ssi z ---- | g ---- RS | STocK_ MARKETS 5 AERA Ll Founded 1847 { (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | i 8% Princess street, Members. of i INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE | Montreal ang Toronto Stock Ex- DBalimore 9, Buffalo 8. changes). Syracuse 17, Reading 3. Rochester 17, Jersey City 10. Montreal. | J . =a April 24th 2 p.m | NATIONAL LEAGUE, HAVE YOUR {Abitibi Power.... .. ++ . "+ New York 4, Brooklyn 3. oj tine {aehentos. . . .. «, «i ves Pittsburg 8. Cincinnati 4. Atlantic Sugar. . Chicago 7, St. Louis 3. - Bell Telephone... - | 170 PUncess (lteed. AMERICAN LEAGUE. : Broa. 1 | Cleveland 3, Detriot 2. KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE : ". =e 2 | Washington 2, New York 1. British Empire Com. 4 s | Boston 9, Philadelphia 6. | British Empire 1st Pfd.. St. Louis 7, Chicago 7. Called | British Empire 2nd Pfd.. .. 2 | fourteenth, Seriress, Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 {Cuban Canadian Sugar Ffd . ee en J ET BABY ON STREET {Can. Car Com.. +, «+ = 4 : S Ul J \ Fe et Ba AND STOLE THE GO-CART " | Can. Steamships Pfd.. . ; oe ne Rn {Detroit United. ... .. . Two Daring Thefts Were Pull- H HOUSE iDom. Textile.... ys ed Off in the Down-town gb d SB a ae? District. es FURNISHIN MADE TO YOUR MEASURE i " 03 There is a lad in Kingston who BE Al 8 7a x GS Stotrent Cotton. ee {apparently has a mania for stealing \s on rea, | go-cants. FROM OUR [lonireal Power. . 7 Reports were received at police Vs o iy . this you cannot do to your entire satisfaction | Mackay rose aia 4 | headquarters, about the theft of two a unless you change things around, which creates {National Breweries, . . {go-carts. One has been recovered, a need for a NEW CURTAIN, a NEW SHADE, NEW SPRING SCOTCH AND |Ogilvie.. .... . 32 |and the police are endeavoring to or a new DRAPERY of some description. Note (Fenmans.... «. .. ce d get trace of the other. the following offerings for---- IRISH HOMESPUNS |Frice Bros.... .... . | The thefts occurred in broad day- | Quebec Rallg. ses +. «or 219 light dn the down-town shopping dis- {Spanish River Com, .. ..95 asked fs and for nerve 'take the cake," Spanish River Pfd.. .. .. . 102 as the saying goes, as in one case, a | Smelters.... .. '. ... .. 20% | child was removed® from the car- Shawinigan..." .. .. ... . 11 {riage and left on the sidewalk, while ® Steel of Canada... _.. 77 |the go-cart was whisked off. |Toronto Rails, ... .. Lge It appears that in the first case lawinciy...... ..... ... 7 jToporied, the lady left her go-cart i in front of a store, on Princess { New York. street, and took her baby into the ® ! Sr shop with her. When the woman cot -- te WD pe be 0 WT FOX . >» on Housccleaning is the order of the day, and Amer. Loco. . finished her shopping, and came out Laigwis 1 Loco are or = ~ 3 on the street, she found that her go- 10 oO' CLOCK {B: & 0. cart was missing. je. BT In the second case, the woman | went into a store and left her child |in' the go-cart, with a small parcel | Cosden oil. " - i GOLF SHIRTS. >. R... | ee vs es le [in hig arms. When the mother GOLF CAPS. joen. Asphalt. c nn. or x. |came out of the store, the child was Priced as shown below: [Graninte Steel. GOLF HOSE $9. S.T.. 3 te ve as 4 ese S | found standing on the walk, holding | General ROIS. rene er» 6% |the parcel, but the cart was missing. CURTAINS U 'S . { Natine Pd... taney va. 308 03 Monday Rig, a woman ta $5¢ Regular Price xe wo . X. a police station with a go-cart, sta 5 |Nor. Pac... a dies that her little boy had brought it $4.50 pair --Wednesday $2.95 pair | Pan. Amer. Pete.... .. .. 73% (home, and that she did not know . : | 5 | Re $5.00 pair --Wednesday . . . +++ $3.23 pair 1 Pan. Amer. PePte "B" .... 1, i who was the owner of it. It prov- ® ® 53ing carts. * : Livingston's eo sr er mie wo work tng $6.50 pair -- Wednesday . ....... .... .$4.25 pair $8.00 pair --Wednesday ............$5.50 pair {Sthdcbaker.... .. . .. ... locate the other cart: aE -3 Or Ot © OD | Texas oil.... . eset » -_-- | : . 75-79 BROCK STREET | Standard Oil of oh 4} Torch: Windsor, 8% Thoin $10.00 pair--Wednesday ............$6.50 pair a " |Standard Oil of Now Jersey . 38% Guelph, Galt, Owen Sound, Niagara | The above Curtain Special consists of a sample lot of Marquisette Cur- If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk [Union setae. Tides very Jai 2 Falls, Welland, Sarnia, Peteiboro, | tains of superior qualities and you will note that there is only one and Saibaba ainir ie 7 Kingston and Belleville will co-op- | two pairs of a kind. {Cuban Cane Sugar C om. -.. 11 erate in protesting against the tax- {Cuban Cane Sugar Pid.. .. 823% |;;p of yrban municipalities for the ~~ provincial highway. ~~ Minec. 2 Carpentier and McTigue are A a -18.55 matcined for the light heavyweight {Dome.... 0 v0 «00. 0.. 43 championship of the world. 'Mcintyre... .. . . ++19.50 © AAA AA AAA AA Lake Shore.. .. .. ..|. 3.40 asked > Nowray y 1 DAILY MEMORANDUM s 9 Newray.... .... .43 Bk Dance Thursday at Garden Hall from 200 YARDS SUNFAST 300 YDS. SILK FINISH .. .. "en .. 12 Musicians' Euchre and Dance, Labor ; { GRAIN MARKET. ae A a ont at L ---------- S Ro . McGrath's Orchestra. Admis- ; emen . 0 i ore d ras Chicago. sloh-do : o . b p t Wheat-- ort os Sane Foe PRICED and Aprit 25th wt Spm J 50 inches wide. ° LJ fn ° uses. on : :. iin: 2 5 This is a nice, fine quality; colors 1 25 1 95 OFFICE SUPPLIES LI, Pl. u Quality Larger Market-- Service k YY re, 5, and PRINTERS Potfouy Jami hades Sow: Copen, 3 to to d P Wiskewle Sopa 0: fo | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Sig Sh DOWN-TOWN BuANCH: 282 PRINCESS STREET [al¥ eens nas Cane donrons MARKET SQUARE - KINGSTON A: beautiful yange of two-tone Silk a . finish Curtain Madras to be had in all Price * widths, from 44 inches to 50 inches. v . N. Winnipeg. BOR} COLORS: Gold, Copen, Old Rose, A wonderfu 1 i ; IN -- 11 17th, | 1 opportunity to save Wheat REDDEN - Jn Toronto, « Api 1740. Groen, Brow. , « 1395 236 Pearson Avenue, & son. «123% Tomorrow 39¢ Day ee a os . RIN. oT Kirsch Curtain 400 YARDS 52% April 23rd, 1923, by Dr. Lake, Sr. assisted by A. 8. Duncan, Grace . . 3 i May Sedore, of Roblin, Prince Ed- "® ° 4 tins Choice Damson Plums, reg. 15c. 39c¢. w| | FL CoOmy and Herbert James Rod Curtain Serim Wier, of KoEStOn ee 1 1b. Dried Apricots 89c¢. | 2 pkgs. Cream, 2 pkgs. Pi- PRODUCE MARKETS, } DIED S eese : | : VIS -- In Ki 1 April 24th, 1 3 8 bars Pummo Soap mefito Cheese .. ....... 30 md | PA Cut Raert Davis Dn] This means a flat Brass Extension 36 inches wide ee PP 1 1b. Quality Coffee { 9 St ed 88 y d 6 ths. | § us iark's York and 39¢. 1 tin Durham's Mustard, 1 tin Yaronto Api 2 No Pn Th aE aa dishie Rod thas will uot sag 1a the centre, to 12% d Manitoba wheat, . 1 northern, , si. B. Powder (16 oz.) ....30c. » | WRIGHT--At Fort William, Mrs. Eli-| zes. Priced 8 bars Laundry Soap ....89c.|5 pkgs. Nu-Jell : 30¢. [$1.31 1-2, zabeth Wright, in her 84th year. be bad in all sizes, from Ontario oats, No. 2 i Funeral from K. .. Reid's undertaking fete 9 White, 50 to parlors, Thursday, April 26th, at . : 2c. 10330 Interment in Sand "Hill J 2 tins Golden Wax Beans ..........39%c. Oitirio whet, No. 2 winter, por] teeny ln up to C y ain ow vor. car lot, nominal. d 2 pkg. Puffed Rice 89¢c., 1 Jar Honey, 1 tin Maple Barley, Malting, 59 to 6lc. IN MEMORIAM, or, ; ia 1 Jar Jam, 1 Majestic Oleo 30c. | oer | a 80 Heavy steers, $7.50 to $8. 7GM St Julien, 24th April. 1915, Pte, EXTRA YALUE «sorry i120. Yam 2 bottle French Capers, 1 tin pkg. Quick Tapioca, 2 pkg. Butcher cattle, $5 to $7.50 1300 Kasson, in hoyal Highlanders v 1 ' . a, aged 20 y h Pl : Corn Starch Lambs, $14 to $15. "Ever As Beloyed memory." 1 tn ehoico Peaches, 1 tin 2 tine choles Pineapple | Hens wholesale to retail trade |" ow! IVORY AND WHITE 550 YDS. IVORY 89c. | 1 tin Libby's Bartlett Pears Bae. |£- .0.b. Toronto, No. 1 quality 20c to IN MEMORIAM. CURTAIN 288. net whe Separted thie ute Apri onl Turkeys 25¢ to 40c. 1921. 0 gepan 3 Lie apr : 21 lbs. Choice Seedless Raisins ......39c. Eggs cartons, 36¢ to 37c. Gone but not forgotten. w € Madras She is gone but not forgotten, a e------ Eggs, new laid, 33¢c to 34c. And, as dawns another ry 1 Thoughts of her are evér near. 1 tin Golden Syrup, 1 pk. Aunt to 28ec. Yet, again we hope to meet her, P) 8 Butter (to retail trade) Creamery | Lien the day of life Is fled ner And in hb with ptints, fancy, 39¢ to 40c. Where no farewell yogi ey : 3 40c 45¢ . es Butter, No. 1, 37¢ to 3Se. ard by Bar iste, Mya. Churles ' ' y 35¢ yar d 2 tins Water Glass Oc. | 2 Jars. Crab Apple Jelly, 1 jar | New laid delivered Toronto 27c |1n our lonely hours of thinking I = | PRICED MacWiilia Butter dairy, 32¢ to 33¢c. ne mn. Zoi sts, on, . Butter, delivered: Creamery, ex- JAMES REID am go of Nets, | 1b. Choice Creamery Butter . ......39%. tra fancy, 33¢ to 34e. sar a ir of Usdertabers with lace edge, scallop edge and tape 4-36 in. Jsory Curtain Madras of a Butter, solids, No. 1, 32¢ to 33c. bound finish. fine grad 3% Ib, Toa, 1 loaf Community | 10 bs. fresh Rolled Oats .30c. Dairy prints, 23¢ to 24e. Phone 147 for Ambulance Kind. Note he low price si Tessws 39¢. 135 Drie Peacties, 1 ta 8 lbs. Rice, 1 jar J . Heinz Tomato y Soup Pillai large per Ib., new 21% to 1 doa. Patti Cakes, 4 dozen 4 tins Tomato Sou ets .80c. ndertaker ao QU. 11 Un Libby's Bea "Ninskia oo, DAMAGED BY FIRE. DE ra 300 YDS. COLORED Window Shades Mhe Stewie Mutton... ........ 39c. JH e, Wat' wen), 338 Prine Art Muslin | ' London, April 24.--Fire broke out Ambulance Us SPECIAL 2 The. Hamburg, 2 Ibs. 8 Ibs. Cholce Corned Beef Sc. sunday might in Thorpe Hal, Sausages ......... ..39¢ |11b. Steak, 1 1b. Lamb | Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex, the 300-| and 36 inches wide T5¢ each 2 Ibs. Roast Pork . ieee 390 Chops . cere i S00 | year-old residence of Ba 1 1b. Liver, 1 Ib. Bacon . .30c. | 4 Ibs. Western 'Beef env 300 | Vimy, governor-general re Bruel 8 Ibs. Lamb Chops .. vs. .80c 1 eal Chops .......30c. hree fi } re brigades were om the A ot, 20 dozen, first un y 8 Ibs. V T quality Window . RONAN y Scene shortly after the flames were 2 Ibs. Round Steak ...............3%. discovered. Before the fire was ex- Shades--standard size 37 inches wide. on pec 3 © tinguished, however, NT - " 50 : ¥ 5 Ihe. MIIK Fed Veal .....39c. |11b. Veal Chops, 1 1b. Pork the. banasomes old building were de- CHOPS «.vvner vonenrs Stroyed. - ------------------ Irish rebels escaped from Curragh samp by tunnelling. pEARLORS--Svdentam te 3rd,