Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1923, p. 2

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MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG ( CHALMERS ANNIVERSARY L NEWS TIRES, TOYS AND SPORTING GOODS MOORE'S BICYCLE | TIRES First quality and wonderful value. $1.69 TUBES, $1. ; | "BUY 4 SPARE" 7 /8d "BUY ASPARE" | T }; 30x31 Cords, $15.50 32x4 Cords, $36.75 . Piddiida LOCAL NEWS. il OBSERVED ON SUNDAY 'erier items of interest Picked | Up by the Whig Re= porters. x Rev. Principal Clarence Mac- kinnon, Halifax, N.S., Was | 2 Swat Fe door. OMIA] | , ne, p toner. the Special Preacher. received at 100 Clergy strest west. | |'Phone 564w. . Chalmers Prestyisiiag Chere | Three igamigrants arrived in the as passed another mile stone. The ity on Sunday and immediately services held on Sunday marked the | wont to work on farms in the county. sevesty-sixth anniversary, and the A military tournament. of the SOYA Hl pie Tin Royal Military college wl be held ® e Jay, Fe in Montreal this year, on May 26th. f {Clarence Mackisnok DD, ann "Cobourg Motor Club is to continue {if | N-S., who delivere orcelu ef- {jis efforts to have a motor car rerry f mons, and was listeaed to bY tWO gervice established between Cobourg | large congregations. The pastor, and Charlotte. {Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, asssted at| rg Robt. Leishman, of this city, | both the services. The choir, under | un, has been quite ill and had to I {the direction Sf Ming. CB Dobe, undergo a serous operation, is now i gred a 8 te Ol convalescent. { music. In the morning, the chor Kingston had a nice shower ot rendered the anthem, "Holy, HOlY rain on Sunda night and on on- Holy" and a solo, "The Penitent," 45, morning the weather turned a | {rendered Ly Clarence Skinner, Uan- jn11a cooler | i Riogie, | 4% 108 evening serv Miss L. Komph, head mfilinary |1= i | ALT. 8 Sang ¥ with George Mills & Co., has left for Les vlan Mes Calg Jetdeted the | Toronto, to attend the wholesale \ {The Ninety and Nine, wala millinery opening. { {choir sang, "Rejoice, The Lord 1s Rev. By SD on. rector of thei [1ing." The -various numbers Were | Cathedral, Pembroke, has been a | given he Jae gent iis Prigaipal TREE in the Hotel Dieu hospital, | S Eervs alltor the past week. | | MacKinnon - spoke from Philippians poo iy J. G. Dunlop. missionary | jo: "1st this Bim} be 'n you, which ly, japan for thirty years, home on [was a'so !n LuriSL Jesus. furlough wili preach 'n St. Andrew's i Mr. MacKinnon Spresied to his ¢on- | pych, Picton, on April 29th. [Etegstion to jag ihe hi ou The firemen were called Sunday to (by the Master. 1o carry 8 Out :.rnoon to extinguish a fire which | |one must have the love for service. occurred in the id near the cor- | The great Gladstone on one OCCAS.ON qa. or Stuart street and St. Lawrence {had been found sitting at the ded- | co ne | side of a lad employed as a London The warm weather on Saturday test TV ceper. doing bis Jest 10 made business brisk in the down | | r e bow. s was 0 > v | y town stores. [Famers came 'into the | spirit of the Master. and the solutlon | 0 1) 1a as a result of | {of all our problems. We should ny Jn Yge HumborS 2 | | base this spirit in our hearts. There | ,....4 Cape Viscent and through jSkouia Be. fae milk oo Eladaass e the southern townships plows are [the Pactfic, in cities, towns and vil- jpusy turniig over the mad A ivi | | ? CY "rain is needed to moisten the groun jase, Rasy Ben bod Svar rolled, |and bring out the remaining frost. 1 { *} 1 Machi un Brigade will | because there had been men in the | he 400 Nadine pebin at the DR hay levee Armouries on Tuesday evening. | | aver 8 Mn a a There is great enthusiasm among all | { n r AINE | ike a e Is extrect-; |this grand old gospel of faith, hope Fusks and a large parade is expect- | {and love. "Let thigmind be in you, | 5 which was also in Christ Jesus." | Captain John Donnelly, who un- | "That {3 the story of our past,' |derwent an operation on his heel "and today God |about one month ago, was able to ¢ offers it to us. There should not be | Walk out for the first time on Mon- i {lust for gold, but a passion for | day. Captain Donnelly injured his | | souls. As followers of the Great |foot last summer. i {John Knox we have traditions of The street watering oarts made | St In Shiv's Plates we should be proud." their first appearance, on Monday af- | ove-In Ship's Plates | em [ternoon. The cily engineer expected | Foreigner Wanted to Go {that the road sweeping machina vield readily to our oxy-acetylene | to Jail For Two Months | "ould be put into action on Monday process of healing. The thickest and | | night. For some days the streets ave been yery dusty. toughest steel and iron are easily cut | The Kingston police had a call ave : 3 y and mended by our welding method, | from a foreigner on Monday morn- The Tieet of the Donnelly Salvage making the hull as good as when |ing, Who had a long story to tell, but {and Wrecking company Is all ready | new, water tight. The same effective ? - hs for service. On Monday morning, welding process can be applied to all | the constables at the station could | : __|Captain John Donnelly stated that metals. hardly understand what he was say during the winter twenty men had Machine KING AND QUEEN STREETS i "Baseball" REACH Complete line. Bats Balls cmen's Mitts. 30x33 Non-Skid] TUBES SPECIAL --Fielders' Mitts, | 405 | --=Masks. --Breast Pads. | Special prices to clubs, ARMIN bade Market strong. Write, Phone or Call. McKay, pays the highest cash price. each See us before selling. 7 7 1 John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA Maoulacturers Importers Fioe Fars "KING TUT" Undoubtedly would have lived longer --had he been born later--and known the joys of eating MEADOW CREAM SODAS The Biscuits with the "Flavor All Its Own." OF NEW OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM Linoleum for Better Floors It is the ideal floor for the house. Durable and economical -- never requires expensive refinishing--easy to clean and is sanitary. We show Tiling designs for Bath Room, floral designs for Din- ing Room and Bedroom; conventional patterns for the den, block CROTHERS KINGSTON Te . : . and tiling designs for the kitchen. 1 to 4 yds. wide . . . .85c. yard up. EST. 1869. | {added the speaker, FLOOR OILCLOTHS-- A wide range of beautiful patterns suitable for every room in the home. I, 2 and 24 yards wide. Right prices. STAIR OILCLOTHS and PASSAGE LINOLEUM All the wanted widths in stock. HEADQUARTERS FOR NEWEST DRAPERIES. wanting to go to jail for a couple of months, and it looked 28 if he was |Steamers. looking for free board and lodging. As there was no charge against the| i man, the policecould not accommo- | ® date him, and he left the police sta- | Methodist church. {tion rather down in his luck. J. Stanlay Lyons, in splendid voice took the bass solo in the Sunda morning anthem in Sydenham street T. 0. W. Fowler | {rendered "The Ninety and Nine", t expression. The con- | will be sorry to miss his| The funeral took' place on Satur- | or voice but hope to have | | day morning, at the home of his par- |X < when Queen's resumes its {ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Zurbrigg, | Sessions{in the fall. | 508 Princess street, of their eldest | |son, Harold, aged three years and | {four months who passed away after | {a week of severe illness. Though his {the speed of autos on their way sufferings were intense, he bore bist Portsmouth. A resident|| You are kmows by the Rat yuu Wear them patiently. Many were his stated to the Whig on Monday morn- | Re Sho friends because of his sunny disposi- | Ing, that several drivers went| Parisian SiC P tion. He is survived by his parents, {through the village at a very fast 322 BROC 000 two sisters, Dorothy and Flossie, one (rate of speed on Sunday and thal =----"--"""--------~~r ~~~ y brother Roy and his grandparents, | the authorities 'intend to take action | F COORE'S residing at 585 Princebs street. The lit the practice is not stopped. NEW | oy $4.2 Phone 589w. ing. The man said something about teen employed: 'overbauling the Bishop ---------- Ay A A A RANA Candy Specials For Week-End MARASHINO CHERRIES 49c. a lb. Box NUT CENTRES WITH MILK CHOCOLATES 49c. a Ib. Box ASSORTED WEEK-END CHOCOLATES 35c. a Ib. Box HUMBUGS 19¢c. a lb. New York . otels and Boarding : 4 II < Evaporated Apples, finest qual- ity, in 23 1b. boxes, lb. 13c. Pure Lard, 20 1b. pail, 1b. 16c. Prunes, large size, 25 Ib. boxes, per Ib. 133 c. Canned Corn, Peas and To~ matoes, assorted, doz. $1.43 Castile Soap, (100 bars), per box .. 3 Mixed Pickles, per doz. bottles $1.7 Special prices on Hams, Bacons. Also all Pork Sausage in 5 or 10 1b, lots. FRUIT -- Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit--in 5 or more doz. lots--extra special prices Wholesale prices on the above. Save the difference. Newman & Shaw The Big Dry Goods and House Furnishings Store Harold Daniel Zurbrigg. Cr Exclusive Millinery a Bargains in Real Estate BROCK STREET-- on a corner, detached, solid brick dwelling, ® rooms, three piece bath, gas, electric lights, hot water heating, hardwood floors downstairs. ve Too Much Spoed Complaints has been mady avouL COLBORNE STREET--detachod brick dwelling, 7 rooms, three piece bath, gas, electric lights, hot air furnace. E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Corner Johnson and Divisioh Streets. funeral was largely attended; the service was conducted by Rev. C. Cronin. The remains were taken to | Cataraqui cemetery for interment. Signalling Classes Organized. Capt. Lee, Kingston, signalling of- | ficor of Military District No. 3, was| in Brockville on Friday, and organ-| |ized signalling classes in the public | |schools and collegiate institute. The | {Began Ministry Here Sunday --Hazlett Memorial Tab= let Is Unveiled. Rev. T. 3. S. Ferguson, B.A., be- gan his pastorate at Cooke's church Good Baseball Prospecis With the prospects very bright Fruit Store for good baseball weather this week, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY 314 Princess Street ---- "Come to Style Headquarters for New Hats" Just put in stock another consignment of our popular | 3 an © Our immense assortment of Men's Hats provides the ap- proved styles and colors, while there is comfort in the way they fit and economy in the price. We specialize in headwear for Men, Boys and Girls. CAMPBELL BROS. N.B.--We are the Kingston Agents for the Celebrated Borsalino Hats. it is expected that the various jun- ior, intermediate and senior teams] of the city will get down to real hard work before Saturday. Sev- eral of the team managers are look- ing for exhibition games even now, and it is understood that one of the senior city league teams, will stage a work-out wth the Kingstons at an early date. Practices of this kind would be beneficial to all and would give the fans a good idea of the re- lative etrength of the aggregation. Human Arm Found. The finding of a woman's arm im the town dump of Carleton Place a few days ago caused a great deal of conjecture which has resulted in the discovery that it was used for anato- mical purposes years ago by a med- ical student, was preserved In al- cohol and buried after no further use had been found for it. The re- moval of a building recently caused it to be removed unnoticed to the dump. Harbor Clear of Ice. As a result of the heavy west. wind on Sunday night the harbor was entirely Clear of ice on Mon- day morning. The steamer Wolfe Islander was able to make her regu- lar trips to Wolfe Island on Monday morning. The steamer did a rush- iag business on Saturday. Hun- dreds of jel took the oppor- tunity to come to the city to dispose of great quantities of eggs. For having a quantity of liquor in ia possession on a Canadian Na- tional passenger train, a Detroit man was fined in Cornwall police "court $300 and costs. James W. Robertson, Beckwith u poor health for some time, Passed i way at' Rlack's Corners on Wednes- ° day. {training will start on May 3rd, and | will be in charges of Patterson, Kingston. - A -- AAA Sergt.-Major Trappers from far and near brought or sent their catch of Spring Muskrats to us on Saturday. But we need thousands more this week, and will buy until the first day of May at highest market prices US | very auspicious _ ion Sunday under circumstances. The church was {crowded at both the morning and evening services and the sermons | were eloquent and inspiring. Before the morning sermon, the ceremony of unveiling a memorial | tablet to the late Mrs. William Haz- lot was performed by William An- | derson. The tablet was erected by the family. The pastor expressed warm appre- ciation of the reception accorded him upon his coming to Kingston, and he said said looked forward with every confidence to a happy ministry in Cooke's church. On ev- ery hand he was received with ex- pressions of kindmess, which was most reassuring to any minister upon taking up his duties in a new church. Taking for his subject "Like as the Hart Panteth for the Water Brook, so Longeth My Soul After Thee O God," he showed the great need of the human soul for oom- munion with God as the source of divine power and love. There was at all times a consciousness of hum- an weakness, error and failure that could only be overcome by the pow- er of the spirit. He made a power- ful appeal for a consistent Christian }ife as the only way by which the soul could reach its possibilities in beauty and strength and reflect the power and love of God in every day life. / Mr. Ferguson Janoynced that there would be a church parade of the members of the Kingston lodges of the Independent Order of Oddfel- lows to Cooke's church next Sunday morning. William M. Richey, former lock- master at Smith's Falls, and a well- known curler, celebrated his 92nd: { birthday recently, and is remarkably sale and hearty for one of his years. KIDDIES' FOOTWEAR Our Shoes for Children are made on nature shaped 1asts, which ™it the natural growth of the foot. No cramping. no misfits. e excellent variety of sizes and styles Insure a proper fit for every foot. AT SL75---Black Kid Buttoned Boots, Patent Ls nature shaped last, spring heel. Sizes 5 to 8. AT Patent button Boots, patent lace Boots. black kid lace and button boots, black calf lace and button bois, all made on nature shaped lasts, with spring heels . All sizes 1 to 7%. AT $2.50-Black kid lace Boots, nature shaped last with the new, long-wearing, Bulldog Brand Sole All sizes 5 to 7% Also a jarge and complete stock of Nursery and Hewetson Shoes for Children. S. J. MARTIN atheér trim, DOROTHY CANFIELD'S TR OF PAPINI'S LIFE OF CHRIST 70 copies sulin ul sone. A dozen translations undef way. N. Y. HERALD: "There is an ardor running through it, and an eager passion such as might be expected in a discoverer of some theme." : N. Y. TIMES: "Papini's sincere and enthralling book will stand for many years as a rallying sign for thousands." CHICAGO EVENING POST: "It is altogether likely that this book will become a world classic." , THIRD LARGE PRINTING, OCTAVO, 408 PAGES * COLLEGE BOOK STOR

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