THE DAILY BRITISH ds ___ Real Estate For "ale Betws For fale Real Estate For Rent | " ; rticle Bale B1| Apartments and Flats 74 What's Yours? HOS HOLD iE SNIURE. PHI] Alisa NE oyay Ist Tour -- hoy COTTAGE--NEARLY NEW, AT EAST. a aoe, ES : Aathresm mis ee iit nated. Apply $9 Brock | VIEW PARK, BOATHOUSE, ETG I FOR PARTICULARS APPLY D. A. What do you want--a better position--a more com- fortable room--a new home---an automobile ? Everybody has some big want--and a lot of smaller ones on the side. You want to be successful and com- se, gem jars, cooking utensiis, 45 Street. | CAYS, 57 BROCK STREET. fortable--these two wants are sure. Business fervice Moving, Trucking, btorage ed Ti A Announcements sr Shs IE a out of celiars and 8, clean job done. a Macuregor, ne 2255. a TAGE. l8ile guarantees good service in Baggage, xpress and mov- Ing; reasonable prices. «104 Montreal] Streel. Next Lo Armouries. Fuone | 1464. MOVING--Trucking, local and long d tance hauling furniture. App Robert Henry Phone 7séw. o STORAGE sra For furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. Wathem, 143! Nelson street. rhone 1391J .or 618. CORRESPONDENTS British Girls de- ROR alan correspondents, Propo- sition 10c. Clane, 1¢ Cambridge Londen, 8.W., England. NE MATRIMONY--$50,000 of wealth goes maiden, 19. Club, Box 55, Ox-| ford. Fla, =: MATHIMONY-- Wealthy young lady, decidedly pretty and willing to marry. (Wilma), care B-1022, Wichita, Kau- sas. RRR IRR MATRIMONY Catholics wishing to A wanting introductions. Booklet Clergy Street West. APARTMENTS Two, one of § rooms, HBARDWOOD--T cars of mixed wood, possession May 1st, and one of six} $3.25 per quarter cord. One car Slabs| Iooms, possession June 1st hardwood}. $3.00 per quarter cord; hardwood]! fours, electric and gas, 3 piece baths, (Breen) §3.75 quarter cord. Also saw-| hot water heating included, in most central part of the city. Apply to H. dust for sale. W. H. Talbot, § St. : e 3 Catherines St. Yard, Concession St. ; B. Wartell, 338 King Street Phone! HORSE--Waggon and harness, suitable iim | for delivery or carting. Will eell sep-| FLAT--One 4 room unfurnished fat. | also 2 rooms on bath room nat, both| ELMTREE HOUSE--Prof. D. iH. Mars shail offers for sale his residence and grounds. All information will be givs €n at his house, corner of Union strest and Alwington Avenue. Appl} Phone 618, New Eng- HOUSES -- free. Write Catholic Correspondence Club, Grand I M RATRIMONIAL -- hundr a It sincere enclose stamp. Mrs. F. Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chi- eago, Illinois. TT RIMONIAL--Murry, if lonely MATHIN try me; best and most suc- cessful "Home Maker," hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confiden- tial; most reliable; years experience; free: "The 8 fu Nash, Box 586, Oakland, California. Cla ATRIMONY--Happy marriage and a home; confidential descriptions free In plain sealed envelope of many weal- thy congenial peopie willing to wed. If sincere write me. Reliable. Estab- lished 19 years; bank references. Oud Reliable Club (name copyrighted), Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Cali- fornia. SKIN BLEMISHES--HAIr, Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished afier others have failed. Goltre cured with. out operation. 348 years' experience. r. klmer J. Lake, Eye, Lar, Nose, (Throat, Skin. 2568 Bagot Street. Phone 's01w. ouse 1136J. . Lost and Found CHAIN--Found, for automobile. Owner | may have same at 627 Princess Street. CELET WATCH -- Lost, gold, in Bs section of city. Finder kind- ly return to Whig Office. HANDBAG--Lost, on the road to Har- black leather, children's purses inside. Finder please leave {t in Sydenham P. O. for Walsh Bros, R., R. 1, Bydenham. CAP--Lost, nickle-plated between Kingston and Collin's Bay. Finder pl e return to James Reid and re- ciives reward. KBYS-- Found, 8, on ring. Also foun- tain pen. Apply Van Luven Bros. Gar- ashe KEY--¥ound, near co Montreal streets. Owner same at Whig Office, == NBCK-PIECE-- Found, lady's fur, on Chatham street, near Princess. Owner apply at 1352 Chatham Street. ¥ BUN GLASSES--Fqund, dark rigumed. Apply phone 16556wW. TORTOISE SHELL RIMS--Found, for Princess and may have glasses, on William Street. Owner ap- | ly Uglow's Book Store. 'HERMOMETER--Found, nurse's, Iver case, on Barrie street. Owner may live same At 109 York Street rr ATX a ee a 1921 CHEVROLET---Touring, F t truck; both in splendia condition. Owners cannot use either; anxious to sell. Make offer. C. Hill, 14 Martiand ; 661. Street. Phone 660 SARS--GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEW PRICE LIST. STANDARD TOURING $1365; PHAETON TOURING $1295; SPECIAL TOURING $1485; SIX CY- LINDER TOURING $1750; GRAY TOURING $785; STANDARD SEDAN $2095; SPECIAL SEDAN $2250; COACH $1650. F.0.B. KINGSTON. TAXES PAID. CHARLES PESTER, KING STREET GARAGE, PHONE 939. HOME OF USED CARS--McLAughlins, Fords, Chevrolets, Chalmers; Tour- ings, roadsters. Pal , corner of cBagot and Queen Streets. MOLAUGHLIN--D45, In good condition. Cheap. Apply Dr. C, C. Nash, 366 Al- , bert Street. Phone 1148 or office 735. MOTOR THUCK-- Heo speed waga: almost new, perfect condition, special- ky bullt body; suitable for retail de- " Mivery; trial run on appointment. Ap- ly R. H. Fair, 179 Btuart Street MOBILE USED PAINTS--For any make or model. Palmer's, corner of Bagot and Queen Streets. wie -- Royal Oaks. Bqual to any, superior to most. Corner Queen and ? a Streets. FTAXI--The only lace which furnishes 8 proper 24 hours taxi service. 549J. a orReY, a. _ Business Servico - Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--And Appralser-- Book r sales with W. A. Twigg, 192 Bar- Street. Phone $20J. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And AATsh- & specialty. Also Piano ana sure niture Yolishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rpar of Abernethy s Shoe St or phone 1875w. -- Q G -- Carpenter and builder. Estimates given on all cligs- of kK; hardwood iloorin, Ja Jarrell, 271 Bagot Stree 3 H tim ting, Advertising. Bus- 5 4 Market Street. Phone LALN BEW Wing and repaire ing neatly Eatimston given for chaidren and en's clothes. Mrs, J. Willaré, rie Street. nsur- treet. E--~Autcmobile ance. E. M. Crumley, Phone 1783M. ealt! Tati call or he i Bary utamo- ent and - rates or any'in- E. Williams, 2 epresentin branches y HM 7 Street. Phone INSURINCE--GRly The TCA 1 ble tl repr Xo = Strange, ssiabiiaied tues 58 er PA ts be = ol (See Hlust-gtion on Page 18.) q jhe figures ard written amcunt of check do not agree. The custom Filing out the amount of a check Testating it In figures is pract- to avoid misw in Nowevear, if the chook wers = { 10} STORAGE--For lurniture, clean, dr airy rooms and spaces; your own luce and key. I'rost's City Storage, 29 _305 Queen St. I'none 526. Res. 989w "Pai p apering, Decorating 26 | -- Given for pAintings paper-nanging, decorating and hard- wood floor anishing; workmanship guaranteed. H. horton, 205 Alfred Street. Phone 1891w. ae PAINTING--VPaperiug, Decorating -- first class Work and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot street. Phone 13¢6. PAINTING--Papering, Decorating, first class work; best of material used Sample books on request. H. Ward & Son. Phone 1887J. 132 Victoria st. PAINTING--Papernangiuyg, Decorating Glazing, Hardwood Flour Finishing etc, first class work, reasonabie prices, Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. M 208 Aifred AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. Apply BE. Jenkins, corner York And Raglan Road. Phone 1863F. PAINT LNG--Huouse painting, piano and furniture finishing, all work given careful attention. Charles H t, 341 Erontenag Si. North, iuone 20iyw. PAINTING---Paper Hanging and Deco- rating; wall paper sampies; metallic gold letters for s&tore and office win- aows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- gan, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1432. PAPER HANGING--Kalsomining and house painting; wall paper samples; estimates submitted; prices reason- able and work guaranteed satisfac- tory. H. Rowley, 13% Bay Street. Phone 1361w. = SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 275 Bagot street. Architects 28b. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock d Walll a. Nida 3 MARCELIS--Wmy, A., D.C, Ph.C., cor-| ner Princess and barrie Streets. 2nd! Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Consultation free. Teiephone, Hours 9 to 12 8: 1 to 6 p.m. | LUCY--Dr. George F. Ur, Jennie A.| Lucy, Chiropractic Speclailsts and] Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be-| tween Princess and Brock, Telephone] 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, and| 7 to § p.m. Spinal analysis and con- | sujtaticn free. Residential calls in| SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, Rocessary Welle" J. "Gano, Former w appointment. | Dental 25d. | 159 | Brock. | Wellington street, corner of hone 34 i KNAPP--Iw, A. E, Dentist. Office: 268 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open| __evenings by appointment. i Legal 28e CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Darrisiers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, | Kangaton, A. Cunningham, K.Cif aril M. Smith, SEED SHEA--Ambrose, B A, Barrister Solicitor. Law office, corner of Kir and Brock, over Royal Bank. Mone to loan. Fhone 1999. REVELLE -- Adrian 1,, Barrister and Solictor, 69 Clarence Street, Kingston. Phone 2476. Medical 281. RENNETT, C. W.--M 1a, 133 Clergy St Office Phone 851. Res. 1545m. Office hourg 10-12 a.m., 3-4, 7-85.30 p.m. HE Osteopath 28¢. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS--On how 10 answer your child's questions about birth, ete. Send 10c, for copy 'to Dr. Edna Ashcrof 4 King Street. FER Ee Repairing SHOE RBPAIRING--AIl work neatly done. Rubber heels & specially. Skates put en. W. H. Purvis, corner Bagot and uarrack Streets. FURNITURE FINISHIN Call and see W. Driscoll, street. Phone 29¢F. = O TEPAIRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice: Adolf Kaminski, corser Mont~ Jfeal and Queen streets. =~ SHOKS-~Repalred; saws sharpened Es- timates given on 1 kinds of paper- hanging. atistaction my w. McLennan, 253 Division f all kinds. 23 Joan motto. treet. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture, work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- riage, 244 Uaiversity avenue. Phone 2043F. UPHOLSTERING--ARd gonera! repairs ing. Lea orders at or drop a card te F. Ww. 194 orgy Street. Employment = Help Wanted--Female a8 COOK--Apply Mrs. R. E. Kent, $5 King Street COOK--Qeneral. No washing. Refer- enceg required. Apply Miss Lyman, 137 King Street West. = { HOUSEKBEPER--Or capable maid, for| & family of three. References requir-| 164 Frontenac St fter 7 p.m. i LADI '0 do plain and light sewing at home. Whole or spare time. Good pay. Work sent any distance. Charg- es paid. Semd stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Co., Mont real. d MAID--Good, general, immediately. Ap- Ply Mrs. D. A. Cays, 128 Barrie St. PUPIL NURSES--2 year ar uni- form, board, room, laundry and cash allowance provided. Grammar school education or better. Ciucago Hospi- tal, 811 E. 45th, Chicago, IIL SERVANT-«Good, general. Apply 80 Earl Street. py OMAN--To do housework and help with cooking. Apply 212 Rad help Phoné 2287. Help Wanted--Male 33 BLACKSMITH--First class, general, to work in shop. Apply at once, stating wages to Ernest Blackman, Seeley's -- GROCERY CLERK--Experienced. None other need apply. A. Glover. as subscription nt the ers' Advocate. Apply Sive ing full information as to experience, or sin, to The William eld 144 n, Ont. for your ay time - a uprly you th k. ) wor, t-An ow Card Ser borne Bid. Toronto. vie a2 ® been looking for. vice regularly! Get the habit of getting satisfaction--use this ser- THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. | y y - arately. But--you know what particular things are sa your mind to-day--and whatever your immediate wants are --a- look through the indexed columns of the A-B-C classified section will help to satisfy them. This classified section {s a clearing-house of all the wants and offers of the people of Kingston--every day you'll come upon new- opportunities to ind what you've : Employment p--Male or Female COAT MAKERS--First class. Apply Livingston Bros, Brock Street Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS--To sell our Keyless Padlock. Write to-day for conditions. Sorel Lock Li d, Sorel, Que. + AGENTS -- Purity Laundry Tablets, wash clothes without rubbing. Agents making $50 weekly handling our pro- ducts. Free premium offer. Write B. & E. Mfg. Co. London, Ont, De- partment 9. Soa MAN OR WOMAN--We will pay you to distribute religious literature in your community. Steady work. Experience unnecessary. Act quickly. Write C. Whelan; Secretary Religious Educa- tion Dept., 118 Spadina Building, To- ronto. = Soy NURSERY STOCK n agency for a reilab:e nursery rm 1 prontable. You can sell in country, tewn or city. We grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents tor unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. Pel- ham N ery Co. Toronto $50--~Weekly selling Shine Spiral Cur- tain Rods. Send for particulars and free samples. Dept. 18, B. & E. Mfg. Co., Lonyuon, Ont. sitgations Wanted--Lkemale 36 LAUNDRESS Experienced, wants laundry to do at home. Apply Box ¥ Whig Office. LADY CLERK--- Seeks employment. Ph --Cooking or day rences Apply Box Q-1 Opportunities JEANING-- Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring business lor saie, in good town near Kingston. Long establish- ed. No opposition. Splendid opportun- ity. Applicant must have $250. Box X-20, Whig Oftice. IF--An average monthly Income of $5.82 paid fuanthly, on each $100, de- posited with privi age of withdrawing your money upon tairty days' notice, appeals to you, write for full informa- M. Wolff, 72 Wall Street, City. FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1361. President, W. F, Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mcrtgages pure chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- 0siis received and interest allowed. . C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston, Live Stock Poultry and Supplies © 49 BABY CHICKS--From pure bred stock, Leghorns, white, brown and buff, twenty-five cents; $20.00 per 100; An- conas, Mindrcas, Reds, Wyandottes, Barred and White Rocks, twenty-six cents; hundred orders, twenty-four cents; five hundred, twenty-two cents; thousands, twenty cents; Silver Laged Wyandottes, thirty-two cents; Mam- moth Pékin Ducklings, forty cents; thirty-five dollars per hundred. All 100 orders express prepaid. Leitch, 527 Pape Ave. Toronto COCKEREL--Utility Barred Rock from good laying strain. Phone 2053F or 232 Albert Street N. DRAKE WANTED--Any breed, imme- diately. Apply Box P-17, Whig Office. BARRED ROCK EGGS-- $1.00 per set- ting, from hens that do lay. Apply 520 Princess Street. Ph 1534m. EGUS--White Wyandotte: Eggs for hatching; bred for egg production; all my péns head by Ottawa winner, Joseph White, Portsmouth, Ontario. Phone 2301 ring 4 Live Stock Poultry and Supplies E S--Barred Rock eggs from pen which averaged 217 eggs in pullet year, mated to cockerel from official 225 egg hen at Ottawa laying contest. Eggs $3.00 per setting, or 2 settings for $5.00. Also White Leghorn Eggs, $1.50 per setting. J. B. Holland, 182 _Clergy Street, City. a es LEGHORNS -- Sunny Brae 8S. C. W. Leghorns, famous for winter laying. $1.00 per setting of 15. Eggs tested by Magic Egg Tester to prove fertility. Apply 6 Bajus Cottage, Wellington Street, Opposite Freight Sheds. PULLETS-S. C. White Leghorn Pul= lets, Tom Barron Strain. The kind that lay and pay. Also eggs for hatch- ing. 10 Thomas St t y. CATTLE-- To or 1923. On George McGowan's farm, Is- land Road. Apply W. E. Caverly, R. R. No. 3, Odessa. Articles For Sale B1 ANTIQUES--Set of six walnut chairs, curled walnut short buffet, walnut parlor tables, grandfather's' clocks, etc., etc. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 ori t. Phone 1045w. Orders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. Cocke, _219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. i BAB CARRIAGE--Cream wickef and cradle, in good condition. Apply 19 JL. Universi ue or phone 760J. BABY CARRIAGE ----- White, excellent condition, $12. Apply 470 Barrie St Phone 1443w. i--And Pord Storage Battery. Both in excellent condition Apply to _309 Earl Street. BABY CARRIAGE-- IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. APPLY 11 ABERDEEN STREET. BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch A Selumgwoud Streets. Phone 618 or 3 BABY CARRIAGE -- White, Wicker. Cost $50, in Al condition; will gell rea- sonabie; also sulkey and wheel crib With mattress. Phone 909m. i CEMENT MIXER-- Hand, in 800d con- dition. Apply Mrs. Alfred watts, _ Portsmouth. hoe : COAL--Choice Pea Coal, $1 deliver ed or $14.50 in five ton lots; weighed on market scales. Place your order early. Phone 1975, 1962J, 2211 CLOT HING--Men's new Work Shirts, black, blue, khaki, 76¢c. Overalls, $1.25, $1.59, $1.75. Men's Used Suits, good condition, $6, $8 and $10. A Shapiro, _45 Princess Street. Phone 1451m, COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE -- Would sell or' exchange, and good selection of records for gentleman's bicycle. Apply 247 Lower Patrick Street. FURNITURE--Soms+ nice parlor furni- ture, brass and iron beds, up-to-date ©ok stoves. We also buy. J. Thomp- _8on, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. GASOLINE FUMP--And Tank; in good condition; cheap for cash. Also coal a1 tank. Apply Box T-18, Whig Of- ce. GAS RANGE---One new cabinet (Jewel) at a bargain; one Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet; three new electric nxtures (hall, dining room, living room). Ap- ply to 412 Johnson Street or phone 1 e whether it is someone to whitewash pour cellar, bank your house, tase 8,Wn your screens--or any one of the thcusands of odd jobs to be done around & house at this time of year, you will an | someone dependable through Daily Whig want-ads, Dally Whig want-ads--Read for Pro- 1t--Use for Itesults. Always Chase Your Own Hat land bakery, Collingwood Street. HARD COAL COKE---Reduced to $10.00 ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of your winter supply. Cordwood and slabs, stove length, split, $2.50 1-8 cord; saw- dust, $1.00, cart load. Cinders. $1.00. Clinkers 50c. All delivered. age and general cartage.. Phone 1938w. _248 University A W. C. Bruton, MATTRESSES--I kK ana made to order; all prices from $4.50. Cot Mat- tresses $3.00 and up. Mattress ren vating a speciaity. Frontenac Mat- tress Co, $77 King Street. Phone e, MOTOR BOAT--Glass cabin, 32x6 feet, strong construction, semi-heavy Buf- falo engine, electric light, dynamo, storage battery, search light; fully equipped, ready to run. WwW. J. B. White, Kingston, Ont. PIANO--Mason & Risch Upright, ebony case, Ivo keys; in good condition. suitable for light housekeeping; all conveniences. d'elephone. Apply 256 Queen Street KHOUMS--Three large unfurnished; al- 80 use of bathroom, on bathroom flat, private balcony, light, water and phone inciuded with rent. Pussession at once. Phone 72i2w or call at 64 n Livingsio == m---- IIT Business Places For Ren 75 ener tot emer. crate LODGE RUOM>--Rooms on King street --formerly occupled by the [O.O.F. Apply to Cunningham and Smith. ., A GX Farms For Rent 76 100 ACRES--Pasture farm, 3 miles from Kingston on Perth Road. Apply to G. M. Macdonnell, 35 Clarence otreet, Kingston. LANDS --- The following, situate on White Lake in the Towasaip of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the $th Con, Lot 17 1n the 7th Con, Lot 17 1n . Terms $15 cash and $7 non! WW. Lindsay, Lid. P1ANO--Square, in good condition. Must be sold Snap tor a quick sale. Apply W. Grimwocd, 66 Upper Charles' Street, City. { PIANO--Wormwith, in good condition. | Phone 647. 1 | DWELLING-- REFRIGERATOR--Suitable for store. Apply New Engiand Bakery, Colling- wood Street. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone 339w., opposite Orange Hall. SHADES--Made to or! for electric or oil lamps. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Apply 256 King Street-- Where shades are in the window. STRAWBERRY. PLANTS -- Four best kinds ever-bearing, No. 999, Suburb. Progressive and Americus $3.00 per hundred. Mail orders tilled prompuy. Phone 1970J. S. McCormack, 86 Col- _lingwood Street. i SEWING MACHINE--Singer, good con- dition. Fishing punt, new _ oars. Apply 351 Johnson St THRESHING MACHINE--At once. Ap- rly O. Galloway, Collin's Bay, Ont. TRACTOR--New Fordson, slightly used --Tfully equipped with pulley, fender and governor. Apply to R. W. Martin, _Harrowsmith, Ont. ___ Wanted--To Buy 06 ver, or False Teeth, for exchange. G. W. Lyons, _244 Princess street, Kingst . ____Rooms For Rent BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by day er week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 298 University venue, near Brock Street. RSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First class rooms and board; all improve. nents; centrally located. ROOMS----Warm, good board, reasons able rates; close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- SOR SITRRL, mat om ROOM AND BOARD--For one or two young women. Apply 19 L. University ~or phone 760J. _____Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board 68 -------- ee ROOMS--Furnished 92 Queen Street. bedrooms. Apply RGOM--Furnished. Apply 151 Byden- ham Street, ne ri 3 men Somme Rooms For Housekeeping 690 APARTMENT--Furnished. Possession May ist.. 230 Barrie. Phone 2356w. ROOMS--Three, for light housekeeping, furnished; all conveniences; centrally _located. Apply Box Y-21, Whig Office. ROOMS--Two, 'arge, furnished or un- furnished;' suitabie for light house- keeping, lights, open fireplace, reason- able rent. App. 5 Earl Street. ROOMS --Unfurmsned, for light house- Keeping, sis for cooking, electric ghts 'se o hone. A 354 Brock Street. °° poy ROOMS---THree, completely furnished for kEghthousekeeping, gas and elec- tric light. Apply 330 Alfred Street. Phone 2467w. mmm re mer Estate For Rent rrr Apartine 74 APARTMENT--Furnished, four Fooms, for light housekeeping. Apply 238 ay. the 6th Con. Apply to G. M. Macdon- CONCESSION STRE each 5 roums and extension, dingle garages at 69 Queen nexc Harkness butcher saop. 1835 Queen Street. Phone 95sw. Princess Street, six rooms, bath and toilet, electric Mghts, 8as. Also furnished rooms in new house; all conveniences. Apply 345 Alfred. Phone 2292w. Wo, seven roomed, north side, electric light, 3 piece bath, fur- nace; close to Princess, $27.00. Also two apartments, $20 and $26. Apply _H. F. Norman, 63 Patrick St. OUSE--Seven rooms, centrally locat- ed. Apply 155 Sydenham Street. HOUSE--Furnished, six rooms or four rooms, unfurnished, all conveniences; rent very reasonabie. Possession May ist. Apply to #1 Beverly Street, or phone 136om after 3 p.m. HOUSE--SIx roomed, frame, west side, hear Queen's University, three plece bath, electric lights, gas, barn, gaiage, heated by stove, no cellar. Rent $25. per month on yeariy least, from May ist. Write Box V-¥9, Whig Oft HOUSES--e $35.00--462 Brock, 7 rotms, B. and C., electric Lhgits, gas, furnace, May 1st. | $30.00--61B Livingston Ave. 7 rooms, detached cement block, 7 rooms, two Piece bath, gas, electric lights, fur- nace. 4 : $22.00--122 Montreal Street, 7 toilet, electric lights. E. W. MULLIN & SON rooms, Johnson and Division Streets 98 EARL SBTREEY-- Large, commod- ious house, newty decorated, electric light, electric atiachments for fans, vacuum cleaners and warmers; gas for » covking; 3 p. tollet, Sunshine Hot Air Furnace, garage. Vacant May. J. Gil- bert, 194 Barrie St. Phone 254. After B, phone T73w. 188 UNION ST. WEST --Furnished, with garden and sun room. Possession June _Ast. Apply to above address. 63 RIDEAU ST.--Stone house, 8 rooms, 34 piece bath, furnace, gas, grounds, trees, verandah at back. Apply 47 Ri- _deau St i COLBORNE STREET; rooms, 4 bed» rooms, plece bath, lights, furnace; nice verandah. Extra lot. $4000, SOLID BRICK HOUSE--2 story and at tic, 10 rooms, & bedrooms, electri lignts, gas, 3 piece bath, also toilet Aud basin in attic; hot water neating; hreplace; Cypress trim; large verans dan; one ceuar. rine location oa South side. M. B. TRUMPOUR Phone 704 or 848J. £37 Bagot Street HOUSES-- Barrie Street, $3.000. Clergy Street, $6,500, $4,000, Two houses, Queen Street, Barrie Street, $5,000. 1.3} {| Division Street, $4,200. Bagot Street, $2,100. Aberdeen Street, 3 houses, $6,600. $3,000 H. B. WILSON, : Uptown Post Office. SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ade Vertisement, page J, column 1. ee ei. sen ee ee 68 VICTORIA STREET -- Solid brick, 30x30, modern; lot 66x132, with gare age, ten rooms. .Price $5,000. Apply to J. 8B. Cooke. Phone, outfice busw.; res, £42 SIXTH STREET--7 rooms, "Name, 3 piece bath, electric lights, olished noors throughout, Couanade] arches With white enamel finish wdodwork, Buiit by owner. Price $2,800, Apply 101 Queen Street or phone 17§6w, UNIVERSITY AVENUE -- SoMa briek house, lot 456x200, ten rooms, hot water furnace, separate bath and toilet, 2 fireplaces and brick garage. Also Folia brick huuse, barn and § acres on North Alfred. Apply 352 Universi Yhorie 1083m. PRY 1s sme SETI a1 Wanted--Real Estate 89 FARM--Want to hear from owner have ing 1arm for sale; give particulars ang' lowest price, Joba J. Black, Chip= pewa Falls, Wisconsin. FARM--Wanted to hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minnes _apolis, Minn. HOUSE~--Six or seven rooms, low, in good locality. in first letter. Whig Office. -- BUSINESS SERVIC or Bunga- State price, ete. Write Box ¥-§, clo. Bank of Commerce Buildin, ro and King Streets. Phone IS Dock General Insurance Agency, Writing: ~Automobile, Fire, Aeccle dent, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary ste. Representing only reliable come panies. MERCHANDISE "Garages 78a GARAGE--On May 1st, Brock Street. Apply McCallum Granite Co. GARAGE--§1 per month; cemented floor, electric light, water, separate key. Apply 360 bagot. Two blocks irom Princess. PRIVATE GARAGES---To let on Brack btreet. Apply No. 69, Brock Street . Summer Places For Rent 80 SUMMER COTTAGE -- Furnished, at Eastview Park. Apply 166 Sydenham Btreet. a 2 SUMMET: COTTAGES --"At Eastview Park, a beautitul spot on the St. Law- rence, -{ 1lles from Kingston, furn- ished bungalows, fireplaces and screened verandahs, with 5 or 6 rooms. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 University Ave. _Pnone 1083m. Wanted--1To Heut 81 HOUSE--Furnished, or flat, wanted im- medi x _W-1%, Whig Office. ___ Real Estate For Sale, _ iy XN Barrie Street about 1st of rooms, pri- APARTMENT--May 1st, 4 vate 3 piece bath, heated. Apply 520 Princess Street. Phone 1534m. + APARTMENT Seven rooms, heated, ail modern conveniences, hardwood floors, Kas grate and gas range. JLarge bal- cony. Janitor service. Possession 1st of May or 1st of June. Phone §57J. By L. C. Phifer, 2 I'LL GIVE You A QUARTER TO GET MY MAT Business Property 82 HOTEL PROPERTY--Known a Queen's hotel, Tamworth. This is a three story brick hotel! known so long by the travelling public. This hote} has just been tnoroughly renovvated' For Turther particulars apply to J. A. Tamworth a FARM--OT 135 acres for sale or to rent, or would exchange for city property, 12 miles from Kingston, 3 miles rroin 8 villages, 6 or ¥0 acres plow land, 30 acres seeded, 25 fall plowed; well wat. ered; frame house and rus. Bate- Suan's Real state Agency; 169 Wel- _lington Street, Kingston. LANDS -- The following, situate on White Lake in the Townsnip of Uiden, suitable tor pastuie: Lot 15 in the Sth Con, Lot 17 a the th Con.; Lot 17 in the 6th Con. Apply to G. m. Macdeon- nell, 33 Clarence street, Kingston, LOT--Part of Lot 29, Con. 8 Clarén- don Township, known as the Boerth ining Property, Botlers and stamp mill jncluded. will ve sold to highest cash bidder May 19th, 1913, at Pievna "larend a Miler Council, A ) 116 JOHNSON STREET -- MODERN, "BRICK DWELLING, HOT WATER FURNACE, 3 ROOMS, HARDWOQOD FLOORS, UP-TO-DATE HOME. POS- SESSION MAY IST. FULL PARTICU- LARS. 57 BROCK IREET. Db. A. CAYR.: . the | | | i | { | FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason- able Prices STOVES Well repaired. at a rgiht price. J. Turk's PHONE 705. RT Free Advise . Regarding the best way to re- pair your Automobile, Motor Boat, Engine, and all machinery parts---we do a good line of this work at reasonable prices. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. / Oxy-Acetylene Cutting. 2 Oxy-Acetyleae Carbon Burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. | East End of Wellington Street rere meiy = HOTELS = a RE A NICE PLACE TO STOP Densmere House Comfortable rooms conveniences. First-class meals. Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West Telephone 791m. MRS. E. P. DENISON with all ea--rr---- eA ite errr -------- rT Lakeview - House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. _. First-class rooms and meals, (_\ Good yards and stables. Speen rates to Marine Men. P.M DRISCOLL, A product of slate, or other 'Uniform in sige. One customer hours without the very in ANTHRACITE BOULETS highest grade Hard Coal. No bone Every piece is a heat unit, reports they burned in his furnace for 24 attention, and gave splendid heat. * We Rave a ear of this fuel in transit for delivery from carat ............... James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street and will take orders «sve $14.00 per ton.