Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1923, p. 11

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48 i EY LT Ir. TE A G8 + SOLD EVERY WHERE IN CANA ADA sow ANNIV VERSARY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG | STEELE, BRIGGS SEED Coir, "CANADA'S GREATEST SEED HOUSE" HAMILTON TORONTO WINNIPEG | . REGIN. ---- { + [EIYDREIITERE a FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES | Special attention given your family | or fri ends going to or returning from | the Old Country. Passports arranged | for Fo Jo FP. Ry. r information and rates apply HANLEY, C. P. and T.AG'T. Kingston, Ont. Office:. C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. ELE LENT SAILINGS FROM ST. JOHN, N. B. Apr. 27--=Marloeh .... Liverpool From MONTREAL and QUEBEC May 3-<Metagama, .Belfast- corner King- | "Glasgow May 4--Monteaim . Liverpool May 9---Minnedosa ... Cherbourg Southampton, Antwerp Belfast May 1l--Montrose . . Liverpool | freights, iton, $29; 163 to 64c; ¢ 611: to 62c; oats, No. 2 jocal white, | May 12----Empreas of Scotland * Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg. May 1S--Montiaurier®, Liverpool Cherbourg, pton, Antwerp. May 24---Marburn<-Beifast, Glas- OW. May 25---Meontclare--Liverpoeol. May 26--Ewmpress of Britain® Cherbourg, Southampton, Ham« burg. May 3Sl--Marloeh ....... Belfast, Glasgow. June 1--Mountcaim . June Z---Margien . Liverpool June G--Minnedosa Seutanmpton, June T-=Metagnmn .. Glasgow, (* From Quebec only) "Ask for Summer Salling List," Apply to Local Agents or H. Bb. Beaumont, Gea. Agt. Pasa. Dept., 1 KING ST. BAST, JORONTY Adelaide 21005. *THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpentry work, Estimates given on Lew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean. ed with our mew floor cleaning ma. chine. SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. AA A ar Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Antwery. . Belfast, Phone 256. PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO. CARS FOR SALE Two Chevrolet Trucks. 'One Overland Touring Car. "One Ford Touring Car. These Cars are in good condi tion and prices right. CLARK'S GARAGE Cor. King and Princess Sts. § Phone 2337F. AUTOMOBILE TOPS RECOVERED Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Fhone 668. Nn [ Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY. Suitable for Furnace and Stove. --Also-- SOFT WOOD AND SLARS KENNY & FALLON- PHONE e137. . 137-141 CLERGY STREET "Markets GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto April 1 Northern No. 3, yell 24.-- Man.tol $1.32 Toronto, wheat; No. American corn--- 9814¢; No. 2, 987} Barley-- Malting, 59 to 6lc, cording to freights outside. Buckwheat--No. 2, 76 to Rye--No. 79 to 8lc. Peas--No. $1.45 to $1.50 Millfeed-- Del.vedel, Monireal, bags included. Bran, pet shorts, per ton, $31; unid- _$36; good feed flour, $2.15 ac. ac- 78¢ 9 o Jahns, |to $2. . hr wheat white, {$1.20 to $1.22, accord.ng to frelghts outside. Ontario No. No = 2 to white oats 33 ible. Ontario flour-- Ninety per geal patent, In jute bags, Montreal, prompt e¢hipment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto bas.s, $6.05 to $5.15; bulk seaboard, $4.95 to $5.00. Manitoba flour--1st patents, cotton sacks, $7.10 per barrel; patents, $6.60. Hay-- Extra No Toronto, $14; mixed, $8. Sthaw--Car lois, per | Toronto, $9. a 1m 2nd 2. per ton, $11; clover, ton, track, Montreal Montreal, April 24.--- Corn, ican, No. 2 ygilow, $1.02 to $1.03; { oats, Canadian Western, No. 2 68 to 69¢; Canadian Western, No. oats, extra, No. 1 feed, Am- oats, Fluor, Man., Spring firsts, $7.30; nour, flour strong bakers, choice, bag 298. 8. to 6lc. wheat patents, seconds, $6.80; $6.60; flour, Winter patents, $5.80 to $5.90. Rolled oats, 90 lbs, $3.10 to $3.20. Bran, Shorts, $30. Middlings, $35. Winnipeg ; April 24.--Wheat, No. $1.21%; No. 2 North- No. 3 601 Winuipeg, 1 Northern, ern, $1.19%; 3 Northern, | $1.16%; No. 4, $1.12%; No. 6 $1.08%: No. 6, $1.02% feed, 9614 ¢c; track, $1.22} Oats--No. 2 C.W., C.W., 48%¢; extra, 48%; No. 1 feed, 47% 457%c; rejected, HBC Barley--N. 3 C.W,, 581¢c; C.W., 543%c; rejected, 51%¢; 517c; track, 58%c. Flar--No. 1 N.W.C., $2.88; No Ci W., $2:33% No: 8--C:- Wn %: rejected, $2.62% track 52 3c No. 3 No, ; No. 2 trek, 523%c. No. 4 reed, 85%e¢. Chicago April 24.--Wheat, 2 red, $1.32; No. 2 hard, $1.26. Corn, No. 2 mixed, 79%c¢; No. yellow, 80% to 8ic. Qats, No. white, 46 to 4633¢; No. 3. white 46% to 4b6%c. Rye, No. 853%c. Barley, 64 to 68c. thy seed, $5 to $6.50. Clover seed, $12.50 to 17.50. Chicago, 2 2 9 - Minneay lis Minneapolis, April 24 --Wheat--| No. 1, Northern, $1.26% to $1.343%; | May, $1.26% bid; July, $1.27%%; September, $1.23'3. Corn--No. yellow, 75 to Z6c. Qats--No. 3 white, 41% to 421,¢c. Flax--No. 1i $3.53 to $3.54. Flour unchanged. | Bran, $26.50 to $27. LIVE STOCK MARKETS \.ronto Toronto, April 24 --Heavy steers, cholce, $7.75 to $8.25; good, to $7.50. Butchers, choice, $7 to! $7.25; medium, $6.25 to $6.50, wou-| mon, $3.50 to $4.50. Baby beeves, | $8 to $8.50. Butcher cows, cnoice, | $4.75 to $5.50; medium, $3.50 to $4. Butcher bulls, good, $4.50 to; $4.75. Canners and cutters, $2 to 2.756 Feeding steers, good, $7 $7.25 Stockers, $5.50.to $6; com- mon, $3 to $3.50. Calves, $11 to $12. Miich cows, $50 to $90. Springers, $80 to $100. Sheep, choice, $8 to $8; heavy, $4.50 $6.50; yearlings, $10 to $11. Lambs light, $13 to/$15; heaw;, $8 to $9. Spring lambs, each, $8 to $14. Hpgs, flat rates, f.0.b., bid, $10.65 to $10.75; fed and watered, $11.40 to| $11.50; to farmer, $10.40 to $10.50. -- Montreal Montreal, April 24.--Cattle, butch- er steers, choice, $7.50; good, $6.75 to $7.25; medium, $6 to $6.75; common, $5 to $6; butcher heifers, good, $6 to $6.75; medium, $5 to $6: butcher cows, good, $5 to $5.50; medium, $3.50 to $4.50; cutters, 2.25 to $2.75; butcher bulls, gooaq, $5; common, $3,25 to $4.50. Goed veal, $7 to $8; medium, $5 to $6; common, $4.25 to $4.75. Ewes, $6 to $8; lambs, 'good, $10 to $11.50. Hogs, off car weights, sel- ects, $11.75 to $12; sows, $8 w $9. ---- Olv'cago Chicago, April 24.--Hogs. bulk, 100 to 210 Ib. averages, $8.15 to $8.25; top, $8.70; bulk, 225 to 325 1b. butchers, $7.65 to $8.10; pack- ing sows,, 10 to 15 cents rower, $6.40 to $6.50; pigs, weak, to 25¢ lower; desirable, 100 to 130 1b, $7 to $7.50; heavy-weight hogs, $7.50 to $8; medium, $7.85 to $8.25; light $7.90 to $8.30; light lights, $7 to $8.20; packing sows smooth, $6.40 to $7; packing sows, rough, $6 to $6.50; killing pigs, $6.50 to. $7.25. Cattle, top steers, early, $10.15; several loads, $9.75 to $10; bulk beef, steers and yearlings, $8.25 to $9.50; Dest long yoarlings, early, $9; bulls, '10¢ higher; veal calves tending lower; other classes steaoy; bulk bologna bulls, $5.10 to $5.75: bulk stockers and feeders, $6.5v to $7.50; canners and cutters, $3.25 to ed track, | ni 1 feed, | feed, | _i to the trade. No. ig .Timo- | 3 + 7.25 choice, to THE DAILY 'BRITISH 30 * IC 'heesh, new, Reports jE free! 1, 5; bulk beef cows an 50 to $7.75. Sheep, Tu to 80 1b. lambs tc per 8 and. packers, $11.75 to. 81:2 ] higher; eariy bidding, clipped yearlings, sales of sheep, all Eggs doz. 8 ugar, Sugar, ring Sugar, icing, Flour standard, Rolled oats, 1b. . Honey, lard, Ib. ... Oleomargarine, Maple Syrup, qt granulated 1b cwt, .$3.7 75 to $4 ship- woole 1 $14.60, $190, weth- Jy 25¢ sold; d higher; PW earhy Hay, Straw and Grams. Barley, bus. _ i Shorts, ton, .. Straw, baled, ton, Straw, loose, ton Wheat, local, bus Buffalo Buffalo, shipping butchoms, NY. steers, $8.50 $7.50 to yearlings, $8.50 to $9.75: $6 to $8; cows, $2.25 to $7; $3.50 to $6; stockers and feeders, $5.50 to $6.50; fresh cows and springens, $35 to $1135. Calves, $4 to $11. Hogs, heavy, $8.25 to §8.690; mix- | Hay. loose, ton ed, $8.60 to $8.65; Nght yorkers, | 08s, local, bus, | $8. 25 to $8.60; pigs, $8 to $8.25; | Troughs, $7; stags, $4.50 to $5.50. | Beet: Sheep and lambs, wool lambs, $9! Steak porterhouse, 1b, . to $14.75; clipped lambs, $5 to $12; "Steak round. Ib. > | yearlings, $8 to $10; wethers, $8 Leiling cuts. 1b. . io $8.50; ewes, $2 to $7.50; mixed {gi owing cuts. 1b. sheep, $7.50 to 38. Beef, Western, cwt. ... Beef, hinds, cwt. beef, local, 1b Veal, Ib. .. Pork: Loin roasts, 1b. | Shoulder roasts Hog, live weight, cwt, . Chops, 1b. { Hogs, dressed, cwt. . Bacon, breakfast. ... | Ham, smoked East Apri Cattle $9.50; $29 to $30 ces +10 car lots .. .38 to $1.00 Corn, feed, bus. .... $100 to $1.05 Hay, baled, ton ... .. Buckwheat, Corn, feed, Meats and Poultry .28 to 33 . 20 to 23 30 s to 1dc GENERAL TRADE Montreal Montreal, April 24--- Butter, } creamens, 35¢ per 1b.; prints, 38¢ per 1b.; cooking butter, 28c per lb.; oleo- margarine, 21¢ per lb. Eggs, Canadian new laid, Canadian specials, 37c¢. Ham, large size, 25c¢; small size, v | 25¢; cooked, 37¢ to 42¢c per MW. t Bacon, Windsor, boneless, 42¢c per, 1b.; breakfast, 29c per Ib | Parca: teat aR | Dressed Poultry, milk-fed chick- | Hinds, i a sto 3 ens, 36¢ to 38c Ib.; broilers, 35¢ to |Sausage meat oo heii : 45¢ selected chickens, 30c to 34c; | Mutton, chops 1. er turkeys, 38c to 42c; ducks; ! ° | Mutton. carcase. . 36c; green ducks, 36¢c to 38c per 1b. Dressed Hogs, fresh killed, ab-| Cricons, » | attoir stock, $17. Maple Syrup, $1.73 per 81% tbs. tins; $2.50 per gallon; maple sugar, 24c per pound. Flour, first patents, $7.30 per bbl. i second patent, $6.80 f.o.b. track; | strong bakers, $6.60 per bbl.; winter i wheat flour, choice grade, $5.80; broken lots in cotton bags, $6.25 to $6.30. Mill feeds, bran and shorts.in box| car lots, $28.25; shorts, $30.25 per | ton: | { Roll {to $3.25 ae to a2 cette rencas 4c; ce eo se ne oe .14 to His, Wool, etc. Deacon, skins, each, Horse hides, each,.... Hides, Ib. Veal skins, 1b. ..... Wool, washed, Ib... Wool, unwashed, 1d.... .. grades, $3.15 delivered ed Oats, standard per 90 Ib. bags, Muskrat Feasane | Racocn baled, per ton, in car lots, | Skunk new crop, No,?, Timothy, $15 to] | Beeswax, 1b. . $16; No. 2. Timothe, $13 to $14; | Gnseng, 1b. Wa Ae ena delivered (0 Montreal. Buckwheat, bus. 656 to 70 ! Hay, ++ up to $1.50 cv nea NORTHBROOK NEWS. IxinasTON RETAIL } MARKET PRICES! | Tuesday, April 24th. Cheese is on the decline just now {and it is prophesied that prices will | drop another five cents on the pound Ine xt week. Eggs and butter remain {about the same. Maple syrup is still rather high, and the supply is jumited, A Young Lad Who Had a Bad Fall is Better. Northbrook, April 24.--Tha maple syrup season rad a sudden endlag with the first summe: days. It is plentiful and of good 1Juality for $1.75 a gyllon. Messrs. M. Wol- church, A. E. Fleicher, and S. G. Both, officials of the Ore Chimney mines, made a business trip tc Napanee, during the week and Mr. Fletcher returned with a new car. Concern was felt for a few days 90 for little Teddy Wise, youngest son 50 to 60|of William Wise, when he fell 2 for 23 [twelve feet from a loft but the lad 40 to 60 |is around again, none the worse for 30 his accident. Charles Boomhour and {Frank Peterson purchased horses 40 from C. C. Thompson during the 30 week. Ervin Woodcock is home from .23 Oshawa for a few days celebration. {Charles Markel was called to To- ironto by the compensation board «+3 |who are looking afte) ies he "oY received by a fall. 4 !lanley Thompso Wolfe Island, are spending few days with Mr. | | i | i { { { Apples, pk. Bananas, doz. Grape fruit, | Oranges doz. | Lemons, doz. {| Dried fruits -- | Apricots, Cal, 1b, cevivues.. | Prunes, Cal., Ib. 15 to | Peaches, evap. 1b. each,.. .10. -- Garden Produce { Beets, 1b. | Carrots, Ww. | Celery, head . | Lettuce, head | Lettuce, leaf, «.15 to 20] 10 | +" | Thompson's mother who is in very | | Onions, domestic, 1b. | Potatoes, 1b. ve ve PArSleY su. ue savas errs rrse .10 | Parsnips, 1. Turnips, 1b. . Fresh vegetables-- Carrots, bunch Cauliflowers, each ...... 35 Cabbage, 1b. Tomatoes, 1b. | Spinach, Ib. | Beets, bunch *.., |poor healta. +-1% 1" N Paillips, Belleville, made semi-annual call through our (inity. | valent but seems of a light i this spring. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moon The dance at William Kehoeo's, Friday evening, was well attended, ------ |iched by James Thompson. Mrs. | Fish Bloaters, each 10 er, Mrs. D. Spicer. E. Weese has Cod, 1b. 25 !in this locality. i Fil © Tis eee een ees 22t0 251° Miss Edith Fraser spent the week- | Finnan haddie, Ib. 15 to 18 lend with Mrs. William Kehoe. Nr, Haddock, fresh, 1b. Halibut, 1b. Kippers. pair Oysters, quart 25 to 30 day guekts of Mrs. .99 | Murphy, Tamworth, made their Perch, 1b. .15 general Spring trip through here. Pike, 1b. "azn and Mrs.-H. May bave moval Salmon, Ib, ... uous os «+.25 to 34 lon the Edward Morgan homestaad. Sea Herring, ib. Trout, salman, 1b. ....,...18 to 20 {from N | White fish .18 to 20 W Newton's amp, Anes, wes sen eres saannas Tare in NO FORTUNE IN SY RUP Butter, creamery, 1b. , iv... Butter, dairy, Ib. Butter, 'whey, 1b. Sess nasaes Plevna Notes Plevna, April 20.--The sap sea- ison is here but fortune seems to [have passed Ly, aocordiig to the | flow of sap. Mr. Stalker has his | bush tapped and '8 having dally {trips to it. William Killingoeck has a bush tapped end last week they found time to have a small sugaring off. Mr. and Mrs. "Thumay T. Killingbeck, Plevna, were the week-end guests of the fofmer's par- ents. George Stuffels is heiping Mr. Heins erect a building at fir. {Hick's, Glenfield. Mrs. R. Thomp- som, has returned to Kisgston after spending the winter months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William | Killingbeck. During this time she {suffered greatly with an attaca ot jrtematiam. H. Killingbeck, Mrs. R- Thompson DODD'S RL 2 NBS . $1.05 to $1.10! 121% to 14] 15 to 17 .. up to $1.50 and Mrs. | his | vic- | Horse destemper is very pre- ! nature | a) Miss Violet Lloyd are visiting in | ; (and much enjoyed. Music was furn- | (Lowes, Manvers, is visiting her sist- | ... 15 to 18 purchased considerable pulp wood | «es 123% to 15 and Mrs, William Both were Suu- | F. Clark, FHn- | -20 ton. Messrs. Fred York and James | WHIG | / { tf v Why not tire assurance? HE man who has that assured dependa- bility which Dominion Tires give him misses nothing of the pleasures of touring. With his car Dominion Tire-shod he knows he has the utmost tire service that can be put into a tire by resourceful and deter- mined makers. X 4 Unlike extra quality in anything else he buys, this 3 assured dependability--super service--adds noth- ing to his Dominion Tire costs. . 8 Dominion Royal Cords --with the white strip Dominion Nobby Tread --the fabric tire 30x37s NON-SKID Guaranteed 4,000 miles MOORE'S | { wen earl ER a ------ ~ Tes § Ho who looks £00 | much at himself jooks 100 little to b himself. -_ - Chevrolet Studebaker | Wiliiam McCoy' s, Mallory Hill. Nel- son Thompson spent a few days at We have a few good Used Cars which we are offering at Reduced Prices, as we need the floor space for our new cars. The Central Garage Limited Sunfiay with Mr. Killingbeck. The roads dn this vicinity are very muddy Phone 600. Brock and Montreal Streets. WE NEVER CLOSE. 8.75 angl wheels find it rather rough. H. | Killingbeck madé a flying trip to | Lavant Station. Miss Eva Thomp- son is at home now. 'Ye Watkin's Agent" is at home now owing to bad roads. There is plenty of snow in the bush to make us think that winter hasn't actually gone. School has re-opened after the Easter re- cess, under the management of Miss 8. Black, Havelock, who has been here since September, ---- » © A Goon NAME The universal satisfaction of Dodge Brothers Motor Car owners serves as & constant inspiration to the builders. It results in a ceaseless, conscientious effort to make the car even more worthy of this most desirable of all rewards. Typical of the enthusiastic comments heard everywhere is the expression of Dr. A. S. Muterer, Schumacher, Ont., who writes: * This is just a little note of appreciation for one of your cars that I have been driving daily with tae utmost satisfaction. My car, 1 consider, is in! better shape than when I got it and it is certainly a pleasure to drive it." As there are more than 850,000 Dodge Brothers Motor Car owners, it is a simple matter t0 obtain a direct and reliable opinion from someone vou know. / MARCUS OBERNDORFFER 124-126 Clarenc e St., Kingston. "hone 1094 +10 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wood are home | | i The 'Yield Has Been Very Small--

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