: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1923. 14 Wi Y SUCCEED wi: KINGSTON REVIEW "BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS MAKE CANADA : PROSPEROUS 9 _--- -- r | TRANSPORTATONIS ~~ | BUILDING PROSPECTS. If BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING : hy f Sing a song of six pence, | So for thi the prospects for building of ler A aus Nad Brews, | o far this year prospects g of a smaller! : t for the commonwealth, DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM THE CHIEF PROBLEM nature this spring and summer have not been very great but heen is a head. i have been sufficiently encouraging in the face of conditions. | Of this y il or CONTRACTORS {To Be Considered Next Month | Some residence construction has already been started and a Tat whe xu little AT Maid 3 . by U.S. Chamber of Com- | great deal more is planned and with the coming of genuinely Has with all classes made a hit. p JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. ™ Meetin warm weather there will be many new homes under way. i DO "° E. PHONES 2267F--928W. 400 ALBERT STREET oree g- ~The field of large building contracts is well filled and the | YLE'S QUALITY BREAD | : /| Plans now being mads for the! CilY iS assured of over three quarters of a million dollars of | PHONE 1369. «| oleventn annual meeting of the sonsirnclion in this ine: Anglin-Norcross have already start- | ' r~-- i 1 e e preliminary work on the $350,000 library buildi {iF . ' : Chamber of Com t the Uni- P 3 ) Y ng a ; LAN & : FRESH SEEDS ! or to Be hy ne Yk | Queen's University, McKelvey and Birch have made a Potts] PUWER AND LIGHTING PLAY INSTALLED ) E FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET | City, May 7th to 10th, call for Euro- | 01 the Nurses' Home of the Hotel Dieu, the full value of which | H. Ww, NEWMAN ELECTRICAL CO. ' PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. {pean affairs and transportation as | iS not yet determined, and the new Clinical Building at the | BLECTRICAL E : : a | the principal subjects of discussion, | Kingston General Hospital, with a value set at $260,000, will | rior dhl iii wars 3 227 ONTARIO ST. McFARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. |}; was announced at headquarters. { also be under way during this building season. A great deal PHONE 441. s ORE CESS SH E> vr Z : | _ Representatives at vallionds, va] Bote work will be put on the R. M. GC. Memorial Arch, which i . REET 4 -- fom XR > », i | terway operators, motor Indus- | to be erected this summer and will cost between $50,000 and | 7 \|" 3 SHOE SHINE PARLOR Hat oN YORK co er a a he nipping 1n-| $75,000. The new Bank of Montreal Building, which is also | Perfumery, JOBBING WORK A SPRCIALTY | Clean all colors . Grests will join w oT to be erected this spring, will furnish work both in prepara- | Toilet Preparations | HURD & SON HAT CLEANERS Specialists on Panama Bleaching WM. BISBIKOS SHOE SHINE PARLOR | more delegates in attempting to | | work out a solution of the transpor- 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 135. | tation problem of the country, Vice- | and tory razing and the construction. : Dr. Bell The building trades outlook here is thus made very bright | . | GENERAL "TR = || WONDER MEDICINE CO. || ERAL CONTRACTORS gE 90 Princess Street. Phone 1333. {| { PETER LAMPROS. J} Bregident Biliot H. Goodwin, of the) hopes are held out that the smaller contractors will find a || 110 ciarence Street. Phones 514-304 ||| THONE 1458). 38 STEPHEN ST. p. ------ | chamber, stated. | great deal more to do before the spring is far advanced. \ | E) F / SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. | BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND | "Business prosperity --and that | Kingston should have about one million dollars in building |# \| 7 -- : > 3 3 ! ARTD i --de- | WOrK this summer and the present outlook is very i | hi 1d easy monthly means greatness as a nation--de- | p OOK 1S very encouraging. | a achilles Every "machine Eo Theatrical Yransfer Co. pends on finding the right way to! aging GEO. A. BATEMAN | R. ARTHEY t0ed: S12 va a card or phone lo Stanley & Buekley, Prop. ! ith the carriers of com- | . : {| REGISTERED OPTQ catalogue. Sor. k apd Ch s . i y o | METRIST 225 PRINCESS STREET OE Te a a erce," explained Goodwin. "Our CANADA BELIEVES 'WOULD PREVENT | REAL ESTATE | AND OPTICIAN Phone 631. N transportation tonnage is increas-) | { : | ! J \ e-------------------------- { ing; railroad ton miles have trebled | GREAT INSURANCE 4 : | Phone 39Cw. 159 Wellington. Bon Princess St. Phone 2108. v i ------------------------------------------ \ |{ General Aute Repairing, Carbon )| in the last twenty years. We cannot : i | ~ N72 eg Full line of Kitchenware Carried | speculate on what they will we be in ----- } | Jobbing Werk Specialty ] h Buraiag, Acetylene Welding Cars washed. F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam Fitting, | Helps on Road to Prosperity Or Control It to Forestall Re-| | twenty more." The solution of the problem lies KINGSTON ARTIFICIAL ICE 00. . j C. N. VEALE R. O. CLARKE Plumbing and Heating RES.~--154 York Street. STORE---374 Princess St. Phone 308F Phone Soom | COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2837F. he -------- issn { in harmonizing the railroads, mo- tor trucks and waterway carriers, in the opinion of the largest part of the business world, said Good- --Figures Bear Out the Belief. sulting Depression and Slackness In Trade. Life insurance is primarily a trust Government Hot Water Heating Phone 1420w. \ 131 Alfrea St. > Delivers Te All Parts of City, PHONE 693. 4233 MONTREAL OT. \ | end public utility | | N\ | i g N | : \ STRAW HAT SEASON | win. It is with this in view that | and all life insurance funds are con- | construction in times of depresson \{7 \ : » | 3 Electric and Acetylene Welding, FOR LADIES NOW OPEN | the transportation subject will be sidered in that way, and when the unemployment funds and the expan. | ASK FOR BRITISH AMERICAN ; Brass and Irom Castings, » We clean and remodel all kinds || ! y Xpan- | - General Machinery Repairs fy ir Ply | thrashed out at the New York meet- | premiums are pald they are held sion of federal, state and farm ems- MASOUD"S | HOTEL SHOP KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS | ing. for a date on which the policies shall [ployment bureaus are recommended | | pecia Ei IHS. & is) STREETS 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. The European section of the meet- | mature or become death claims, and |as solutions for unemployment by | 108 CREAM 5 1 SAP ier Served ro. SCOR. RING AND JUEB \ Phone 1458, {ing will be led by American dele-| for that reason it is interesting to [the committee appointed by Mr. 8 ra LATS TIE Sau: ! » BOHAN, Progsivtn vw \ | ee ---- --------------. | gates to the meeting of the Inter-| see just what this life insurance Hoover, United States secretary of |\ ye Puoue ase.) \ ry N, ONT E xd # 8. V. HORNE | national Chamber of Commerce, who | will do. commerce, in behalf of President | | ' r PRICES MODERATE. {| AMERICAN BOTTLING WORKS || are now abroad. They are expect-| One of the hardest things for any |Harding. The committee was com- | remem rm i ------ & SAVOY DAIRY LUNCH {| GINGER ALE FLAIN SODA, BIRCH || ed to return before the meeting In| person to do is to grasp the signifi- | prised of Owen D. Young, president FOR i ESTIMATES SUBMITTED . SANITARY. IT Ait, Boa. |i BEER, LEMON SOUR ax New York begins, and will bning | cance of such big figures. It would [of the General Electric Company, " : "Open Day and Night. PHONE 277. | with them fresh from the other side | take an expert teller one hundred chairman; Joseph H. Defrees,,form- | E. L. MARTIN THOS. ANDRE RANTES & CALLAS, Props. 148 ONTARIO STREET the problems of the old world. and two years to count a billion dol- [erly president of the United States | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANC i i 210 Princess Street. Phone 107 | . i i BE | CONTRACTOR : C SA | "Questions such as reparations, | lars in silver coins of one dollar [Chamber of Commerce; Mary Van 111% BROCK STREET \ y | War debts and currency depreciation, | The extent of a billion dollars can (Kleek, of the Russell Sage Founda- |" J Be Sixth Street. Phone 1400. 7" | which have had such a vital effect | also be grasped by calculations of tion; Matthew Woll, vice-president ' E El ic Home Needs | 4 | on American business since the sign- | the number of minutes since the of the American Federation of La- gf: ry | ec tr | . . | ing of the armistice in 1918, will b> | birth of Christ, which will show bor; Clarence M. Woolley, chairman pL Moffatt Ranges, protected or j taken up," said Goodwin. there have been slightly over a bil- of the American Radiator Company, | Soward Keeps Coal a open elements, Heaters, Grates, AUTO PAINT { "It is not to be expected," the!lion minutes since the year of our [and Edward E. Hunt, secretary. | Machines, Vacuum i 2 { vice-president explained, "that this| Lord. There is, it must be remem-| The committee enlisted the ser- " ! 2 ug camine Ask for our special HOUSE PAINT | meeting of American business men | bered, three and a half billions of jvices of more than 200 employers, Tals hero caegtionlly Coal Keeps Soward ih terms. FLOOR PAINT | can work out these problems over | life insurance in force in Canada to- |1abor leaders, economic experts, nu- | PHONE 158 be . ais : c Ly | night. We only intend to discuss | day. {anclal advisors and social workers. > Public Utilities VARNISHES AND VARNISH them and in so doing find what the | Putting these life insurance fig- [It was requested by Mr. Hoover to Phone 1 30 -- Po H Sh STAINS general consensus of opinion of the | ures, however, into the chief uses {make an exhaustive investigation . f 4 ydro op MARSHALL'S HARDWARE |! thinking business men of the coun-| for which life insurance is employed, | into the causes of periodic business | Our Motto: Branch Office: 3 268 PRINCESS STREET NCESS ST PHONE 150. try is In these two items 80 im-| that is, for the protection of the |depression--hard times--and see ie] McGall's Gi 3 Telephone 844. in PRI) : ! portant in our national life at this | homes and the safeguarding of tho Suggestions could be made to rem- | PROMPT SERVICE PHOS gar Store E J | time." dependents, we find that the $643, [odial i 4 KINGSTON ICE C0., 12D. ONE, A 000,000 of life insurance in force in e committee analyzed the ro NN | h' , i i \. ig . ; i Canada in 1906 would keep 91,000 | phenomena of the periodic boom ana 3 TELGMANN Our Motto: "Service and Quality" || And Same old hat as Ever| ¥idows and orphans for twenty depression, and its conclusions are HOTEL RANDOLPH | cis mn \ = a Good rears, but in 1922 - {that preventive measure lie in the caning Things and Dying Things A SCHOOL OF MUSIC BELMONT DINING ROOM Once upon a time there was a man yO 11a 111 Yue aimoun! of i {vetter handling of business in. boom Leading Commercial House Saves a Lot of Buylag Things bE who wanted a new hat. He had one, times. The first point of attack pecially adapted to Tourists and COLLIER'S py 484 Brock St. Ph 22179 Phone 2373m. 68 Brock St. Canadians would keep 420,000 wid- | | Commercial Travellers. : one but it was battered shapeless by long ows and orphans for the same peri- [Must be action by individual busi- | Running water in "MN |} I » E J'\ «/ | usage and the wind and rain had od; and extending this into 1947, ness men in rising markets that ex- LT. WELCH. 5 room, er y a et (Cleaner discolored it so that he was almost !cessive expansion may be prevemt-!\ . 'H, Manager. 214 Princess Street. Phone 650. BLUE GARAGE, LTD HAVE YOU SEEN ) ashamed to go abroad with it on When it is expected there will be af | d and the extent of the decli | IN / least $12,000,000,000 of insurance ;°d and the exten 9 Wsching ro him. He would look at it and say: "There is nothing the matter with you, you blamed old hat, except a few dents and a little discoloring. Just think of it, six good bucks all gone because of a little dirt." An dthe man almost wept, because he had not another six bucks with in force, it would keep 1,630,000 duced. Stress is laid upon the nec- widows and orphans for twenty |essity of better understanding of | years. Or, these respective amounts |the business cycle. The suggestions | would in 1906 buy 162,000 homes [OF control of excessive expansion at $4,000 each, or 750,000 homes in |®MbTaces recommendations as tv! 1922, or 3,000,000 homes in 1947. [the control of credit by individual The insurance in force in 1900 Danks, possible control of inflation | would have educated 260,000 chil- |by the Federal Reserve System, the | ------WE NEVER CLOSE-- THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. Phone 600. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS THE NEW 1923 McLAUGHLIN- 4 Queen and Bagot Streets poi BUICK ? which to get another hat. dren, while that of 1922 would edu. COBtrol of individual business men '| TIRES GASOLINE REPAIRS J One day he met an old friend and | ate 1,200,000 children and in 1947 ©f expansion in their own business, TUBES OILS ACCESSORIES * the old friend was wearing a hat would educate 4,800,000 &hildren. and the restardation in boom times || / 3 - \ | that looked ike new. Now they Thus, translating these huge flg- of Government and large utility | s = R. H. TOYE & COMPANY RUBBER BOOTS REPAIRED were both in about the same circum- ures into the purpose for which in- building and construction. HE P Table Vinegar. NN 7 \ © | WHOLESALE FRUIT AND COM- ATWOOD stances, so he said: '""Where'd you 1s tak The committee calls attention to XXX Pure Table V. . ' = MISSION MERCHANTS. AND DINE 1 oil Too con ob It a) SUiance Is taken, Wo see that it], "el 'the ebb and Sor i sntgur. bow Distributors VULCA) get all the cash to buy yourself a| . mes close to the heart of generm 'hat fac Lt the se ow in Distilled Extra Pickling Vinegar. || | McGinnis & O'Connor MOIR'S CHOCOLATES o LCANIZING SPECIALISTS || new hat?" And the friend replied: | procnerity of ogr Canadian People {oma Jar Svnsumable §00ds 1s less | 3 stremgihe--quallty guaranteed. 3 202m. "This isn't @ new hat. It's the same | ona Fe fp [COntrolable than that or comwsruc-'| The Wilsem, Lytle, Badgerew Co. High E PHONE 447. . Re ¥77 Bagut Street. old chapeau with the wrinkles taken A fealty the Dulwarks uf thelr | tion of buildings and equipment both Limited. WaY Engaeers and Contractors out and the mud brushed off. Look- . governmental and private; that the { Baget : Street, * \ . 4 This development can also be ac- tendency t riods da to | 4 | ' "| CALL H. L. BRYANT am Crown. | ates ae andr oo | counted tur to & considerate. degres |ISdCudiee of boom, petiole 1a 10 |, 7 be For Place Your Order With Us. || the man Tonderey MMI): ond he | by the great advancement that has |'hro of providing tor increased || ALBION HOTEL ESTIMATES SUBMITTED | - CARTAGE OF FREIGHT STEWART'S DAI : Flow comet"; and his friend | peep mage in life insurance sales- | ¥ P . i e RY answered: Come with me, to the| mgpgnip. This. dates back te the | ONSumable goods and at the same E. K. JOHNSON, PROP H. HORTON % We Move Everything. 689 PRINCESS STREET New York Hat Cleaning Shop and | oreanization of the Life Underwrit. !Me undertaking the larger bur- | - ' } PAINTER AND DECORATOR A ; Phone 1753J | Phone 2108w. have your hat made new again for |. o' Association in 1906, which or. 0°RS Of construction; that there- | Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. Phone 1801w. Sa / o---------------- pont Jo Ing ut aa Ne yout sud ganization in the next eight yeara Jove, Ho SOuEtrNetion Mdustiies are iL Kingston. Phone 314. Y 208 ALFRED STREET . 2 b y *| brought t th ts of all . / {Pure Milk and Cream ana Frem )|| © = RW ENGLAND LOAF )| wearing the same old hat--but It bibs Rigi one united | the Shh and Sow of bev 'wig = r -- [ENE used ths + EW ENGLA looks like new. 0 p \ -- TARLINGTON'S ND : body for the free exchange of ideas ™ Carnegie Foundation made || MWOVESTY OF WORKMANSHIP 0.. AYKROYD & SON ] BAKERY There are also shoe shine parlors | and methods and everything pertain- ap riations toward meeti te | BUILDX TRACTO 4 DOUGHNUTS 237 COLLINGWOOD STRE for both ladies and gentlemen in| ing to the welfare of insurance appron the Inquiry ™ oe 2 CYLINDERS NG CoN RS 173% PRINCESS STREET 3 ET connection with this hat cleaning | salesmen was discussed. Conven- ie Inquiry. @ Nationa: [{ | Ground on a Heald Estimates Given on New and PHONE 2412. , PHONE 618. FORE » Bureau of Economic Research, the | ~ ' ¥ All kinds of shoes, | tions were planned, sales congresses Russell Sage Foundation, the Fed- R. M. CAMPBELL Repair Work: 235 Wellington St. PHONE 1070 hand bags, and other leather articles are cleaned to the entire satisfac- tion of customers and a stock of the very finest laces and polishes is kept on hand at all times. held and a2 magazine started, devoted solely to the subject of life insur- ance salesmanship, and an educa- tional bureau set up which has meant that in the last . few years there have been probably no greater Phone 1212J. L 21 MAIN STREET. oo erated American Engineering doc- ieties, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the American Federation | of Labor, the American Statistical Association, the American Econom- | ic Association, the Bureau of Rall- AUTO PAINTING J. A. FOX PHONE 867. Shop on Third Floor Blue Garages. ~ TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL Q. K. KRAUSE BAKER J. Y. Parkhill & Co. DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER re GEORGE HUNTER CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds submitted. - EL . strides made in sales forces than In n ] PHONES 3 and. 112. To-night at Jarvis's those of life Insurance. The 1ife In- [uf boron eons a it Dearunent » "FOR BUILDING HOMES" AE RE AD : ' \ J ']| surance Salona oda 24g Become Jie contributed services., The | Phome Sd8w. 75 Pe s % Straw and fee © a leader in his community SOA [vast compilation of fact and opinion | = OUR AIM IS SERVICE . Nellson's Saladice Bricks, 45c. ly a financial expert and adviser. IF which '~ "~ : the committee based ita h Kingston, Portsmouth Or 'fruits ana nate Drick NL || A} of the conventions, such as the lars Rg ey the BAKER'S DAIRY aan Thre mT Sh and Nelson's assorted bricks. ste, || series of congresses, are devoted 10 |dirction of the National Bureau of au se Jobbing Work a Speetaity Cataraqui Electric .polee m in bulk reduced to and the men come Econo! Research . 31 1 u Elgsuic Re ®. er? ste. with serious purpese which wil CE 53 VICTORIA STREET William Holder : ' We Gout make our own Cho. ||MeSR much to the community. for Good Blood Supply. PHONE 2083w. | tits aebeieas" Maer. ] ---- n 'We represent those who lite insurance is one great stabilizer, | Dr. Amdrew Taylor S®l, the SH 5. CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS Ganong a and Willaegs™ Mois. |) aud the home life and the commu- |tounder of osteopathy, used, to sey a : S \ QuAlty is our motto. nity as a whole reap this wonderful "The rule of the artery is supreme" | N re Home of Good Soda Wat benefit. meaning that given a free and unre- : ] RE or. : stricted biood supply to every part . » 473 Princess Street. Phone 645. . . of the body disease gorms cannot . * -- ; ims I} Opp. 'Princess St. Mbthod / The Bride's Discovery wet a foothold." It follows then e e . , . : Church. } One discovery follows another so that the best to cure disease |: ) quickly that' the wireless expert of is to eee that overy part of the hu- « : . : : : ' OPEN N last year seems. beside this year's man machine has its normal blood || ° (Limited) on of Workmanship Hl cy® deliver to all parts of the |iexpert, as ridiculous as the young supply, and this is what osteopathy 4 : : Customers, Cheer held. does. As osteopaths usually got the MANUFACTURERS SN Sort : : ; a -- The young bride called from the jcases that have "tried everything No : cellar: " and yet average about 90 per Spells WEBER PIANO |[T2 STo0PAmar| =i oro men SSE 252 | "PRUE COTTON" = specialty. k "But" Jack, brought sou es Manufactured in Kingston Dre. Robert and Edna Asharett || one home yesterday." $ .MONTREAL-- O i a 3 a Y . Telephony rol | . "I know" mald tha young bride, The proud are always most pro- | M . TORONT WINNIPEG Ld s'\ "but that ome's full" : e : = BL