Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1923, p. 15

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MUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1023. DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG Interesting Farm Offers Are Being Made In Classification 83. Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular~ ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM inc., Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted proper classification, and - t regular Dally Whig style of CLASSIBIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: {nimum charge, 25 cents. | Charge Cash | 4 3 ° 4 5 bu charged. Marriages, . Deains--Une insertion, Births, Hugagements, .§0; cash, 00. HH of rs and Memoriam Notices-- Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each insertion. Adverusing ordered for ({rregular | Insertions takes the one-time inger- | tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words line. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and If paid at The Brit- 15h Whig otrice within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day wand stopped before expination wiil vnly be charged tor tae humber of vimes the ad. appeared and adjust- went made al ine rate earned. ate per line fur white space tne same as & line of type. 5 special fate for yearly advertising upon request, r'ubiishers reserve tne-right to edit or reject all classined advertising to the | | | is copy. Aviephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. _ 3 --- ements 9 BKIN BLEMISH®uS--Halr, Moles, warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanentiy. Satisface- tory Glasses fitted and furnished afier | others have failed. Goltre cured witha| out operation. 38 years' experience. | Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, kar, Nose, | Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone | 301w. House 1135J. RTT a Lost and found BICYCLE person who return to M. Street. ahaa 10} "Will ndly R. ce CHAIN--Found, for automobile, Owner may have same at 627 Princess Street. | st, on the road to Har-| rowsmith, black leather, children's purses inside. Finder please leave jt in Sydenham VF. U. for Walsh Bros, ¥ Bydenham. _ HUB CAP--L.cst, nickie-plated betwe Kingston and Collin"s Bay. Find please retuin to James Heid and re- celve a reward. KEYS--Found, 3, on ring tain pen. Apply Van Luven age Le = a KEY-- Found, near corner Princess and Montreal streets, Owner may have same at Whig Office. bt a NECK-PIECE-- Found, lady's fur, on Chatham street, near Pris 8. Owner apply at 1.2. Chatham Street PEN KNIFE--Found, on Alfred Street. Owner may have same at Whig Oilice, | HAD "Also foun- BUN GLASSES--Found, dark rimmed. | Apply phone 1656ow. | ou for) Owner ap- | am Street. i ply UBlOwW's book Store. i SA THERMOMLTER--Found, nurses, in| silver case, on Barrie streei. Owner may have same at 109 York Strect, A WAGE REDUCTION 18 NOW THREATENED Pere Marquette Raliway Issue Will Be Investigated-- Trouble Brewing. a8 St. Thomas, April 23 Trouble over threatened wage reductions is | again reported to be brewing on the Canadian division of. the Pere Mar- quette railroad, the members ot the | telegraphers organization beng the | employees affected this time. A conference is being arranged in De- | itroit between the officials of the union and the company and it is! hoped that a settlement will ve ef fected. In the event, however, that | @n amicable understanding is not | reached, it is understood that the federal government will be asked to | intervene and to appoint a board | under the industrial disputes inves tigation act, i The company is eaid to have at-| tempted to introduce a reduced scale of wages for the telegraphers with- | out giving the notice required by the Canadian law. About fifty operat-| ors on the division are affected. ! Burglars Steal Rare Locket. Toronto, April 23.--A rare Eng- lish engraved locket over 100 years old, belonging to the.late wife of Charles E. Blythe, grocer, 396 Lans-| L downe avenue, was stolen by burg- lars Saturday night while Mr. Blythe glept in the house. The robbers, who entered by an unfastened rear door, stole two watches, a brooch, a locket, a string of pearls, two rings and some cash. Vessel In Cellision. Seattle, Wash., April 23.--The steamer La Parisima collided with * the barkentine Mary Winkleman at about three o'clock this morning of! 8iip Point. The Mary Winkleman is reported to be leaking. The U. S. 8S. Snohomish has gone to her assist ance, i -------------- Saloons on Standard Time. M-unireal, April 23.--Taverns, beer shops and licensed cafe - pro-| \ priefcrs are jubilant over the day- || light saving tangle. They announce | thelr intention to operate on stand-| ard time, which will permit them an | extra wour at night when trade is ut | AUTOMOBILE USE Bros. Gar-| Automobiles . ~ Automobiles For Sale 11 1 ) "Touring, Ford light conditi anxious 14 Maiftiand T. in splendid 10t use either; yffer. (. Hill » ak Street, Phone 860; 651. GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEW STANDARD TOURING TOURING $1335; SIX CY- CARS PRICE LIST. $1385; PHAETON SPECIAL LINDER TOURING $785, STANDARD SEDAN TOURING $1485; TOURING GRAY $2095; SPECIAL SEDAN $2150; COACH TAXES KING »B, KI STON FP. CHARLES PESTER, T GARAGE, PHONE 839. D CARS--Mclaughlins, , Chevrolets, Chalmer Tour- roadsters Palmer, of} and Queen Streets. | $1650. PAID. 3 OF USE ings, corner _Bagot a Sth McLAUGHLIN--D45, in goud condition Cheap. 'Apply Dr. C, C. Nash 6 Al-| bert Street. Phone 1148 or offic | MOTOR TRUCK-- Heo speed waggon, almost new, perfect condition, Epgeiai- ly built budy; suitable for retail de- livery; trial run on appointment. Ap- ply RH. Fair, 179 Stuart Street. Auto Accessories--1ires--Parts 13 model. t and Queen ¢ or make Bag Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 --The only place which furnishes + 24 hours laxi service. 249). Business Service Business Services Offered IONEER--And Appralser-- Book § 8s with W. A. 1wigg, 192 Bar- reet. Phone §20J. ! A INTERING "-- Carpenter nd builder Esumates given on all class- es of work; hardwood flooring. James *, Jarrell, £71 Bagot Street. Phone 506. LE re PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- iness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone 891J. : © bressmaking--ilinery HEMSTITCHIN Picot edging, pleat- nteed. Mrs. E. A. Sewing I repalr-, une. Estimates given for women's clothes. Mrs. J. 01 Barrie Street. Insurance 23 nd Casualty Insur- 420 Earl Street. ally Ladreh and ci . Willar Aulomobi.e Crumley, FIRE ance, M Paonc 1782al. FlRE--health, Accident and Automo- bile Insurance. Yor rates or any in- formation call or paone kK. Williams, 2 Couper Street. i. HUNTER OGILVIE--Representing! reliable companies in all branches of the business. 107 Gore Street. Phone L108, pp INSURANCE uly the mcst reliacle companies represented. Strange & Strange, establisied in 1860. Uflice: 95 Clarence street, oppos:te Fost Uffice. Moving, trucking, Storage 23 ASHES--<leaned out of yards, clean job doue. 24 R ell Street. Phon BAGUGAUE---R. 'laite guarant Bg service in Baggage, kipress and mov. lig, reasonable prices. 1V4 Montreal bireel. Jext Lo Armouries. Ynone dod. ------ ti MOVING--Trucking, lo tance hauwiing ot turniture. Itobert Henry. Phone 756w. STORAGE SPACE--F or turniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 Neison street STURAGE--F Or lurniture, clean, dry, &iry rooms and spaces; your own lock key. Lrosts Clty Storage, Queen St. Pnone 526. Kes. $8yw. | Decorating 20 MacGregor, 2955 and long ais- Apply and 305 Given for painting, paper-nanging, decorating and hard- woud floor nnishing; workmanship guaranteed . horton, 205 Alfred! Street 1 ne 1891w. PAL --raperiug, Decorating --| first class WOrk ana work guaranteed. | Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot street. hone 1968. FAINTING--Fapering, Decorating, first class w Lest or material used Sample books on request. HH, Ward &| Son. rhone 1867J. 132 Victoria St. PAINTING--Papernanging, Lecorating | Glazing, Hardwood #loor Finishing ete, nrst class work, reasonabiel prices. Wallpaper samples. kistimates u ted. Mountee 208 Alfreo Tom TING. Apply E.| Jenkins, corner York and Haglan hone 1563F. PAINTING--HOuSe painting, piano and furniture finishing; all work given careful attention. Charles Hebert, 25 Frontenac St. North. Phone 2070w. | -Paper Hanging and Deco-. wall paper sampies; metallic gold jetters for store and otfice win- aows, ksiimate submitted J. Flana- gan, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1432.1 J. 8. Robinson, rear i ARCHITECTS--Iower, Son and Diever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner uf Iirock and Wzllington. : iy = Chiropractic --_-- | ein miei Seria Te casi MARCELIS--Wm, A, D.C ner Princess and Barrie Streets. floor, Barrie St. enirance, Kingston, | Ont. Consultation free. Teierhone 3 Hours ¥ to 12am. 1 tos p.m. UCY--DLr, George F., Dr. nie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Speclalists and uraduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- | tween Princess and Brock. Telephone| 94dw. Hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to , and| 7 10 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con-! sultaticn free. Residential calls by | appointment. 299. 1 = What's ~a better position--a more com- fortable room--a new home---an automobile ? Everybody has some big want--and a lot of smaller You want togbe successful and com- fortable--these two wants are sure. But--you know what particular things are on your mind to-day--and whatever your immediate wants are ---a look through the classified section will help to satisfy them. This classified section is a clearing-house of all the wants and offers of the peopial you'll come upon new opport What do you want- ones on the side. been looking for. Get the habit of getting satisfaction--use this ser- vice regularly! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. Yours? indexed columns of the A-B-C . of Kingston--every day ties to find what you've Business Service i 281. W.--M.D., 133 Clergy St "Medical RENNETT, C. Office Phone §51. PRA to answe birth, et Ed A Rubber heels a specialty. /. H. Purvis, corner Bagot FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinda. Call and see W. street. SHOE vice. A real and SHOES tin S hanging McLenn card. . UPHOLSTERING --- Covered made sa reasonable 244 University UPHOLSTERING--ARnd gonera! repair- | .eave orders at or drop a card ing. FP. Ww, ~ Employment COOK--A Street COOK--General. No ences required. Res. 1845m 2-4 3 a.m Osteopathy AL SUGGESTIO r your child's que ¢. Bend 10c. for 4 204 King S work Streets. Driscoll, 23 Phone 296F. REPAIRING--AIl band work Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser corner Mont- dolf Kaminski, Queen streets. Repaired; saws sharpened on all kinas of pape motto. given Satisfaction my n, 3 Division Street. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. me day as ordered prices. E. Avenue. . Harold, 154 Clergy Pp Apply 1 King Street West. GIRL--To cleark in Bowen's Store. Ap- ply Bow HOUSEKEEPER --Or capable maid, for ces requir- 7 p.m. a family ed. b MAID ---G rhone 1391J .or 618. | WO) ¥ with cooking. Phone 2 ners$lso tion?) Office. HOMEW( learned necessar tively n Particulars 3c. stamp. Knitter MAN--Rellable, as subscription agent for the Farmers' Advocate. Apply giv-|- ing full information as to experience, Wilitam married Weld Co., SHOW CARD WRITING--i ur us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald week. ly for your spare time writing show Ny canvassing. We In- with work. cards fo struct a West-Angus Show Card Service, "olborne Bld. Turonto. BOYS T WINDOW CLEANERS -- Experiemced. Apply Window Cleaners, Street. AND GIRLS--Apply tile Co., Ltd, Cataraqui St. en's Bakery, King Street. of -three. Referer " ac St ood, general, immed "do housework and help 212 King Street. 3 Apply Help Wanted--Male FIREMEN AND BRAKEM EN--Tegin- posi- Write Rallway, Dept. 2, Whig -$250 monthly, (which RK Auto Knitter, v. o canvassing. Dept Co., Toronto. or single, to The Ltd., London, Ont r us. nd supply you Grocery 183 Ask for Mr. Simpson. SILLY-ETTES Office neatly Skates Joan buttons] == Upholster- J. Good~- Phone Mrs. R. E. Kent, $5 King | 'washing. Refer- Miss Lyman, ately. Ap- ply Mrs. D. A. Cays, 128 Barrie St. -Good wages. We need you to make socks on the fast, easily- Experience un- Distance immaterial; pos.- Yarn supplied. 78C, Auto and Dominion Princess Employment NURSERY STOCK---An agency for reliabie nursery nrm 1 can sell in country, tLwn or city. grow and sell the best only, and wan reliable, energetic agents for unrepre sented terr tories. ham Nursery Co. Toroamto Situations Wanted--Mal BOOKKEEPER Gentleman, position at once. Apply Whig Office. Loa ay ponclal - "Business Opportuniti \ G-- Pressing Talloring business tor sale, town near Kingston. Long establish ed. No opposition. Splendid opportun ity. Applicant must have $i50. X desire Ww rporated 1861. Society, W. F. Nic B. Cunningham. and farm properties; county debentures; mortgages Street Kingston Horses, Catt MARE -- Will w Will drive single or double kind of work. J. A. MacLean, rontenac Street. 10 es Leghorns, white, brown and twenty-five cents; $20.00 per 100; An conas, Minorcas, Keds, Barred ahd White Rocks, cents; hundred orders, twenty-fou Wyandottes, thirty-two cents; Mam moth Pekin Ducklings, thirty-five dollars per hundred. 100 orders express prepaid. _627 Pape Ave, Toronto BARRED ROCK EGGS-- §1 r ting, from hens that do lay. A 520 Princess Street. Phone 1534m EGGS--White my pens head by Ottawa Joseph White, Portsmouth, Phone 2301 ring 4. 3 EGGS--Barred Rock eggs which averaged 217 eggs year, mated to cockerei Ontaric 83 in Eggs $3.00 per setting, or % setting for $5.00, $1.50 per setting. Clergy Street, City. ae ee LEGHORNS -- Sunny Brae 8S. J. B. Holland, $1.00 per setting of 15. Magic Egg Tester to prov Apply 6 Bajus Cottage, treet, Opposite Freight Sheds. _ Wanted--Live Stock CATTLE-- To pasture for ses 1923. land Road. RN ( 0. 3, Odessa. ANTIQUE curled walnut short buffet, parlor tables, grandfather's ete., ete. Lesses Antique Shop, 50 Princess Stre Phone 1045w. 17 walnu pour cellar, bank your house, Whig want-ads. it--Use for Hesults. . Canvassers, Agents 85 a profitable. You We Write now. Pel- Box Z-21, g and in good Box and Investment President, le, K.C; vice-president, A. Money issued on city municipal and pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Live Stock plements 48 splendid -free-driver, gentlo and kind: dn any TTA bred stock, buff, Wyandottes, twenty-six cents; five hundred, twenty-two cents; thousands, twenty cents; Silver Laced forty cents; All Leitch, pply Wyandottes' kggs for hatching; bred for egg production; all winner, from pen| puilet | from official -. 225 egg hen at Ottawa laying contest. Also White Leghorn Eggs, 18 Ww. Leghorns, famous for winter laying. Eggs tested by fertility. Wellington n of On George McGowan's farm, Is- Apply W. E. Caverly, R. et of six walnut chairs, | clocks, 7 Whether It is somecne to whitewash take 3.Wn your sCreens--or any one of the hcusands of odd jobs to be done around & house at this time of year, you will dnl someone dependable through Daily | & J) Dally Whig want-ads--Read for Pro. ____Merchandise Articles For Sale 81 AWNINGS --Urders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, | satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. i BAB CARRIAG, Cream wicker and cradle, in good condition. Apply 19 J. University Avenue or phone 76 BICYCLE--And Ford Storage Battery Both in excellent condition Apply to} 309 Earl Street. ee a ais} BABY CARRIAGE -- White, Wicker. Cost $50, in Al condition; will sell rea- sonable; also sulkey'and wheel crib| with mattress. Phone $09m. BABY CARRIAGE-- IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. AFPLY 11 ABERDEEN STREET. BRICK---Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch and Collingwood Streets. Phone 618 or 1391) CHOICE HARD COAL -- tove and | Chestnut, $15.75 delivered. Special] prices on large quantities. Phone Ri-| chardson's, 2211m. Yard, corner Bar-| rack and Wellington Streets. CEM T MIXER---Hand, in good con- dition. Apply Mrs. Alfred Watts,| Portsmouth. | CLOTHING--Men's new Work Shirts,| black, blue, khaki, 75c. Overalls, $1.25, | $1.50, $1.75. Men's Used Suits, good | condition, $6, $8 and $10. A Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. Phone 1451m. COLUMBIA G4 APHONE -- Would | sell or exchange, and good selection| for gentleman's bic Lower Patrick Street NGINE-- EN 30 H.P. MARINE. GUARANTEED t CONDITION. CHEAP. APPLY BOX 656, RENFREW, ONTARIO. Soms ni par { ture, brass and iron beds, up-to-date 000K stoves. We also buy. J. Thomp-| son, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. FURNITURE--One Antique French roll| tup bed with springs, one dark walnut| chest of drawers, one black walnut] "furn 8 Appl iore Street. GAS RA --One new cabinet (Jewel) | at a bargain; one Knechtel Kitchen | Cabinet; three new electric fixtures] (hall, dining room, living room). Ap-| ply to 412 Johnson Street or phone! 150M. | HARDWOODL--7 cars of mixed , $3.25 per quarter cord. One car Slabs $3.00 per quarter cord; hardwood | (Breen) $3.70 quarter cord. Also saw-| dust tor sale. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherines St. Yard, Concession St. | --Waggon and harness, suitable| for delivery or carting. Will sell sep-| arately. Apply Phone 618, New Eng-| land Bakery, Collingwood Street. ! HARD COAL COKE---Reduced to $10.00! ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of your winter . Cordwood and slabs, stove lengtn, split, §2.60 1-8 cord; Saw- | dust, $1.00, cart load. Cinders $1.00. Clinkers 50¢. - All delivered. Baggage and general cartage. FPhone 10U38w.| 0 LIBRARY TABLE--beautiful quartered oak. Apply 530-Albert Street. { MATTRESSES--In stock and made to order; all prices from $4.50. Cot Mat- tr es $300 and up. Mattress reno- vating a speciality. Frontenac Mat-| tress Co., King Street. Phone 1961J. MOULD---Garden mould, for lawns, etc. | Apply William Young, 663 Princess St. | MOTOR BOAT---Glass cabin, 32x6 feet, strong construction, semi-heavy Buf- falo engine, electric light, dynamo, storage battery, search light; fully! equipped, ready to run. Ww. J.B White, Kingston, Ont, PRIVATE SALE--Houschold furniture, parlor and dining room suite, Morris chairs, solid oak buftet, etc. Apply between 5 and 9 o'clock, 38 Frontenac Street (South). ANO--Mason & Risch Upright, ebony| ivory Keys; in good condition. Price $22 Terms $15 cash and $7 monthly, W. Lindsay, Lid. i REFRIGERATOR-+Suitable for store. Apply New England Bakery, Colling- _Wwood Street. i STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone §9w.. opposite Orange Hall. | SAl'E-- Fireproof, in good condition.!| Also letter preds, new. Apply Bate-| man's Real kistate, 159 Welitagton St.,| Kingston, | DES-----Made to order, for electric or lamps. Work gu nteed. Prices reasonable. Apply 2 King Street--| e shades are in the window. | LAWBERRY PLAN Four best| kinds ever:bearing, 999, Suburb. | Progressive and cus $3.00 per hundred. Mail orders filled promptly. | Phone 1970J. 8. McCormack, 86 Col-| t| lingwood Street. r § THRESHING MACHINE--At once. Ap-| ry O. Galloway, Collins Bay, Ont TRACTOR--New Fordson, slightly used| --~fully equipped with pulley, render and governor. Apply to R. W. Martin, _Harrowsmit ont. Wanted--To Buy ae LD GOLD--SlIver, or F cash or exchange. G. W. 244 Princess street, Kingston. Lyons,| ' After The Drink ~The Chaser By L. C. Phifer a . asd. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington sireet, corner of burock.! Phone 346. ! KNAPP--Dwv. ATE, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 653iw. Open CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Darris.ers| and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, | Kingston.' A. B. Cumningham, X.C Cyril M. Smith. SHEA--Ambrose, BA, Barr r Solicitor. Law office, corner of Kin and Brock, over Royal Bank Money| _to ioan. Ehone 1999. ' | REVELLE -- Adrian I., Barrister and, Solictor, 69 Clarence Street, Kingston. | Phone 2475. ~ To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) | If it is necessary for you to wear! THE THIRST El AL THE SEARCH THE DRINK THE CHASER | ROOMS--Two, large, furnished or un- | APARTMENT --Furnished, fou | Barrie Street about lst of May. | APARTMENT--May 1st, 4 rooms table, stove with hot water heating.| _ 11 | APARTMEN 248 University Avenue. W. C. Bruton.| | 4 ACH TES--Good garden | Furnace, garage. 'alse Teeth, for Rooms For Rent dt { Rooms With Board 67 | AND ROOMS--First class, by! day or week. All conv ences. Rea-| sonable rates. Appl 8 University| 3 near Brock Street. 243 -- First BOARD NIVERSITY AVENUE, class rooms and board; all improve. men entrally located. SE f ROOMS varm, good board, reason-!| able rates; close to 'the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John-| son street. ROOM AND BOARD--For one or {wo| young women. Apply 19 L. University| _or phone 760J. Hooms Without Board ROOMS--Furnished bedrooms. ®pply 92 Queen Street. Rooms APARTMENT--F May 1st. 230 Barr Possession | = Phone 2366w. ROOMS--Three, for light housekeeping, furnished; all conveniences; centrally _located. _Apply Box Y-21, Whig Office, furnished; suitable for light house- keeping, lights, open fireplace, reason- _able rent. Apply 305 Earl Street. ROOMS--Unfurnisned, for light house- keeping, gas for cooking, electric lights. Use of phone. Apply 354 t ee, completely furnished for lighthousekeeping, gas and elec- tric light. Apply 850 Alfred Street. _ Phone 2467 ROOMS--Unfurnished, for light ho keeping, gas ror cooking, electric lights, Upe of phone. Apply 354 Brock stréet. : Real Estate For Rent ~ Apartments and Flats r rooms, 236 for light housekeeping. Apply pr vate 3 piece bath, heated. Apply 520 _Princess Street. 'Phone 1534m. APARTMENT --Seven rooms, heated, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, gas grate and gas range, Large bal- cony. Janitor service. Possession 1st of May or 1st of June.' Phone 657J. APARTMENT tiled bath room, fireplaces, gas range, refrigerator, hardwood floors, electric lights, well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street. vo, one of 5 rooms, possessior 1st, and one of six rooms, possession June 1st; hardwood flours, eiectric and gas, 3 plece baths, hot water heating included, in most central part of the city. Apply to H. B. Wartell, 338 xing Street. Phone 1019J. FLAT--One 4 r unfurnished flat,| also 2 rooms on bath room Hat, both suitable for Lght housekeeping; all| conveulences Leiephe Apply 26) Queen Street HUVAIS--Three large unfurnished; al-| S50 use of bathrooin, on bathroom flai, private balcony, light, water and phone Included with rent. Possessiun at' once. Phone 722w or call at 64 ingston Business Places For Rent LODGE ROOMS--Kooms on King siree --formerly occupied by the [.O.O.F ply to Cunningnam and Smita, KL Farms For Ren: land. Will lease it. Apply at 7 p.m. to Willkam lee, No. 5, smith Street. LANDS The following, situate on White Lake in thé Townsaip of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the Sth Con, Lot 17 in the 7th Con, Lot 17 in the 6th Con. Apply to G. M. Macdon- nell, s§-Clarence street, Kingston. | Houses ror lien 7 CONCESSION STREET--No's 39, 45, 47, each b rooms and extension, $10.00 Single garages 'at 69% Queen Street, next Harkness butcher shop. Apply _185 Queen Street. Fhone 958w, DWELLING--527 Princess Street, si rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, | gas. Also furnished rooms in nev house; all- conveniences. Apply 845 Alfred. Phone Zw. | HOUSES--Two, seven roomed, north! side, electric light, J piece bath, fuyr- | nace; close to rrincess, $27.00. Also! two apartments, $20 and $25. | +H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick St. i HOUSE ven rooms, centrally locat-! _ed. Apply 156 Sydenham Street. | HOUSE--Six roomed, on North Street, | near Bagot, two piece bath and elec- | tric. Vacant 1st of May. Apply at 68 | Lagot Street, cormer North. | HOUSE--Furunished, six rooms or four! rooms, unfurni d, all ¢unveniences; | rent very reasonabie. Possession May ist. Apply to 81 Beverly Street, or phone isoom after 3 p.m. . | HOUSE~Six roomed, frame, west side, | near Queen's University, three piece] bath, eiectric lights, gas, barn, garage, | heated by stove, no cellar. Rent $265. | per month on yeariy least, from May ist. Write] Box V-19, Whig Office. | 98 KARL STREET-- Large, commod- | ious house, newly decorated, electric light, electric attachments for fans, | vacuum cleaners and warmers; gas tor cooking; 3 p. toilet, Sunshine hot Air acant may. J, Gil-| i'none 254. After! bert, 194 Barrie St Ww. RIDEAU ST. --Stone hoase, § rooms, 3 piece bath, furnace, gas, grounds, trees, verandah at back. Apply 47 Ri- 3 STRE detached, 6 rooms, gas, large yard, Apply I. Zacks, I "T---Frame, sem]-| electric Possession 1st May. | 1¢ Street. HOUSES-- $40.00--211 Queen Street, 11 three piece bath, gas, electric furnace. $36.00---109 Victoria Street, 7 rooms, rooms, | lights, | | a GARAGE--On May 1st, Brock St G/RAGE--34 HOTEL PROPERTY Known Ie Queen's hotel, FARM---0f 125 LANDS JOT--Part of Lot 1 116 JOHNSON STREET Pieme 704 or 848J. Aberdeen APP |i veces PPIY 1 38 VICTORS SIXTH STRERET--7 101 Queen HO Real Estate For Rent Garages oe reet. Apply McCallum Granite Co. per month, cemented floor, electric Light, water, separate Key. Apply 36u pagot. Two vlocks irom Princess. Eee Summer Places For Rent 80 SUMMER COTTAGE -- Furnished, at Eastview Park. Apply 155 Sydenham Real Estate For Sale = Siininon Propeny Stree as Tamworth. This ig a tnree story brick hotel known so long by the travelling public. This hotel has just been tuoroughly renovated. For turther particulars apply to J. &. Hunter, Tamworth Farms and Land For Sale cres for sale or to rent, or would exchange for city property, 12 miles from Kiugston, i miles tron 3 villages, ib or 30 acres plow land, $0 acres seceded, 2b tall plowed; well wat- ered; Irsme house and barns, Bate- man's Heal Estate Agency, 159 Wel- lington Street. hingston The following, situate on White Lake in the Townsnip of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the Sth Con, Lot 17 in the 7th Con.; Lot 17 in the sth Con. Apply to G. M. Macdon- nell, 38 Clarence Street, Kingston. 29, Con. 8, Claren- don Township, known as the Hoerth Mining Froperty, Boilers and Stamp mill Licluded. will be sold to highest cash viader May iyth, 1825, at rievna b Jlarendon and Mier Council. Houses kor Sale wi - MODERN, HOT WATER HARDWOOD HOME. POS. FULL PARTICU- BROCK STREET. D. A. BRICK DWELLING, FURNACE, 9 ROOMS, FLOORS, UP-TO-DATE SESSION MAY 1ST. LARS. CAYS. 67 COTTAGE--NEARLY NEW, AT EAST- VIEW PARK, BOATHOUSE, FOR PARTICULARS APPLY 57 BROCK STREET. ETC D. A CAYS, HOUSES-- | COLEORNE STREET---7 rooms, 4 bed- > lights, furnace; Extra lot. §4000. rooms, 3 piece bath, nice verandah. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--2 story and at- tic, 10 rooms, & vedrooms, hgnis, gas, § piece batn, and basin in attic; lireplace; Cypress dab; fhne cetiar, South side. M. B. TRUMPOUR electric also toilet hot water neaung; trim; large versus rime iocation on 237 Bagot Street | HOUSES -- Barrie Street, $3.000. Clergy Street, $6,500, Barrie Street, $4,006. Two houses, Queen Street, $5,000. Division Street, $4,200. Bagot Street, $2,400 Street, I houses, $3,000 te $6,600. WILSON, Uptown Post Office 'E--Bateman's large Real Estate ad- vertisement, page 3, column 1. 'REET -- Solid brick lot 66x132, with gag- .rrice 36,000, Apply Phone, office 6vaw.; 30x30, age, to J. res. modern; ten rooms, B. Cooke, g4lw. rooms, trame, J lights, polished ighout, Couanade arches enamel nnish woodwork. ier. rrice $2,800. Apply treet or pnone 1796w, ~ Wantod--Real Estate 89 SIX or seven rooms, SE "or Bunga- low, in good locality. g in. fdrst letter. Write State price, ete ig Office. piece bath, electric noors thro with white Butit by ow Box r-6, cfo. EER a __Byusn ESS SERVICE -- Tm W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, Broek and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m, General Insurance Agency. Writing:--Autumoblle, Fire, Acel. dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary vic. Representing caly reliable come panies. a Ls iB, . light and | ern three piece bath, electric lights, gas, MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reasons able Prices STOVES Well repaired. at a rgint price. J. Turk's PHONE 705. furnare. ' $25 00--31 Chatham Street, 7 rooms, two plece bath, electric lights, gas, E. W. MULLIN & SON Johnson and Division Streets People advertising a room for rent, or an ardele for sale, would save tnem- selves a lot of time and get better and more satisfactory resuits by telling all there is to De said in the ad. This wii] get them in direct touch with the peu ple tney want to reach. Do not send origiual testimonialy in replying for & posicdion. A copy will 0 Just as well. i Free Advise Daily Whig want-ads--TRea . fit--LUse + Results, 4 Tor Pro. i Regarding the best way to re« pair your Automobile, Motor Boat, Engine, and all machinery parts--we do a good line of this work at reasonable prices, Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Oxy-Acetylene Cutting. Oxy-Aretyleme Carbon Burning, DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. East End of Wellington Street ANTHRACITE A product of the very highest slate, or other impurities in this fuel. Uniform \in size. BOULETS grade Hard Coal. No bone. Every piece is a heat unit, One customer reports they burned in his furnace for 24 hours without attention, and gave splendid heat. We have a car of this fuel in transit and will take orders for delivery from car at esssnsatsrsancaises« $14.00 per ton. lames Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street its. Lest. i glasses while playing tennis or tak-! EN, ling any strenuous exercise, do not | wear nose glasses. The grip is not | strong enough to hold them in| jerked, and | they will | Trial Postponed Indefinitely. | Moscow, April 23. --The trial ot! Most Rev. Dr. Tikhon, former pat-! place when the head is rlarch Of All-Russia, on a charge of if there is perspiration, treason and hindering the carrying slip off very easily. Glasses sup- | out of Soviet orders, has again been ported over the ears as well as the! postponed, this time indefinitely. nose are safer and more com- | _ The trial had been sot for tomorrew. | fortabla. {

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