Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1923, p. 5

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FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG COAL is not going to be any cheaper or more available for next sea- son. Fill your bins now while it-is coming in. Orders filled as we receive them--for STOVE OR CHESTNUT COAL W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. TYOLET | 6 rooms, toll 1st May. electric) Frame, $20.00. rooms, ALBERT ST et, electric light, gas, EARL ST --Stone, § $20.00. 1st Maj TAXI light, fir we sr ee! PHONE 32 Oct. 1st Furnished Flat, June 1st to October | | All kinds of insurance at lowest rates. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-896. 56 Brock St. DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johmson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) "Pee Use It Always All Ways. GE and STOR AGE oF | EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. | 377. Evenings 223 253 WELLINGTON VTREET, me. ----- - WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. ['hone 1763. Residence, 1137. en ----------) NOTICE Any repairs left with R. J. Rodger will be sold unless a de- posit is made at once, L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham St. Just Off Princess Street A A a Se Ar A rt Art i. A re PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing anda Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. 27 Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 236, sc SORE THROAT COMMON AILMERT Wha Si H NLESS FHEcKed IN ous CONDITION. SIMILARLY A COUGH OR COLD MA DEVELOP AND, Rune SUS- TAnep TH TREATMEN ORE M E A OLD AND RELIABLE REMED 18 FOUND IN DB THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OolL Try Our Specials Peanut Brittle . .20¢. per 1b. Peanut Candy -20¢. per Ib. Assorted Chocol: .35¢. per 1b. Oranges .;.... 30¢. dozen and ap Grapefruit Tangerines .. Also Blood Orang en. The Star Fruit 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. Try to make yourself a new Hat out of materials that are as common as postage stamps. You spend from $3 to $5, spend hours in the making of it and what have you got when it is finished? Something your friends laugh at a block away. No doubt you have a Hat you used to like but are tired of the shape. Let us reblock it up-to-date. You will have a Hat when it is finishe It won't cost more than $1.50 and probably less. The Kingston Hat Cleaners UPSTAIRS Kingston and Vicinity 4re Back In Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison, spending the winter in Toronto, hive returned to Cobourg and open- led up their residence. Two Weeks Later The steamer Woune Islander nade its first attempt to cross the har- bor on Thursday morning, exact- ly two weeks later than in 1922. Baseball Results By Radiv Many interested Kingston people await the results of the big league games In front of the Canada Rad- io store, Princess street, in tho evem-| | ing. Looking After Contract O. G. Fenning, Pine street, left on Thursday for Napanee where he will spend a few days looking alter a contract obtained by a local heat- ing firm. "a Riot of Fun. Ten pages of colored comics and | laugh | One of many features of ' cut-outs by . world-famous producers, Sunday's Detroit Free all leading newsdealers. Transferred to Ottawa P. H. Fox, who has been assistant C.N.R. 'superintendent at Trenton, |pow becomes assistant superintend- lent of the Ottawa division under, !Superintendent Lamplough. Press. At Able To Be Out Again The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Greenwood, Wolfe Island, are ps-us- ed to know that she is able to be out again after being confined to the Hotel Dieu with a heavy cold. Has Been Transferred Rev. W. W. Weese, a brother of D. A. Weese, Princess street has been transferred from the Montlrual Methodist conference to the hay of Quinte conference, the change tak- ing effect forthwith. | A 'Quiet Wedidng { On April 11th, in the Smithfield { Methodist church, Verda E. Y. Mc- Cann niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Potts was united in marriage with | Mr. and | A. Maybee, son of M. E. Maybee, M.P. Elmer | Mrs. Wootrer. | Is Making Repairs, | Mrs. John Hutchison has bought the propenty of her mother, Mrs. {Jane McQudid, Picton. Mrs. Hut- ichison is making repairs on the pro- perty which will improve Lake istreet. See For Yourself, | We carry a large range of made- {to-measure suitings, blue and black |serges and English worsted cloth of {the best material. We guarantee [first class fit and workmanship. | Frevost, 'Brock street. | Accidentally Shot | Lorne Rogers, | with an acciident on {| Taking his gun out of the boat it |was discharged and the ball making a very painful wound. Died From Pn i Mrs. L. Stover, Camsden East, re- {cetved the sad news of the death of {her nephew's wife, Mrs. Lindsay Par- {rott, at Saskatoon, after only one | week's illnes of double pneumonia. | | Her husband and three small boys {are left. -------------- il Camden East, met] Monday last. | went | | through the fleshy part of his arm, fifty-five cents. Farmers rolls are {selling retail at thirty-seven cents | land the best creamery butter at forty-five. On Saturday the Wolfe Island farmers dre expected to be at the tharket in large numbers with an accumulation of butter, due to their inability to attend market for some weeks. Canadian Pactfic 180 Wellington street report the following arrivals of their steam- | ! ships: | Empress of Britain, from South-! ampton and Cherbourg, due St. youn Aprilv'19th. Afontrose, from St. John, due Liv- |erpool, April 21st. | Minnedosa, from St. John, arriv- ed Antwerp, April 18th. Marlock, from Liverpool, Green- ock and Lock Boisdale, due St. John April 24th. | Empress of Canada, from Hong | Kong and Yokohama, due Vanévav- (er, April 23rd. Funeral on Thursday. The funeral of the late George Jona the down-town* section, {house furnishings. 'tive and enjoys Gibson took place on Thursday af- ternoon, from his late residence, 189 Earl street, to Cataraqui cem- etery. Rev. J. D. Boyd and Rev. E. H. Burgess conducted the services at the house, which was attended by ja large number of the friends of the deceased. A beautiful collection of i flowers, including tokens from var- ious lodges and organizations, showed the esteem in which the lata Mr. Gibson was held. Two sons, Roy Gibson, Chatham, and Robert H. Gibson, Toronto, came to Kingston | for the funeral. | i Increase in Business Rents Business property tn Kingston fs experiencing a boom in values. Rents are being raised for property locat- | ed in the upper parts of Princess street, and there is a tendency on the part of business to move steadily in that direction.. Some changes in | tenancy have recently taken place at | a considerable advance in the rents the old tenants moving to other | locations. The up-town area ap- (pears to hold the grocery business j Watts, Portsmouth. dry- ladies' ware and One old resi- dent professed to see a continuous movement up Princess street in the same way as business moved Ontario street years ago. re een e-- 'Wonderfully Active. Michael VanLuven, Murvale, aged eighty-five is still wonderfully ac: remarkably good | Lealth. On Monday when his son, I'rank, was detained at the sao bush goods, hardware, 'he looked after twenty-head of cat- tle. In summer he is a great fisher- | man, and spends much time at the | i Murvale Creek. Vote on By-laws. Ratepayers of Smith's Falls wili | on May 7th vote on two by-laws, one authorizing the expenditure of $63, 000 upon an adaition of eight rooms to the Elgin school, to the amount of $20,000 to pur: chase from the Rideau tive Milling Co., the property known as Ward's Island. Purchased a House. Henry J. Hunt, who recently mov- | ed to Alexandria Bay, N.Y., from La- Rue Island, Ontario, has purchas- | ed from Herbert Terry his Avery ave- | nue residence, possession to be giv- en about Oct. 1st, when Mr. Terry end family expect to move to Terry- ville, N.Y. Houses are so scarce that many are purchasing homes to insure permanent occupancy. Formerly lived in Portsmouth. The funcral of the Mate Mrs. Charles Vandervort, Napanee, took place Tuesday afternoon. Death was | due to pernicious anaemia. Deceas- ed was fifty-three years of ag®, {ht cldest daughter of the late George | Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mrs. J. MacMillan, Ports- jmouth; Mrs. W. E. Dunlop, Water- {town, N.Y.; Mrs. F. Molske, Hart- furd, Conn., and Mrs. F. W. Stone, Buffalo, N.Y., were sisters of tho deceased. ne | | bd | Now Feel Fine" from Have you seen any samples of a i" : California Redwood? Dark and rich-colored as Mahogany; soft and workable as White Pine. A beautiful house finish at a moderate price. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 and the other | authorizing the issue of debentures | Co-opera- | Mrs. P. G. Murdoch, Box 433, Foetage la Prairie, "I was eliets dod for years with biliousness, constipatio and liver troubles. | | CAKES. | CAKES. Fruit Cakes a Specialty { We make a specialty of WEDDING CAKES, BIRTHDAY We give special attention to make to your order FRUIT If you want the BEST, try us. Oxford Weather The warm weather is just around the corner, and now is the time to buy your Oxfords. Here isone. Men's Tony Brown Calf Oxford. Bal- moral style, Goodyear Welt, made on a com- fortable, stylish last. Price ... .... $6.50 $5.00 up. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Others lines from RATS WANTED GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock 'Street You Cannot See Them In The Window! STEP INSIDE AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE FINEST SPRING SUITS, TOP COATS AND GABARDINE RAINCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE | { Moving to His Own Farm. | William Broadbridge is leaving | | IT WILL MEAN A BIG SAVING FOR YOU. ~ TWEDDELL'S Clothing House 163 Princess St. Phone 1488. [the Purtelle farm, Doxsee's Corn-| F. A. ATKINS crs, which he had rented for the| rast three years and is removing to | or. Princess and Alfred Streets. his own farm recently vacated by | Powers Kerr, Phone 373. W. R McRae & Co. EE "The Better' Ole" Isn't it gratifying to go into a Grocery Store and find every- thing clean and bright and above all to know that your food is kept and handled in a sanitary manner. If you are interested in the welfare of yourself and children come in and give our store and stock the once over and convince yourself that you get all "that" along with court- esy and service at SMITHS, Phone 1317. Barrie and Colborne Streets "Our goods are all up to a h Stan. dard, not down to a price White Glove; For Judge. | At Belleville the spring sitting of | the High Court of Justice . opened | this week before Justice Lennox, | who was presented with a pair of | white kid gloves, as there was no | criminal case to be tried. | no SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phohe 133 John Reid Dies John Reid, aged sixty-one, Alex- | andria Bay, died at the Watertown | City hospital of heart disease. He was a native of Scotland and was employed on the George Boldt es- tate near Alexandria Bay as an ac- countant. CLEAR AS A BELL SUIT For Saturday ART BLINDS--37"x72"--in Iv- ory, Green and Yellow -- 100 to sell T) Meet in Napanee The Bay of Quintee Clerical Un- fon is to meet in St. Mary Magda-! {lene's church, Napanee, dn April 24th and 25th. The BishSp of On- tario and a large number of the clergy of the district are expected to attend. There will be a public service on Tuesday evening, the preacher to be the Rev. Canon Broughall, St. Catherines. 75¢. each. CURTAIN SCRIM in White and Cream with fancy border on both sides, for 12}c. a yard," ROLLER TOWELS ready for use ---24 yards long, Irish crash, for only 50c. each. \ NEW CHECK and PLAID GING- HAMS -- English make, fast colors, for............. 1... 9. ayard | Ww. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store. Saturday for Fruit and Vegetables Choice assortment Bananas, Oranges, ' Grape-Fruit, Malaga Grapes, good vasiety Vegetables, Lettuce, iadishes, Celery, ete. See us for geod things to eat. Corner King and Earl r Streets Phone 1544. is the natural result of a de- termination to build.the best with constant research and investigation. This hasled to Dominion Meat Store Opp. YM.C.AA. Phone 1268J. -------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY'S SPECIALS; well-known resident of Kingston, who was a member of the Whig meckanical staff for some time, gave a very interesting address at Christ church, Belleville, recently, in which he dealt with the present conditions in Ireland. Mr. Galbraith was born adh and raised in Ireland, and as a stud- buildings at lowest ent In affairs In that country, is well Ex posted on Irish conditions, and his prices. Oc. address was listened to with keen in- ¥ v burg \ terest. IL Cohen & Co. | 267.975 ONTARIO STREET mr SONORA PHONOGRAPH, Ltd. All materials for 690 King Stregt Went T oronto Butter Prices Drop. Oa Thursday there was quite a drop in. the prices of butter com- pared to those of last week when tho prices ranged from fifty to *

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