TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1923, THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG -- | The World Crisis By The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty, 1911 to 1915. This is a most remarkable book by Neasen of the large- ness of vision and the imaginative grasp with which he presents and synthesizes and illuminates the huge spectacle in the fol- lowing chapters: --*"The Vials of Wrath," 'Milestones to Arm- ageddon," 'The Crisis of Agadir," "Admirals All," "The Ger- man Navy Law," "The North Sea Front," 'Ireland and the European Balance," 'The Crisis," 'The Mobilization of the Navy." WAR: "The passage of the Army," 'The Battle in France," "On the Oceans," "In the Narrow Seas" and others. PRICE $6.75. R. Uglow & Co N A ee. What Are Your PIANO and Eyes Worth? LIBRARY arma LAMPS continue to neglect them long after] We are showing a very at- I pature has warned them through | tired eyes, headaches and impaired | ® orwn vision that something is wrong. Do not neglect YOUR eyes, but let our optometrist examine them and { tractive display of Lamps, with dainty shades in Blue, Old Rose, Tan. Lamps complete from $3. to $39.00. tell you their exact condition. Separate Shades from LJ $2.25 up. These make very accept- able birthday or wedding gifts, Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. FOR SALE 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms can be arranged. Price $3,250. Also double cement block house with all improvements, Very easy terms. $5,500, Several Houses To Rent Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 730w. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS BT., KINGSTON J) -- Dental Partnership DR. C. C. NASH | We Have Many New Lines DR.T. H. RENTON is now his partner at mn Royal Worcester, Coal- port and Paragon China Fine English China Cups and Sauc- ers frOM crvizzemieininin ss 65c. to $10.00. \\ ee -- At Cleveland, Ohio, the largest safe In the world is being installed in the new fourth Federal Reserve bank building. Beautiful Cut Glass, new cuttings, 8" Bowl, Floral Cutting . . $6.00 each Sugars and Creams . ........ $4.50 pair Bon Bons, etc... . $3.00 each ll RoBERTSON' Lin 73 Princess St. SMART STYLES FOR SPRING OXFORDS FOR MEN Fashionable and practical, with perforations and fancy stitching, A large variety of attractive styles, featuring the Popular French model with its broadened toe and vamp. FOR WOMEN Strap Slippers and Oxfords in Patent and Grey Buck com. binations will dominate much of the Spring footwear trade. We Invite Your Inspection Allan M. Reid SHOE STCRE COUNCIL GRANTS $500 TO KINGSTON BAL CLUB i [Purchases Truck For Fire De- | partment--To Charge For Encroachments. The chief items of business trans- acted by the city council Monday evening were: The granting of $500 |to the Kingston Baseball Club of the Central Ontario League; deciding to charge a small yearly fee as rental !of encroachments on city property and the purchase of a Ruggles truck for the fire department. . The recommendation of the fin- lance committee that $500 be grant- ed to the Kingston Baseball Club re- asking the council to send represen- | Powell to install a gasoline pump | |ceived some diecussion. There was |some opposition to granting such a | |sum of money to one baseball club, /but when the yea and nay vote was {taken the tally was 18 to 2 in favor cf the grant, Alds. Boyd and Chown {alone opposing fit. An application was received from the City Baseball League, composed of fourteen teams, same consideration mended by the finance committee for the bigger club. Its request was re- 'ferred th financé for report at next council meeting. The voting of $500 to the King- ston club, which is entering the Cen- tral Ontario League, was supported {on the ground that it will be a good investment ac the 'games played here will Eting many city. | Ald. Chown and Boyd opposed tho {grant, as no provision was made for it in the budget. The latter also | thought it was a bad precedent to establish as the council would not | know where it would land if other organizations came along asking for grants. . H. C. Nickle was asked to speak on behalf of the Kingston club, and ha stated that the new would certainly advertise the city. The management hoped to develop la puraly city club and keep promis- /ing young fellows at home instead {of having them go to outside places | He thought the coun- | land play ball. [ei] should encourage such an enter- |prise. When Queen's rugby club re- [ceived encouragement, in the shape jot a fine stadium from James A. |Richardson, it went in and won a {dominfon championship. Kingston {would likewise develop a champion- ship baseball team if the manage- ment received encouragement. Fire Department Truck. 'When the fire committee's report was read, recommending the pur- partment, Ald. Robertson moved in amendment, seconded by Ald. Price, that one of the other tenderers whose price was lower and whose truck showed the better specifications and test, be purchased. Ald. Robertson said that all the trucks were of about the same efficiency so far as he could |paying $160 more for a Reo. | Ald. O'Connor said' that the fire committee did not know much about (trucks, but the majority decided to vote in favor of a Reo, first because part of the equipment would be bufit in Kingpton by the Laturney firm, and second because a Reo truck was giving satisfaction to the de- partment. Ald. Kelly read a telegram he had received from the chief of > Lon- jdon fire department stating that a {Ruggles truck used in one of the Lon- | don stations was giving good service and standing up well. Galt, Gualph and Woodstock fire departments also used Ruggles trucks. Ald. Price sald he thought the pat- ronage should go round. The city already had purchased three Reo trucks. Other business men hand- ling trucks should be given a show, he sald. Ald John Holder remarked that here was a chance to save $160 to offset the grant given the baseball club. Ald. Peters pointed out that almost any make of truck in these days would give satisfaction. All were guaranteed. Ald. Chown stat- ed that the men of the fire depart- nent were used to the Reo truck. Ald. Latyrney asked Al. O'Con- nor, chairman of the fire committee, if the Reo truck in the department had given satisfaction, and the latter said #t had. Ald. Peters moved in amendment | to the amendment that the matter of the purchase of a truck be referred back to the committee dor further consideration. Ald. Nash moved another amend- nent that the tender of the Ruggles company to supply a truck for $2,- 395 be accepted, it being the lowest. Alds. Robertson and Price with drew their amendment and that of Ald, Nash was carried on this vote: Yeas--Mayor Angrove and Alds. Anglin, Boyd, J. Holder, W. Holder, Johnston, Kelly, Nash, Price, Rob- ertson, Sargent--11, Nays--Alds. Chown, Driscoll, God- win, Kidd, Kent, Laturney, McOart- ney, O'Connor, Peters--9. City Encroact. ments, When the recommendation of the Board of Works to charge a fee for rental of encroachments on city prop- erty was under consideration AM. Poyd sail he hoped there would be no mere encroachments allvwed, He clairied it was not fair. The fee to {be collected, he. declared. was the {meanest souréé of revenue the city iwould get. THe Board of Works' recommenda- [tion ju this regard was that the fee {should be retroactive tem years. Ald. 'Laturney objected to this, as he asking for the | as was recom- | outsiders to the | organization | chase of a Reo truck for the fire de- | learn, and he was not in favor of | [claimed it would be both impjussible {and also illegal to collect. In oany |cases the council had given permis ision to citizens to encroach on eity |property and it could no. very well |W .A. Mitchell ...... |Jas. Swift & Co. . IW. H. Talbot Edw. Valller | Hanson, Crozier & Edgar. . |come along now and charge them. | Ald. Sargent said he was the ona who recommended the encroachment | charge. He was satisfied to strike |out the ten-year retroactive clause {and this was done. Ald. McCartney was inclined to oppose the. paving of Elgin street, or rather lane, running from Clergy |to Union street. | genit pointed out that something had jto be done there and pavinz was the | cheapest thing to do. Last year the | city had to pay $1,300 damages for !an accident on that street. A communication was | received |tatives to the session of the Gregory (commission in Toronto on Wednes- lday when the question of whether |the Hydro-Electric {should be freed of the control of the |Ontario government would be under iconsideration. 'The council left it ito the judgment of the mayor as to { whether it should be represented. The committee reports were adopt- ied as follows: Finance Report. That the sum of five hundred dol- {lars be granted to the Eastern Ou- {tarfo Tourists' Association, and that [Alds. Kidd, Peters and O'Connor re- { | present this council on the Associa- | tion Board. That a hotel committee be appoint- {ed to take charge of the hotel ques- ition, the personnel of this commit- tee to be named by the mayor. That the account of Long and Daly regarding hospital by-law amount- ing to $126.30, be paid. That the legal opinion of E. G. However, Ald. Sar- | commissioh | Board of Works. That the tender of J. C. Hunter | dor carting freight at 35¢ per ton be | accepted. { That the tender of John Lemmon | {to furnish horse and buggy for $30 | {a month for the summer months be | accepted. | That the application of Mrs E. | {Kane, 246 Sydenham street, to butld | la garage at the rear of her residence {with a small -encroachment on city | |property be granted subject to a | \siall rental. { 'That the application of Carroll H. {on the curb-at 87 Johnson street and | erect a steel awning over the side- walk at this place be not granted. | That the application of Frank | Baker to build a portico at the cor [ner of Division and Queen streets, | {being eighteen inches on the street (line, be granted if approved by the | [city engineer. That the assessment for the sewer [constructed in Regent street be re- {duced 256 per cent., this reduction to be in excess of that paid by the | Wominion and Ontario governments, jand that a by-law be presented to |! the city council authorizing the same. | That lines be painted on the pave- {ment on Montreal street, between | Princess and Brock streets in the | | | | | | | | | | | diagonal parking area so as to gov- | ern the amount of space each oar | will be allowed. { | That Elgin street be paved from | i Union street to Clergy street and | {be made a one-way street, the en- {trance to be from Union street. | That the following concrete walks Excuses No man likes to make ex- for-- $10.00 {Long, barrister, Toronto, be obtain- |he constructed: N. Macdonell street, | iting her sister, Mrs. Fenton Web- ed as to the local improvement | money by-laws this year before ad- | vertising for sale. That the grant to the Children's Ald Society be increased up to $600. | That a grant of $500 be given to the Kingstone Baseball Associaton |to assist in obtaining uniforms and for other requirements. That the following paid: accounts ba Board of Works. Pay list April 7th... |Pay list April 14th {City Registrar Bell Telephone Co. ...... Allan M. Reid . A. Maclean | McKelvey & Birch | Kingston Sand & Gravel CO. «4s. |R. Arthey [Wm. Cockburn | Wm. DIUrY ....00ie. un F. Nickle for Allen Fire and Light. S. Anglin & Co. Canadian National Express Co. W. Gallagher Grand Trunk Ry. |Gutta Percha Rubber Co. {J. B. McLeod [Northern Blectric Co. {Public Utilities Commission Ropey &£ CL ........... City Health, Pay list March 26th Pay list April 14th .. iS. Anglin & Co. Bell Telephone Co. {T. G. Bishop [Fallon Broa, McAuley's Book Store... . Public Utilities Commission Public Utilities Commission Stevenson & Hunter..... see Industries, British Whig Pub. Co. . Can. National Telegraph. . S. J. Nesbit R. Orwell -- City Property. Pay list March 12th Pay list April 12th F. W. Fisher Hanson, Crozier & Edgar T F. Harrison & Co. +. Imperial Laundry W. N. Linton .s H. W. Newman Elect. Co. (Markets) Public Utilities Commission Smith Bros. .... . Standard Printing & Pub. Co. ; Taylor and Hamilton .... William Drury (Markets) Parks. Pay list April 11th ..... Allan Lumber Co. .......0 John Wilkinson ........ John Vancoughnett ..... General, : Oity Registry Office .... McAuley's Book Store .,... Public Utilities Commission tBell Telephone Co. ..... . Burroughs Adding Machine Can. National Telegraph. . C.P.R, Telegraph ........ City Registrar .......... Miss Fraser ............ Maclean Publishing Co. .. McAuley's Book Store. ... Nontreal Financial Times. Post ofied ....5........ R. J. Reid The Jackson Press Alexandria Ind. school... Victoria dnd. school .... British Whig Pub. Co .... Hanson, Crozier & Edgar. . The Jackson Press,..... Anderson Bros. ..... Aees J. Cullen ' .., oo. .u hus 14 13 29 182 25 68 66 7 220 105 53 27 41 18 00 Thos. Ladds terssemmisey i0 | wil { 3 Isum of $525 be accepted. | gles truck. 9 |irclusive, be "Clean-Up" Week, and o to advertise the same, calling upon " clean-up and removal of all rubbish, 5] 5 | [west side, from §. Bartlett northerly 200 feet; N. Macdonell street, east side, from northerly limit of lot 23, 100 feet; Edgehill street, south side, | {from Beverley to Kensington avenue. | That all parties using city streets | {for building purposes vhall pay Free | cents per square foot annually, no |fee to be less than $1. | That the city engineer be auth- | |orized to repair the roadway. to the | | Frontenac Floor and Wall Tile Com- pany and Collle's Woollen Mills forthwith. : -- Fire and Light. That the tender of George Boyd, | | tender for $2,030, be, accepted. - That the tender of James Latur- ney to furnish a body for the Reo {truck chassis noted above for the That the fire horse known 'Dan' be destroyed. Only the latter clause passed the council deciding to purchase a Rug- as City Health. That the week May 7th to 12th, | {that this committee be authorized | {the citizens to make a thorough {tin cans and other waste materials, nd by so doing the city will have a better appearance, be more sani- tary and far less liable for fires. An inspection will be male by the sani- tats inspector afterward when a re- {port will be made by him. | i | { caNANOQUE | Entity April, 24.--John Linklater, who has been visiting his parents for the {rast few weeks, left yesterday for {Arcola, Saskatchewan. , Benjamin Lomgueil passed away yesterday after a long illness. Mr. Lengueil is survived by his wife and one daughter. W. and T. Chariton, Brockville, are in town doing some electrical wiring. Mrs. Packard, Syracuse, N.Y., who {has been the guest of Mrs. D. J. Gordon, returned home yesterday. Russell Lee, Ottawa, is in town. spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee. them has a reason. ster. Mr. and Mrs. M. Abernethy, who spent the past week in Kingston, re- {turned home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Littlejohn end family motored to Elgin yester- Dr. and Mrs. Bird, Mrs. R. Gordon ard Miss Janet McKellar motored to Kingston Saturday evening. P. McKenna, Brewer's Mills, spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair and Miss Freda Sinclair motored to El- gin and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. V. DeWolfe. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Valleau motored to Toronto on Saturday. tion of Shriners in that city and will return on Wednesday. W. Webster is goi\, out of the grocery business here and will take his stock to Portsmouth. Mr. Web- ster expects to leave here early in May. The funeral of the late T. 0. Mid- dleton, will take place to-day at IBY y . [for @ Reo truck chassis in aoccord- {Mr Valleau is attending a conven- | 5 |ance with the specification and his cuses about his appearance. No man has to make them about his shoes when he can choose good-looking Oxfords $9.00 $8.00 $5.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store Ra -- gy The DALY TEA 00. Limited, have Just received the season's stock of DALY'S GOOD TEA Pply; you will a te the quality d fragrance. pCbg day from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Get your su friends will bo glad to know that she has recovered from her indis< position and is able to resume du- ties on the teaching staff. FROM WHIG FYLES. OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. April 24th, 1013. The Queen's Company, Canadian Engineers, entered Barriefield camp: for short training perjod. Rev. J. E. Lidstone, Alfred street, a Methodist minister for the past forty years, celebrated his seven- 1:30 p.m. Interment will be made itieth birthday. at Lyn. The death oocurred in Kingston, of Waller E. Dailey, son of - Mrs. Florence Dalley, Charles street. The funeral takes place Wednesday af- ternoon from his mother's resi- dence. Miss She Wants All Other Sufferers to Know That Dodd's Kidney Pills Will Help Relieve Them of Aching Backs. Mabel Carpenter's many Mrs. Homeon Praises Dodd's Kidney following committees I Pills. Sandy Point, N.S., April 23. (Spe- cial) .--Mrs. I. Hemeon, who lives in this place, is another of that great army of Canadian women who are al- ways ready to say a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. Every one of This is what Mrs. Hemeon says: "I had a very weak back which caused me great pain. After taking several boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills it improved very much and now I am hardly. ever troubled at all. I should like other people who suffer with their kidneys to know this." Dodd's Kidney Pills strengthen the kidneys and put them in shape to do their full work of straining the impurities out of the blood. They have relieved thousands of sufferers all over Canada. There is no reason why anyone should continue to suffer from kid- ney complaints, when Dodd's Kidney Pills can be obtained from druggists h everywhere at 50c. per box. | | Bank of Toronto staff moved in- te their new quarters at Brock and King streets, Ald. R. F. Elliott has the honer {of being the first citizen to drive across new temporary bridge to Barriefield. April 24th, 1908, City Engineer Kirkpatrick returns from trip through New England States and recommends that bithu- [lithic pavements be adopted in this city. Farmers of district look tor re- cord crops this summer. E. J. B. Pense elected member of in Ontario legislature: Railways, standing or- ders, private bills, municipal law, colonization and agriculture. To-day's Radio Programme. 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 24th, WGY ° (Schenectady, N.Y.) 12.30 p.m.--Stock market quota- tions, 12.45 p.m.--Weather report. 2 p.m.--Music and address. 6. p.m.-- Produce and stock mar ket quotations; news bulletins; base ball results. -40 p.m.--Address, "War on the Gypsy Moth," by Alexander MacDon= ald, Commissioner of New York State Conservation Commission. 7.45 p.m.--Radio drama, "Strong~ eart." ; This old English . out glass as shown in + This is a real snap for | Brown Dini our win a quick buyer. Established 1854 Room Set of 9 pieces, with or with- ow--only. ..... a... $240.00. JAMES REID TELEPHONE 147 FOR SERVICE.