Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1923, p. 10

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THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1988. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORTING [= "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER?" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your plano. Watch nightly' for this big oomio hit, > TIMELY LATEST COMMENTS LOCAL | cCARPENTIER WILL SAIL iA : HUSSARS ORGANIZE FOR AMERICA IN JUKE { OR SOCCER GAMES comes to Train For MoTigue Bout in New York on July 14th. | Georges Carpentier, French light- { heavyweight, will arrive in New York about June 25th for his match with Mtke McTigue, world's light-heavy- "ganized for the coming season. Ways weight champion, on July14th. This ind means and possibilities were dis-(j!Pformation wes contained in.a cussed from every angle and many |*3Plegram received by Promoter Tex decisions arrived at. There is a | Rickard from Descamps, manager wealth of material available for this | Of Carpentier. team and there should be no difficul- | In his message to Rickard, De:- | ty In rounding out a squad that will [€2mDs maid that he planned for this give the best of those in the King- | country immediately after Carpen- ston and District Football Assocla- | ter's bout against Joe Beckett in tion series a run for their money. London on June 14th. Under this The election of a manager result- | 87Tangement Carpentier will have at 8d in A. C. Givens being chosen for |least three weeks at his disposal in that post and the position of coach | Which to train here for tho meeting was thrown open for election and | With McTigue. Rjckard has not yet Mr. Harrison chosen. determined upon the site for the The team secured a bye in the | Out. drawings for the round and will mee: to talk things over more fully and THEY ARE HERE SPALDING'S The official Baseballs, Baseball Gloves, Mitts and everything for Baseball. GIANTS--BRAVES--BROWNS won't use anything but Spaldings, and as they do not cost any more than the imita- : All Players and Officials Are Enthusiastic Over the Outlook. PRECIPITATE THIS ON YOUR PICCOLO. The 4th Hussars soccer team met In the Whig office last night and or- I'M GOING OUT WITH JIM TONIGHT -- I GUESS 1'(L TAKE THE KEY-~ tions, why would you not use them ? Sole Agents for Kingston and surrounding country. ing Goods Co PHONE 529. possibly have a light workcut on | Queen's Lower Campus before the | toccer match on Saturday afternoon | next, PORT (RS NAP | tl! | New Sea Sleds May Qo 80 Miles an Hour| Toney, of Cincinnati, and Vaughn, of Chicago, pitched a full nine<inn- C. Graham-White, the British air- | ing game on May 2nd, 1917, im | man, has carried out successful ex- [ which neither side made a hit. Cin- periments with a new type of sea- | cinnati won fin the tenth inning. sled, which has surface propellers, a | bottom shaped just the opposite to | - EE= 88 PRINCESS ST. hora comeexon | THEM DAYS IS ' | hen GONE FOREVER! | | Pancho Villa was born in Iloilo, in ! the ordinary boat, and which gains in stability as the speed increases. The V-shaped air passage running underneath the sea-sled cnabled it to travel like a sea-plane, while the | rush of air prevents the stern from sinking low in the water, according to the description im the London Daily Mail. With a square bow and shaped al- most like a barge, the craft is de- signed for great speed. During the experiments Mr. Gra- ham-White reached forty-two miles sn hour. "These sea-sleds," he declared, "would prove very useful for war- E ime raids. They would not sink if holed by a shot or torpoed, for they draw no water at all. And they would prow an elusive target. Sea-sleds of this type, carrying torpedoes, could be designed to tra- vel at eighty miles an hour. "The shallow draft makes it valu- ible for commercial purposes. The business man with estates several miles up rivers, Yke the Congo and the Amazon, where sand banks shift tlmost daily, could go to his prop- arty dn a very short time. "They can be built to carry 100 pmssengers, and could be used on toastal services, "Previously ninety-nine marime sngineers out of 100 would have said Ihat to use surface propellers would 'teduce the speed of the craft; but I to have proved otherwise. sea-sled can reach a great- speed than craft with submerged irtopellers." . ------------------ If a fielder throws his glove at a batted ball the batter is entitled to three bases, regardless of whather Hie glove strikes the ball. |the Pbihppine Islands, August 1st, 1201, Ponder, of Los Angeles, was the leading pitcher of the Pacific Coast | League last year. The longest recorded golf drive is the one of 489 yards, made by W. S. { Caldwell, of St. Louis, in 1920. The Abbreviation "C.S." in bat- ting agerages means "caught steal- {ing."" Dempsey is the only man who has knocked out Willard. Altizer and a dozen other players hold the American league record for runs scored in a single game--=&. Altizer made his record in a 7-inn- ing game. Prince Edward Loop Placed in Good Hands The third annual meeting of the Prince Edward County Amateur Ba: Association was held at the Public Library, Picton, on Monday. After the minutes had been read, tha treasurer's report was given, which met with entire satisfaction of all the teams concerned, and the eclec- tion of officers was proceeded with, resulting: Hon. presidents--Hon. N. Parfia- ment, D. T. Stafford. Past president--E. B. Purtell. President--Roy Anderson. 1st vice-president--Dr. Bradley. Sec.-treas.--QCapt. A. B. Russell. ] The meeting adjourned to meet at {-Wellington, May Sth. | eee | Argyle Club Organizes | Argyle Tennis Club, Belleville, has | organized for the coming season, of- ficers being elected for the year as follows: Hon. president, Ool. R. Van- derwater; president, J. Parker; vice- president, Maj. D. Thomas McManus; secretary-treasurer, L. L. Cook. So- cial committee--Miss Ruth Sinclair, 'Miss Helen Sinclair, Miss Grace Hol- land and Miss Sylvia Ross. Grounds committee--William Deroche, W. Johnson, J. A. Swayne and A. Arm- strong. Will 'Fight Tax. The attitude'of the British book- makers to the betting tax proposal was revealed at a meeting of tha Turf Guardian Society, which decid- ed to raise a fund to finance the placing before the public of the case against an excessive betting tax. Secretary Randall sald those experi- enced in betting completely agreod that in no circumstances could such a tax yield more than one or two milion pounds sterling annually. ---- There is no purpose served In knowing more of good conduct than we practice. { PRIZE PACKAGES. | 'Warmouth, rookie Washington sonthpaw, let the Yanks down with three scattered hits, and won his game. He failed to hit in four times up. Conroy, Washington third basc- man, went hitless in four times up and accepted four chances. Blsh, White Sox outfielder, got cne single in seven times up, scored One run, and accepted two chances iu the field. Kamm, White Sox third baseman, got two singles in four timos up, stole a base and handled four chances in the fleld. Robertson, Brown third baseman, Rit a double and two single in eight times up, scored two runs and hand- led two chances, Durst, Brown first baseman, singi- ed once in five times up and accepted nine chances. Boehler, Pittsburg pitcher, won his game against the Reds. He also hit a double and a single in four times up, scored two runs and handl- ed one chance. Blades, Card outfielder, smacked one homer in four times up and ac- cepted four chances. Summa, Cleveland outfieMer, hit a double and a triple in three times up, scored one run and drove in two and handled two chances in the field. Myatt, Cleveland catcher, went hitiess in three times up and pulled cne error on two chances. Fothergill, Detroit outfielder, sin- gled once in five times up and accepl- ed one chance. Hartnett, Cub catcher, went hit- less in foyr times up and handled six chances, Riconda, Athletic third baseman, got a single and a triple in five times up, scored two runs and committed three errors on six chances. Reichie, Red Sox outfielder, singi- ed twice in five times up, seored two runs and didn't heve a chance in the field. BRINGING UP FATHER ~~ oe oe To Build a Rink. At Port Arthur a movement is on foot to form a local limited company to build at once a hockey rink to accommodate 5,000 people, the rink to be 250 feet square, The council referred consideration of granting certain concessions asked for to the finance committee, which holds a special session to consider the ques- tion of a site. The site suggested is in the heart of the city, at Court street and Machar avenue. Fifty thousand dollars is to be raise: by selling of stock. ------------------ Driving a Hot Pace. Tris Speaker's drastic measures are bearing fruit. He drove the Cleveland Indians hard in the Flor- ida training camp and his team came north unherald. In perfect condition the Indians struck the fancied Chi- cago White Sox four terrific blows and then proceeded at the expense of the Detroit team. This morning Cleveland is riding easily at the top of the heap in the American Lea- gue. a -- Ski Runner Makes Record. The Vasa ski run, the picturesque crowning event of Sweden's season of winter sports, took place recently in Delecarlia. One hundred and sixty- one of the best sportsmen in the country took part and in spite of the deep snow over the entire course, the winner covered the distance of near- ly 60 miles in the record time of 6 1-2 hours. Oscar Lindberg finish- od first, but only one minute ahead | of the second man. For Another Ten Years At Ithaca, N.Y. Coach Gil Doble will tutor Cornell Varsity football teams for another ten gears, 1: was announced by Romeyn Berry, grad- vate manager of Cornell athletics. Doble's original contract which would have expired on May ist, 1926, nas been extended by contract with the Cornell University athletic assocra- tion until May 1st, 1933. The 1922 Futurity was worth $47- 550. Zev and Wilderness ran second Nt. and third to Sally's Alley. re ro Johnson Gives Mexico Silver Baseball Statue! -- A silver status, representing Ray | Schalk of the Chicago White Sox. and George Sisler of the St. Louis Browns, in regulatfon baseball togs, was presented to President Obregon of Mexico by B. B. Johnson, presi« dent of the American league, at Washington. The newly-appointed postmaster of the District of Columbia, William N. Mooney, himself an athlete, made the presentation on behalf of Mr. Johnson, The Mexican charge d'aftairs, Senor Manuel C. Tellez ac- cepted the gift. The offering waa made in appreciation of the facili- ties extended to Mr. Johnson during his recent trip to Mexico. George Wants $75,000. In response to Tex Rickard's cable- gram offering Georges Carpentier and Mike McTigue a match in New York In July, Francis . Descamps, manager of Carpentier, said in Faris he would cable the following reply: "I accept on the basis of 25 per cent. of the gate receipts and a guar- antee of $75,000." "We had not expected to go to America this year because Georges has a full echedule on this side of the ocean," said Deecamps. "But it Iickard is anxious enough to meet our conditions, Georges can safl from London after gne bout with Joe Beckett." a -- Germany Bars Bookie Entries. Any horse belonging to a book- maker or members of his steff will hereafter be barred from racing on a German track, under a decision adopted by the governing board of the German thoroughbred breeders' and horse-racers' association. Fur- ther, trainers and jockeys ars bor- bidden to handle such animals. ------ Many have been ruined by their fortunes, many have escaped ruin by | his boarding house. the want of fortune. To wbtain it, the great have become little, and the little great. 3 KINGSTON--CAPE VINCENT FERRY ROCKPORT NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED Opening Season of Navigation STEAMER WAUBIC EFFECTIVE APRIL 28th, 1023. Daily E LEAVE KINGSTON ARRIVE CAPE VI LEAVE CAPE VINCE) ARRIVE KINGSTON xcept Sundays--Standard Tim. 5 Special accommodation for Automobiles. RATES FOR CARS: Fords, $3.00. Phone 2195. Subject to change wi Touring or other cars, $4.00. thout notice. HOTS a =-------- | TreadgoldSpor HN! EE aaa eee Trying to End His Life. M#lton, April 265.--Early this morning Arthur Goff, an English- man, aged fifty years and a veteran of the great war, attempted to com- mit suicide by cutting his throat at He lost consid- erable blood and ten stitches were required to close the wound. It is believed he will Mve. This is the second soldier to cut his throat here within a few weeks, the first one, Fred Grimster, dying in Guelph Hospital. EE -------------------- Germany Increases Student Tax Berlin, - April 26.-- Foreigners studying in Germany will have to pay increased fees on a gold-mark basis for the coming summer semes- ter, it is officially stated. Students in the mental sciences will be charged 120 gold marks as compar- ed with 100 last year, and the tul- tion for studies in medicine, tech- nique, and physical science will be raised from 120 tg 150 gold marks. Business Dull in Petrograd. Petrograd, April 26.--Petrograd still appears as an isolated city and, in comparison with Moscow, busi- ness life is as dull as in a ma jority of Soviet provincial towns. The population of Petrograd fell to about 700,000 during the years of civil war, epidemics and evacua- tions, and it has risen but slightly since the coming of the new econo- mic policy. . Golf Balls X-Rayed. The Mest grade of golf balls are regularly X-rayed by their manu- facturers. If the rubber tape in the interfor of any one of the finished articles has not been well and truly wound, the radiograph roveals the fact and the imperfact ball is at once discarded, eince such a one would be erratic in flight. ------ William Edward Inwood, Brook- ville, son of John Inwood, Perth, and Charlotte, eldest daughter of William James and Mrs. Turner, Brockville, were married on Tues- day. Eight Belleviitans will face charges of breach of the game and fishery laws by using 8C00p nets and grapples in the Moira river, WORLD HEADED FOR RUIN. Major Douglas Thinks Danger is In- conceivable, Ottawa, April 26.--That the 'world is heading for the most dire disaster that the mind of men can conceive unless there is a change in the exist- ing banking and financial system was the prediction made by Major Doug- las, author of the "Douglas Credit Scheme," before the Banking and Commerce Committee of the House of Commons. : The trouble centred, he declared, | about the attainment for individuals | of a reasonable store of the goods and services they see about them. There was no difficulty in producing all the goods and services that wero desired. If that had not been proved before it was proved during the war. As to the possibility of agricultural production, that was proved by the fact that the subsidence of Russia as a grain producer had hardly made any difference in the price of wheat. On the one side, Major Douglas pointed out, was the Doesibility of rroducing to meet all demand. On 1 the other there were a large number | of people who barely got the of subsistence. ---------- Alexander Marshall Ferguson, Brockville, died on Monday after a brief illness, aged forty-five years. if means The late Mr. Ferguson was born a: | Smith's Falls. Mrs. Aaron Broom, a former resi- dent of Brockville, passed away on | Monday et Carleton Place. WELL HAVE TO GO TO CLANCY'S FIRST TO GIT YOU A SUIT OF CLOTHES! TH

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