Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1923, p. 16

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- DOWN THE ROAD THE OWNER OF A NEW CAR, WHO EVERYBODY HE PASSES IS RACING WITH HIM, ADDS ANOTHER VICTORY TO HIS LIST-- € ot AL = |" Ora CaP ly Ce ee ¢ lg WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS. AUTOMOBILE DR. C. K. CLARKE PRAES| ! 7 » £2022 | A a ES) trial side of treatment, 1 am satis- fied that it is much better to have the nurses themselves trained by In this way ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL [comvetent instructors. !the best results have been obtained. The flues of a range are hidden from view yet they are vital parts --most liable to corro- sion and rust. Kootenay flues and smoke box are enamel-clad at every vital point. ----\KDOTENAY | An old range may waste more than anew Kootenay costs VERY woman knows how dreadful an old range with a poor oven can be. How much coal it wastes! How often it ruins good food ! It is really an economy to have a modern Kootenay withits white nickeled steel oven (washable) and its smooth glistening exterior. Easy to care for, easy to clean, a sure baker! It's a comforteveryday--a range you would certainlybe proud of and enjoy. McClary's Utensils Preparing meals is less work when you have bright, clean ytensils to work with, You can get McClary's reliable and durable Enameled Cooki Utensils at your favorite 'ware store. "The Clean Ware" {The nurses appeared to be compet- 108 ent, of good appearance, and evid- Favorably ently have the right conception of |the duty to be expected of them in TOPS RECOVERED $ Which Compares Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. TRY BURNS' WHOLE Phone 663. WHEAT BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac St., North Phone 1826w. CARS FOR SALE Two Chevrolet Trucks. One Overland Touring Car. One Ford Touring Car. These Cars are in good condi- tion and prices right. CLARK'S GARAGE Cor. King and Princess Sts. PHONE 2056J. GET IT REPAIRED | Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Gans, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied, Saws knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Rela fitted to al) kinds of locks. Ail makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- We can repair anything J. M. PATRICK 140 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2058) Auto Tops Recovered PRICES RIGHT , - --~ HL DREL Ses AGENCY FOK ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family #2 friends going to or returning from fhe Old.Country. Passports arranged or. \ For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C. P, and T.A.G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, corner Make the old car look like new, Sinclair's Phone 1684 860 Barrie St. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. The noblest mind the best con- tentment has. Telling your troubles ls swelling your troubles. DDR the AY REGINA H. G. Thorley WHITE STAR-DO 41 King Street E. Torente. or Local Agents, MINION LINE ~~ COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ALL STANDARD STYLES AND SIZES, OR SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT. LOW- EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE o YOUR ORDER WITH-- 4 BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. We Have Cars of Chestunt Coal euronte Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- rival of same. SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. : UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. ; | With Any Up-to-date In- Writing on April 5th, Dr. C. K. Clarke, Toronto, says: At the request of Dr. Edward Ryan of Kingston, superintendent of | Rockwood Hospital for the Insane, | I to-day made an inspection of Rock- | wood hospital, with the .idea of | learning how much was being done | to develop an institution which has | had an important history, evolving as it did from a criminal asylum in- to a modern hospital. I knew Rock- wood in its early days and am prob- ably more familiar than any one with" its development and history. The building itself stands as a monument to the ability of those who designed it. It has been great- ly improved as far as the wards are concerned, by the enlarging of the corridor windows on the north side, which in the old days were an eye sore and a glaring defect. The changes made have resulted in brightening all of the north rooms and giving the corridors more light. As hospital architecture goes, Rock- wood is by far the best of the old buildings erected for asylum pur- poses in the province. The arrangement of the dormitor- Jes apart from the day rooms, is a unique feature that might be repeat- ed with benefit in more pretentious buildings. It adds to efficiency, com- fort and care of supervision. The wards have undergone many im- Frovements, and with the installa- tion of an adequate supply of con- tinuous baths and hydrotherapeutic apparatus, Rockwood compares fav- orably, from the standpoint of treat- ment with any up-to-date institution I know. The superintendent. has evidently been ambitious to take ad- vantage of everything possible to keep his institution in the foremost rank. The complete absence of noise, confusion and excitement spoke well for those who have the nursing in charge, and altogether the hospital air prevalent in all of the wards was a marked contrast to much that is to De ecen in many other Canadian asylums, which, by no stretch of im- agination, can be caMed hospitals. The occupational side of treatment was very good indeed. The idea of having a trained vocational aside In charge of the work, and also acting as instructor to the nurses, is to be commended. After a great many years of experience with the indus- THE COACH'S JOB | | stitution He Knows. | Personally it was gratifying a hospital for the insane. to see that tho ideals I had before me, when in charge of the institution, had not only been followbd, and traditions preserved, but the whole work improved and develoved to a greater extent than was possible in the earlier days. The superintendent has had before him the scientific side, and although hampered by conditions which so commonly exist in provincial institutions, owing to the fact that govermental control, which is swayed constantly by the changes of government, 8 not the ideal state of affairs. A properly constituted commission, which would have an intimate relationship of course with the government, would enable the scientific side, which after all ih the important one, to reach perfection. Rockwood is evidently, as it al- ways wag in the past, an institution built for the cure and care of the patients, rather than for the glori- fication of its officials; and the re- ception wards for acute cases are excellent in every sense of the word. The staff of physicians is some- what larger than one ordinarily finds in provincial institutions, and they are evidently interested in their work. I took occasion to read several histories, which were admirable, and worked up in a' way that showed the interest of the young physicians writing them. The pathological side {is being cared for too, and altogether Rock- wood must be classed as a credit to the province. Dr. Ryan evidently feels that general medicine and pesy- chiatry should have a close relat- fonship, and is ambitious to ad- vance along the best lines possible to ensure success. The pathological work being done is of interest. Post mortem examinations, as frequently negllectad, is receiving proper atten- tion, and altogether the outlook is hopeful. 1 suggested to the superintendent the advisability of doveloping an cut-patient clinic, preferably in one of the city hospitals, as by this means he would confer a great boon on the community, help out in school and other investigations, and by co- operating with the different social agencies give then the benefit af the experience derived from his work. Net only that, such an ar- rangement would keep the staff in touch with the development of ment- al disease as well as its prevention, two most important things. If a fol- low-up system with a small Social Service Department were available in the hospital another blessing would be conferred om the com- Something of the taskmaster, the general and the diplomat, and a lot of the doctor must be hidden away in the man who would be the coach of a suc- cessful football or track team. Emergencies of all kinds are Ne daily routine. At 3id is 48 esuential ata five irst Aid leading munity. Altogether the visit to Rockwood was an experience that gave en- couragement to those of us who wish to see Canada in the front rank. I hope the day will come when the government may be induced to pro- vide further facilities for the educa- tion of students where the Rock- wood hospital steff will carry on the work, giving due attention to the much neglected department of re- search. After all, Canada owes = duty to science and with the co- operation of the paychological de- partment of the university and the hospital staff, even better things may be achieved quite easily. (Signed) C.K. CLARKE. The Boxers sre a Chinese secret society, partly religious and partly patriotic. 4 . "Amen" is a Hebrew word mean- ing as originally used, 'Yes, truly." M"Cla SOLD AT BUNT'S HARDWARE 388 KING STREET A a, THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for =nll kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates givem on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew floor cleaning ma- chine. SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. Gas Ranges and Plates, McClary's Sunshine ; Furnaces U Installing receives our careful, JE personal attention. GRAVES BROS. Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Hot Air Heating, H 211 PRINCESS STREET et tet THRE haW FREON THERAPI THERAPI No.2 Ns, HERAPI ON for 4 Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chronic Weaknesses LD BY LEADING ENEMYS, PRICE IN ENGLAND 88 ® LECLERCMed Co. HaverstockRd..N W 5. London SEE TRADE MARKED OED IsAbicn 5 on SRIT. GOVT. STAMP ouse Furnishing. PHONE 332. 2 3 chat - LL -- preprint bor dE ec ITT fnvested at the current rate of interest to produce an income at least half as large as he Li, SERRE Tue ; : : asics MANUFACTURERS L - INSURANCE CO IFE MPANY Heap Orrcx, TORONTO, CANADA, Branch Office, 58 Brock St... Kingston, Unt M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch" Manager. {would like to create an estage of 8... ........ ......... through Wie insurance. At present | carry Kindly forward me particulars of the policy best suited to my needs. Sesssrssncnnsaanan ~~ t . 3 - ! Woman might have had her rights There is no wee which mankind | In proportion 'to its size, a fly long ago had she understood the| carries to such wild extremes as that (walks 35 times as fast as a bumam 'manly art of grafting. of avarice. Ibeing.

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