Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1923, p. 11

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RITISH WHIG TUESDAY, Aral Z4, 1023, st GH. : THE DAILY B Beaver Board Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economical The exclusive "SEALTITE" treatment gives Beaver Board an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- sary and insuring a perfect band with any good paint. Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. 2) er a a te + | KING'S BATTERY SERVICE FRED KING, PROP. i "BUSINESS AS USUAL" IN THE YELLOW SHOP, 275 BAGOT STREET. i 10) RESIDENCE S971. { ALBERT L.CLOU Liquid Fuel In The Intake System AFTER AN ENGINB has been running idls for some time or has been throttled down closely and moving its car at very slow speed, it often happens that, when the throtile is suddenly cpened to accelerate, there is quite a period of missing, possibly muffler explosions and con- siderable black smoke in the exhaust. The engine is said to "choke and sputter" end the cause of the trouble is generally that the manifold con tains a large quantity of liquid gasoline, which, when the throttle ig opened is suddenly sucked into the cylinders, "flooding" them and temporarily producing a mixture too rich to explode--at least regularly, and often foullng the plugs. The reason for this collection of unvaporized gasoline is that, when an engine is closely throttled, the rate of flow of air through the carburetor is so low and the suction on the carburetor-jet is so week, thap there is no actual atomizing of fuel into fine particles and very slight mixing action, due to air moticn. Gasoline simply "dribbles" out of the carburetor standpipe and settles upon the walls of the piping, colleeting in puddles upon the lower surfaces of the mani fold, which is oflen too cold to evaporate any of the liquid, except its | most volatile portions. Upon the opening of the throttle, there is a sudden violent rush of air through the piping, which catches up the collected fuel and sweeps it Into the cylinders, producing therein an immense excess of combustible, with results as stated above. When the carburetor is mounted directly upon the cylinder-block, as in most recent engines, the manifold is within the casting, and is heated enough by the surrounding warm jacket water to reduce the loading evil, but in external, exposed manifolds loading takes place, especially when the engine is cold. The hot spot manifold, with a portion of its wall heated by exhaust gas, the combination intake and exhaust manifold, having one hot wall common to both, are expedients for preventing the collec tion and retention of liquid fuel in the intake. The use of a carburetor 20 designed that, even when throttled, the air has a high velocity past the jet and the jet has a vigorous spraying action, tends to minimize "loading". The motorist who owns a car. the engine of which suffers ! from loading after being run throttled, should give the intake more heat ! : . I and perhaps consider a more modern carbufetor. 0 i { WEAK STARTER MOTOR . i H 1 PETTY fe Cr LL Lt TY 0 EARL EME EM IRIETN VEAL ELI IO0 FMAM LV) PHONE 410w. | Oerlet. | Siudclisker We have a few good Used Cars which we are offering at Reduced Prices, as we need the floor space for our new cars. The Central Garage Limited Phone 600. Brock and Montreal Streets, | WE NEVER CLOSE. nr !the mo sive resis ould Introduce exces While the battery may been given the ful) charge which it will take, date rioration of the p s will deprive it of tha power to supply the im- required in star:- Ti Pes sr mmm NUK ~ Wane' } have even START! CY anprany gt 1 RTT HLL TS ase ; current a LT -- ii "ROADSIDE RADIATOR REPAIRS em " i VDF eer 0 eliakenie i ees BEL Lo LT B. E. writes: Of late, my start- ing motor will not crank the en- gine, It turns until the pinion meshes and then stops. If I pre the starting button when the lights are on, they go out. I am suwe that ths battery is charged and that the starter drive is all right. What is the matter? Answer: Either the engine turns over abnormally hard, perhaps be- cause some its mov parts have recently heen tig ed or! else there is an extra high clec- trical resistance somewhere in the atarter circuit, which prevents the motor from developing the quired torque. If the engine cranks very hard, by hard, it, is not strange that the motor balks at turning it over. Imperfect connec- tions of the battery cables to the battery terminals, to the ground on the frame or to the starter switch, or bad connections in the switch itself or at the brushes of Four unfading cole ors -- Blue - Black, Red, Tile- Red, or Green. Asphalt Slates in 4-in-1 Slabs. . Tapered Slates with the heavybutts. Arro-Lock Slates (red or green) for diagonal effects. JUST CALL FROST'S When You Want a Thorough, First-Class Joh of AUTOMOBILE PAINTING PHONE 526. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. al BATTERIES ya Let the roof lend beauty to the house BEauLy in a roof need no longer be linked with heavy cost. First to introduce the Asphalt Slate to Canada: always seeking improve- ment in quality; ever planning for new color effects; ready from the first to. make good the slightest defects should any occur, Brantford Roofing Company have made roofs at once beautiful and practical. Brantford Roofing Co., Limited * 'Head Office and Factory: Bramtford, Ontario Branches at: Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Winnipeg S. A. W. writes: my car was on. the road the radi ator commenced to leak. What is the best way to stop these leaks? Answer: Applying thick white lead or red lead freely around the point of escape often works we!l and in the case of honeycomb rad- lators, putty pressed into the leak- ing cells from bLoth front and back generally proves effective. Plaster of Paris In the form of a thick paste can also be used and we have seen temporary repairs made with heavy cup grease, of Twice, when re. WHITE ROSE GASOLINE insures a smooth running mo- tor. Get the car overhauled Now McALLISTER'S PRINCESS ST. Phone 1750. Give an Exide ordi- nary care and it will give you extra- ordinary service. Distributed , under Brant- ford Roofing Trade Marks, through Brantford Roofing Dealers. Stock carried, in- formation furnished, service rendered by our dealer in your district. Tooping Track Of Fuel Economy The Tconomical Cor ls Generally The Well Conditioned Car WITH THE PRESENT high price of gasoline likely to advance atill furtier, there fs an added incentive to keep track of a car's gasoline consumption, and the best way to do this is to keep an accurate record of the number of gallons added to fully replenish the tzpk, at each Qliing and 'the cdometer reading on each such occasion. To figure the miles per gallon obtained between any two fillings, it is only necessary to divide the difference between the two odometer readings by the number of gallons supplied durfng the period in question. For example, if on i March 1st, the odometer 1 ding was 6,325 and on May 1st 6,803, the | 1 Car was run 477 miles and, if the tank was completely filled on these { J Roof: two dates and 31 gallons were supplied, including the filling of the last For Sale by Anglin Lumber Co. | THERE IS AN EXILE | but not of the first date, the average gasoline economy during the period DEALER NEAR YOU would be 477 divided by 81 or 15.4 miles per gallon. The longer the period of time and the more the car is run, the more accurate the resuits obtainable in this way, assuming the records are correct. For those motorists who object to keeping such memoranda continuously, gasoline economy can be checked up occasionally in an approximate way as follows: Just before starting upon a fairly long trip, set the car on a level floor, fill the tank exactiy full and record the odometer reading end, upon returning, place the car in a level position, fill the tank exactly full, with gasoline handled in an accurate measure, read the cdometer and divide the mileage run by the number of gallons required te replenish the tank. The miles per zallon thus obtained will be higher ~ - x than can be obtained in average service, especially if the trip is a long mi 3 To-night at Jarvis's Strawberries and Ice Cream Neilson's Saladice Bricks, 4Se, A delicious lee Cream Brick full of frults and nuts Neilson's assorted bricks, 35e. Ice Cream in bulk reduced to 50c. quart, Eskimo Pie, We dor colates. We represent those who know just how Neilson's, Moir's, one, TROUBLE IN SHIFTING GEARS! Ganong's and Willard's, Quality ig our motle Look for this Sign: Write for descriptive liter- ature, or advice oa Roofing problems. CARS FOR SALE Two Chevrolet Trucks. One Overland Touring Car. One Ford Touring Car. These Cars are in good condi. tion and prices right. + * are sold in Kingston by CLARK'S GARAGE | VAN LUVEN EROS. Cor. King and Princess Sts, { CER] STII MIE SI {| 8488 PRINCESS STREET ty A SP A tn EXIDE BATTERIES LIFE OF GENERATOR ARMATURES F. W. M. writes: After two years service, the generator of my car | ceased to give current, as Indicated by no movement of the ammeter. | My garage men took the armature and had It tested and was told that 2 new one was required., One was put in. I still' have the old arma- ture, which shows not the slightest external defect. Will it pay me to have it repaired? What is 'the average life of a generator arma: | ture? Answer: Car Owners Attention Have your Batteries Charged and Repaired before the Spring rush. . Batteries Charged---our price 5c. Starters, Generators and Magnetos--repairing done promptly. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Kingston Battery Service PHONE 1923J. W. MILNE 113 BROCK ST. 3 DOORS BELOW W. P. PETERS (easiti) le . 8bc. dozen. C. C. writes: I bave some trou- | Ve represent those who ble shifting the gears of my car, ! not being able to cnange from low to second at all times with the en- gine running. There is no trouble in meshing with the engine stopped. The former owner of the It 1s not considered Er ea ee a a Who is this man in the private office? He is--the man your salesmen are afraid to stop on the street; --the man who is always "out" or "busy" when they call; --the man who never replies to your letters making special offers; --the man who ignores your tele- grams, Somebody has called him tance. He does not know but he is as polite as if favors! Long Distance gets in where salesmen fear to tread. Planned Long Distance cam- baigns get past every barrier. on Long Dis- yet who it is, he anticipated W. A. G. Spriggs, car says that the trouble is my own ' fault. Where !s the difficulty? it In the clutch or gears? Answer: Of course there is a! knack in shifting gears some! transmissions and conditions re- quiring a quick and some more deliberite action to secure the best ; results. If there is any trouble with the mechanism it may be that! the clutch does not release fully and thus keeps the gears spinning and difficult to mesh smoothly. | Possibly the clutch-brake which is designed to slow down the spin- ning gears does not act strongly enough to be effective or, . on the other hand, it may work too harsh- | ly and not give time enough for shifting. Possibly the lubrication | of your transmission may not be | such as to promote easy shifting. | If some one else can make the | shifts all right, you may be to| blame for the trouble experienced, | but, if not, one of the defects which we mentioned above, prob- | ably exists. ! Is | Questions gf general interest to , Profitable to wepair armatures, which are in serious trouble. Man ufacturing costs are so jew that It does not pay. You better take this armature to another electrical service station and get a confirma: ition of the verdict that it, is de- fective. It Is pretty hard to set » life for these armatures, but 15.- 000 miles of service may be as €00d a Fuess as any. A great many armature defects would be indi- cated by outside signs, such as burned commutator bars, broken lea®s, soaked insulation and the like, but others would not be visible. the motorist will de answered by Mr. Clough in this column, space permitting. If an immediate answer is desired. enclose seif-addresged. stamped envelape, | { i i i | ia are beginning to sing there will be more than fisting around Cloyne, Loon Lake this spring. r don is adding a cottage to his camp with a radio outfit and new floating motdr boat { Meeks, with his guide, made {rst trip to inspect his new boat | house and camp. jor there are fifteen lots taken up. {der way as soon as | permits. He looks to see Loon Lake f the coming pleasure resort in part of the country. J( Meeks, Bon, car Huffman and Mr. Perry are home Echo and S. Cottages Are Beng Reared -- The LOON LAKE AS A RESORT Spot Is Ideal ¥ Cloyne, April 21.--As the snow leaving the ground and the birds E. B. Lan- js dng. Archibald his Mr. Landon re- Several cottages will be un- the weather this A. Wheeler each | Rashotte's stock in their cars, Mrs. S. E. Wise has re-decorated ber store and ice-cream parlor. The market is steady at :Eggs, 25¢; but-| ter, 40c; potatoes, 50c¢ per bag. Sil ney Hawley finished drawing the school wood before the snow went ofi. Miss B. Levier left this morn- ing for Uncle Sam's domains. Sug- ar making is in progress and a fair- ly good year is the outcome. Mrs. J. Clarke and wee Leslie are spending a few daya at Tichborne. All enjoyed themselves at the party at D. McGregor's previous to his sale which is to come off on April 24th. The work on the new road is going on siowly; we hope to see it move soon. Mrs. W. Head, we are glad to learn, is improving. Os- aga.n not having found any work brought heme a fine showing of Felix (in their travels, RIO Internal and External Pains are promptly relieved b: p= THoMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AND IS TO-CAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE [3 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR ITS NUMERGUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. Gas Ranges and Plates, McClary's Sunshine Furnaces E== 1 Installing receives our careful, =) . personal attention. GRAVES BROS. tumbing, Tinsmithing, Hot Air Heating, House Furnisiiing. a11" PRINCESS STREET . PHONE 382. PEERLESS FENCE A real fence for every need on the farm or lawn. All styles carried in stock. Get our prices. : LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET J. H. JARVIS Opp. Princess St. Methodist Church PHONE Im, OPEN NIGHTS. e deliver to all parts of the WHY? | Try to make yourself a new Hat out of materials that are as common as postage stamps. You spend from $3 to $5, spend hours in the making of it and what have you got when it is finished? Something your friends laugh ai a block away. No doubt you have'a Hat you used to like but are tired pf the shape. let us reblock it up-to-date. ou will have a Hat when it is finished. It won't cost more than $1.50 and probably less. The Kingston Hat Cleaners 'UPSTAIRS 163 Princess Stf . Phone 1488. | AUTOMOBILE 1 TOPS RECOVERED } Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Fhone 663 A------ a -------------------- All who joy would win : {Must share it--happiness was borm i a twin --Byrom.

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