Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1923, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- stl iit SRE SPRING SUIT Our new Semi-ready Business Suits are both attractive and cultured in design. Whether in English Worsted, Scotch Tweed or British Serge, the Semi-Ready garment is so well tailored that it gives it the atmosphere of the thoroughbred. See our assortment at $25.00 to $35.00. ' Special Blue at $35.00 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. =e ---- | A ------ Colored Glassware From Czecho-Slovakia What Are Your Eyes Worth? | Eyes are priceless, yet so many continue to neglect them long after | nature has warned them through tired eyes, headaches and impaired vision that something is wrong. The true Slavic genius for color expresses itself in this un- Do not neglect YOUR eyes, but let usual 'Glassware, so that it our optometrist examine them and tell you their ewact condition. CONSOL SETS. COMPORTS. ROSE BOWLS. LJ. CANDLE STICKS Priced from $1.75 up to $16.50 Registered Optometrist | 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. | Ea Kinnear & d' FOR SALE || Rimear & dEsterre 8 roomed cement block PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON house, good lot, electric light Dental Partnership DR. C. C. NASH Also double cement block Announces that house with all improvements. 'DR. T. H. RENTON Very easy terms. $5,500. is now his partner at Several Houses To Rent 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON = N-- Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69Y Patrick Street Phone 730w. a eS So many of us fail to realize that vicious actions are not hurtful be- cause they are forbidden, but for- bidden because they are hurtful. Just received a full line of the won- derful INDIAN TREE PATTERN No China on the market is as popu- lar; none has as large a sale. We have many new articles, and would advise you to make an early se- lection while the stock is complete. Suitable for Gifts or Prizes, "Phone and Mail Orders filled. ~ ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. FOR SPRING OXFORDS FOR MEN Fashionable and practical, with perforations and fancy stitching. A large variety of attractive styles, featuring the Popular French model with its broadened toe and vamp. FOR WOMEN Strap Slippers and Oxfords in Patent and Grey Buck com- binations will dominate much of the Spring footwear trade. We Invite Your Inspection Allan M. Reid IN NE ) EST SHADES |enterprise of the Frontenac public pn, iq wics M. Jeroy and Leon Me- {school Home and School Club, was! glows and reflects many colors. ( a am ------. a mn -- FRONTENAC SCHOOL BALL Formally od Thursday . ril 20.--A njoyable euchre --An e Evening--Dr. R. Bruce Tay= empath, a lor Gives Address. {der the direction of Misses M. Bren- {nan and R. Calow. About forty The new assembly hall of Fron-|i jes were in play and the prize tenac school, secured through thei. ,orc wore Mrs. W. H. Brown, W GANANOQUE | ul Donald. The prizes were half a cord opened on Thursday evening, and the | wood, side of bacon, Pyrex plate event was the occasion for a Yer and pipe which were donated by P. Bre Sargnring = Paresio und Suid | ononra), Alex Gordon, Miss R. Gal- | : |cw and Miss M. Brennan. j with the splendid ball, and ine Pro"! Miss Gussie Dempster is a pat- STamme ot Sd reteon 41 nus ¢ the tent in Kingston General Hospital, Bet u Canal, Narain > and | Paving undergone a successful oper- seated with him on the platform [ation for appendicitis. were Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of | Fred Skinner left for Oshawa to- | , {day. {Quesh's ee Sotwin} Mrs. R. W. Spencer is the guest cipal T. McKee, H. Hebert, trustee, |0f Mr. Haydon," Johnson street, | Alderman W. Holder, and Mrs. 8. A. |Kingston. . | Salsbury, president of the club. Ad-{ Mrs. W. W. Bennett and Miss dresses were given by Principal | Fvelyn Bennett left yesterday fer Taylor, Mrs. Godwin, Ald. Holder, |New York and Brooklyn. Miss N. Principal McKee, Trustees Hebert, | Calbick entértained at euchre last Norman and Mrs. Salsbury, and evening. a most entertaining musical pro- | Mr. and Mrs. P. Flood had as gramme waé rendered. Those tak- their guests last evening for a jolly * FROM WHIG FYLES. OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. 3] | April 20th, 1918. Justice Hodgins delivered judge- | rent in favor of M. T. Company and | James Richardson and Sons in action against Quebec company with regard to sinking of barge Huron. i Miss Jennie Allen, Sharbot Lake, won gold medal in class of graduate nurses from Gemeral Hospital. Propositipn to erect artical rink in Kingston under consideration. Investigation started as to alleg- ed charges of short-weight in con- tract stone for city. W. M. Clark, K.C., Toronto, well known in Kingston, appointed Lieu- tenant-governor of Ontario, to fill vacancy caused by death of Sir Oli- ver Mowat. Household effects of Kingston bi- cycle club auctioned off and club- rooms closed. | | | | | | April 20th, 1903. | | | ing part were: Mrs. E. Treneer, J. 'sugaring off", Misses Blythe Bat- Saunders, Miss Ruth LaFlair, songs; tams, Kirke, C. Conlin, X. Kidd, L Miss Neille Darren, Scotch dance. Beaubien, Roce Funnell, Marcella An orchestra composed of S. A. Sals- | McDonald, Delene Beaubien, Mr. and bury, Mr. Whitney and Mr. New- Mrs. A. Vincent, T. Boyle, O. lands played a number of selections. { Beaubien, Wilfred Ellis, Frank Principal Taylor congratulated the [Lappan, Vincent Donahue, Raymond |parents, children and teachers upon |MeDonald, and N. Fodey, Lans- Mrs. H. R. Duff elected director of Crphans' Home at annual meeting. i New regulations for medical ex- } |amination of recruits for the R.M.C. | (published. } I ---- A Very Different Wonder Girl, {having such a splendid assembly owne. | hall. He dealt in a most intesesting | Miss K. Brennan is spending tha way with the subject of education |, in Kingston. and emphasized the importance of | Mrs P. Contin returned Sopssaion Res 2% school wm a short visit with friends e . | Kingston. great factor in determining the at-| s . titude of the children, and in devel-| A™Ons those who went up last oping that state of mental accuracy | *¥ening for the dance in Ontario |Hall, and to erjoy Ben. Hokea's the school studies were designed to] J {bring about. It was the part of par- Hawaiian music were Misses Hazel ents to see that the home study per-|Cliffe Ella Phillips, Margery Cliffe, |iod was used rightly by the child ra- P. LeClair, Jack Lee, Walter Squire i ther than to direct its study, for it|and J. Meggs. {was the child's own work that was | {most important. Referring to undver-| in MRS. McOCONNELL DEAD. [see Sunday's Detroit to-day | {in his fce punt at 9 p.m. Thureday. {He reports the ice as being badly Earning $10,000 a year although only ten years old, and the first to help children and not grown-ups. Free Press. All leading news stands. Crased With Ice Punt. Orval McDermott crossed from Wolfe Island with two passengers broken up and the journey was dif- ficult and hazardous. He was two hours reaching the wharf, and he remained in the city all night. | saxty work, he sald those admitted had | Ito work, for fees paid only repre-| Has pete one-third of the cost. Stud- Lived at Scott's Corners for Fifty-four Years. ents were not wanted who could not| Scott's Corners, April 18.--Tha {er would not work well. It was mistake to suppose that a university [rush in their sugar camps. occupations, and none should expett and the sap has not been very abund- a farmers are all ready for the usual | The | was an open door to money-making weather has not been very favorable | to learn there how to make money. Rather should they have a passion for study. He mentioned one stud- ent from the Kingston schools, Ern- est Gill, who excelled in the subject of mathematics. Alderman Holder told of the work of the committee appointed to secure the hall. man H. Kelly, the late Alderman W. Patterson and himself. and School Club. The officers of the club are Mrs. 8. A. Salsbury, president, and R. Baldwin, secretary. A FORMER KINGSTON. Is Now Secretary to the Mayor of Toronto. The Toronto Globe in "Have you met him". sketch speaks thus of a {former well known Kingstonian and | prints: "Almost a sphinx in relation to his cwn and the city's affairs is R. W. Ciewlo, secretary to his worship the mayor ut the city hall. Great secrets are constantly in his keeping, and tno matter how big the problem be- fore the chief magistrate, every de- tail is known to R. W. Clewlo. A sincere man, who has deserved his success at the city hal, he goes ahead, quietly doing his duty as he sees dt. . W. Clewlo has all the qualities of a good secretary--kind- ly disposition, constant amiability and unfailing courtesy. His earliest days were given to newspaper work, chiefly at the old city hail, then on Front street east, and from the ranks of the municipal reporters he stepped to the secretaryship of the late R. T. Coady, city treasurer. When George B. Wilson, secretary to then Mayor Hocken, became street commissioner, his worship found in the former fel- low-newspaper worker the right man for the mayor's sanctum. - It is hard for one outside the veil to realize what a 33rd dogree Mason is, but for the benefit of the uniniated it may be sald that it is the peak of the craft, and R. W. Clewlo is a Master of Ritual, and, in some respects, without a peer." Found Wonderful Relief From Constipation BY USING MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Constipation is one of the most pre- valent troubles the human race is subject to, and is the greatest cause of many of our ailments, for if the bowels cease to perform their proper functions all the other organs will become deranged. Keep your bowels working gently and naturally by the use of Milburn's « SHOE STORE It was composed of Alder- All of the credit, he said, was due to the Home {ant so far. However there is still have a few good runs of sap yet be- fore the warm days come. Donell and the Misses Elsie and Mil- dred Conboy have returned to the Easter holidays homes here. Misses Mildred and Jessie Conboy visited with their uncle, B. Ferguson, last week. |a few days in this vicinity. John sister, Mrs. E. Donnelly, pleased to see him back again after an absence of over a year. Misa Fembroke. Mrs. Robert McDonell aunt, Mrs. J. Sargeant. of her uncle. a long and painful jliness which she tore with Christian fortitude. Her | maiden name was Jane Buchannan. She had resided here for fifty-four | vears and is survived by her hus- band and eight children. Rev. John McConnell, Manitoba: Fliza, David and Mrs. 8S. Hughes, Saskatchewan; George, Drummond; Mrs. D. LessHe, Roseland; Mrs. Thomas Rutherland, of this vicin- ity and Howard on the homestead. | Also threo sisters, Mrs. R. Duffy and | Mrs. T. Morrison, Maberly, and Mrs. | R. (Chariton, Smith's Falls. The cympathy of the community is ex- tended to the family also to her hus- band who is suffering from the ef- fects of a fall on the ice some time ago. DEATH OF MRS. W. CARTY. She Was Born at Kingston Mills 78 | "* Years Ago. Westport, April 16.--The death cocurred at her home, Spring «treet, on Monday, of Mrs. Willlam Certy, after a few hours' fllness. Mrs. ' Carty, whose maiden name wa: Jane | Agnes Moonev, was born at Kingston Mills, 78 years ago. The funeral took place Wednesday morning at St. Edward's church when a solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father O'Rourke after which the re- r.ains were placed in the vault awalt- | ing burial in St. Bdward"s cemetery. | At the St. Vincent do Paul Hos- | pital, Brockville, on Thursday, April | 5th, Miss Josephine Marie MoCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John D. McCann, Westport, received her di- ploma as a full-fledged nurse. Bight young fadies graduated. A. C. Bradley, who has been con- fined to bis residence for the past five weeks With a fractured ankle, is able to ut again. Mrs. Molle Carty, » was in Westport, Easter week attending the funeral of her grandmother. W. Arthurs, Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mra W. M. Ewart over the week-end. Master Charles Bren- ran, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Annie Weather- head. Mrs. W. Sargent and Mrs. R. McDonald spent Sunday with friends in Crosby. Dr. James Kearney, New York, and J. Kearney, Toronto, were in town on Monday the marriage of their sister, Miss Irene In character, proportion is beauty. lots of snow in the bush and we may | Miss Edna McVeigh also Jean Me- | Perth Collegiate after spending their | at their respective | Hughes, Haileybury, is visiting 'his | also this | mother, Mrs. J. Hughes. We are all | Agnes and Brynes McDonnell spent. | Saturday evening at E. Donnelly's. | Regnald McVeigh has returned from | spent Saturday and Sunday with her { Miss Barbara Donnelly spent a few | days in Kingston recently the guest | Mrs. John McConnell | passed away on Thursday, 12th, after | | Walsh, passed away at John Parks, Nipigin, ds spending ] Mrs. Walsh, relict of Cornelus her 'home near Bellamy's Mills, on April 14th, aged seventy years. GOOD SHOES FOR MEN Excuses No man likes to make ex- cuses about his appearance. No man has to make them about his shoes when he can choose good-looking Oxfords for-- $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $5.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store - The wedding took place April |cne years of age and was born at Coa 17th, at. Belleville of Jean Craw- Hill. She was a daughter of Henry ford 'Kerr, only daughter of Mr. | A. Waite. end Mrs. Wan. K. Kerr, to Harry Every moment may be put to some ieorge Green, son of the late Charles | yg6 and that with much more pleas- and (Mrs. Green, Belleville. {ure than if unemployed. : Mrs. Esther Victoria Maybee pass- | Youth is eminently the fittest sea- ed away Wednesday in the township json for establishing habits of in- of Thurlow. Deceased was forty- dustry. A on A mn mt Established 1854 This old English Brown Dining Room Set of 9 pieces, with or with- out glass as shown in our window--only...... .. This is a real snap for a quick buyer. JAMES REID TELEPHONE 147 FOR SERVICE, co... $240.00. NOT PRICE ALONE BUT QUALITY ALWAYS -- EVERY- THING WE SELL WE GUARANTEE : WESTERN BEEF Oven Roasts ......... 15¢. 1b. Hamburg ........... 10c. Ib. PotRoasts ........... 10c. Ib. Stewsfrom ........... 6c. Ib. CHOICE YOUNG PORK Roasts .............. 18c.1b. Chops..............2%.]b, Sausages . i.... ...... 20c. Ib. Boiling ...... .......18c. Ib. Creamery Butter 39¢ Ib. "Black Tea... ......... 54c. Ib. Breakfast Bacon ...... 32¢.1b. Potatoes .......... 19c. peck Purelard ...........17c. 1b. EXTRA ! Pineapples ........ .... 23¢c. Baking Powder ......... 26c. Classic Cleanser . ... 2 for 25¢. Com..............2for 25¢c. VETERAN STORE Princess Street CENTRAL STORE | WELLINGTON STORE Barrie Street Phone 1320J. Phone 694

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