+ SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ------ =| yment, to register at the local] s Mi ploy | { D office of the Ontario Labor Employ- | ment Bureau. If the name of the | FF eo 0 | | FOR POINTING SHOT GUN == 5% es us | (will be easier to get him a position. | {op TEN AND TWENTY YEARS The or I1SIS MC | Ths week, when Robert Grant, | AGO. {George Gibson, Mount Ches= superintendent of Anglin & Nor ) B ney, Convicted--Threaten= [Sto arvivni = ! She Miey, swe of the rare i 9 4 | April st, 8 y ed to Shoot W. Stoness. joMce, and the carpenters wroge . . -------- | the list, got posi- |. / . The Rt. Hon, Winston Churchill iE rr LR First Lord of the Admiralty, 1911 to 1915. Mount © Waa SULVISISA DENOTE | yyy, opening of navigation will | jutor bishop of Ontario at synod County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw mean that a large number of men Hire This is a most remarkable book by reason of the large- on Friday afternoon on a charge of Lwin act . For Whe past sic hors Yaty place Plates: tor ness of vision and the imaginative grasp with which he presents {pointing a shot gun at William Ston- {weeks numbers have been employed Goats: of Cooma rE oy and synthesizes and illuminates the huge spectacle in the fol- |e®s and threatening to shoot, end [to fit out the steamers, but once they Jone Wahl ders Tae lowing chapters:-- "The Vials of Wrath," "Milestones to Arm- {Was sentenced to thirty days in jail. {are ready to sail, many more will Ben POD Feros SRR: ageddon," "The Crisis of Agadir," "Admirals All," "The Ger- { man Navy Law," "The North Sea Front," "Ireland and the | {T. J. Rigne, K.C., prosecuted, and I be ; {he Prisca Wes det {be taken on. City's fire loss has reached $3- [Qe prignser K.C ended by A. B. | When the city road plant B6Ls UD- [648 50 to date for current year. European Balance," "The Crisis," 'The Mobilization of the | # nly € {derway, a number of cement pave Nave WAR: "The passage of the Army," "The Battle in | Mr. Stoness testified that on | | | April 21st, 1008. Citizens warned by city medical | ,, | ment workers will get positions. France," "On the Oceans," "In the Narrow Seas" and others. | April 14th he was Passing Gibson's | shee and. vie ors dog : $ officer against drinking of water as | | a safeguard against fever, owing 1a ------ PRICE $6.75. | jod out and barked at him. He threw | stones at it, and Gibson appeared on GANANOQUE 2 E |the scene. He took wp a gun that was | { iid intake pipe. ! XxXcuses R. Uglow & Co. | | Threatened strike amongst cigar- leaning against the fence and cameo | gu. s | . Workers of city. No man likes to make ex- ut i omees vat flowed in April 21.--A large number of Steamer Corona reached Kingston n {along the road but on his own land. |Gananoqueans motored to Bethel from Toronto in record time of 10 cuses about his appearance. | {He raised the gun to his shoulder | . Koay regis : end pointed it at Mm saying he | fa or - Gaus a rat styouts, bouts, 9 Mi, aii No man has to make them would "blow his {insides out." ! Contac .| Mayor , ermen alkem . . | Stoness sald he did not roply, but |EloCutionary Coniost for 2 medal of |, i a about his shoes when he can d € our [walked on toward his home and jo J a Gove under |©'!Y at funeral of Sir Oliver Mowat. choose good-looking Oxfords Gibson kept after him until he turn- twelve There were twelve contest- | ---- f i I d |ed off the road on to the lane lead- | . Becovar Body at OC) avall. or-- | an | ants, all being children from the . | |ing to his house | : Cainwall, April 19.--The hedy of | . district, and the whole affair was | bao : ° | | Mrs. Stoness swore that she saw Yin charge of the Ladies' Ail. Need- LoVe! Page, aged 12, son of Mr. and LIBRARY Gibson point the gun at her hus- [2 to say the church was packed, | Mrs. Allert Page, Montrea: Road. | | | | $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $5.00 {band and at the same time make land every household in the commun- | "10 Was drowned in tha sluiceway |the threatening remarks. | | near the Canada mill on March 25th; Eyes are priceless, yet so many or Shen for the commit |ity was well represented. | #a¥ toakd thes Bose : NE them long after | AMPS ! T. fagney as or ne sommil: | qvwe Wo took part in the contest 'V!* foun 3 atlernush Mr. St continue to neglect 8 | Ital of the prisoner to jail instead Of! ore as follows: --Kathleen O'Hearn | AMan3 whe drives a wir) for the J nature has warned them though | [giving him the option of a fine as { Vera Steacy, Armond Anderson, Val- |"vMpany. was 1oceeding along tho | I tired eyes, headaches and impaired | We are showing a very at- jEroviden for in the_ section of the ora Richardson, Percy Cook, Ioleen !Iriveway in front of ths mill when | e y vision that something is wrong. | tractive displ of Lam i e. x |Chesomore, Clayton Anderson, Jean he noticed something floatiag in the | { ay Be, | Gibson was acquitted on a charge Steacy, Frances Cross, Doris Gras, lwaer. Investigation showed that :t with duinty shades tu Pine, lot striking his wife on the night of {Was the body of Lionel Page. Do not neglect YOUR eyes, but let | Old Rose, Tan. | Hattie Boucher and Margaret O'- i -- | April 12th. Hearn. The judges were all from | -- ---------- our optometrist examine them and | Lamps complete from $5. The case attracted a large number |p Gananoque public school 'staff. It's faith in something .and en There are times when every small | It takes ten pounds of common tell you their exact condition. to $39.00, [of the residents of Mount Chesney {J. C. Linklater, principal, Misses thusiasm for something that makes toy wonders what parents are good sense to carry one pound of learn- | Separate Shades from |and Sunbury. | Edith Jackson and Nelle Lake. Al-| life worth Hving. for. ing. : $2.25 u ---- |though each and every ome of the| a~~~nn oo re a A A Ld id P NOT MANY UNEMPLO contestants recited well enough to | These make very accept- |8et a medal, Mr. Linklater announc- | | able birthday or wedding | jed that the majority of points went gifts. I a Couple of Weeks There "° Valera Richardson, and accord- ingly Mr. Wilson pinned the meaal May Be a Labor Short- jon this Lttle lady and congratulated | 1 Registered Optometrist age Here. her on her success. 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office, | A fine musical programme was . 9 "Every day shows a vast improve- | Presented by the following: Miss | Kinnear & d'Esterre ment in the unemployment situation jsleay, selections by we Paley & , » the statement of | Sly orchestra, and the ansdowne FOR SALE JEWELLERS In Kingston," was the sta - [Male quartette, E. R. Bradley, A. 8 roomed cement block |! Allen Stroud, the local representa ILatime W. Graham and JH. Ver. house, good lot, electric light PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON [tive of the Ontario Government Un- fo Bey aman Gatatouue a and three-piece bath. Terms |SRployment Bureau, to the Whig on |"o0 Miss Fairbrothor, Minch tho can be arranged. Price $3,750. Saturday morning. Mr. Stroud stat- | °0t 2 '- Nay Also double cement block | ed that during the past week there |2i® Brennen, Marie Squire, and I'M ; II. Sh : house with all improvements. had been a great change in the local [in Sn So 240repess Although there were still | é : a Very easy terms. $5,500. ° situation. , . Several Houses To Rent . W. Hollingsworth, and Rev. G. WwW. Dental Pactne a number of men out of work, he | justin, Lansdowne. A new or- Kingston Jement Products was ne tint the Surge = 3 {gan recently installed by the Ladies' | OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street couple of weeks = unemploymen [Ald was used for the first time. | Phone 730w. DR. C. C. NASH ge ting ot 1 Dust. %h | Gerald Hudson and William Bel- | é nno t arrival of the fine weath- igo ort or Detroit yesterday morn- E t{ bl h d 1854 Conduct has the loudest tongue, id 4 nces that Jer, the building Somteacions are su {ing, where they will in future re- | S Qa 1S e ERROR. ing to 'work. 'The men connect | side. . . - . . : Qua SER ot Patience sessyas. every: DR.T. H. RENTON with the bullding trade are looking | Afiss J. McKellar and orton] This old English Brown Dining Room Set of 9 pieces, with or with- 'ng. now partner at | . . . A Every loafer thinks that he has forward to a very big year. It 1s [segss wore size mine oO wel out glass as shown in our window--only. .. ... ... . . $240.00. a hard job--and he has 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON [stated by persons who are in a Posl- |quchre held on Thursday evenmy | : >, ] f ick bh : tion to know that once the contrac- under the auspices of the Daren | This is a real snap for a quick buyer. / I tors get going at full strength, it is of Rebekah. | : very doubtful if there will be enough Mrs. Lash, Pontiac, is visiting her | {Stone masons in Kingston to do all fparents, Mr. and Mrs. Muchmore. | [the work which is planned. It is | 'Frank Lutz left Thursday night | i . [mont certain that stone masons will ton an extended business trip, | e ave any ew es have to be brought in, as practically | Miss E. Hudson, who has 'been | TELEPHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. all the buildings to be erected will (spending the winter with her sister, I mes ss be stone structures. Mrs. W. R. Gordon, returned to Anglin & Norcross, contractors, | Toronto yesterdy. Be _ - ee E------ - who are going to build the vow | A. J. Abernethy, Kingston, is ir mn Queen's library, intend to push the |tOWNn for the week-end. | work along at a very rapid rate, The | Mrs. F. J. Skinner, who has been | contract calls for the roof to be on |IR Johnstown, N.Y., for the past two | the new building before the snow |™MOnths, returned yesterday. i orces er i " flies, and the contractors say that Mrs. W. H. Clark, Jr. is a patient | ) they will be up to time. On Friday, jt Kingston General hospital. 2 gang of carpenters were busy build- |, 12T0ld McCarney. ¥s in (Brockville | y ing @ new fence around the part of [0487 | ° rt and Paragon China |SiSimises 0 ture is tr be erected. The contrac- SIR HENRY SHARP. { ia | tors figure that there is more privacy ------ . . . when the site is enclosed by a fence. | One of the Most Distinguished Offic. | | Fine English China Cups and Sauc- Rt is the intention to start digging als in Indian Service, [] the foundation at once. The corner | Sir Henry Sharp, secretary to the | | ers from Sielejeielelafeleie 0; 65c. to $10.00. stone is to be put in Place on May [government of India, whose marriage | { : : 9th. to Mrs. Margaret Armstrong Breden | | Beautiful Cut Glass, new cuttings, vo or. Stroud suggests that tt would Ham, formerly of Kingston, tour | "" . very wise for any men In the [place on April 5th, at All Souls' 8" Bowl, Floral Cutting ...$6.00 each buliding trades, who are out of em- [church, Langham-place, near por. on don, England, is fifty-four and was Sugars and Creams ........ .,. $4.50 pair 3 buchelor, Sir Henry Sharp is one of the Bon B ns etc. : i ws . most distinguished of the officials in | » is. sie eis oie: $3 00 each . the Indian Service, receiving his | first appointment in 1894 and has | filied a number of important posts. | 9 ° ® He was director of public instruction | 1 for Eastern Bengal and Assam, from | > 1906 to 1910; joint secretary to the | Indian government in the education | 73 Princess Se. od department, 1910-15; member of the | governor-general's legislative coun- | Our glasses represent the last|cil, 1911-20: and education commis- | word in Optical Science. sioner in 1915. He was employed | as relief officer during the famines They are carefully fitted to your of 1897 and 1899-1990, and for his individual features, are stylish, and services received the Kaiser-i-Hind perfectly adapted to your vision. medal, 1st Class. He was appointed fecretary to the government of India in 1918, and | received his knighthood in 1922, -------- | | fi Shut Him Up | FOR Er G Not long since, on ga Sunday | / evening, a certain minister was | ; holding forth to a respectable con-| : 0 ORDS FOR MEN gregation, and being rather long in| . - : XF his sermon, some of {rs hearers ve- | 3 Fashionable and practical, with perforations and f; { EAN to got !mna'ient. hen rv, the ° ti or th Secornions sad tows free suprise" ot Ail prewar, YOU can FIND them in the a oh its toe and vamp. elderly matron, sitting mn the rou) | Popular French model with broadened of the church, called out in a clear, . COL ~ FOR WOMEN shrill voice, "Cut is short Mr.-- |! { it only wants five minutes to aight!" | . : : : rk Strap Slippers and Oxfords in Patent apd Grey Buck com. || Difficulty was experienced by faose' Our classified columns will save you unlimited biaations will dominate much of the Spring footwear trade, | [Taunt in Yeoping Hacky Thaible mus. | trouble--if you are seeking a maid, a cook, a chauf- We Invite Your Inspection mANOOD'S on the oratorical powers of the | feur, a bookkeeper, or any other experienced help. preacher was magical --in fact R Allan M. Reid | [+H imivse®s| The Daily British Whig SHOE STORE. | > SN Re -- | ; Member A B.C. | | | self by giving -- the miser hoards