grey» War, and al- Sore STtonal Luge: ored and Box Coat styles. 8 th dition, and also ' 0 4 | o on another expedition, an Buffalo 8, Reading 6 ® iw 9 played in the band of the Kingston 3 Livin ston S (EW: 0. R. Mr, and Mrs. Webster | Rochestor 13, Newark 3. Values from $45 to $48. will take over their new work on more 8, Syracuse 1 | May 1st. The position carries with National Leagu 75-79 BROCK STREET i a salary 2 330 ver year and a| noo vou oe Boston 3-3 5 ' ree home, food, etc. Chi 10. Pi If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk | The committed had a number of TE 3 - applications for the position, and St. Louis 11 Cincinnati 8 ' feel that their selection will be a > ? most satisfactory one St 88 on. American League. gi Detroit 8, St. Louis 3 New York 8, Boston 2. Cleveland 6, Chicago § 9 Philadelphia 4, Washington 2. \ | Real Values press a Td, Atihisprissareind] = . Los Angeles, Cal.,, April 20.--De- 18 price ar: v fault was entered yesterday in the Suits B Pre Cd uded many of our better class F Oe aera J tie . Box t and Tailored models, made from Trico- eh . perior Court against Gloria Swan- tine, Serge and Poiret Twill, and shown In attractive ality--Larger Market--Service son, motion picture act , by h I a shades of Brown, Sand, Navy Blue and Black. Expertly who charged desertion. tailored an 1 1 1 3 Retail Market Phones 458-459. Business Office 365. DAY This indicated, it was stated, that fanc Silk d plesly mined with colorful embroidery, : Wholesale department 1767. Miss Swanson probably would not y 91 raids or ucks. DOWN-TOWN BRANCH: 282 PRINCESS STREET contest the action. Val £ $49.50 to $50 : Values from 30 to .00. 5,000 POUNDS CHOICE The A.Y.P.A. of St George's Strictly fresh cathedral will repeat their play made "Patty Makes Things Hum," on Cream C ® Tuesday evening, April 24th at 8.p. ; m. in 8t. George's Hall. Methodist gemeral board of mis- CHOICE MILK-FED VEAL sions finds it necessary to curtail ex- 4 Stewing tuts : Be. Ib. Fronts : 7c. 1b. penditures owing to decreased reve- g | Chops 2lbs. for 25¢ Rack, Loin, Leg Roasts (cut to order). Dr. Adam Thomson, noted figurs SPECIAL 13 05 T * in Waterloo county politics, dies at PURE LARD--Our own rendering. Good cooks prefer it. - Lb. 18c. Galt. BE EF At thi : - OFFICE SUPPLIES t this reasonable price there are several . Cuts from Prime Western Beef styles developed f i how Round Steaks 18c Ib. | Oven Roasts 15c. Ib. | Stewing Cuts 6c. Ib. HANSON, IE DCR Te rh 2 good quality Woo! Pole » ' PURE WHITE CLOVER HONEY_5 Ib. pail ene 28 LoD plain and others have faint Checks--nicely styled YOUNG SELECTED PORK RARE with well-fitting Collars--some with Belts, and Choice Shoulder | Choice Butt Choice (whole or MRSC HAT Ain 6 ser) roa trimmed with Buttons and Fancy Stitching. ROASTS, Ib. 22c. ROASTS, Ib. 22c¢. half) LEGS 25¢ Ib. hind daughter of Willam McQuaid, of Nell McKegg. both of this city. Pork Steaks 25c. Ib. DIED. | Choice Loin Loin Chops, Ib. . 33c. Fresh Pork Spare KINNEARC- At Tyendinaga. on Apt] wr | 8 Roasts, 1b. . .30c¢. (trimmed). = Ribs, 1b. waa ia 18c¢. ai Nipuses. ou. Apel rts oats | BEEF DRIPPING (our own rendering), Ib. ............. lle. of WT Vandervoort, aged 83 | | OUT DOOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET a ae Gare $ rs. D. J. Zurbrigs.- Car assorted, new, Southern Vegetables and Fruits. Fontan) will take place from his fath- er's residence, 598 Princess Street, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, to 1,000 uarts > 3 Cataraqui Cemet vs VEGETABLES PURE FRUITS Friends "4nd scavainiances respect ny at Caulifiowers, Cab- Bananas, Grape Fruit," Sunkist MAPLE Oranges, Cooking Apples, Table 5 JAMES REID = - SYRUP Apples, Lemons (large, yellow), The Old Firm of Undertakers 63c. quart large, juicy Pineapples. me nbulil Dainty Sports Coats tailored A ated or Go from serviceable Wool Heather a Yellow Slbs. for 53c¢ mixtures. Well tailored and at- EGGS CHEESE : tractively styled with Notched | Strictly new laid, graded No. 1's. | Mich ua, : I Collar, wide Belts and large l Ask for Perfection Brand. Roy 2 Pockets. Buttons or fancy Stitch- cartons. : : 274 Pri ing as trimming. All the season's BLUE BONNET TEA | : newest shades are here shown'in OPAREO PERO MB. x +» ssa rsivansovsveesss 85e. Ceylon Pekoe, Ib. ...... RMA Ee 80c. plain or plaided effects.