Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1923, p. 13

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SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 19283. . ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- ~~ Beaver Board Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--FEconomical The exclusive "SEALTITE ' treatment gives Beaver Board an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- sary and fusaring a perfect band with aay good paint. Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. man as) ena?" . Poultry raising is a source of good income and ere is no more pleasant oh or pastime. Start right by enclosing your flock with Peerless Poultry Fence. You will like these features from the beginning, --lays perfectly flat when unrolled. It is easy to erect. PEERLESS POULTRY : ~~requires no top rails or 1 FENCE-- wo semi o : economical. --is strong and closely woven. It keeps chicks in and intruders out. Heights from 3 to 8 feet that suit every requirement. Ask your dealer. PEERLESS WIRE FENCE CO., Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO rN | Ti ) --- | Prunes, Cal., 1b. |» {xinasTON RETAIL MARKET PRICES [the trade that the offemings in the Brockville section should be bought at 15c to 16¢ per 1b., f.0.b. this | week, owing to the continued weak {advices from over the cable, which 3! | to-day noted a further decline in the Friday, April 20th. The rapid drop in the price of butter will be a most welcome sign of spring to local housewives. A number of fresh vegetables appear- | ed at the stores this week, including cabbages, beets, carrots, fresh spin- ach, caulifowers and tomatoes. | Apples, pk. | Bananas, Ib. i Grape fruit, each,.. Oranges, doz. Lemons, doz. Dried fruits -- jApricots, Cal, ib. :......... ines 15 to .} | Peaches, evap. 1b. { ~------ i Garden Prod Beets, 1b. ... Carrots, Ib... ..., Celery, head ... .. Lettuce, head ... | Lettuce, leaf, Onions, domestic, 1b. ... .« Onions, Spanish, 1b. .... 4 for 25 Potatoes, Ib.... .. .. .. .. 13 Parsley ................L.)... 10 Parsnips, 1b. Turnips, Ib. . Fresh vegetables-- Carrots, bunch | Caulifiowers, each | Cabbage, 1b | Tomatoes, 1b. | Spinach, 1b. | Beats, bunch .10 5 25 18 23 25 Finnam haddie, 1b. 18 Haddock, fresh, 1b. .., Halibut, Ib. ............ Kippere, palr Oysters, quart Pereh, Ib. ... | Pike, 1b. 20 9 <.18 12 35 20 20 | Trout, salman, 1b. Whita fish Butter, creamery, 1b. Butter, dairy, ib. Butter, whey, 1b. | Cheese, new, i. '.. { Cheese, old, Ib, Eggs, fresh, doz. Co - ore 0 > 00 Sugar, granulated, 1}. Sugar, yellow, lb. Sugar, icing, 1b. Flour stondard, cwt, Rolled oats, 1b. . Honey, 5-1b. pail Lard, 1b. .16 .20 25 Barley, bus. 68¢ Shorts, ton, Straw, baled, ton, +. $7 to $8 | | rs > a2 | Egg Markets Top-heavy. 25 | 15 | 30 10 | .$3.75 to $4.25 | $307to $31 irrice of New Zealand cheese in the London market of 128 to 14s PE cwt. to 98s per cwt. Tha tone of the local egg market was steady, and prices in a whole- sale jobbing way were unchanged, but there was an easier feeling in the country on account of more lib- leral receipts and purchases of some fair-sized lots of straight receipts were made by local jobbers at 28¢ to 29¢ per dozen, f.0.b. Ontario ship- ping points, cases returned. The do- niestic consumption continues heavy, ond, in consequence, there was a good demand from grocers and oth- er dealers for supplies, which re- sulted in a fairly active trade be- ing done in Canadian selected fresh at 36c, straight receipts at 34c¢, and |No. 2 stock at 32¢ per dozen. | / Ottawa, April 20.--(Domdnion {live Slock Branch.)--The belief {bas been expressed that egg markets are top-haavy, and that a sharp re- faction would not be surprising. {There lis some slight indication «= |this to-day. The undertone on the | Toronto and Montreal markets is {\asier, and Chicago is %¢c down. Of- fers are being received in the Fast 'from Winnipcg of extras 30c¢, firsts <&ise, new seconds | 23 %ec, used cases, all f.o.b. Winnipeg. Winnipeg firm; receipts light, dealers quoting 24c to 2534c deliv- |ered; sjobbing extras, 27¢ to 28¢; [firsts, 26c to 27c; seconds, 24c to 125¢c. Saskatchewan dealers quoting country shippers delivered extras, {2ie; firsts, 21c¢; seconds, {7¢. Cal- gary dealers quoting country ship- | pers, extras, '22¢ to 23c; firsts 20c; seconds, 16¢; cracks, 10c. Receipts (fuirly largé, quality good. Several |cars reported being packed for ship- ment. British Columbia unchanged. i Grain and Feeds, |Ontario-- | Barley--Malging, 59¢ to 6lc, ac- {cording to freights outside. | Buckwheat--No. 2, 76¢ to 78¢, ac- cording to freights outside. cases | 'Oats--No. 2 white, 49¢ to Sle, ac- | |cording to freights outside. Peas-»-No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50, ac- cording to freights outside. Rye--No. 2, 79¢ to 8ic, ing to freights outside; Wheat--No, 2 winter, $1.20 to $1.22, fo.b; shipping peints; No. 3 accord- o | Winter, not: quoted. Both quotations | for car lots. { Western-- Barley--C.if., bay ports. No. 1 C. \W., nominal, | Wheéat--C.if,, bly ports, No. 1 (northern, $1.32%; No. 2 northern, inot quoted. Corn-----American, track, No. 2 yellow, 99%c¢; No. 198% ec. Millfeed ~-- Carlota, delivered, bags included: Toronto. 3 yellow, | Montreal freight, Jl DESKS in Golden Oak--all sizes. Typewriter Desks Sectional Bookcases Typewriter Chairs, Revolving Chairs. Robt. J. Reid | - Director of Funeral Service. 1 Phone 577 Ambularice. Straw, loose, ton -.$7 |@Bran, per ton, $29; shorts $31; Wheat, local, bus. .. $1.05 to $1.10 middlings, $35; feed flour, bag, Bran, ton $29 to $2032.15 to $2.25. : Buckwheat, bus. 70] Oorn, feed, car lots .. .38 to $1.00 Corn. feed, bus. .... $1.00 to $1.05 Hay, baled, ton » ve $13} Hay, loose, ton 11 to 12 To Oats, lo:ul, bus. «+ 50 to 55 Meats and Poultry. :No. 2 $14.50 to $15 per ton; hay, No. 1, per ton, $17 to $18. Straw--Per ton, in carlots, track, routo, §9. Tessas ------ A NARROW ESCAPE, Beef: Steak, porterhouse, 1b, ....28 to 3 Steak, round, Mb. ... ... 20 to 25 | Boiling cuts, 1b. .. FT 1e | Out of Newburgh. Camden 1234 to 14 gallon. Despite the cold weather Beef, hinds, cwt. 16 |2 Rumber of our good housewives are Reef, Jocal, 1b house-cleaning. Miss Helen Wil- ay A A rer Hams spent a few days recently with Veal, 1b. sxe sue ose 8 to 330000 Pork: jTclatives Yat Harrowsmith, Mrs. Loin roasts, Ib, go Clifford Skinner Shoulder roasts 18 to '23 | returned homie 1 Bos, Jive weight, cwt, , ,. 25 to upc Other friends in Toronto. dlc seinsnranens she 5 ] Hogs, dressed, cwt. .. .. 14 to 16/ Georse Histed y has Bacon, breakfast.... .. ..32 to gs | Perey Histed's house and lot at the Ham, 'smoked sxeanetie, 35.10 30c! cast end of the village and moved Lamb: Beet, Wastern, cwt. ... |in on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude . ..2¢ |Finch entertained on Saturday even- to 25 ink last, to -30 | Oarease, 1. .. .. .. ..... {Fronts 1h, .. ... ..... Hinds, ib. .. .. ... ... Sausage raeat .., .. | Mutton, chops, Ih. .... Mutton, carcase.. .. ,. | Poultry: jFowh Ih... .... | Chickens, 1b. .. -- Hides, Wool, etc. | Deacon skins, eaeh, ......... g0c! Horse hides, each,.... .. ..up to 83 trocke, were at A. Alkenbrack's on Hides, Ib. .., tahauve lL .08 Sunday. Jack McGarvey has gone to Sheep skins, fresh ...... $1-$1.25 Strathcona to work in the paper Veal ska 2b. ............... 10 mill. 8. Breen has been on the sick Wool, washed, In... 20 |List. The Mission Circle met at the Wool, unwashed, Iv. Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hinch - ° 2 ..14 to 16 |@nd Mrs, Dickinson |driving home from church at New 25 burgh. Their front wheel was com +....30 to .35 |Vletely smashed but Iuckily nobody {was hurt. Both parties were dfiv- ing a horse and buggy. tres sun ese ++ 15 to 17 Raw Furs-- on Monday evening. The officers were re-elected for enother year, last year the Circle raised about ons hundred dollars which was ex- ceedingly wel for the first year. Muskrat J.J. 0000 up 0 $2.00 The pupils of the school hers were up to §7 examined by the schooi medion] of- BRunk ...oi0. 0 up to $1.50 ficer and nurse on Monday and Tues- Beeswax, Ib.... .. . .... +++..30 day. The Ladies' Aid met at the Smeg, Ib... ., .. ..... «$12.00 [home of Mrs. E. Switzer on Tuesday Buckwheat, bus. *+sees.s 65 to 70 afternoon. The annual election of Vo -- {officers took plade. Mrs. T. A. Dun Butter Market Steady. roody, Newburgh, spent Wednesday, teal, April 20.--There ware [*'.R- W. Longmore's. ; Wiliam Hawley has purchased a W developments in the condi- 2ew Ford car. A concert fn aid of the public library is being prepared to be given in the near futars. Mr. Beeman has taken the place of Mr. Carlton in the Standard Bank. Sev- eral attended the sale of Clark Walk- er's at Wiiton on Wednesday. -------------------- . sess UD to $15 sessescea. Up to $20 'Beaver ...... lars with costs was the award to Thomas J. Holland, at the close of the action against Belleville core poration and ex-Police Officer George Stitt for damages arising Ont of an accident in which the po- lice motor and Mr. Holland's truck figured, ------ 53 Two Buggies Were in Collision Just | East, April 19.--Manple | 'a Yui boy is balk 1 od . Stewing cuts, 1b. ........ 8 to 13¢! Rup 1a belug sold at two dollars per nd two children | week afier a two | e.. 10% | week's visit with her parents and | purchased | What might have been a serious c+ ee .. ..29|8ccident occurred on Sanday even- | «ee. 20 to 25108 when Vietor Edgar ran into Mr. | as they were | Mr. and Mrs. Ira Salsbury, Cole-. Five hundred and twenty-five dol. | { THE HAN ON WATCH | Moscow, being gne hundred years leld this coming summer, might move in and observe its centenary with Kingston, which will be 250 years of age on the 12th of July. | Thera are more crazy people than |the long-distancé dancers. Included /gmong this class are surely those {Toronto preachers who declare that the theatre is "hopelessly and in- curably immoral." Did you ever hoar of such rubbish to talk from a pulpit? -- The Drury government has tréat- jed Kingston and Queen's University well indeed and it will be kindly remembered even if it does go down to defeat. As an independent voter, the Lampman prefers Drury to Fer- guson any and every day. Will a Kingston candidate for el- ection to the next legislature have ithe nerve to declare himself in {favor of wine and beer licenses? The Lampman says he is convinced that the man who does can win the Kingston seat against all comers. What do you think of the "big city council" at the legislative build- ings at Toronto? The windbags are hard at it. The principal of Queen's thinks that the breakfast table is a kind of {blue place in the morning. Not a bit of it. With toast and eggs and bacon, narmalade and coffee----preceded by family worship--how could any- cne but a born groucher feel any way else than happy there? -- It Kingston's Coal King manages |to solve the hotel riddle for the |Limestone city, a public statue of {him will suraly be erected in ong of the parks. -- It scems a pity that it is found necessary to use Indiana limestone |In the construction of the Royal Mil- {itary College memorial arch. Somew {thing Canadian would have been | more appropriate anyway. Odessa will now be claiming soec- |1a] prestige over Wolfe Island, since |a daughter of this Russian-named |village has become the wife of a {knight. That may be, but i* took | Wolfe Island to bring the high price |of butter down withea smash. -- One of the Wolfe Island oldtimers {recalls that seventy-five years ago {the harbor was icebound until the {2€th of April, That is a week later {than it was openad this spring, but {in '48 the inhabitants of the island {probably did not worry so much Kingston Branch, EVIDENCE OF 1 (2).--Assets of nearly sulting {n:---- (8)--A further demonstratic fits to policy-halders. fifty "CANADA HAMILTON TORONTO REGINA acts nothing about the "chickens" vho wander about the river town at night. The county magistrate should be on the minimum wage board at To- ronto. He has decided that eight dol- tars a week is sufficient for the keep of a Verona wife and two children neglected by the husband and fa- ther. The cost of living must be dropping rapidly. The Ontario Motor League path- finder has just found that it is 163.8 miles from Toronto to Kingston by the public highway. For years tha Grand Thunk railway markers have shown that it is 161 miles from To- ronto to the outer station. Adding two miles to cover the distance from the junction to the city station, you get what 'the flying pathfinder has [bout the late spring. 1 ------ |. The Gamanogue town council has | just passed bylaws respecting ped- dlers, dogs, cats and hens," but en- Just announced. So that the distance by highway and milway is practic- ally the same. ~~THE TOWN WATCHMAN .--Substantial increase in new b $50,200,000 (1).----The interest rate for 1822 was 7.18%: th materially reduced and a very low nu ortality rate was experienced, re- Remember To Clip Your "Victory" Coupons Bring them in and we will cash them free of charge. Or you can open an account with them. STANDARD BANK J. F. Rowland, Manager _ GREAT WEST LIFE PROS PERITY AND PROGRESS usiness and in business in force. ® expense rates wera n of the Company's superiority in pro- RINGSTON OFFICE, 41 BROCK STREET v = aE JHE SEEDS ds for Thoroughbre i "5 GREATEST SEED WINNIPEG Luxurious Opium Den Raided. Chicago, April 20.--~--Ralding =a luxuriously furnished apartment to- Gay, police and government agents seized more than $25,000 worth of niorphine, opium and cocaine, and arrested two men. One of these is Frank Grinalti, ~ restaurant pro- prietor of New York, who was smoking an opium pipe when the officers burst in. Gridalt], the police ray, is the head of an organized band of dope manufacturers and runners. A rall- road ticket for New York and $3, E00 were found in his pockets. Adam Blliott, Madoc township, whero he was engaged in fafming operations for many years and who at one time was a miner, died on Thursday in Belleville, where he had been living for about two years and @ half. He was ninety years of age. ' On Tuesday the death occurred in Prescott of an old resident in Wile liam Pitt, aged seventy-five years. tas itd Hay---Baled hay, track. Toronto, | cose | Durable, --Barrett S. all farfn picture, half the width mineral-surfaced. In to the plain surfaced surface exposed to the fadeless red or Fire Resisting. ignite the & Durable. The base rugged roofing-felt, Roll-Roofing. The cost ' Roofing for every kind of Buildin Steep and Flat Roofs - of the roll is plain surfaced, half laying, the mineral-surfaced half of the strip entirely overla thickness built-up roof weather, Good Looks. The mineral 'surface--in Sparks or mineral Surface of 8. I 8. is extra-heavy, extra- 'waterproofed. Ask for an estimate on a MESSRS. JAMES DONEVAN & SON t Bot Copy Offices and Plante at: Montreal. Toronto, S John, N. B., AAA co | ROOFINGS 4 (Seventeen Inch Sclvage.Edge Roofing) A Revolutionary Idea in Roll Roofing fire-resisting, handsome, I. 8. Roll Roofing is the buildings and steep-roof industrial structures. A Double Thickness and economical ideal roofing for strip. Mineral in need Roof. As shown in the resting FEE ied; Sm RL inch Everlastic Liquid Roofing ES wort, ow Ta coppers. , and is securely cemented i This gives a double throughout, with mineral in permanent, flying embers cannot ofS. 1. 8. Sticks to wet or dry . Rasy to apply and economical, economical fly. as unfailing results, Barrett Products sve made in Canadians is Casads by complete roof of S. I. S. moderate. i Halifax, N. S., Winnipeg, Vancouver Gananoque, Ont.

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