Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1923, p. 1

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ERC AlLFN . NOW PLAYING The Christian LAST EDITION. ALLEN = The Baily British Whig re mer RANEY TRIES RATES FIXED SERVE | Trappers Tell of Small Y 3 | Maskent, | |Resents Caveman Affections, | { Peterboro, Ap! 5.--Approxi- ! ; ater "0 will be added to hi price | TO OVER-RIDE She Says in Action Against BY COMBINE {of next winter's Hudson seal coats. | ! od 25.--Mrs. Helen | : Author. | |bringing them practically to parity | -- has filed her second | And Not By Law of Supply with Persian lamb, as a result of the | ! i Chicago, April against Edgar Lee) De dhe dl YEAR 90; No. 97. HARDY RETAIN POST Of President of the Ontario Liberal | Federation. WILL |" S57 we SHA Er oats. | [POET'S WIFE WANTS | | DIVORCE FOR CRUELTY Catch of | -- | |° The Davis Dry Dock Company is! glving employment to about seventy- {five men. About forty-five men | | employed making repairs to _ the | Steamers owned by the Canada | | Steamship Lines. During the winter months the company was kept very busy. Four boats spent the water in the dry {dock. ' The steamer Brockville, own- led by J. M. Campbell, which has to been used for the Bay of Quinte service, has been completely over | hauled. She has had a new hull, | machinery completely overhauled, a new smoke stack and a new wheel, | when the steamer is floated on Fri-| day she will be practically in A VORDIS PLEA WIE By Liberal Leader Hay Get Together In the Com- ing Campaign. gaged--Steamer Brock- ville Rebulit. | oe . +] small catch of muskrats in the sea- | . s ng | Jenkins Masters British Trade Service to Aid :").x'c:. 2 i Premier's Promise Regarding ast tox divorce again. Baga Los : . This statement by a local furrier | Legisla i hy o Imperial Development. [reflects one of the effects of winter's | Contentious tion. { Spoon River Ashology." Saal e-- dalliance in the lap of spring. The S---- Sharges extreme ery or aid jprice of the pelts has soared to | " " 2 Ey uu Tod Swbtan al =| COMMONS HEARS REPORT SUCCESS OF THE. EMPRE f5: =o" 2 SIALS "SKY BLUE" BALES | Lovee, Whe se suirrving arossd According to her bill, Masters, | ny to get a share of the present offer- | S---- }whtte not engaged tu writing PR : Oc F : ¢ ings. | ttending to his law] ding eigh Depends Upon Looking to voce ve seston onened vuvers But Hay And Ferguson Cause = nove, or ee "wound. the| NEBAN Joean [1 ' were contemplating a general price "Bla km qe» Cl t Boise. She chirges that "he beat Rates--Fielding's Budget Whole Field, Says Sir |of $2 or $1.75, but as winter. over- C ailing ause 0 her. pluched, choked and Kiko Je. |stayed its leave and ice remained in Stand 0 er. her, naming specific dates upon | Is Not Yet Ready. Graeme. [the rivers, lakes and marshes, it be- ver. | which he lavished these caveman af-| Ottawa, April 25.--"Upon the came evident that this year's catch | legis- | tections upon her. regular steamshig lines trading 25.--It is the in- | Toronto, April 25.--In the legis-| i brought o.oo or, A good a condition as the first 87 | tention of the British Board of Woula bo exceptionally Hebt, [lature yesterday. the government! The first suit for divorce broug from Canadian ports the price of 43! London, April 25 As an example cf the diminishing ~ sky" bill for con+|bY Mrs. Masters was dropped for vans ortation service is determin- | |she took the water. Nr Camp- | rage that the British trade service supply the Hiawatha trappers, whose [called tho oe Sy" Wi or con {the sake of the oiliiren" bat fos p {bell has made certain that the spall serve Canadian interests equal- Sratio 2 must Mr. There a this No Budget Yet, {| Sir Henry Drayton inquired about jtae budget--when it will come. "I cannot make a definite state l | ment," said Mr. Fielding. SUDDENLY AT NEWBURGH™u"sctvec. | ope 1 so, but I cannot make a {definite statement," said the finance Harold Armstrong, Student, |, (itor. Killed at- Toronto, Former Napanee Resident. The House went into -- again on the Patents Bill. -- Napanee, April 25.--There died | Help Fir The Indians a Tein pr Sunday morning | Methods of the life of both plains last, Bertha M. Bristol, widow of | 20d bush Indians in Canada must be committee present at any rate, to direct campaign 'of the Liberal party connection with the forthcoming general elections in Ontario. It was ancounced on. Wednesday The senator stated that his decis- {morning that it was the intention of st | ied neither by the law of supply and Rice Lake rats rank with the highest | reconciliation lasted but a few | o} 'ery | At a conference of party leaders : {demand, nor on the basis of cost Steamer Yl be fe yory est tne! With the interests of motherland, lin quality, have about 1,000 pelts, as [in the morxing it had been agreed Weeks. A son, Hardin W. Masters, Plus a reasonable profit, but a rhe 5g Shauiv © Bee y peen [5° SIT Philip Lloyd Graeme, presi- [compared with the average of four jin certain contentious legislation divorced his wife some months ago, Soward's Coal Company, has dent of the Board of Trade, told the Canada club here to-day. "Th i still pending shipping companies, which combine leave. The Yennek II, which is|-2 3 gub: hare 0 ay 8 sue ee ------ |cussion as to whether or not fit . |is known as the North Atlantic and {used as a fern; boat between Gan- cess of the empire, e declared, | ' {should be withdrawn to allow dis- {United Kingdom Conference, east. |anoque and Cape Vincent, has also | depends upon looking to the whole ' HARDING'S BOLD ATTACK {solution a week from today. Mr, 'Priest Claims Spanish wardbound." With this declaration be verhauled. The C. W. Cole, field instead of to any Particular | Hay sald that was his understanding SR our | and Mr, Ferguson concurred. { {of Commons named to investigate EE Rr a SPE ATES TUN NS OPMNNIS SE) Se oi her h Mary Darvas. Will DolYears to accelerate imperial de- | was probably misunder-| london, April 25.--A stir has been | 5 : id {the schooner Mary [velopment gs 2 whole and this should | -- | tanding."" jcaused throughout Spain by a ser- |ultural industry, summarizes its op- taken in. { | Mr. Hay--'"There was no misun-/mon preached by Father Calasanz, [inion based on the evidence present- " 1s {thirty years." Congress Can No Longer derstanding at all. . De. Ag i hod y | 9 Be Driven | over." {dress of the queen and court ladies {ocean freight rates. Ag or Bok io To Assist Irish Officers. . Mr. Raney--"Well, bill as immoral, according to the Madrid | The chairman of the committee, Steamer. v | should go on." correspondent of the Daily Express. |A. R. McMaster, Liberal member for owners to deepen the dock. | 25.--Warren | | yerse: not The sermon was delivered before a |Brome, yesterday afternoon pre- [the overseas settlement office is at {Harding yesterday made an amazing "ary Into effect the 1ocisl , Si i fon life present debarred f aking | i" ; | 8 8. C8eisiona | give business building regulation jpresen ot arte rom making | qetense of his type of president of | these conferences there is no use in vate chapel of the Convent of the |committee to Parliament, boats which are being sold to boat|grants to persons resident in. Ire- {the United States, amazing for its {holding them. The dea of T56, Cot [Cr tote ak 2 | i v 3 ris | . - ale 8 n adrid. 1 | companies all over the dominion. land who wish assisted passage to {bold attack on those critics who { torenc. was to eliminate contentiogs | atec ] | ---------------- { | - . light by the Duke of Devonshire, man is not in the White House to [be through in a week if this sort of | | colonial Secretary in the House of make congress do his bidding." thing goes on." MRS. ALS i D SENATOR A. C. HARDY 1. i {Lords last night. The duke under- | Devoting most of his speech to the | i 2% AC. | took to see that a order-in-council | | Premier Is Absent. Toronto, April 25.--Senator A. C. f I GSTON DISTRICT | . i Fw rt of American adherence to the world | decided | Hardy, Brockville, to-day withdrew | N KIN {as one of a British officer, who on court, the president turned abrupt- [to carry the bill through commit- | his resignation as president of the | {being demobilized, sought assistance Iv mt "the close of his address to the |t€® In spite of the Premier's under- | il tretch at Morton to go to Canada but was refused on 'nnual meeting of members of th» |!8King in the morning. The premier | soclations and will remain, for the | Eight Mile Si the ground of his being a resident of ya Any g | in | {at the people who have been insist- ['79€8 of Messrs. Ferguson and Hay. nf to Be Oiled. reli ident should drive | LD committee proceeded to deal | ing tha a preside: rs | with clause four which provides im- A STREETSVILLE WOMAN congress either as Wilson or Roose- jmunity to informers, this being the velt were wont to do. | M , ras |00mbine exists among the various {overhauled and 'is almost realy to {or five thousand in other years. [should stand over for further dis-|5ince the parents' divorce bill was 9 i h portion of it. We should use Queen's Dress Is Immoral the special committee of the House was also in the dock. { § " come within the next twent rl Ue S. President Declares That About two years ago the Davis | y : It was to stand [in which he attacked the mode of [ed by shippers and steamship men on London, April 26.--The fact that New York, , April . The company is doing an exten- | Mr. Ferguson--"It we do i of fashionable congregation in the pri- sented an interim report of the |one of the dominions, was brought to "have deplored that some strong | legislation and we certainly won't! { | |already familiar arguments in favor, {would be allowed to meet cases such Nevertheless Mr. Raney Ontario Federation of Liberal As- {was not present to confirm the atti- 83 -- Associated Press and struck a blow | tha | . Roads Around Kingston the Free State, s clause which occasioned the row STENOGRAPHER'S ERROR i their g that the town was to pay for | Paving between the tracks. Result: = -- ; i Mr. Fairlie is a former resident fon to remain at the helm was at the ithe Ontario department of public unanimous request of two hundred | delegates, assembled here to-day at Yetruction in vicinity of fhe the convention of Liberal associa | \roe on this season. M. J. Hemnig- tions and clubs. Various speakers re- jer, contractor, Smith's Falls, has resentative of Liberalism in var- [100. awarded the contract to do the ious parts of the province voiced work. The contractor expects to fid in the president com in the very near future. Wollington Hay, Liberal leader fn For years the main roadway. in the the Ontario legislature, made a vig- {vicinity of Morton has been very orous plea for getting together of the {dangerous for the travelling pub- Ontario Liberals | in . the coming}; on account of there baing so campaign. Self-sacrifice would be {many bad turns. It is the intention Hetossary: he Cn délegat att! the highways department to maka mr. 0 e egates » : Liberal diane should be nomia- | 2° road absolutely straight, and to {do this 67,000 yards of material Sted 4k ovary Tiding for tre coming | in have to be removed. Four miles It was resolved that when Lloyd | ©f work is to be done both east and George visits Canada next September "©St of the village. In one four mile he should be welcomed by the Cana- Stretch, 22,000 cubic yards of solid dian Liberals as "the greatest living |T0Ck and 11,000 cubic yards of rock Liberal." {will have to be removed, while the {work on the gther four miles will hot be nearly as extensive. Distriet Sagar Pacts. Nut Bright re- | Engineer Small, Kingston, will have ebec, April 25.-- "Reports Thier in the Maple ira: ri to supervision of, the work. date are not very promising," stat-| W. Huber, Toronto, has been ed Hon. J, E. Caron, minister of ag- |2warded the contract to put tarvia riculture, today, on commenting on | O70 the provincial highway in vicinity sugaring this season. "It fs still |of Kingstoh. The fifteen miles of Possible that there might be an im- [highway between Kingston and Gan- provement before the season is over, |@nogue and the Kingston Mills road a5 it will be longer than usual, put will likely be done first, and the the prospects are certainly not vury [Toad from Kingston westerly will bright." | be done later. Robert Vair has been awarded the contract to furnish sand for the highway oiling. We C. Foulds | Toronto, bas received the contract {to truck the limestone chips which {are placed on the road after the HELD Ip AN AGREEMENT =: is poured. The oil dressing to be used is known as tarvia B. and is With the Sandwich Council-- | similar to what was placed on the wi the Word "Al | bighway last year. One large oiling rote the 0 For "Normal." machine will be used by the tractor. The oiling will be done under the Windsor, April 25.-- Somewhere direction of H. C. Smail, district in the Hydro commission's offices | Highway engineer. in Toronto is & stenographer whose | busy fingers have caused muea | trouble for the whole town of Sand- | wich, and, incidentally, for the cow- | em---- mission itself, {In Need of Funds--To Some time ago, T U. Fairlie] Contributions. made an agreement with the Sanda- A special meeting of the members wich council, whereby the Hyrdo|[of the Kingston and Frontenac commission was to carry out all base | Children's Aid Society was held in paving between oar 'tracks' in ¢n.|the cou chamber town, while the town was to assume afternoon discuss matters of im- Tesponsibility for normal, or sur- [portance concerning the welfare of face paving. Mr. Fairlie promised the society. Mrs. Garnett Lockett, to send. a memo of the agreemeniiconvenor of the finance committee, from Toronto, on his return to tnai|gave a resume of financial condi- ty, but when the agreement arriv- tions. The budget, as Presented by © and was read to the council, a the treasurer, O, V. Bartels, show- stormy scene ensued. ed a considerable difference between Lo and behold, the letter read |the assured income and estimated all | expenses for the year, which wi have to be met by voluntary sub- scriptions or by other means. A resolution was adopted request- ing Dr. C. C. Nash to interview the executive of the Kingston Baseball Club with a view of having the club play a benefit game, the Proceeds of which, after the n expenses have been met, would be given to the Children's Ald Society to be used for the benefit of the neglected children of the city of Kingston. A subscription list has been open- ed by the agent, Rev. William Black, and any contributions will be grate- fully received and acknowledged. ------------------------ CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Ask For the council, in indignation, refus- ed to approve its share of the bond issue for Hydro railway improve- ments this year. * Mr. Fairlie appeared before the jouncil on Monday night and ex- ned. It was all a stenographer's OF. She had written "all" fn- of "normal." Peace reigns again and the bona issue is approved. "Kingston an a B. Sc., graduate Quden's untversiy. Lighways to do extensive road con- | lage of | on Tuesday. ;iMay 13th, the others on May 6th. FACES SERIOUS CHARGE |Of Abandoning Her Baby in Lavatory--Infant After~ wards Died. Milton, Apri 125.--At an early hour Sunday morning the caretaker of the Toronto-Guelph radial station at Georgetown was startled by the faint cries of a baby. On investigat- |1ng he found a two weeks' old fe- male infant hidden in the lavatory | which a few minutes before had been {disinfected with Iye. He notified {the police who brought the child to {the children's shelter here where it {died Sunday night. Dr. H. A. Me.) Coll, coroner of Milton, opened an inquest yesterday, which was ad- { Journed until Friday night. Ethel Harrison, aged twenty-| | eight years, Streetsville, was arrest- [ed by the provincial police and lodg- ed in the county jail here at nine |o'clock Sunday night, She is charg- fed with abandoning her child but a | more serious charge may be laid {against the accused, who it is said {has made a confession in which she {gave the name of the father of the dead chiid. ei iar ! | THE Q. A. U. V. HOPES { TO START TRUST FUND | | LAnd he blames Mr. Harding says it can't be done now, that times have changed and that the effectiveness of "adminis- tractive and legislative fulfillment," Is no longer influenged "by war stress or presidential personality." 68¢" primary and party irresponsibility' which have led to the formation of blocs ana groups without party loyalty. Metal Plates Refute Doctrines of Mormonism ~-- Rochester, N.Y., April 256.--Two metal plates, said to be made of cop- per, have been unearthed at Mormon Hill, Paimyea, the binthplace of Mor- monism, by Rev. Charles E. Driver, Methodist evangelist, according to despatches received in this city to- day. The plates refute many of the doctrines of Mormonism and seem to contradict and conflict with the religion as it is now practised, the clergyman is said to have asserted. a -- A Corporation Sensation, Boston, Mase, April 25.---A gen- n-of nation-wide interest urking behind the indiotment eighteen men Ly a Suffolk grand jury in connection with the invest- igation of the Boston Montana cor- poration. It is learned that District Attorney O'Brien has in his posses- tion unhonored checks issued by William R. Allen, former Lieuten- J ee { To Eliminate the Undesirable | [Element From Associa- | tion's Quarters. There was a good attendence at | the regular meeting or the local | post, G. A. U. V., held on Monday |evening. Dr. J. O. Macdonald pre- | s.ded. Appleations were received for three new members. Included in the report of the srex committee was a statement concern- ing W. Bowker, a staunch old vet- eran of this city. Through the ef- forts of the association and H. C. | Nickle, the financial worries of "Bil" | Bowker. who has been seriously ill | for some time, are over as as he may lve, which an veterans will hope will be many years yet. The finance committee reported slow but sure Progress was being made, and also expressed the hope that a trust fund could be started before very long. The house committee stated that steps were being taken to eliminate the undesirable element from the privileges of the association, many of whom 'were not veterans at all. The committee are out to "clean up" these "hangers-on" who have been injuring the reputation of the organization at large, A delegation was appointed to attend the meeting to be heli in Ontario hall early in May to organ- ize the citizens for the purpose of advocating legislation that will make provision for veterans and others who have contracted tuber- culosis. i i - All the Protestant churches of Montreal will adopt daylight saving time next month, the Anglicans on ant-Governor of Montana for more than $25,000. Quebec Road Expenditure. Quebec, April 25.--Compared to a total of nearly $11,000,000 spent last year on new roads, repairing, resurfacing and maintenance, the province of Quebec's roads estimat- es submitteds this morning to the cabinet, only reach a little over $5,- 000,000. ------------ cet CANADIAN PATROL BOAT FES ON LS. SEHOIE That Was Suspected of Poach- ing on West Coast of Vancouver Island. Vancouver, B.C., April 25.--The United States fishing schooner Siloam of Seattle, suspected of poaching in Solander Bay on the west coast of Vancouver Island was captured last night by the Canadian fisheries patrol boat Malaspina af- ter the schooner was struck by a patrol boat. The schooner was scut- tied by the crew that fled, leaving one wounded man, who was taken prisoner. Federal officers are searching for the crew on Vancouv- er Island. This 1s bhelleved to be the first time that a Canadian patrol boat has fired on a United States craft in Canadian waters. ------------ ---- The United States attorney gen- eral's department is out to break the sugar comine. v is! of ; broadside volley of shots from the- } | Monday night. Mr. Raney was urg- ed by Col. Price and Mr. Ferguson to drop this "blackmailing" clayse, Mr. Raney--*"I won't forego any- thing in the bHl. There should be a vote without any more discussion on this clause... =: TER Mr. Ferguson protested against this railroading method of the attorney-general, urging that the clause be re-drafted eliminating the "blackmailing" feature. Mr. |eY was obliged to let this {stand over, On motion of Messrs. Raney and Drury the government's hotels' bill was introduced providing for the creation of a board to issue hotel licenses and regulate hotels. A large number of routine and private bills were put through third read- ing. When the debate on the reading of the "Sky Blue" bill was resumed at 9.15 p.m., the house was caught temporarily without tne correct representation present, but several members arrived in time tu save the night before Mr. Speaker had counted those present. ---------- | Bridegroom Goes to Jail As Girl Weeps at Altar clause second Chicago, April 25.--Frank O'Nelll riade the mistake of plying his trade In the rsom of a policeman at the Strand hotel, with the result: that he fs in jail under $5,000 bonds on a burglary charge, 'while his bride-to- be was left weecping at the church in Gary, Ind. Yesterday was to have been their wedding day. In Harmony With Pledges. tion by the United States in the world court as proposed by the Unit- ed States administration, President Harding today declared at the an- nval luncheon of the members of the Associated Press would be "in har- mony with ,the party platform vledges, candidatorial promises and American aspirations, and would not be an entry into the League of Nations, by the side door, the back door or the cellar door." Russia Exports Grain. London, April 26.--Approximate- Iy 300,000 tons of grain are stated to have been exported from Russia this year, Ronald McNeill, under- secretary of state for foreign affairs, told a questioner in the House of Commons. He added that, accord- ing to a report from the British agent in Moscow, the population was suf- fering from an actual shortage of grain. Booksellers to Convene. Windsor, April 25.--Members of the Canadian Booksellers and Sta- tioners' Association will hold their annual convention at the Prince Ed- ward Hotel here May 17th and 18th. Between 50 and 100 delegates are expected. ---- E. W. Beatty, Canadian , Pacific president, pleads for 'a wider im- migration Policy. ~ Ran- New York, April 25.--Participa- | the late J. B. Aylsworth, Newburgh. | changed if the government is to Mrs. Aylsworth came to Napanee Void heavy expenditures in the last January and nursed her moth-| form .of charity. Hon. Charles er, Mrs. Bristol, through a very sev-|Stewart told the house when pre- ere attack of pneumonia. She re- senting the estimates of the depart. turned to her home in Newburgh qn ment of Indian affairs, totalling $3,- Pd = ------------------ - Ontario Grain Prospects, Toronto, April 256.--Fall wheat in most pants of Ontario has shown marked improvement, according to the summary of weekly réports tives to the Ontario department of agriculture. Warm weather has caused the fields to green nicely, ale though some patchy spots are reveal ed where ice has done injury. On the other hand, the reports in dicate a backward season for sow} of spring grains, owfng to the wea er and the scarcity of labor. ------------ Burning Rubbish Lessens Watertown, N.Y., April 25. Cleaning up around fence corners land in the gardens and orchards and burning all rubbish is recommended by Manager W. I. Roe of the farm bureau as a safeguard against bugs and insects that feed on fruit trees and plants. : Heavy damage results in Jefferson county each season from this cause, and removal of breeding centres, while not a complete preventative, will greatly aid in keeping the pests Opening of the Yukon, ¢ Dawson City, April 25.--The opens ing "of navigation on the Yukon rivers is expected within threes weeks. The spring thaw is well under way Saturday last and was etricken with | 370,000 - asa ShaTa.c00/ an attack of heart failure on Sun-|Year A attem ; ty-two yeays of age. Besides her | sible for the increase, he explained. mother, who is over ninety years of Education of a technical character age, she leaves two brothers, Ros- | was necessary if the Indians were tol, Napanee. The funeral took :/eral western members agreed that { " place yesterday afternoon from her the red men must be taught "to {mother's residence, Piety Hill, to| make a decent living." Very sad was the death of Harold | | Armstrong, only son of Hamilton | | Armstrong, Carman, Man., in Tor-| OPLE [ceased was an electrical student and 10 WELL-DISPOSED PE Was attending to some work where So---- he had to use a ladder. He was | For had fallen, with his skull fractured | More Irish Rebels Are and in a dying condition. His fath- | Executed. er was wired for from Carman, and | inne Toronto, The body was brought to [patch to the Times says the Free Napanee on Tuesday afternoon and | State government has decided to is- the funeral will be held on Wednes-|Sue revolvers and ammunition to Neely, Bridge street. Deceased was! tection of their lives and property. twenty-four years of age and in a Su------ few weeks would have completed his Three More Executions. Armstrong have the sympathy of a April 25.-- Richard Hatheway, very large circle of friends in Nap- James McEnery and John Greaney {anee where both were very well| Were ®xecuted here today by Free some years ago. was a deserter from a British regi- | The death occurred on Sunday | ment, was captured in the recent {last of Stephen Henry Mills, at his | Seige of a cave in which irregulars nine years and one month. Deceas-| cliffs ed was one of the old residents. George Hartman has purchased burgh Road. Miss Constantine Grange spent a few days this week in Toronto. in Napanee on Tuesday. FIRE AT FAR ROCKAWAY, -- Houses Go Up in Smoke. New York, April 25.--A spectac- troyed the Traymore and fhe Tack- a-Busha Hotels at Far Rockaway, and the New Ostend House, the lat- gether with approximately 2,500 bath houses. About fifty bungalows were in the direct path of the blaze. ed to have destroyed a number frame etructures. Alarms for fires were turned in almost Island was brought under control shortly after 4 o'clock, after three buildings, including Inman's Casino, day morning. Deceased was seven-| Of Indiana for modern Hfe is respon- well Bristol, Bath, and Harry Bris-|t0 be made self-supporting. Bev~ | Morven cemetery. onto on Saturday morning last. De- Their Protection--Three found on the cement floor, where he | with his mother started at once for| London, April 256.--A Dublin des- day from the residence ot Garret M.|well disposed citizens for the pro- electrical course. Mr. and Mrs.| Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, known before they removed west|State authorities. Hatheway, who home in Ernesttown, aged deventy-| Were holding out on the Kerry C. W. Vandervoort's home on New- W. D. Midmer, Collin's Bay, was Four Hotels and 2,500 Bathing terular fire yesterday afternoon de- ter in the course of construction, to- Another fire at Coney Island is ve- simul'aneously. The blaze at Couey an old landmark, had been fostrop. made by the agricultural representa~ * > under surveliance, the experts find. 5 ¥

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