Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1923, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1038. Beaver Board Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economical The exclusive "SEALTITE" treatment gives Beaver Board an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- sary and insuring a perfect band with any good paint. Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042. GREAT WEST LIFE EVIDENCE OF PROS PERITY AND PROGRESS . Q y--Suborantint increase in mew business and in business in force (2).--Assets of nearly $50,000,000. = . . (3).--The interest rate for 1932 was 7.18%: the expense rates wers materialiy reduced and a very low mortality rate was experienced, re- BH rier demonstration of the Company's superiority ( y-holders. 4 Bate Po INGSTON OFFICE, 41 BROCK STREET in pro- a ee A A A a Chevrolet Studebaker We have a few good Used Cars which we are offering at Reduced Prices, as we need the floor space for our new cars. The Central Garage Limited Phone 600. Brock and Montreal Streets. WE NEVER CLOSE. IRENE eS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged Yor. For information and rates apply ta J. P. HANLEY, C. P, and T.AG.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, AUTOMOBILE TOPS RECOVERED Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Fhone 663. ' ---------------- corner p------ CARS FOR SALE Two Chevrolet Trucks. - One Overland Touring Car. One Ford Touring Car. These Cars are in good condi. tion and prices right. Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. FROM ST. JOHN, N. B. Apr. JleBellta ... Southampton Antwe: Britain, May 4--Montealm ... Liverpool May S--Minuedosa ... Cherbourg Southampton, Antwerp - May 10-Mdrvele Belfast Glasgow, May ll---Montrose .... May 12---Empress of Scotland * Che +» Southampton, M 1 Niauriors Liverpool ay . May 35--Melitn ' Auto Tops Recovered PRICES RIGHT Make the old car look like new. Sinclair's Phone 1684 - 360 Barrie St. w. May ST Memtelare--Live De 1. May 26m rita ton oot Southampton, Ham- burg. May 3i--Marioch Belfast, ilasgow June l-----Mentealm .... June I=Marglem ....Ch Cherbourg, Juke 6--Minnedosa . Antwerp. ) Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 159 Wellington St. Evening by appointment, PHONE 7». DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight OPPOSITE BIBBY'S A i We Have Cars of Chestnut Coal enroute Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- rival of same. 2 SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 155. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. wm Lo LA _ de X 1 | N tt td 1 ¥ Rati eon Saad ,Y A real fence for every need on the All styles carried in RELIEVED FROM DUTY | ON LB. STEEL CASE Deputy Attorney-General Sent From Buffalo to Albany Acted Strangely. Buffalo, N.Y., April 19.--Deputy- Attorney-general William CahiN, | sent to this city from Albany sever- al weeks ago to investigate the col-| lapse of the L. R. Steel enterprises, was, today, relieved of duty in con- nection with the case by Attorney- General Carl Sherman and directed to return to Albany. It is rumored ithat the charges against him are likely to follow his relief. Hugh Reilly, another deputy attorney- general and former army officer, has been assigned to the Steel case to succeed Cahill. Cahill is said to have been strangely missing for more than two weeks and special representa- (tives sent to this city by Attorney- General Sherman are reported to have learned certain details of his conduct while in Buffalo that alone ,caused them to report to headquar- ! ters at Albany. His relief followed. Cahill is said to have informed detectives here that he was robbed of $250 in an establishment in the ! business district of the city several days ago, but no action is being! SAFETY FIRST. United States secret agents are reported to have discoy- ered a huge plot in Germany to invade France by airplane. --From London Opinion. taken. " Walter M. Wilkins, who is head- FORD HAS A BALANCE ing a stockholders' movement to re-| i OF OVER $200,000,000 | habitate the Steel Company has not | yet returned from Toronto. He ia! -- i {said to be conferring with big stock {His Enormous Expenditures holders In that city, | Did Not Affect the Reserve Fund. New York, April 19.--Ford Motor {Company has a cash balance of more than $200,000,000, according to an interview with Henry Ford, rublished by the Wall street Jour- nal. An enormous sum of money paid out in the purchase of coal and tim- Ler lands, water-power sites and brandh plant investments came out >i the current earnings and did not ffect the cash reserve, Ford was juoted as saying. "As yet we have not thought of Lorrowing any money," Ford added. NEW PARTS NOT AFFECTED. Settlers Too Busy in Opening Up the Country. Quebec, April 19.-- While the old parishes of the province are being affected by the exodus to the United States, Hon. J. E. Perreault, minister of colonization, after conferring with Joot Becventing ame bu Briiien>soh: | nis inspectors, was in a position to Jects taking out trappers' licenses. joace this morning that the coloniza- {tion centres have not been affected by this movement. He commented on the fact that, evidently in those sections where the settlers were bus- #y engaged in opening @ new coun- try, any intention to move away was quite removed their thoughts. \ "8 oe HON, HARRY MILLS Minister of Mines in the Drury gov- ernment, who has introduced a bill into | WILL PLACE TABLETS | ON FORT WELLINGTON ! Main Defence Post Between Kingston and Montreal to : Be Marked. ---- Senator's Mother Dead. Cardinal, April 19--Mrs. John Brockville, April 19.--On the re- commendation of Hon. George P.|Reid, of Cardinal, mother of Sena- tor J. D. Reid, died Tuesday even- Graham, minister of national de- fense, a portion of old Fort Welling-{ing. Two sons, Senator Reid and | ton, at Prescoit, which has an in-|{George Reid, and four daughters, [teresting literary history, has been|Mrs. Dr. B. Gow, Calgary; Mrs. | transferred to.the control of the de- Charles Virtue, Montreal; Mrs. j partment of the interior, for preser-|mejkle, and Mrs. Dodge, Cardinal, vation as an historic monument, un- survive. Mrs. Reid was born in Prescott, | til euch time as it may be required Ont., and was efghty-eight years old. {tor defence purposes. i proposed | ki io mark the fon Her parents settled in Prescott 110 years ago. {with a tablet containing references | to its construction in 1812-13, as the | main post for the defense of the | communication between Kingston jand Montreal, to the assembling there of the British force which captured Ogdensburg, N.Y., in 1813, and to the assembling there of the force which repelled the invasion at the Windmill, in 1838. The fort is largely the same as when erected 110 years ago. ------ Woman Fined $200 at Trenton. Trenton, April 18.--Mrs. Ethel Mountenay, was charged with re- ceiving - stolen goods from the cot- tages of Hugh .O'Rourke and -Ger- ald Murdoff. She was sentenced by Magistrate O'Rourke to not less than one year and not more than two years less one day in the Ontario re- formatory. Sentence was suspended ou payment of a fine of $100 and costs in each case. Restitution is to be deducted from tha fine. As an indirect result of the epi- demic of typhoid at Cochrane, North Bay municipality has been pre-emp- torily ordered by the Provincial | Board of Health to instell a chlor- {mating plant for its water supply. Hard coal for the Toronto city buildings, delivered into the bins, has been offered to the city by ome company at $14.82, and by another at $15.50, according to tenders opened. Lord Birkenhead is to make lec- ture tour in United States. Her Three Children HAD Whooping Cough Premier Lenine is out of danger and Russia may hope that he will soon return to dhe leadership, Leo Kameneff, the acting premier of the Moscow Soviet, informed the Com- munist Congress. The Muskoka Indian Reserve, comprising some 13,000 acres of good egricultural land, and situated vorth of Birch Hills, Sask., is to be opened for sale to setilera. Tax Rate for Guelph for 1923 will be thirty-eight mills, the largest in the history of the city. A man who dees nothing mever Las time to do anything. "given back to the composer. MUSIC IN THE HOME | WANTED. Repeated Performances of Good Music. The public ITkes to hear the muslc it kn@rs. It likes repeated performs ances of the compositions that are good enough to bear repetition year after year. Not long since a busi. ness mar, who is more familiar with the great musical classics than many of even his friends are aware, re- marked "the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 is the most popular of Liszt's works and one of the most popular orchestra numbers by any composer largely because it is the oftenest heard." This gentleman was not dn any way belittling that work, but made the remark purely in emphasis of the influence of repetition. That is one reason why the player piano and the phonograph play such en influ- ¢ The big $5 Ib. box for the family or week-end party. Th is plain but--Oh, my! " Jem 5) As Sy ing variety of sweets. Delicious ginger, cluster filberts, butternuts, almonds, rmints, mara- chino cherries, pineapple cubes, and many other luscious sweet- meats, all preserved by the most ect chocolate coating made-- a coating which has been the envy and inspiration of candymakers for years. Ask for the § Tb. box of Moir's XXX assorted chocolat es. MOIRS LIMITED HALIFAX ~- MESSRS, R. H. TOYE & Co. Distributors for Kingston 9 -Chopolates SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT cert ane ures ARNIEL & w=. HAMBROOK 'Earl and Alfred (CATERERS) ¥ .C, HAMBROOK 115 Breck Street Phone 1020w. NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. ential part in musical education be- cause they facilitate the constant re petition of the world's best music. Another phase of this same subject was discussed recently in Musjocal Opinion by no less a personage than Joseph Holbrooke, who in pant sald: "A popular notion of music and musicians is that composers write thelr music; then it és performed; whereupon they lean back, gather in untold foes amd royaities, smoke big cigars, and enjoy themselves gener- ally. "Now, nothing of this kind ever happens. What really does ooour is something in this wise, and it 1s most interesting. Some person or other writes, or tries to write, good music. He fails, or he succeeds; it really does not matter so tong as he covers a few sheets of music paper with his notes. Having done this, he sends the manuscript to one of our conductors; and, if the music is sufficiently bad or good, inaccurate or accurate in its context, it is play- ed once or twice. The conductor then stands forth proudly as a pion- eer, a seeker after new works, a helper of 'struggling composers; presenting novelties to the public, and getting many press writers to come and listen and write about them. "We can assert that in one yRar alone hundreds of musical noveltjes are produced in this country. But how many survive? How many are worth a bearing? It is now quite easy for any composer to get his music played, let it be good or bad. Instead of this, however, one would wish for some judgment from con- ductors as to the merit of any work rehearsed and played? I am afraid there is no judgment. A work which is excellent and receives prajse from all quarters is treated in the same way as a work which is childish and which has had no success at all; it is played omce or twice, and then "The whole evil to British musie, and a lot of foreign music, is this lack of repeated pertormance, and nothing else. The publication, the interest of the publisher, and the interest of the public; all follows in- evitably whea a good work is heand time end egain. They are mot; so Many mothers make the misiate af thinking that whooping cough is net of serious importance, but it ia ans of the most dangerous diseases of in- fancy, and yearly causes more dsaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diph- theria, and is more common in f+ male than male children. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP is highly recommended by mothers everywhere for the relief of ibis trouble as it helps to clear ihe SoBe ged-up air passages of the mucous and phlegm that has collected, axd in this way brings on the "wacap" which brings the so-much-sought- uliet, and heals and soothes the 7 2 5 i - [WEE CANADIAN CATTLE ARRIVING AT GLASGOW. For the first time in thirty-one years, when the embargo SHOE SPECIALS Men's Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Balmorals :... ......$10.00 Growing Girls' Patent 1 Strap Shoes. ........ ...... 3295 The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. - "His Master's Voice: Victor "MELLOW MOON" ERT, hom te aie Baits Poin Piste Sonos on, 0000 } Aloe hear thase other bg denet Mee: # We Maat' Folor™ Braned Mo, Biot I teivaing - Pom DAE a -- el i Mt eneh: - tReTe uabEp, * Wis Muss Volu!® Record Jin. 2 10507 Ateny "His Master's Voice" dealen MIS MASTEW'S VOICE, LIMITED rn ' there fe no Interest. How cau ine:« be? Consequently there Is no pab- lic for British music." ------------------ Charles Irvine, found $n his work, shack on the fourth concession of Hungerford and arrested on a charge of selling {liegally manufactured i fh against Canadian cattle was placed, a shipment of live stock arrived recently at the port of Glasgow. So much interest liquor, has been sent to jail for a year had been evinced in the event that it took on something of and fined $200, the nature of a civic welcome, with all the town officials in > attendance, wearing maple leaves in their button holes. £ | ------ EE ---- (5) - i

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