Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1923, p. 8

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MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1923, Lite's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Teles 5 thé guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mait-| phone 243. Private 'phone 857W. land Hanniford, Montreal. 1 vs '9 { Miss Helen Fraser, Barrie street, . .is the hostess of the Monday Bridge Tha Unity Corps of the Y.W.C.A. Club this week. gave a tea and sale of home cook'ag Mrs. John Dulmage, Almonte, is a in the club room on Saturday after sitor in Kingston. poon, 1a aid of the camp fund, which was nicst successful. The room was beaut:fully decorated in pink and! Plus, and the tea' table, where Mrs. 1. H. l.reck made tea, was gay aul artistle The tea assistants were Mary Cliff, Viola Armstrong Alice Nicholson. Cakes were Ly Bussie and Pmma Wells, Mar! Gowsei! and Marjorie Fergusoa. Candy in gay pink and blue boxas was in charge of Maude Hotham and Rita Quesnell. Miss Buhiig, tary of the Y.W.C.A., received visitors who had paid a small missicn fee to Muriel Godsell . » » ob } i Mrs. Arthur Craig, who spent al few days with her mother, Mrs. Rob-! ert O'Hara, Wellington street, has) returned to Toronto. i and Dr. Wiliam Gibson, Gananoque, sold was in town for the week-end. : | Mr. and Mrs Sandford Calvin and | Miss L.etta Callaghan have returned Atlantie City. Mr. and Mrs. Rey Gibson, who! cecre- were with the former's mother, Mrs. | the George Gibson, returned to Chatham ! on Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis, Syden-| ham have returned from Montr from ad- ' of with The entertainment committee the Catholic Women's League, Mrs. F. J. Pilley as convenor, held a social evening in the Knights ol Columbus club rooms, on Friday] evening in honor of the retiring ex- ecutive of the League. The ladies of the committee assisting wera: Mrs. W. J. O'Brien, Mrs. J. McKigney Mrs. W. C. McDonald, Mrs. C. Corrigan, Mrs. J. Burke, Mrs. W. G. Bailey and Mrs. W. F. Ainslie. A musical programme was splendidly carried out by Mrs. T. O'Connor, Kingston friends thema bon Miss Tierney, Miss Simpson, Miss Ei- voyage jeen Robinson and Miss Marie O'-| Miss Edith Macpherson, Ottawa, is Brien. Little Miss Mary O'Connor visiting her sister, Miss Stuart dnd Miss Mary Alice Murray gave (Wotherspoon, Montreal. several recitations, which added very| ays. I. Stratford Dawson, Moni- much to the entertainment. real avenue, accompanied by her 'ousin, Miss May Loucks, ' Ottawa, is .ailing on May 5th next, for Eng- 1c, and will remain abroad for jout two months. A surprise party. which claimex | the hospitality of Lady Macdonald, The Commandant's Quarters, Royal Military College, was arranged for Frid, evening. | Rev. Dr. John Mackie and Mrs. | Mackie, who have spent the winter n Washington, will sail from New | {York for Antwerp, Holland, on Wed- | nesday, April 25th, on the SS. Zeal- d, Red Star line. Thelr many wish The glorious sunshine of Satur- day sent all but tlie keenget badmin~ ton players to the great out-of-doors | $0 that the attendance at the meet- | ing of the Garrison Club was nct large. Among those present were Col. and Mrs. Anderson, Col. and Mrs. H J. Dawson, Col..and Mrs. Beverley Browne, Mrs. Eric Greenwood, Mrs. | Keith Hicks, Mrs. FF. W. Hill, Mr W. P. Wilgar, Col. and Mrs. A. E. Harris, Major and Mrs. Lafferty, Mrs. Alan Powell (Ottawa), Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Edith Carruth- | ers, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Laura | Kilborn, Col. Stockwell, Maj8r Car- | son, Major Bishop, Capt. Lee, Mr. Panet. { The engagement has been an- noanced in England between Lieut- enant R. E. S. Bidwell, formerly of| 'the Royal Canadian Navy, only son| ofl the Right Rev. the Bishop of On-| tario, and Mrs. Bidwell, and Mary {Grafton, daughter of the late R. G. | Cothamley, of South Pines, Milford- |cn-Sea. What the Editor Hears Mrs. Arnott Minnes, University . a avenue, is this afternoon er} That no one could have witnessed !paticas blooming in the beast, should have the support of tha community. That from three to six bracelets on the right arm is what the smart 1 | | niember of the younger set wears | she does not with If necklace to-day. choker its beads three times about her throat. soiled and That yoy c4n make your rugs look like new with salt wader, a new stiff finger brush, some | elbow | to | gopd soap and plenty of grease. Rinse in salt and water set the color. That that newest idea, which has | béen exploited by Chanel of Paris, is a knitted sweater, covered wirely bordered with crepe de chine that matches one of the colors and al muffler is of the crepe. That 1 Grand Op on Saturday evening was a great success. That a Portsmouth lady had he- house a month ago. The children will soon find them in the woods and we will hopa they will pick them carefully and leave the roots for another To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble TUESDAY, APRIL 24th, Although this bids fair to be a lively day, #t may not be forecast as altogether -propitious. Troubles may beset those.in the employment of others, and anxieties may be read in the auguries. Change should be avoided, and all disagreeable and disastrous conditions should be cir- cumvented by keeping firm control | on tongue and temper, as the Martial impulse may stir up strife and de- feat. Those whose birthday it is may have a year of troublesome coadi- tions. Those in the employment of ofaers may not be under altogether | safe conditions, and all should be careful not to offend by ill-temper or quick speech. A child born on this day snould be trained in self- discipline. The Royal Wedding; Bride to Cut Cake with | sampler cross-stitch in four colors, | concert in the | $ over liver through a food chopper, the bridge club of which she is a the works of the Boy Scouts ard member. . Edward Wilson, Mrs. who was with her daughter, Mrs. Mark Trum- Which has taught several hundreds |York and Lady Elizabeth to of our boys and girls tho valuable Lyon are now complete and pou, Earl street, has returned Napanee. William Harty, Jr.,, '"Roselawn," spent the week-end in Torontu. like tha | single | {etrand," she winds a long string of TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Grapefruit Cereal itogether one-half cup of cooked left- | uncooked diced celery, two cups of {raw diced apples, and one bauana French Toast with Mapie Sirup jeut very emill, This amount of fll- Coffee {ing will stuff s.x half peppers. Cut Luncheon {three whole peppers in half, to pre- Spanish Omelet pare them for stuffing, reriuve seeds Wholewheat Bread and stems, and put them over the Stuffed Baked Apples ifire in cold water 'to cover; when Tea | they come to a boil, let them sim- . Dinner jer for five minutes (this takes Calves Liver Smothered in {their too strong taste away), then Onions {drain and stuff. Bake the vege- Baked Potatoes jtable-stuffel peppers in a shallow Spinach Salad |pan containing a little water and Steamed Strawberry Pudding, butter. They will require one-half Hard Sauce hour in a mdoerate oven. A few | Coffee | buttered bread crumbs may ce i isprinkled on top of each pepper wo DISHES IN THIS WEEK'S MENUS brown. {| Spinach Salad: Bolu two quarts Wholewheat Muffins; 'of spinach till very tender, then | bowl one-eighth cup of granulated drain and chop it finels. Mix with [sugar, one unbeaten egg-yoke and it three slices of bacon which have 'one cup of sweet milk; beat well, been crisply fried then chopped, one then add one-half cup of white bread | tablespoon of butter and one|fiour mixed and sifted with two (hard. boiled egg, also cut small, {teaspoons of baking powder. Also | Press this mixture into four tumbd- add one cup of wholewheat flour, {lers (or any cup or glass with altwo tablespoons of melted butter {round base) and stand in a cold {and one egg-white stiffly whipped. place to cool and set. Just before Mix well and turn into muffin pans. | meal-time turn these four spinach [Bake 25 minutes in a hot oven. This i molds out of their glasses onto crisp ;recipe makes ée.ght large muffins. lettuce leaves and put a dab of may- Tomorrow--Answered Letters onnaise dressing on each. | Liver Boulettes: Put cooked Put 'into a All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the Houéekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerablo time, however, owing to the great left- {and to one cup of the choppea llv- ler add one beaten egg, one table- {spoon each of bread crumbs and | minced, partly cooked onion, and a | pinch of salt. Form this mixture | number received. So if a personal {into small, flat cakes with'the hands | or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- { roll each cake in flour, and fiy in|ed and self-addressed envelope must bacon fat until brown, turning once | be enclosed with the question. Be gide. Serve | sure to use YOUR full name, streot number, and the name of your city and province. --The Editor. | {80 as to brown the other [bot with tomato catsup. | Vegetable-Stuffed Peppers: Mix A A A A A A AANA SN Nh rm, lat the palace not later than one! BACCALAUREATE SERMON {c'clock. 1 | The state dining room and : | great upper room will be utilized. | | The dining room is to be used by! {members of the royal family and near irelatives of the bride with a few { privileged guests, between sixty and {eeventy in number, who will be ac-| {commodatel at a series of tables holding from ten to twelve guests | noon. "Religion and Progress' was | each." "At-the principal table will be'the subject of the address which {the king and queen, the Duke and Principal MacKinnon based on Matt. Duchess of York, the Earl and |VIL, 5v: "Things, New and OM," Countess of Strathmore, the Prince |The preacner reviewed the progress of Wales, Queen Alexandria, the ex-|in the past century in the develop- { min tae Preachvd at Queen's by Principal MacKinnon, Halifax Rev. Dr. Charles MacKinnon, prin- cial of Pine Hill Theological col- lege, Halifax, delivered the bac- calaureate sermon to the graduating classes in arts, science and medicine in Convocation hall, Sunday after- lover beets finely diced, one cup ot! Sin Guides at their entertainments in St. George's Hall last week, with- {out realizing that the movement {lessons of discipline, efficiency and as well to Keep their ipledge of honor to God and the 'courtesy Mrs. John Mollett, Maitland street, King, and kindness to man and !arranged that the guests can arrive | Plans for the subsequent recep- |tion and wedding breakfast to fol- low the marriage of the Duke of Bowes- only iawalt approval of King George. This { function will occur at Buckingham | Palace and the wedding will be so Empress Marie of Russia and the Duke of Connaught. About a hundred guests accommodated in the upper room, where the Lord Steward of the Household, the Earl of Shaftesbury, will preside. At th conclusion of the breakfast, the king will invite the guests to will be Life's Better Things It was for this mission--to life's better ings" that Ed it wonderful cleansing powers -- ordinary that m hours of De Pa a arse. 'Work are From southern isles and i countries comes rich | t cocoanut and palm oils we use--hence our guar antee of Sunlight's purity. give to women "time for oils gr ar beyond the nny | fill their glasses and dring to the {1cng life and happiness of the bride |and bridegroom, while the Earl ot | Shaftesbury will do likewise in the supper room. The two parties will then proceed to the great drawing room suite of the palace. In the blue drawing rcom members of the royal family ster Abbey, which will have veea {signed at the abbey only by the king and queen and the parents of (the bride. The bride will then be |called on to cut the series of great y wedding cakes and portions will be | pany. | Almost immediately afterwards the | bride and bridegroom will leave the {apartment to prepare for {journey and the remainder of the will sign the registers of Westmin-| {passed around to the assembled vom- | their {ment of western Canada, medical | science and the scienles gener- l ally, In religion he refer- {red to the changes On the {students who graduate next month, | Principal MacKinnon impressed thc thought that there are many prob- lems to be solved, but there are cap- able of eolution and their challenge to the university trained thinker is a big one. Dr. R. Bruce Taylor con- ducted the service and Dr. W. G. jiotien assgsted. i Given Jail Sentence. A young woman appeared before | Magistrate Farrell on Monday morn- ing, and on pleading guilty to a { charge of vagrancy, was sent to jail {for three months. A fixed idea ends in medness or | keroism. | Friendship is not to be bought at la fair. WU 70 de (04 1 822200 | RY OK | party will adjourn to the main ball {to witness the departure of | young couple. { | Y.M.C.A. Sunday Evening Service. | The regular vesper song service {at the Y.M.C.A. Sunday evening at 18.30 o'clock made a very fitting | Sabbath day closing, and those pree- { ent not only enjoyed singing togeth- | er the good old hymns, but also were | greatly inspired by a fine programme lof sacred music contributed by the] Methodist | church. The opening number was a! |choir of Princess street rousing anthem by the choir, the solo part being taken by Mrs. L. M. Loney, choir leader, who also gave a very thoughtful reading entitled "The Measuring Rod." Solos were given by Miss Jackson, Miss M. Quirt, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. W. Archi- bald. A mixed quartette composed of Miss Jackson, Mrs, Archibald and Messrs. J. Marshall and L. M. Loan- oy also gave a splendid selection. During the meeting, prayer was of- tered by Rev. A. 8. Duncan, and {John Kinch. F. R. Anglin gave a bible reading. The general secre- tary presided. ---- Houseboat Sold. | The houseboat Lysander, a craft {well known on the St. Lawrence iriver for her complete and homelike furnishings, has been purchased by J. Harold Hayden, Alexandria Bay, |N.Y,, trom the G. T. Raferty estate. The Lysander is eighty-five feet long with a beam of nineteen feet. She is lighted throughout by electricity, land is supplied with a hot water | heating outfit. --------- | Next to being a great poet is the power of understanding ome. the | 'GALLAGHER'S TAXI service 960 DAY AND NIGHT 1 "Effiolent | Sask. , We're showing several styles in the much-wanted very smart tongue-pumps. Black Satin, Black Suede Trim . . $6.00 Black Suede, Patent Trim ......$6.00 All Grey Suede .. ++. 310.00 Biege Suede, Brown Trim... . . .$10.00 Patent Leather LOCKETT'S i C N 43 Mrs. H. is A. Davidson, Moose dead. She was the Jaw, | treasurer of Belleville, lout of an 2ccident on the Trent Belleville, of Peter D. Meyers. deceased was bor of Sidney eighty-six years ago. The in the township | { ck, died on Wednesday years, has his leas »roken. mA TR RIRIIN] ) 1 JAVAUZVAUAVAVAN E12 [CL TTA Richard W. Gordon, Belleville; lost only [his action against E. T: Cherry and daughter of David Price, former city {Arnold Cherry for damages arising road + The death occured on Friday, at when Herbert Gordon, aged fourteen Frank Coon, a resident of Have- CHASE & SANBORN'S SEAL BRAND ORANCE PE KOE perb flavor Other household favorites : Shirriff's Vanilla Essence, Shirrifi's Jelly Powders. 3 Deliciously Gratifying New Process RECORDS WILL PLAY ON ALL MODELS OF THE COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA If you have not one yourself, why not invest in a smal model ? . STYLE "D." Corts-only $75 and we sell it on easy terms of payment. LIE

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