Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1923, p. 5

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SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1923, COAL is not going to be any cheaper or more available for next sea- son. Fill your bins now while it is coming in. Orders filled as we receive them--for STOVE OR CHESTNUT COAL W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. TO LET ALBERT ST--Frame, § rooms, toil- et, electric light, gas, $20.00. 1st May. EARL § Ught, $20.00. 1st May. T.--Stone, § rooms, electric) 'GASSED OVERSEAS | SHELL SHOCKED and RHEUMATISM | Mr. F. M. Blaquiere, Morinville, | Alta, writes: -- "After three years service overseas I returned to Canada i almost a_complete wreck. I had been THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HH Kingston and Vicinity To Erect a Hou gp Stevens has purchased George Roddick, George two lots from commit ffs | wounded the first day. He was rob- {bed of his coat and though his wounds had not been attended to for | Ly: : i recting a three and a half days, he was com- gassed, and was suffering from shell | -YDdhumt, and intends erecting i shock and rheumatism, and was so | nervous 1 could not sleep at night. I! {tried many medicines and doctors, but | {none of them did me any good for any {length of time. I got so bad, in the | Fall of 1919, my hands were so shaky I could scarcely hold anything, and it seemed as if I had a steel band | | pressing on my head. The least ex- | | citement would almost drive me into | fits, and my whole system seemed to | be in disorder. I had cramps in my {legs nearly every night, and hot and cold chills running up and down my residence this summer. He is Growign Better The many friends of James Quinn, Alfred street, who is in the Hotel Dieu recovering from a recent operation, will be pleased to learn that he is now doing very nicely. Many are Outfitting There are great days for the lo- |pelled to march through the mud {and snow a distance of a mire and {a half. He was later taken to the hospital at Kingston and was ulis- charged in the spring, without trial | and returned to Watertown, N.Y. To Command Oil Burner Capt. James Woods, a well-Kliown Great Lakes navigator, of Ogden- burg, N.Y., has been appointed mas- ---- {ced dealers in sporting goods. Every- ter of the steamer Fordonian, and {body is talking baseball, and teams will leave with his crew on April of every age and size are being out-|22nd, for Quebec to take charge of fitted with uniforms. {the vessel which wintered at that ------------ port. She will trade this season between Montreal and Chicago. The fen April 13th. She was an active church worker, and took a keen in- terest in local charities. Mrs. Lo- gan is survived by her husband, John Logan, and three sons, Leslie A. Logan, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa; William H. and J. W. Logan, at home. Must Gather In Taxes, Arnprior council faced the fact that there are outstanding on the |tax collectors' rolls arrears of taxes {amounting in the aggregate to be- jtween $17,000 and $18,000. Atter | Have you seen any samples of California Redwood? Dark and rich-colored as Mahogany; soft and workable as White Pine. A beautiful house finish at a moderate price. ~ S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1413 Office Phone 66. {considerable discussion in which the | {collettor of the 1921 apd 1922 tax- {es and the 1920 collector were ques- | {tioned as to their explaration of the | Leavy arrearage, the council decid- | i . Oxford Weather ed that an effort shall be made to | collect the outstanding money after | ample notice has been given. Kept thy Stamp i The post office department has | instructed all post offices to keep a | close tab on the stamping of letter: | to see that the stamps on the letters | | were so marked as to be rendered {unflit for further service. In the | rush of work at post offices, stamps | jare often allowed through with-| back nearly all the time. One day I See For Yourself. | decided to try Milburn's Heart and | Nerve Pills, and after I had taken i8ix boxes I began to feel better. I lowest | kept on using them and after a while We carry a largo range of madé- [Fordonian is 'an oil burner and was | {to-measure suitings, blue and black built four or five years ago. |serges and English worsted cloth of | Mrs, Earl I was completely relieved." jie best material. We guarantee Mis. od i 2x8), Deut highly Price 50c. a box at all dealers or [first class fit and workmanship. | resident of Brockville, | i | esteemed mailed direct on receipt of price by Frevost, Brock street. on Wednesday at The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- {died suddenly to Jub {at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, - latter an illness of about a month, T A X I due .to an accident she sustained when she fell while walking and PIANO TUNING fractured her left limb. The late |Ars. Earl was born in the township out being touched, and then it is | of Elizabethtown, a daughter of the | ssible for a parson to make use | late John and Sarah Westlake. lof the stamp. The other day a | | a. | Piano Tuaming, Repairing ang Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. The warm weather is just around the corner, and now is the time to buy your Oxfords. Here isone. Men's Tony Brown Calf Oxford, Bal- moral style, Goodyear Welt, made on a com- fortable, stylish last. Price . . wer: $6,30 Others lines from . . coven $5.00 up. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Small furnished Bungalow May 1st to . 1st. Furnished Flat, June lst to October st. All kinds of Insurance at rates. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-506. 58 Breck St. ~~ To Have New Building I » | The "Thousand Islands Telephone company, Clayton, N.Y., are plan- ing regarding the purchase or erec- tion of a building for the telephone company. The company expects to spend about $5,000 in cable construc- Raitway After Gravel pio about the town. The C. P. R. has appropriated {part of the land belonging to the | Trenton Golf Club and will open up {a gravel pit. Ballasting operations |are to be started at once on the Lo DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. S of Johnson and Wellington Lome Phone 363 . == 4 {letter came to the Kingston post | in | Dr. ein New York, | °Mfice ? an ouiside point aud formerly of Kingston, has charge of | following instructions the Taras | tlie" GOntorehos course of study ai Please return envelope to postmas- | ter" were stamped on the envelope. | thorized by the Methodist general Th - | conference of the United States. The © post office authorities were given | a suprise when they had the letter | courses of stu formerly was mer- y jroad bed between Trenton and ely a ten " ett. it returned. but minus the stamp. {Smith's Falls. has now been transformed into a|L® Party receiving the letter had ~ : taken off the stamp. i t rea! school,--a course in training. | . Manufacture in County . The change has made it a real cor- Ta | Owing to the number of canning respondence course, with written After a New Postoffice {factories in Prince Edward county work culminating in examination Campbellford wants a new post- | (some twenty-seven In number) a at conference time. | office. Once the estimates cas req | committee of the Board of Trade -- | $25,000 for the purose, but they | Was apopinted to interview the Can-| : Forty Yours a Priest | were never accepted. This week, (adian canners with a view to having | At Hastings on April 16th. a re- | Campbell Strange, district inspector | {all cans, labels and box stuffs manu- | BS! ngs Pp > {was sent to make a report and he | {factured in the county. ception. was held in honor or Rev. was thoroughly informed of th i : "1 C. 8. Bretherton, who reached ' the | Bay Y of y {needs of the town, by its leading citi- {fortieth year of his ministry. Min- | ons, Bud the TaBnae le ad |isters and public officials were pre-1, vw used wv i sent to congratulate Father Breth-! 3 as well explored. A !press report says: erton and express the hope that he |" would live to celebrate his goiden | 1DSpector Strange maintained a . + iy commendable official reticence and | jubilee. Hasting Chapter of the I.!| : . | 0. D. B. prosented Father Brother: | ¥OUIJ Ele 20 indication, of what, v th he | | ton with forty carnations and t a | department, but as he appearea to vo | & gentleman of well aeveloped fac- | i ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always AU Ways. ~~ For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF 3 EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 2231, 152 WELLINGTON STREET. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1137. -- NOTICE Any repairs left with R. J. Rodger will be sold unless a de- posit is made at once. L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham St. Just Off Princess Street Dr. Waugh : DENTIST 106 Wellington St. RATS WANTED GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street You Cannot See Them In The Window! STEP INSIDE AND WE WILL SHOW, YOU THE FINEST SPRING SUITS, TOP COATS AND GABARDINE RAINCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE IT WILL MEAN A BIG SAVING FOR YOU. TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Phone 256. FANN A AA A NEXT TO YOUR DOCTOR - Our Prescription Department is 'Jour best friend. Parke Davis, Wampoles and B. W. Co's Pharmacenticals. J. and J nd B. and B. Bandages Cottons. 414 Princess Street NOTE--We use Distilled Water only In preparing solutions. It is st. PRINCESS PHARMACY Hard Wood Best quality hard body wood. We, have a large stock of soft Maple and Birch, at a very reasonable price. Dry Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Fhone 1746J. To Give an Exhitibition George Dawson, 266 Nelson street, {who invented a tile ditch-digger, {has just returned from Ottawa where he had a very satisfactory interview {with Hon. Mr. Motherwell, minist- {or of agricultue. Mr. Dawson at | an early date, will give an exhibi- 5 tion at the experimental farm syjRertioutyral Soe gave him |Ottawa. eay!dul bouquet of roses, ulties of observation, he cannot fail | i {to have noted that as to conditions | { | Hightly Educated Whites Operate there not more than half has been | Have Been Transferred | Rev. G. I. Campbell, formerly of told." Rev. J. F. Chapman, Bay of Quinte Kingston, has been in Montreal on . | Conference, to London; J. A. Counen [behalf of the Methodist Social ser- | Bay of Quinte, to Hamilton; E. W. vice department Investigating the | | Morrow, Hamilton, to Bay of Quinte; |drug vice. He says three lads and {J. D. Richardson, London, to Bay | two girls of sixteen, pupils at a west- ot Quinte; A. H. Farusworth, Man-|ern high school, were recently found {itoba, to Montreal; <1. {Alberta, to Montreal; {fers just made by the | Conference. , | i Gauze, | | PHONE 201s. | | Long Service In Masous. There are several members 0; exandnia, N.Y., Lodge, No. 297, wno huve completed a halt century of Mas emb: y are trans- stoutly to say where they got them. Cr vuie iy Hh r a Methodist He added: "As a matter of fact, brothers, long prominent as mem. much of our investigation shows that bers of Cornwall Bros Ine operat- the bulk of the drug traffic is not ing the old stone store at the steam- Insurance Rates Cnt now undertaken by the Chinese as oF Tandim Were mad thas Pe The Canadian Fire Underwriters' 'has long been reported; highly edu- | ea aay Jn | Association has announced to its cated whites are in the midst of it, . enton, Mie -Oyer Atty vears ago, {agents in Pembroke that a further according to some things we have later affiliating with the island cut in the premiums payable has |learned." . lodge, Other members who. have been made. The reductions include | hued the Afthivin year fark fn {ten cents on non-coinsurance rates,| La' Mrs. John Logan, Renfrew | M1s0ric actlyi.y are Past Master Al and eight rents on coinsurance | One of the most widely attended |™°? H. Houghton. fifty-one vears, rates, not, however, ® appty 10 [funerals held in Renfrew district |?M! Uust Naste: Adam Bickelhaupt, ispecial hazard risks. ,On private | for years took place on ' Sunday | Redwood, fifty-threo years. Within dwellings a reduction of ten cents at Renfrew, when Mrs. John Logan |!i® vear Martin J. Springer and ha; been made, was buried. Mrs. Logan had lived | Vanici W. Leonard, who weve mem- | most of her life in Renfrew, ana | Burs of Alexandria Lodge, have died. Let Go Withy wt Trial was widely known. She was fin [Mr. L-onard had heen « Mason In the patriot war of 1838, TJwr-|her sixty-first year, and had been (fifty-four years, and Mr. Springer enzo Finney, Watertown, N.Y. was ill for seven weeks when she ated, | fifty-one yoars. : - nr Taking the Roof of Canada. 1 }- tr Som Ee ty | Spb | i] Phone 191. This is the time to dye. We sell all the better dyes, and will assist you in choosing the dye that will give you the best results. We have all the shades in:-- DIAMOND DYES, SUNSET, RIT, TWINK. ~-Buy your Dyes from-- SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lenghs. BOOTH & CO. 'Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Saturday Night Specials MEN'S SPRING UNDERWEAR --Shirts and Drawers in heavy weight Balbriggan, long sleeves and ankle Fruitand Vegetables " Celery, ete. See us for goed things to eat. 34 to 44, for 69c. a H TOWEL- length; sizes from garment. PURE LINEN CRAS LING -- Irish make, good wearing quality, for... ...... 18c. a yard WOMEN'S BLACK SILK HOSE --reinforced lisle garter top, toe and heel, all sizes, for . ....... Sc. a pair COLORED LINEN HANDKER- CHIEFS--pretty shades, hemstitched, for... netic ners. Toc each W. N. Linton & Co. ; The Waldron Store, 6" ANS just then" said Switzerland Canadian Pacific Bergschrund." : "And did it bark at you he was asked. do they bleat 1" os "Ach, 00. A bergschrund is not a bird. huge crevasse where the ice has slipped Otto Paul Schwarz, of to the bowels earth, . In describing a trip in 'the from its uneven arms Rociles, "we saw a buge | which can never warm force, Irresistible, fascination which the lovers peaks and minarets rise and glisten in the sun them; a glan t green.white with an alluring of the outdoors All materials for buildings at lowest 111% Brock Street. | Phones: 320. Res. 3200J. Res. 1150w. i | Collins Motor Products, Limited, manufacturing motor car bodies, has purchased a tract of Jand at Belle 'ville for the erectici. of a factory. w

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