Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1923, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG , MONDAY, arm 30 som. w-- -- ~~ [SPLENDID STORE FRONT | Uni : i DOUBLE ALLEN DOUBLE AMUSEMENTS [PEE BY TWEDDELL'S SOR Always Uniform in Quality BILL BILL || What the Press Agents Say About} yye)i Known Clothing House | + Delicious Coming Attractions | er ~+ | For Men Makes Another fa A slice of throbbing lite, ADDED ATTRACTION ! -- 4 | = : simple but dramatic. { {RATHING BEAUTY NOW | Forward Step. | ; A IN SCREEN DRAMA | rn Late Mrs. W. A. Gannon. THE 0 Buster Keaton Phyllis Haver, who was chosen for | Mally comments have been passed| Mrs. Josephine Gannon,%229 Prin- " an important part in Goldwyn's big [2Tound the city on the new display cess street, passed away at her late HER in |production of "The Christian," com- Ee ons asl, nari | veslingos on Satprcay atier a long ' 'ednos-) i : si ness. Deceased was a well-known With "The Frozen North In to the Allen theatre ou gin | beauliful piece of work was first| worker in various charitable socie- . y \ ' day for four days, is one of {stripped of its surrounding scaffold- |ties and was prominent in the Or- ----GASTON GLASS, The straight-face comedy !many bathing beauties to achieve | ~----BARBARA LA MARR | star at his best. Guaranteed ja ROROIS on tie screen. Miss Ings on Saturday and thrown open|phans' Guild of the House of Provi- ge XE AO. DAVID BUTLER. | to cure the 'most chronic Sod to Godwsd by for public inspection. All have dence and the League of the Sacred Ha ----DORIS PAWN. Eouch. Haver was {been of a complimentary and con-|Heart. She is survived by her hus- HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY Mack Sennett, to whom she is un- {gratulatory nature and it is evident |p o a | and, Willlam A. Gannon, and one {der contract. In "The Christian" she {that in its long period of business son, Francis Gannon, at home, also. PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. {impersonates Polly Love, a nurse in |, 0 this firm has made many|two brothers, Cameron Lee, Strat. | ~~ an on EEENGENNNEN "Ir TTY WEE = London hospital who trod the prim | riends, a rp eten Lee, St Sr "a ese yah. tate. Miss Haver's frei) Tuelleile has been 5 iis very The funeral was held on Monday| | NTT mee es © i y rate, ) "© |same site in Kingston for forty years morning to 8t. Mary's cathedral un-| : i {screen experience was gained In a and has a record to be envied. Fore der the direction of M. P. Keyes.| Frui Cakes a Special Try to attend the Matinecy {motion picture playhouse. It was a |ty years of successful dealing with The pall-bearers were W # , a SE and avoid the evening : » " residential photoplay-house near [the public is the best tribute to the | Donald, C. J. Corrigan J a] | CARDS Wake # Syosiahy ©! WEDDING CARES, BIRTHDAY crowds, , ' wa ok . » J. J. i g. iS. po me Haver home in Los Angoles' sub- | business integrity of any firm and van, W. J. O'Brien, J. O, Lawrence | We give special attention to make to your order FRUIT : urbs. It occurred to her that a good [to the quality of its goods and its and T. J. O'Connor. The remains | CAKES. | vay of turning her musical gifts to |service. were conveyed to Napanee for inter- If you want the BEST, try us. advantage would be to play the plano | This establishment carries a com-| ment. { that constituted the theatre's "or- plete stock of the very highest class . F A A | K IN chestra."" of men's ready-to-wear clothing and Late Mrs. Katherine McCammon. | {! . . But the seeds of an ambition were an equally fine assortment of wool- Mrs. Katherine McCam i ; . sown, and Phyllis determined that len materials for custom tailoring. [the oldest residents ine ar, | Cor. Princess and Alfred Streets. Phone 373. she would be a screen actress. She |About three years ago the interior passed away at her late residence,| /SUEVVUOVERRUEwETTY = was selected by Lasky for a subord- Of the store was renovated and beau-{52 William street, on Sunday. $he| worn nnn inate role when she was visiting the! tiful dust-proof display cabinets in-|was a Presbyterian in religion and | 1 ik ¥ t } Lasky studios with a friend. Within {stalled and the addition of this new|was in her seventy-sixth year. She Hl ISLA hs a few weeks a mutual friend intro- [fon NY Be {Site Dae iy Is survived by. one sister. DAIN | Y CAF : . ; nest of its kind in Eastern Ontario. je one iuced her to Mack Sennett, who con- J [&TETe]V clon sented to giving her a "test." hia) The Whig adds its congratulations Death of an Infant. i \ 1 4 oA" nm... Successful that she 3s in to that of may shir friends of] Robert Gynane, infant son of Mr. | ; ; Hay " > all's S test dmprove-|/and Mrs. B rnard G = 4 vited to appear first as "extra" girl, | Veddell's on this la I 1 ernard Gynane, 259 Low- | Men as a contract performer, and {ment and on the up-to-the-minute er Patrick street, passed away in the | + The place where ' : [business policy behind it. "| Hotel Dieu on Saturd Th -| 2927 : fi d pl In ¢ dies. ay. e fun {later a featured player In come | - eral was held on Monday morning | dining out 1S truly | | elect amati : Her selection for a dramatic HARD COAL SHIPMENTS. from M. P. Keyes' undertaking par- | $ | 'marks the high point in h er. | : lmmarks igh point in her carcer. | lors, Princess street, to St. Mary's | Qa delight ! ha Alin {By Water Will Not Reach Here Be- cemetery. NC OPPOSITE i Double Bill At Allen. Tore MI a is PRINCESS ST. SITE BIBBY'S i ¥ : | It will be at least three weeks be- Late Mrs, Elizabeth Rose. LLOYD BROKE EVERY RECORD AT THE HIPPODROME, Bl avout motion picture thrillers be- fore any hard coal will reach the| Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, Brock street , reet, | = {fore seeing "The Hero,' the Io] ..q ne or x a TORONTO, LAST WEEK arkable production at the. Allon |G: DY vessel from Sodus or Oswe-| passed away. in Kingston on Satur- ff" |markable preduction at 8 en go, according to information recelv-| day - after a lingering illness. She! Ml theatre to-day. ed by the local dealers. There will | is surveved by her husband and two | TO-DAY { 'The Hero" is one cf those un- {be cargoes of hard coal about May children. The funeral was held | usual stage productions that critics (15th, but soft coal will be obtain-| from S. S. Corbett's undertaking | HMatineos approve when seen in New York but |zble earlier, probably about May 1st. | parlors, at 4 o'clock Sunday after- 1S e all u . {wisely add, "Of course, it never The owners of schooners and noon to Cataraqui cemetery a : 4 8S sie 3 Evening could be done in pictures. It never |sieamers are not hurrying their pre-| Put away all you old concepticns | | | | ---- would be understood by the average | parations as yet, and the crews have! | { pi : | | 3 Tn WM a a NH B® WEIR resident of the small town." Gasnier (not, been engaged. {NO LONGER HAS EQUITY ag 4 does not believe that the intelligenca There is a considerable quantity IN NELSON STORES | ] IMPORTANT SAL FJ i | |of the picture audience is below nor- of hard coal, chestnut, stove and | | | |mal. He insists'taat, if properly done, | egg sizes, reaching the city daily by | | AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Corrigan's, 224 Johnson Street, Friday, [| {more successful picture. | needs. Under Hammer. | | | April 27th, 1923, at 10 o'clock. LE Ordinarily "one might classify | ais test : Dk Bl EE ome | ees al CLOTHING CO inet desk, walnut arm chair, small | lig jEstion. But the work-of every mem=- ------ IR. Steel enterprise no longer has eo ; vod A ~ nL alt EE Ve a Ere ats ol ren ter of the well-rounded cast wing (For Erection of Tavs of Montreal's), ,v oquity in the F. E. Nelr. | OF LONDON old English oak table and carved oak | [Jif . equal praise, There are Barbara La- | Nowa OINE. : {stores of New England. The stores | chairs, wine rey yas] { Marr, Gaston Glass, John Sainpolis, | The John Gray Construction Com-| were sold under the hammer in Bos. ! Invite your inspection of our wonderful range of Tweeds, Jlate tern) and walnut beds, brass | Ethel Shannon, David Butler, Mar- |Pany, Toronto, has been awarded ton caturday for 277,500. The | Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges, etc., for Spring Suits and Top beds, springs, mattresses, linen, wool- | | tha Mattox, Frankie Lee and --Vyes, the contract for the erection: ot the cocslul bidders were the J. J; Coats. There are no better garments made, and we guarantee en blankets, beddin pillows, orna- " v new Bank of Montreal buildi ; : | ents, rugs, curtains, poles, blinds, Cameo," the gifted dog. Surely as King A The i will la Be 4 Newbury Company chain store oper- | fit, finish and workmanship. | capable & company. of players as Y : price e abou |ators of New York city. i cutlery, dishes, glassware, cook stove, ag st 25,000, e heati ' 4 i {well could be imagined. |$125,000. The heating and. plumb- | Leonord R. Steel paid the Nelsoa | home-made preserves, Jan mower, lawn hose and other articles. : sont sth a ¢ . WILLIAM MURRAY, 7 { Then, it must be remembered that I aot nas Deed Sub este as organization $800,000 of the stock- : SEEING IS BELIEVING Auctioneer. Yhyllis Haver as Polly Love, | | this is the screen version of the bril- {or will be em; loved 2 Fotos ent holders' money and pledged $25v.-! Hant stage production by = Gilbers 151 We, smpOIEd. company, hag| 000 Wore. It was the unpaid note L | Emery, declared by critics to be "the {arrived, and ho states that the work |COVerios the latter figure that threw | Ns=--------= Pe -- in ' {niost promising first effort ever of- : the chain on the rocks as far as the ro SIR HALL CAINE S jn og OY rea over of of demolishing the old buildings Steel stockholders were concernad. Death of Prascot: Doctor. ] The contract for an elevator of i Vv ar tan play hl." Iwill be started immediately. The Brockville, April 23. --Dr. Edward 11,500,000 bushels capacity, to cost Immortal Masterpiece lAnd the brilliant scens Fr Eve | rv . The amount paid by the Newbury THE - ey he ove ro a Be J7ew building will bs of stove, organization wipes out the note and Featherston, -a well-known practic. $1:000,000 214 to be erected at Port : |portance, is the masterly photo- A POSITIVE OFFER liquidates all the legal costs inci- [ns physician of Prescott, died hera JArthgt, was awarded to Carter, Halls graphy by Karl Struss. gl dent to the disposal of the stores, Saturday afternoon, following an at- {and Aldinger, Winnipeg contractors, CHRISTIAN May Bo Made Be G : ho | Put leaves nothing for the Stsel [tack of blood poisoning. He was a |by the James Stewart Grain Com. 4 Mace By Germany To The stocklolders. {graduate of Trinity University, To- |pany. , NEXT | | LLOYD IN GREATEST Allies, - ronto (1895), and since had been | The Angora assembly has rejected A-L-L-E- WEEK COMEDY EVER PRODUCED sn Apel 23 LS Betis Died In Belleville, located in Prescott. {a bill providing that all Turks, aged It's all very well to have an Allad-| : e Ta! NeWS| Belleville, April 23 Samual]. dis ana twenty-five, must marry and that Sunday, Apr. 22, at 1.45 p.m. EMAAR ENEN in at one's service to change one|%2Y® he learns on good authority that | moult; aged seventy-five years died | Viscountess Rhondda Is diaporing each couple must have a child every ------ : into a different personage or trans-|tN¢ German government is Preparing |(,_qay of heart trouble. He was fath- |of a large part of her Monmouthshire | three years. Latest in S ring and A plant one into a different place. But|® positive er Jo allies, The er of George Wesley Moult, Tyen- [coal properties. The occupying ten- | The first vessels to move down the A it's still better to be able to do it 20 pt he des Will declare its dinaga farmer, murdered last June [ants have the first opportunity to [Welland canal started from Welland Summer illiner yourselt--like Harold Lloyd. Har- réadiness to negotiate and discuss by Maurice Barrie, and boasted a (purchase and already have bought on Monday morning about eight o'- 3 SEE OUR ASSORTMEN old never needs to worry about the|dUestions of reparations and guar- |. days ago that he had never had [their holdings to the extent of clock. They are on their way to Port and ('CONNOR formula or the magic words for |3ntees. the services of a doctor. 1£90,000. {Dalhousie one 22 summoning the genii, or about the | ree------ A, ea TN A AR er 870 Princess Street. Phone 3058J, | proper way to twist the ring. All! Red Cross Drive 346 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 2449, {any successful New York stage pro-!rail and in a few instances citizens | be R. Steel Enterprise Loses Antique and Other Furniture ac wre. |W] . |duction may be made into an even are buying against next winter's | Big S8um--Stores Sold TRANSATLANTIC SAILINGS Season 1923. Lists and Rates now ready. Apply C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Steamship Ticket Agent, 36 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. Tel. 568w. - J. D. GODKIN & SON TAXI, LIVERY AND MOTOR BUS. = MOTOR BUS will start its service » nN wa wo Ww 7 mm -- | betrayed by her rare beauty = = w ¥ ® A in. er he has to do is don some grease The Red Cross Society drive last @ --- s paint and the well-known spectacles. | Week Was most successful and the DAY AND NIGHT Kingston Then, after he has made up bis iing[Nerkers are Ropstel that one gd a e otice at regarding the person he would like|5and members will be secured. Two | TAXI to be and the place he'd like to live, Years ago the drive resulted in se-| PHONE : i he has a little conference with his | curing 640 members. So far the! The Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston Intends to construct as local improvements the works V stat of scenario writers. That's all [Sum Of $1,000 has been contributed. | as described in the schedule below and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly 0583, tately : , the magic nec ry to transform | This week additional members will| on the work and upon the following land immediately benefitted by the work, k Now situated in their new premises | Harold Lloyd from a likeable young be secured, : 2. The estimated cost of the work, the amount to be paid by the Corporation, the estimated special rate per a 312 BARRIE STREET chap into an adventurous sailor, ge -- foot frontage, and the number of annual instalments are as shown in the schedule below: -- ei " ad - lovesick coward, a "sunshine" doec-| Showed Biblical Pictures. DOMINION TAXI SERVICE Best of Service Always" our motto. tor, a $15.00 per week department | At the Dew Drop Inn, Lower SCHEDI LE A : 288 KING STREET SUB-OFFICE store clerk, or any other role he hap-| Princess street, on Sunday night lan- JAC JLDER'S CIG A > pens to fancy. Just now this mys- tern slides of Biblical pictures, were] : : JACKE FLOSRS Cla Stone terfous combination of grease paint,|Shown and very much appreciated | 3 4 ; 2. 7 | Ann anna | BPECtAClES, and scenario writers have| by a large audience. The slides jm - | a Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, speaking [transplanted Harold Lloyd to the | Were provided through the kindness | | bar Russia from Lausanne |at St. Catharines, charges the gov-| wilds of an up-to-date American de- of Dr. H. A. Boyce, of Gospel Hall. i ence until, she sign Straits [ernment with failure to carry out|partment store in the comedian's; The pictures were explained by A. STREET OR le Borate ts | Fi lits election pledges. new seven-reel Pathecomedy, "Safe-| Anderson, and the picture machine AVENUE Total Improvemen:| Municipality | Per Foot Special Ass st | ty Last," which is playing today at|Wwas operated by Mr. Lamb. { | | | | Frontage. | 20 be pay ||the Strand Theatre. And it might| -- a, { ! able be mentioned that the feature com-| Father Meagher Breaks Leg. 3 rh $ \y . hd edy contains more thrills and laughs| Rev. Father Meagher, Erinsville, ----PAVEMENTS a In than any ten pictures put together [rector of the Church of The Holy 3 SHEET ASPHALT AND NEPEAN SA3DSIOYE PAVEMENT Lon g pp ces that have ever been made. | Name, suffered a very painful and . William West $31224.60 $17431.55 6 4243 { Smiles, giggles; shakes and roars distressing accident on Saturday af- SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON 4 INCH CONCRETE BASE . See us for your HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GOODS--HEATERS, ||| positively assured until you hit the ternoon when riding in an automo. jEnlen JE sees | Paes 31702603 298000 IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. heights of hilarity, then, uncontrol-|bile which upset. Father Meagher's SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON MACADAM BASE : DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS led laughter is absolutely guaran-|leg was broken. He was brought to King Wellington g $1402. teed. the Hotel Dieu where he is reported King Wellington 3 2304.70 Jz 2 116 BURKE ELECTRIC ( ) to be doing well. . King 'Wellington 2076.70 9" TILE SEWER . Gore Street Northerly 153 $591.28 © 72 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 423. BLUNDERS i ta Hy Go Yo Schul, Noidey Fe Dire! ' | rorning, a citizen was summoned SCHEDULE B od for neglecting to send his children [to school. The magistrate allowed MEY - SSe--ma-- the case to stand over in order 10 LOTS FRONTING ON ALBERT STREET. SPECIALLY ASSESSED FOR SEWER, WATER and GAS SERVICES, Xo When You Buy Radio-Buy The Best % LI | | Cn, BT . . t i | Description of a Frontage on c f To- Anstalments ou adio--Buy | \ [fe chlaren to shoot | owen | meen | DORR | saree Rtn, ERC gent] 3 ah - 3 : ments e It's cheaper in the long run. : : -- : y ; b somcini ae il 2 an 1a eee? limwbe payable] We stock only equipment that w 3 omething more than bail a mil. i : | we v RADIO know is good and bores o mney lion dollars will be distributed short- | Gray, Mary E. N-% oto j Tout i Gd i | RY DRIVER AN ESCORT. | | . | Portion of the | Ne, of Ax | Estimated | Estimated | NUS! Insta! Estimated Cost Losttobe | Spicial [py nents Xo $142.64 SER Sea Tr UALITY back guarantee on everything we = . ly among municipalities and hospi- Margualt Te x } { Pt. Lot 5 | Went 3 t 60.00 ERVICE sell. tals of British Columbia by the pro- | Neca Edith Bb 4 "15" Lot 11 | Weat 32 sa9 We represent every well known vincial Liquor Control Board as their | Saunders, JuneL W, Vacant Pt. loot f West * 33 60.00] SATIS- manufacture and have all their lead- share of liquor profits. during the jumam Wikia '1. {Pt # | We { 60.00 ing lines in stock. f -5 past fiscal year. Wallace, Herbert T. | Vacant . HO | ! | $0.00! FACTION Correspondence Invited from out- Quebec government may initiate | col William Vacant } 33 | 60.00] THAT'S US! ulown en yasulers "nd ' further prosecutions in racetrack| James. Richard 7. 1 . efalcation * Mary Ellen ) Mall orders prepadd to your door. C gin 16 15 Talon, Mary heese -16¢ a pound | Reps. Eliza'h Reid } ! / Vacant | Pt. | | 60.00} . Now READY---the new Eveready 45 Volt "B" Battery. It's Vacant a daisy. See it. Also UV201A and C301A Tubes > on the board at Belleville on Satur-| corbest, Martha M. East day. Reps. Eliza'h Reid A RADIO STORES rc nah | Sari Bim 1. | awe roc lm al ; What risk is this tennis player in level crossing tragedy at Brant-| Marshall Eliza J. | Vacant Pt Lot 78 Past 3 #,ERINCESS STRERT. = Phone 1341. Radio 3AAY. taking? ford. _ The A Leaders ot Eastern Ontario The answer will be found among| At Cornwall on Saturday, 257 A Butition again the Work will net avail te prevent its construction, Itoday's want ads. iboxes of cheese were sold at 16%c. | Vacant |Pt Bast Kingston, April 23rd, 1823.

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