Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1923, p. 9

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. WelSEsDAY. APRIL 25, 102%. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In the Realm of Women----Some Interesting Features } | WEDDING GOWN OF 1890 BY Toe tavour| pap purrED SLEEVES, (0 Be PARIS-GOWNED a¢ Low COST / ot PUFFED TROUSERS NOW [8 : Hl oe See | is quite unique. Oriental fruits and spices perfectly blended with pure malt vinegar give H.P. a delicious flavour and piquancy that suits all tastes. "GALLAGHER'S TAXI service 960 DAY AND NIGHT oR -- ul ni " Stores with a reputation for Fine = me bf 1H a Merchandise will gladly show you Almost Unbelievable ? i ub \ BRA the newest MCMULLEN Styles. Ue Youcan hardly realize thewonder- | : ; a, {ul improvement to your ; Dai A g )) skin aad complexicn i : : " } | : Lora nk x : $ arian | \ \ \ [Throughout Canada soit | FR 0) this Spring and Summer P. T. HOPKINS & SON Montreal CET | em-- Well-Dressed Women Will gown Gibson made famous (lower right). ' ' ! - ~NEW YORK-The bride of 30 years ago wore a wedding dress maaé C \ | Pretty, Wavy, Cur ling s$amous by Charles Dana Gibson. A creation of ivory satin with large - Hair Without Hot Iron puffed sleeves and a filmy 'veil such as is worn by Miss Ollie La Vaing | here, it réversed the order of the latest things in bridal gowns for 1923, Here's a simple method which is { which shows a decided Egyptian influence and has full trouserettes. The . . p 2 : y 34 ade of whit a nil lle; and ia -- prices asked are so very reasonable! At Left: Popular plestings on favorite of the belles of a ce: ex- King Tut bridal robe is made of white crepe and nlle-green volle; an . : pric ery . BL et ot brighiened wih clusive social set. 1: will give y<ur| worn with @ lage veil and a Cleopatra-like headdress of peagls. : $e ; C hair sue a pretty curitness and lustre Sper : ARIS creates clothes ideas, and upon these MAMULLEN ie Cotes. oo on and permit you to do away with the | aa. | . et relies for the exquisite smartness of all frocks and sports cfs meich demure lines of this sum- ruinous waving iren forever. Just get mery model. Nevy, Sand, Havens from any druggist a few ounces of pure | x . . ! 4 . liquid simerine, cd apply a ttle with | : > y dresses bearing his label--a Silver Swan on Turquoise-Blue = Brows. 16, 18,20; 36 ond 38. a clean tooth brush just before doing | . > -- up the hair. This will give you a real, Icien 2 rr J background. ' Al Coitta: Frm, 1 Sports J - 2» « ' Model combining Alltyme with Cen- surprise, The fagoinating, Bully, Navy 3 "3 = ! 3 0 a al, a . e . Y o oe mo Bieany. gummy. streaky or A AJ) a. But this smartness depends upon the lovely texture, the beauty ios Crepe. Skirt and sleeveless con hr A Sen EA UR Re ES JRL and lasting quality of the silk fabrics just as much as upon the liquid. Jou San exercise Jot hours in es i hee ra Ee tr. the gymnasium, dance a vening in a - LS % oomic I" rimm. te, heated ball rooin, or take a long motor ---- styling of the many prett els. Nomonea trimmed White. 16-30, 36 end 38. trip, without fear of your hair losing Nn : 5 . . . iia" curk--indecd. you" woul need | ere ' . The silk and fabrics, all the-aterials and fine workmanship . gain use silmerine for a considerable . 5 --: At Right : Sporty 3-piece suit of time. TO-MORROW'S MENU comes to the edge of the bureau- that MCMULLEN puts into a frock or dress for sports or after- was Aliyms Crepe. Bioused ja. top. This nev style cover is made noon wear are rarely found in any but the most expensive fu wit swivels, border of Home. So Cuticura Soap Preskiest ia thee pioees: garments--each a thing of beauty exquisitely made. . ing vogue, 16, 18, 20; 36 ond 55. Cereal How to Make a Three-Plece Dress- 5 . : -- mann J} 1 Frizzled Dried Beef er Set: The average bureau is about i i i i mparts Colle Cea Le a don And yet all this refreshing newness of design, these winsome The Vel vet Touch forger.. For this" 4ize DUYGR0P materials and colour blendings of rare beauty are combined into fu istmeps Tueop Be uch Sel ery vbers Luncheon you will need a yerd and an eighth the Parisian chic of a MAMULLEN model at a price within the : i, Meatrenl. Baked Beans with Catsup of goods for the cover. Most bureaus reach of all! EN Brocks Tore Tile. Fruit Salad of this size are about seventeen . . ames Brookes, formerly a Nile- Tea Cookles inches deep. Therefore the three See the McMULLEN Dresses at the store which advertises them op YR Lor this Jotul nuine ULLEN stown farmer, was sentenced at : pieces of the cover-set will consist : y Lendon, to three years in peniten- Dinner of two 10-by-4-inch pieces (one for In your local papers. : Dresses. tiary for passing worthless cheques. Hamburg Steak either end) and a middle piece meas- 4 Cases of old whiskey 175 in Potatoes Steamed in Jackets uring fourteen inches square. This ; number have been seized in a sum- | peas Celery Rhubarb Pie | does not allow for the hem; these mer cottage at Riverside. The own- Coffee measurements are for the three er is being anxiously sought. - - dotlieas when they are finished. y \ : Gillin Currie, Owen Sound, was You will agres with me that this : ~~ found in the celfar of his home with | Have You Made Ome of the New| ons of bureau cover Is most effec- his throat cut. He was suffering Bureau Covers ? tive when you have finished it and : from a nervous breakdown. The 'latest thing" in bureau cov- put it cn the dresser or dressing ta- >< UR ant C7) re SSTES | The Liberals have decided to con-|ers is quite a departure from the |; mach peice should be finished ; test Haiton. ' ' long scart or the oblong cover which | gither with a narrow edging of some Ne Spo Dal us GE sort (perhaps a simple picot or nar- row lace), or many have a hem not . The Henry McMurLen Co., LiMiTED ig BY or OY ; quite an inch deep. Hemstitchea es Montreal pi Al J ORL > (EN A edges are also pretty. The three SI PS 1a OY) pleces are placed on the bureau-top -------- _-- al | 1} i QC SSS » ad a A ome inch apart. : 3 is E -- ---- Now, in regard to materials for | . eS making these three-piece sets: The a most effective set T have so far seen | Dumber received. So if a personal | Jean McLean, only daughter of| The Opposition amendment to the [position groups, was defeated by was made of ecru scrim, hemstitched | OF Quicker reply is desired, a stamp- [James Brodie, Brockville, and Har- budget proposing a reductiog of the [257 to 179. : at the edges, and having a cross. | ed and self-addressed envelope must ry Mills Watson, Detroit, son of Mr. duty on tea from eightpence to the Mrs. Pearl Huckalac, Toronto, i If you want your baby to stitch design in each corner done in | Pe enclosed with the question. Bs and Mrs. L. W. Watson, Brockville, | pre-war level of fivepence, which [is alleged shot and killed her hus be bright and bonnie see £& colored Mnen thread. The design | Sure to use YOUR full name, strect were married in Windsor, Ont, oun was supported in the British House nd In January last has been found was a black basket (with high han-| Dumber, and the name of your city Saturday. of Commons Monday by all the Op- [insane and unfit to stand her trial. that he gets his Glaxo. dle) filled with flowers of various | 32d province. ~~ ---The Editor. i tor a; Har r. 3 delicate colors. Ww Brown 'Wedd . | i | | E Ee Li a | -- rs 14d, MecCanl Terente Another dainty dresser set was| A quiet wedding took place at ET A TT re et LI auade of ordinary cream linen hand- Newburgh, on April' 1Sth, when Iida toweling. It gave the effect of real |Rev. George Nickle united in marri- pr - linen, yet was inexpensive. The [age Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr. La EN HAD TO three pieces were bordered all and Mrs. Fred Brown, to Edward, . \ around, just above a half-inch hem, |Weese, youngest son of Mr.. and | by a auip ot Sid bins Howered cre- Mrs. James Weese, all of Centre- onne; cretonne was one- |yille. The bride was becomingly at- - . . halt inch wide and was sewed flat tired,in a.suit of navy tricotine, with for Pies and Puddings or Sourse: the cre- (hag to match. The groom's gift to @ Window over-|nis pride was a gold wrist watch. VES dishwashing as JL ; drapes, thus helping with the gem-|after the ceremony they motored to SA Rear Ears ait i eral color scheme of the bedroom.) iNgpanee and took the train for Port : TIME-LABOR -MONEY ; + Dotted Swiss (pieces from an old | colporne, Buffalo and Niagara dress!) provided the material fof pais On their return they will re- RECIPE FOR PIE BECAUSEIt only takes 5 mi still another three-piece dresser Set|giie near Centreville, where the OR PUDDING --It only takes > minutes to pre- Which I have recently seen In 8 |groom is a prosperous young farm- pare. oo friend's home. This set, lke all the |, of BECAUSE--DU-KO only needs the addition ---------------- ac -of milk or water. "Neither silver nor gold. A man named McKinnon, Bains- BECAUSE~--DU-KO needs no eggs, sugar or Can better its flavor, ville. driving an auto while drunk, extra flavoring to "improve" it. Wherever it'ssold, smashed an electric light standard P DU-KO finds favor. in Brockville. He was arrested, The "Cheapest" is not always best. Com- . Y given seven days in jail for drunk- re the results you get from DU-KO with the price you pay for it. i il { hubs i) { : 2 } : faction guaranteed or money will be refunded. bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, J.B. Hills, & {former .Beflayiile hotels, etc. Write for prices add samples. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. | {tura. This requires considerable Falls, has opened an office In Spen- Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your enness, fined $200 and costs for igure the saving you in cost of extra materials, time expende home. We have ever thin you may n ito J king quo and must pay for and work involved. You will find DU-KO is a real economy. Satis- id AT ALL GROCERS = 3 AN inquiries addressed to Miss hy ug a ied in ud: Also put up in large containers for confectioners, bakers, restaurants, " » Kirkman in care of the "Efficient [denly In Louisville, Kentucky. The Halliday Electric Co. a - |l| Housekeeping" department wit bo |remains will be buried at Benevilie. Made in Canada by answered in these columns in their' Dr. Moore, formerly at Smiir's : DOUGLAS AND COMPANY Napanee, Ontario time, however, owing to the great cerville for the practice of dentistry. i > : ,

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