THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'Articles For Sale" will Interest you 15 To-day and every Day. The Classification --- - " - Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular~ ized according to BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM inc, Phijadelphia, Pa. THE their the type. ads. are restricted io per classification, and to gular Dally Whig style of CLASSIFIED RATES couse A Dally rate per line or inscriions Minimum charge, i cents. Diily rates per | ¢ Qays 4 days 1 vay "ase rvns Dealhs--Une Births, kngageiien 34.50; cash, §1.0v. card of 'Yhanks and hotices-----Cnarged, 3l.ov, cach insertion. Advertsing ordered fir irregular insertions takes tne one-tiine inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telepuone and if paid at The Brit- 18h whig office within & days from che first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day wid stopped before expiration wil wnly be charged for the number of vines the ad, appeared and adjust- ment made at lhe rate earned. siate per line tor white ace toe same as a line of yp: bpecial rate tor yearly advertising upon request, rubiishers reserve tne right to edit or reject all classitied advertising copy 'Le 'ephone 243, ask for a want ad. take Cnarge Cash : p charged. Marriages, Memorlam casn, $i.w¥ words ia Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. Scars, Pls, ete, removed permangntly. Satisfac- | tory Glasses fitted aud furnished afier others have failed. Goltre cured with out operation. 48 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Eur, Nose, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone | 301w. House 1135J. Lost and ¥ 'ound BIC YCLE- "Lost, from drug store. Will person who took same Friday kindly return to M. R. McColl, 212 Princess Street. Se CHAIN--Found, for automobile. Owner pay have same at 627 Princess Street. road to Har- children's leave it Bros, ost, on the black leather, purses inside. Finder please in Sydenham 1. O. for Walsh , Sydenham. P-- Lost, nickle- plated Between Kingston and Collin's Bay. Finder please return to James Heid and ceive a reward. KEY --Found, near corner Montreal sireets Owner game at Whig Office. VECK-PIECE-- Found, Chatham st , near Prir apply at 132 Chatham Street rowsmith, "Princess and may have on 3. Owner "Found, on Alfred Street. LUWwner may have same at Whig Office. BORTOISE SHELL RIMS--Iound, for glasses, on William Street. Owner ap- ply Uglow's Book Store. : 1 THERMOMETER--Found, nurse's, in| silver case, on Barrie street. Owner | may have same at 109 York Sireet. - | * ¥OP HOLDER--or cover for large car, | found, near Hay Market. Apply n_street, or phone 1901J : Automobiles 1921 CHEVROLBT--Touring, Ford iight | truck; both in splendid condiuon. Owners cannot use either; anxious to| sell. Make offer, i, 14 Maitland | Street. Phone 660 TT AND GRAY DORT. NEW | STANDARD TOURING | TOURING $1395; SIX CY- GRAY | SEDAN RAY E LIST $1365; PHAETON SPECIAL TOURING $1483; LINDER TOURING $1750; TOURING § STANDARD $2095; SPECIAL SEDAN $1660. F.0.B. KINGSTON PAID, CHARLE STREET HARAGE, PRIC L10M 2250; TAXES PESTER, KING, PHONE 939. Mclaughlins, Fords, Che vrule ts, . C halmers; Tour- ings, roadsters. Palmer, corner of Bago yt and Queen Streets. MOTOK ThUUA Heo speed WAagR: mn, | almost new, perfect condition, special- ly built body; suitable for retail de- fivery; trial Fun on appointment. Ap- 1 H. Fair, 179 Stuart Street "Auto o Trucks For Sale 12) FORD TRUCK--WIIl be sold at a bar-| gain to a quick buyer. Apply 106 Vietoria Street north. Phone 1367w. { ee Auto Ace cessories--' 'Vires-- Pa rts 13 AUTOMOBILE USED PARTS r any make or model. Palmer's, ner of yz Queen 8 t FEPATRS AIT repai ork not called | for by May 1st will be sold. Eastern] Canada Maxotire Co. corner Queen] d tari ote 2050. "for Hi ro--Taxi TAXI--The only place which furnishes a proper 24 hours taxi service. 549J. _M. Corkey. cor Says Leprosy Can Be Cured London, April 24.--That leprosy can be effectively cured by the in- | jection of certain oils, including cod liver and goya bean oil, was claim- ed by Sir Leonard Rogers in a paper | read before a recent meeting of the | Loyal Society of Arts, There would appear to be numer- ous coses of leprosy in London, par ticularly among army men who have returned from Eastern countries, which are unrecognized. To Picnic at Cobourg. Cobourg, April 24.--Already two Ngeresting gatherings are arrang- to be held at Victoria Park here fa July. The Rotary Club picnic for this district is to be held on July 25th. The Royal Arch Masons of Oa- tario, District No. 10, also contem- thering carly in July. ---------- . George P. Reid Deads Toronto, April 24.--Georges PI. , former general manager of the ndard Bank of Canada, and later eral manager of the United Em- Bank, died this forenoon at the of his son-in-law, Lt.-Col. Gil- , officer commanding the Royal madian Dragoons in this city. He born at Demerara, British o . in 1846. re-y | ARCH Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of { | MARC ELIS--Wm., Business 8ervico Business Services Offered ad Book Bar- TIONEER--And Appralser sales with W. A. 1wigg, ! ect. Phohe 3.20J. and class- James Carpenter tes glven un ail €8 of Work; hardwood flooring. i Jarrell, 2.1 Sireel. LOE rusLlic He €ROr LiF Bagot STENOURAPHY Auditing, J 14 Mas arn ers -- Suiinery | HEMSTITCHING-- WOUrk guara 366 Barrie Princess street. Sewlr and rep listimates given 1 Ars J. Divcus irom e | Bhd Women's ciot 01 barrie Sire nus et. Willare Insurance 28 [RE-- Aulomoblie and Casually Insure I. M. Crumley, I'hone Iisa. Accident and bile Insurance For rates or any formation cail or puone E. Williams, LH -ouper Street. G. HUNTER in- 2 "OGILVIE--Representing the 107 Gore Street 1ua7 INSURANCE--Only tae mm companies repiesented Strange & Birang, esiaphished in 1860. OUmmice: 95! larence direel, uppe Fost Ultice. Moving, 1 rucking, Storage ASHES "cellars and yaras, A Macuregor, Zi R ne 2296. ASHES Phone 86M and ved, all kinds of KE. business. mcst reliable gile "Cleaned out dub don reet I EMOVE DL clean I 3 Beverley "Strest. Taile guarantees "good Express and mov- reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Next to Armvouries. Phone cking, local and long dis- furniture. Apply i86w. MOVING--TT tanc hauling of Robert Hen Phone STORAGE SPACK- and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, Nelson street. Fhone 1391J .or 618. STORAGE--LI or furniture. clean, dry, | airy rooms and aces; your own lock Sy Storage, 299- © 143 r painting, ing, dec given oo and hard- njsping; workmanship guaranteed. 205 Alfred Decorating Hr class WOrk ana work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Phone 1966. FAINTING--Yapering, Deo class Work; best ox mater Sample DUOKS un request. son. hone 1867) 13 AUNTING--Pape rhanglug, Glaziug, tlarawooud ¥loor etc, Mnrst class work, prices. Wallpaper samples. kstimates submitted. A. | MouRieer, tS A EL Victoria St. Decorating Finishing I PAINTING--HOuSe painting, piano and furniture finishing; all work given careful attention. Charles Hebert, 23 Frontenac St: North. Phone 2070w. PAPER H ANGING--Kalsomining "and house painting; wall paper samples;' timd submitted; "prices reascn- satisfactory H. Rowley, cel. Phone 1361w. ap Hanging a and Deco- paper sampies; metallic guld setters for store and vifice win- kKstimate submitted J. Montreal Street. ;Phone 1432 "PAINTING--J. 5. Robinson, rear | Bagot street. rating, wall S--Power, Jiroel and Wellington. A. DC, PAC, cor- sets. 2nd) Kingston, | 'deiephone ner Princess ang Barrie St ficor, barrie St. entrance, Ont Consdltation free. 8.tJ. Hours y to 12 a.m. LUCY--Dr. George VF. Lucy, Chiropractic. Speciaiis 420 Earl Street. "Automo- reliable companies in all branches of Phone| J. | or furniture, clean | Anderson, 155 Bagot reasovnabie| Plana. | MAN--Reiliable, Son and Drever, | | { Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- | tween Princess and Brock. Telephone! 943w, Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to §, and, 710 9% pm. Spinal analysis and con-! sultaticn free. Residential calls appointment. COACH | = SPARKS & BPARKS -- Dentists, 1 Wellington sireet, corner of Phone 546. i KNAPP--Dr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 358 Princess Street. Phone 652w, Open; : evenings _by Em "Legal NGHAM & SMITH --- Darrisiers Solicitors, 79 Clarence Kingston. A. Cunningham, Cyrii M. Smith. SHEA--Ambrose, BA, Barrister Solicitor. Law office, corner of Kirg and Brock, vver Royal to loan. Fhone 1999. REVELLE -- Adri Solictor, 69 Clarence I 2475. CIUNNI and X.C; Street, Medical , 133 Clergy St | W.--M.D. 5 Res. 184m. Office 0 p | RENNETT, C. Kingston. | by| = Brock. | | | | Street, | and | Bank. Money | | | | 1 PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS--On how to answer your child's questions about birth, ete. Send 10c¢c. for copy to Dr. Edna Ashcroft, 204 King Street. 20 Cali oe see We Driscoll, 23 Joan HO PAIRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Samiusii, corner Mont. al and Quee Lre 4 To-Day's Blonder Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) Upon entering this room, one's | impression would be that or confu-| sion. ed so there is a jumbled, instead of harmonious, line arrangement, and to walk about the room would re- quire many side-steps to avoid sharp corners or escape tripping over small furnishings. SE ph ASE Su Australia's Defence Sydney, Australia, April. 24.-- Speaking at a military re-union, the Commonwealthe minster of Defence, Mr. Bowden, said the time had ar- rived for Australia to come to a decision on the question of defence. "We are absqlutely dependent for naval defence on the Empire," said Mr. Bowden, "If attacked we could only hope to hold out until the Mother Fleet arrived, and even for that our expenditure on defence must be increased considerably." (Jokasy Dundee got the decision r (ene Delmont at Toronto Mon- roi aight. > The furniture has been plac-| | < | What's Yours? What lo you want---a better position--a more com- fortable room--a new Everybody has some big want ones on thg side. You want to fortable--these two wants are sure. But--you know what particular things are on your mind to-day-- and whatever your immediate wants are ---a look through the indexed columns of the A-B-C classified section will help to satisfy them. This classified section {8 a clearing-house of all the wants and offers of the people of Kingston--every day you'll come upon new opportunities to find what you've been looking for. Get the habit of getting satisfaction--use this ser- vice regularly! an automobile ? of smaller com- home -and a lot be successful and THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. _Financlal iness Opportunit ies IANING-- sing, Dyeing and Tailoring bus tur sale, in good town near Kingston. Long establish- ed. No opposition. Splendid opportun«; ity. Applicant gyiust have $250. Box X-20; Whig Office. "Money to "Loan 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, Incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pure chased; investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, mauager, 37 Clarence Street Clogston. Live Stock Horses, Cattle, Implements Vill weigh over 1100 Ibs. splendid driver, gentle and kind. Will drive single or double in any kind of work A. MacLean, 100 Kronten ag Street. =~ "Poultry and "Suppl i White W yandottes' kKggs, tor hatching, bred for egg production; all my pens head by Ottawa winner. Joseph Whit Portsmouth, Ontario, 3 "Business Service Repairing 38 saws sharpened BE timates given on all kinds of paper- hanging Satisfaction my motto W.| McLenns Division Street. SHOES-- Repaired; UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ee ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 21¢ Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING ---- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue, Phone _2043F. UPHOLSTERING--AnRnd goneral repair- lL.eava orders at or drop a card Ww Harold, 154 Clergy Street. ~ Employment "Help Ww anted--Female COOK E. Kent, 85 King Street Apply Mrs. R. is 49 Refer- Lyman, shing. Miss COOK Street West rk in Bower 3 B , King HOMEWORK--Good wage you to make socks on tne learned Auto Knitte necessary. Distan i¥ no canvassing. Particulars dc. stamp, De pt Indtter- FORO; King -- s Store. Ap- Street We from pen in pullet mated to cockerer from official egg hen at Ottawa laying contest. 33.00 per setting, or I settings for $5.00. Also White Leghorn Eggs; SES per se PHIRE J. B. Holland, 152 Clergy Street, Cit LEGHORNS -- Sur Leghorns, famous winter laying. $1.00 per ting of Eggs tested by Magic Testér to prove fertility. Apply 6 Bajus Cottag Wellington Street, Opposite ¥rei Sheds. He Auto MAID--Goad, general mediately "Brae 8. C. W. r Ap-| ply Mrs. D. A. Cays, 128 Barrie St. | i WOMAN--To with cooking. Phone 2257. do housework and help Apply 212 King Street. | { Help Wanted--Male 33 Wanted--Live Stock - 50 N AND BRAKEMBDN--Beglin-? CA TLE To pasture for season of Ei monthly, (which posi-| 3¥ On George McGowan's farm, 1s- tion"; Write Rallway, Dept. 2, Whig lang Road. Apply W. E. Caverly, R. Oftice, R. No. 3, Odessa, = GIRL-- To work for Call evenings. 302 ___Merchandise phone 1996w. of three. Street, or family Queen y 4 51 T --Set of BiX walnut chairs, "curled walnut short buffet, walnut parlor tables, grandfather's clocks, ete, ete. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Street. Phone 1045w. iS--Orders taken for Awnings, and Tents; best service. Repair work, satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone an BABY CARRIAGE --Cream 'wicker and cradia, in good condition, Appl v 19 Le 1 niversity Avenue or phone 7 J. as subscription agent for the Farmers' Advocate. Apply giv- ing full information as to experience, married or single, tp The William Weld Co., Ltd., London, Ont MAD xperienced, to help with farm work; wages $35 per month for the season. Apply W. A. Barr, Route 3, Wolfe Island. Phone 10 r 4. SHOW CARD WRITING--F ur us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. Nu canvassing. We In- struct and supply you with work. ast. -Angus Show Card Service, 17 BABY CARRIAGE-- IN FIRST APPLY 11 Ti CLASS CONDITION. for Dry a Kingston. ABERDEEN STREET. Xperie need, in tewn near 4 Whig Office. To learn : APPlY BABY CARRIAGE -- -- White, ~ Wicker. Cost $50, in Al condition; will gell rea- sonable; also sulkey and wheel crib with mattress. Phone 909m, BRICK---Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. EE W althem, corner Birch and Collingwood Streets. Phone 618 or Grocery "and A - BOYS AND Textile Co -- Solicitors, C. anvassers, Agents 85 NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a reliable nursery nrm | profitable. You can sell in country, tewn or city. We grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. ely _ham Nursery C Toronto 3 SSMAN D AGENTS vention by Canadian lady; appeals to every housewife; nothing like it on the market; low price; quick sales; big profits. Sterling Specialties Corp., 110 Church St., Toronto 'Situations Wanted-->Male 37 BOOKKEEPER ---- Gentleman, desires position at once. Apply Box Z-21, Whig Office. Dominion taraqui St. HARD. COAL -- Ol hestnut, $15.75 delivered prices on large quantities. Phone 'hanrdson's, Im. Yard, corner Bar- 2 ston Streets. --Hand, in good con- Mrs. Alfrea Watts, [s 2) dition. bir Portsmouth" New in- CLOTHING-- Men' 8 new Work black, blue, khakl, T6c. Overalls, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Men's Used Suits, good] condition, $6. $8 and $10 45 Princess Street. Phone 14561m This information is ke Gee. olute- Fair Enough x SILLY-ETTES on YER UNDER ARREST FOR HAVIN'A GUN--YOU LOOK LIKE A BAD EGG ANYwaAY! You YE Sge~1 LOT TO SORT OF THINKIN' IT OVER, SIR --~ I. | "Stove ana| ROOM Special | Ri-! | | Shir 18. A Shapiro, | wind} Adbertisers who do not wish thetr | fname to appear, may have replies come ' €lassified ad, to @ box number at the Daily Whig Of n br Merchandise Articles For "Sale MARINE. GUARANTEED IN CHEAT. APPLY RENFREW, TL 30X 638, ONTARIO. up-to- date J. Thomp- P hone 1600w. mixed wood, Une car Slabs H TARDW OULb---7 cars of $35.26 per quarter cord $3.90 per quarier ord; (green) $3.70 quarter cord. Alsg saw- dust for sale.' W. lH. Talbot, 3 St Catnerines st.' Yard, Concession St GO-CART--Wicker, with rubber tires, in good conditivn. Apply 638 Princess Street GAS RANG at a bdrgain; Labinet; three new electric (hall, dining room, living room). Ap- ply to 412 gohnson Street or phone Lo¥0M HORS Vaggon and harness, suitable for Qelivery or carting. Will sell sep- arately. Apply Phone 618, New Eng- land sakery, Collingwood Street. HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to | ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of your ipply. Cordwood and slabs,! Wa, Ye $2.50 1-3 cord; saw- $, cart joma. C Clinkers buc. All deuvered. baggage and general cartage Phone 1visw. 248 University Avenue. W. C. Bruton. [LIBRARY FasL E--beautiful quartered valk Aj ply 839 Albert Street. in stock and made to ey from $4.50. Cot Mat- and up. »attress reno- speciaity. Frontenac Mat king Street Pho -One one Knechtel Kitcaea 1961J ild, for lawns, etc. 663 Prine ess St. MOULD--Garden mo Apply William Young, MOTOR BOAT strofig construct! falo engine, élect: slorage battery, equipped, rea _White, Kingst 5 PRIVATE SALE--Household furniture,| Glass cabin, semi-heavy ngnt, dynamo, light; WwW. J. parlor and 'dining room suite, Morris| etc. Apply 38 ¥rontenac| chairs, solid oak buffet, between § and 9 o'cloc Street (South), Pl ANO--Mason & Risch Upright, ebony case, ivory ; in good condition. Price §2 rms $15 cash and §7 monthl 1 nasay, Ltd. -Suitable for store. 1 ry, Colling- a} "heer | Heaters, and var-| . Phone| ange Hall in good ew Apply Bate- 189 Welitugton St, apposite ( SAME Also man's neal Kingston. SUIT - Firepr letter press, i Lstate, Tricotine, eight or 211 cheap. Xpply Lady's Made to order, for electr Work guaranteed P Apply 258 King Street-- des ure in the window RY PLANTS ever-bearing, No sive and Americus $3.00 per Mail wrders filled pro: McCormack, 86 SHADES oil lamps Four bes 999, Suburb STRAWBER kinds Progres hundred. 2 1970J. 8. set. TRACTOR---New Fi fully equipped wi Frogs ) and governor Apply to R Harrowsmith, Ont, TABLE--Solid walnut also set of six dining chairs, 'solid lea- ther seats. Apply Fhone 1704m. VBLVET CARPET --Good condition; yards carpet with 29 y border; made up suitable for double parlor Apply Mrs. Geo. Wright, 334 Johnson Street ~ Wanted-- bd 1tly used w. Martin, 'o Buy Anyone having Office, stating price r; or False Teeth, for hange. G. W. street, Kingston. AND ROOMS week. Al conve rates, BOARD day or sonable rooms and board; a rar centrally located good board, reaso the down-towr close to tion. Mrs. Todd, able rates; business sec _8on street. ROOM AND Young women, r phone 760J. BOA For 2 y La. one University | ether It i8 someone to whitewash 0 cellar, bank your house, take ! down your screens--or any one of the tiousdaas of odd jobs to be dune around a house at this time of year, you will pnd someone dependable through Daily Whig wani-ads, To get the full benefit from your the name and telephone umber should appear, unless a box number is used. By L. C. Phifer YOU SAY THAT YOU GOT THAT GUN TO KILL YOURSELF WITHY YES, YER HONOR! AND I DECIDED TO LET MYSELF OFF WITH a CAUTION! hardwood | F new cabinet (Jewel) | nxtures| ders $1.00.) fully! b. ! condition. | 1 fender| 3} tension dining, | 30 Lyons, | 114 John-| or two| Real Estate For Sale Houses Mor Sale ROAD-wRes.d . Rooms For Rent ~ Hooms Without Board lence of the late Waddington, ern sold briek 3 Fooms and bathroom, hat ade, city water and electric k y 12 'acres of land, barns stables Inquire of Miss Wad- gton, Bath Road. bedrooms | ROOMS-- 82 Queer ROOMS abl MODERN, WATER JOHNSON' STREET DWELLING, HOT FURNACE, 9 ROOMS, HARDWOOD Fi UP-TO-DATE HOME. Pos- SION MAY IST. FULL PARTICU. LARS. BROCK STREET DL. a "Rooms For Housckeeping APARTMEN May 1st ODORS, ossession! SES Touse keeping, ' at Centraliy W hig Office. or light vnyveme x Y-2 COTTAGE --NEARLY NEW, AT EAST PARK, BOATHOUSE, ETG PARTICULARS APPLY D. a. | CAYS, §7 BROCK STREET. -------------------------- HOUSES-- Couking, elec phone Apply §b4 :ompletely furnished VIEW & gas and elec-| "OR Alfred Street alas Ehone 2467 w Real Estate For Rent Apartuents and Fiats | AP, APARTMENT Furnished, four rooms,| for light housekeeping Apply 238) _Barrie Street about ist of May. = | APARTMEN May heated and [ "lighted, private entrance, all im- provemercs, ving rooms first floor, | fawn, Apply 430} r ar. | = 74 | COLBORNE STREET---7 Puumns, 3 plece bath, nice verandah, rooms, 4 bed. Ls, rurnace, $4000, | Extra lot i | SOLID BRICK HOUSE | tie, 10 rooms, lguls, gas, Piece and basin in atic, ~2 story and at- bedrooins, electro vath, also tollet hot water seaung; m; large vergu- ication ea | mn, li rooms, | of six rdwocd| bathns,| ha 3 3 plece heating included most of 'the city. Apply to H 338 King Street Phone t water central part B. Warcell, 1018J. Phone 704 or §48J Bagot Street 71 ur rooms and | tiled bath room, a CS, EAs rang refrigerator, hardwood floors, electric lights, well heated. Apply o9 Brock Apartments wn Pais T--May 1st, HOUSES-- | Barrie Street, $3.000. Clergy Street, $6.500. fat, 0 ith $00 au k ne 4 room unfurnished also 2 rooms on bath suitable for conveniences. Queer Street. ROOMS--Three large unfurnish d; al- $0 use of bathroom, on bathroom FL Bagot Street, $2,400. | private balcony, light, water and] phone included with rent. Possession| Aberdeen | at once. Phone 72 call at 64 Livingston Avenue, $6 Bar Street, sg] TWO houses, Queen Street, $5,000. Division Street, § Street, houses, §3,000 to 600. | Business Places LODGE HOOMS-- kK. | =~formerly occupied i inningna or Rent er by the 10.0.F. i aud Smith, Oftice. Post Farms For Rent IRER . SEE--Bateman"s large Real Estate ad- Will vertisemeut, page umn William land. to garden Apply at 7 p.m, 6, Smith Street. The following IS--G oo lease it. | ve, No. i 58 i Solid brick, e6X152, with gar- Price $u,000. Apply hone, oifice dusw.; VICTORIA STRI )X3v, modern; 1 ten re 1. Cor tw SNTREE bath, electr Hours throughout, Wi while But by S81 Queen Ww anted--Real Estate diy Six or seven rooms, or Bungh- od locality. State price, ete. tter. Write Box I'-s, ¢jo. OS Ke. ith Con, iL t to G Macdon- | SINTH Kings Ne. piece 34 | 4] Seven rooms." gas, Apply at OC gan's Street | CONCESSION STREET --No's 39, each rooms and extension Single ga 63 Queen Harkness butcher shop. 185 Queen Street. Phone 983w YW BELLI t rooms, trame. 3 polished arches wovdwork. 0. Apply OTN, Hghts, Colianade enamel finisn 45, 47, $10.00 | Street, Apply HOUSE t 1 1 BUSINESS SERVICE W. Kent Macnee | | | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Broek | { { "north fur- vO, tric ed, bath, seven TRAN and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m, ES Ww Gent ral Insurance Agelcy, t : riting:--Automobile, Fir A aparimients, §20 and 3 dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Bur ol. | ALF. Norman, 69 Patrick 8t. =~ | lvte. 'Representing caly rel | panies. lar, lable Bn HOUSES---- two- fur-| | $35.00--1462 Brock Stree piece bath, gas, elect nace, May 1st. rooms ight, FURNITURE All Descriptions at Reason able Prices STOVES epalred. at a rgiht price. or a Street elec $35.00---109 Victori hree piece ba furnace, May Ist rooms. lights, $15.00 ---87 York Street gas E. W. MULLIN & SON Johnson and Division Stre Seven ro locat- a) ns, centrally 'nham Street HOUSE 4 56 ed ply HOUSE--~SIx'ruomn near Bagot,-two piec Vacant 1st « way i : ar NEE Tr 4 nobile, > : . - | 3 i ir . and all a good 1 at reason p Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Oxy-Acetylene Cutting. Oxy-Acetylene Carbon Burniag. DAVIS DRY DOCK (CO. East End of Wellington Street | F ree Advise the best to re- Aut Motor achinery » of this | { 2---S1 ¢ pi Jueen's r | h, Shem orn heated by per month on yearl 1st. Write Box V-13, 98 EARL STREE fous house, newly light, . electric attachments for vacuum aners and Warmers; cooking; 3 p. toilet, Sunshine Hot Furnace, garage. Vacant May. bert, 194 Barpie 5t. Phone 6, phone 773w. RIDEAU ST.--Stone house 8 rooms, | 3 piece bath, furnace, gas, grounds, trees, verandah at back. Apply 47 Ri- annie Rent $25. , from May Whig Office. Alr A NICE PLACE TO STOP Densmere House rooms with all Tar me e, se mi- ] electric light and Possession 1st May. Princess Street. 556 A HE RT STREET- detached, 6 rooms, large yard. I. Zacks, Real Estate For Rent Summer Places For Rent >| SUMMER COTTAGE -- Furnished, a Eastview Park. Apply 165 8Syde nbam | Tee et. Comfortable convenlences. First-class meals. Special attention to transients. 72-74 Bydenham Street West Telephone 791m. MRS. E. P. DENISON ~ Business Property HOTEL PROPERTY--Known Queen's hotel, Tamworth. three story brick hotel known so long | by the travelling public. This hotel] has just been thoroughly renovated. For r Tartner particulary apply to J. A. a Lakeview House Corner Queen znd Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class rooms and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor, FARM--OTf 125 acres for sale or to re or would exchange for city propert y 12 miles from Kingston, 3 miles from 3 villages, 75 or 80 acres plow land. 30 acres seeded, 25 fall plowed; well wat- ered; frame house and ba Jaks Real Estate Agency, 159 Wel- ing , n White Lake in the Township of Olden, suitable for pasture: Lot 15 in the Sth] Con., Lot 17 in the 7th Con; Lot 17 in! the 6th Con.' Apply to G. M. Macdon-| ell, | : 38 c lare Street, _Kingsto Advertise that spare room for rent | there are many des'rable roomers to be| bad through Daily Whig want-ads. | SEE US EARLY PLEASE ABOUT PUTTING IN SOME COAL James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street