ooo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE WOMAN WHO ADVENTURED | The International Sunday School Lesson for April 29 Is! A "Ruth, The Faithful Daughter ."--The Book of Ruth. (SUI By William T. Ellis. Bo ro OI Cof J ee One day I was riding up from the ple, Naomi's God, were henceforth Jordan Valley, through a rock de | to be as her own. | file, into the land of Moab. Thera! God blesses the daring. High faith came toward us a little company of | and noble loyalty are not forgotten | the sort often seen in the migratory | by Him. He favors those who are | East. There was first the man, |brave enough to make decisions, | | afoot, and without shoes and in and to adventure new enterprises. | poor raiment, carrying a staff. Be- He seems particularly a God of pi- | side him walked a donkey on which { oneers. The splendid fortitude of rode his wife and little child--a | Ruth was not to go unrewarded. For picture like %hat of Joseph, Mary | to her it was to be given that, In and Jesus, fleeing to Egypt. We tar- | the new land, siie should become an ried for a moment of greetings by | ancestor of Israei"s great king, and the way, and the man told us that |of the world's Prince of Peace. We his home was in Beersheba, but a | hear never another word about Or- local famine had, driven him over | pha; she sank back into the com- into the fertile uplands of Moab, | monplace prosperity of the majority there to work and live until a har-| who take no risks. vest should be gleaned. Now he Back to Bethlehem (what a place was on his way home. Jot personalities that little old town | The incident was so like that of | has been, and is to this very day!) Elimelech and Naomi end their two | we follow the two widows. The un- sons that it has stayed in my mem- | known writer of this beautiful story | Famine, which comes so vividly pictures the welcome given | ory. Remember to ask for quickly and easily to primitive peo- | Naom! by her old neighbors end | : " ple living always near the hunger | kinsfalk: line, had sent these Bethlehemites ! "So they two went until they | came to Bethlehem. And it came! 9 Eddy' whenyouorder [| [om me bres hv) ( Jordan above the Dead Sea. Oa! to pass, when they were come to | the high plain of Moab, where the | Bethlehem, that all the city was | moved about them, and the wo- match S winds blow chill in the mornings, | e there is to this day successful agri- men said, Is this Naomi? And she | culture. I saw the farmers plow-| sald upto them, Call me not Na-| : . ing. with the same sort of crookei| oml (pleasant), call me Mara | ON SALE EVERYWHERE stick and oxen used in Elimelech's| (bitter); for the Almighty hatn | 2 N CANAD. day. A fat land is Moab, and fit dealt very bitterly with me. i ! Cc A gave succor and a home to the went out full, and Jehovah hath I Bethlehemite immigrants. | brought me home again ompty: | Plenty of clean dish towels--what a comfort to have ---- | why call ye me Naomi, seeing Je- . Lite in & New Land. | dowel Ee i a | them! It is so easy to let them soak themselves : > td and the 4 Who knows the heart of an im- an * * s migrant? Only he who has been Ie: | clean in the rich Rinso suds every day-- a stranger in a strange land; and|! he is never heard to disdain tha In the Hard Days. | alien, be he ever so poor. The four le Loyalty is more thay a Waites of ALF soiled dish towels are a nuisance--they leave Jews from Bethlehem made a home | beautiful sentiments. It costs. 2! ] {= asswa for themselves in the new land; ani | genuineness of loyalty is testa | Cloudy streaks on ge glass 1 re and greasy the two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, | when it is required, as it always Is, smudges on your nice plates. t is so easy to took to themselves wives -of the |to descend from the high plane of let them soak themselves clean in the rich cleansing Moabite maidens. It seemed as if | noble words ihe dest ve) of | Rinso suds. Really it is no task at all. Rinso's big i ami ishe itselt | ring. Protes! n the family Bad established = iiself | humdrum living 9 lasting suds gently loosen the dirt so thatonly the worst permanently in the healthful up- | be supported by practice. The ecsta- [ lands of Moab. tic mood of swearing fealty had to spots need any rubbing whatever. Give the towels a a iii : : 1 : by pro- good -- Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Death, that great nuliifier of all | be followed in Ruth's case, by pro. rinsing after their Rinso bath--then just hang Foods are iall d for babi A bab di | plane, destroyed this prospect, for | viding 'a livelihood for herself and them up to dry. They will be ready for the next dish- 00Cs are specia.y prepared lor habies, aby's medicine the father and the two sons died, | her mother-in-law. Despite all the | is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared atior fen verve of ie 1a Moat. duce. | aew JoBmas soncorning dnianctoatod | washing--clean, sweet smelling, crisp and fresh. Try for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of ing three childless widows behind | womanhood, most Of us feel that | Rinso today. a remedy for the common ailments of Infants apd Children them. New ties were thus created | there is something wrong with an | . that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, for the survivors with the land | order of society which does not pro- | Rinso--made by the makers of Lux. and no claim has been made for it that its use for ever 30 which had so hospitably provided | vide that men shall earn a livel!- | Yeas has 3ot oven. Zor. them, The thre grates were | Bool Jor women. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO _ Rsis & } 3 | strong links. Gleaning after the reapers--how WwW h at is ( " AS I O BR 1A? { Nevertheless, Naomi, the mother, | art has seized upon the picture! -- - and now the head of the family, | Ruth gathered the stray straws of Castoria is a harmless substitute' for Castor Oil, Paregoric, found her grief-smitten heart turn- | grain that remained, to provide food ing back to Bethlehem and its hills. | for her companion and herself. The Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 1 tains | et oh Opium, rh EE other re pA By Its The famine was long since past. pictures of the scene are romantic, age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has Fond memory called her to the | but it was back-breaking, wearisome home of her girlhood and young | and monotonous work, with the la- HN: Wind Colic and Diarrhoea: sllaying. Feverishnes semisy | Tiohood. What homesickness s fl. | bl of poverty actached o ii. Thank e Have Lars of Uhestnut enroute | BURNS' therefrom, and by re ating the Re and Bowels, ort Ing the Rearts of aliens in America. God or ihe JaGa #34 wollen, he : ' - . gul only the Comforter of the lonely | world around, who are dally repeat Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- ID E A I THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1028, oN Ros Jol 71) PIES A (7 the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 'sleep. Xnows i + 8. { ing the Ruth story and bearing the i The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. In Bethlehem dwelt the past: and | day's dreary doad uncomplainingly, rival of same. GENUINE CASTO R IA AL . the best promise for the futurs also. | all for love's sake. WwW Elimelech had property there, ana While about this lowly task, in ow fo 0 L AYS there were kinsmen, ready to fulfill the fleld of duty, Ruth won the no- S ARDS C A CO BAKERY . \ the obligations which the hospitable | tice of Boaz, a wealthy landowner . . . { Bears the Signature of East, with its strong sense of family | and 'a kinsman of her husband's UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE ties, always imposes. Sentiment and | father. [The tale ends in story-book PHONE 811. i TRY BURNS' WHOLE prudence alike called Naomi back to | fashion for rich farmer and poor gg A Bethlehem. gleanor were married, and that A WHEAT BREAD -- union was viessed by a son, Obed. THE STAFF OF LIFE & > the grandfather of David, the great | The Woman Who Stayed By. king. The woman who adventured | W. BURNS What should be done with these became the woman who won. 61 Frontenac St., North In Use For Over 30 Years young widows? The natural recourse @ was for them to return to their own | To Honor The Loyalists. | . | Phone 1826\.. people, and make a new beginning | | in the Moabite life. Orpha so chose, | Belleville, Api 26.--Thirty-sev. despite her fondness for Naomi. fen local organizations of this city As we read the silly and cynical |37¢ Pledged to make the 1924 cele- T and cruel jokes about mothers-in- | bration of the one hundred and for- SYRUP oF AR law, let us remember Naoml, Whose | tieth anniversary of the coming of Hard Wood character was such that she bound 'De United Empire Loyalists to Up- C Li ExTRA Ol == | per Canada a success. W. C. Milkel, oP VER & { { Best quality hard body wood. | her dear ones in closest affection; and whose love for her daughters. |K. C., a member of the association, . . : { We have a large stock of | in-law was so real and tender and juno was instrumental in securing { | soft Maple and Birch, at a very reasonable price. | abiding that one of them, Ruth, even |the celebration for the city, has been made the great adventure of for [supported by every local association | Dry Kindling and Slabs. | saking her blood-kindred, and the [2nd fraternity. Sold mm ! land of her birth, for the sake ot Si P.Q. Ch Bedo & So eleaving to the mother of her hus- Belleville's New Industry. Makers also of M. aS. re n band. Belleville, April 26.--The third, everish Colds. i 274 NELSON STREET Ruth and Naomi are among the {ndustry this month has been add- Fhone 1746J. | most cherished personalities whom 'ed to the industrial life of the city { the Old Testament history has given [te the incorporation of the Baby --~------ { to the world. They are an answer | {Shoe Company of Belleville. It is 9 = 1 For Men 2 | to the sneer that women are .never | |expected that the plant wil be turn- * 9 and Vomen [ loyal to women; and that there can- ing out five hundred pairs of shoes | : To-night at Jarvis S { not be a true and noble friendship per day by summer. Local capital is i between women. Everybody knows |pehind the industry. Strawberries and fee Cream | instances of love and loyalty between ---- ~~ HR Neilson's Saladice Bricks, 48e. | women as beautiful es that of! geskatchewan Elevator Company g A Seliciouy Jee, Crim Btlek full Naomi and Ruth; and a fair coun- wil construct at leest 25 new ele- i | H Nellson's assorted bricks, 3§e. | . ice Cream in bulk reduced to ol $3 [; terpart Ror the Wiewdsniy De jroo at rural points, involving an |} BOC aunt sh, oe a {and Jonathan. Blessed for both Is|expenditure of from $200,006 tof Eskimo Ple, S5e 'o | the reciprocated affection of an old-| $300,000 during the present year. | Ri ake Sa Choe- colates. We represent those who | er woman for a younger. Ruth | Sweden and Finland will be Mnk- [ i ' a urd ic prized Naomi"s love above her life's eq by a telephone cable by way of |} a , nd Willard. > Noirs THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY old ties. the Aland Islands. Juatity So she cried, when Hnseltish Na- : rr | uid have parted from her, In f 1 your cannot supply you, : RCH DEFENDERS are not an | 2%" u me ; o.7 that spirit of self-sacrificing love i \ MANUFA ! H. ARVIS % L Sethopaedic Bf = they are which marks human nature at its| | V egant shoés made in the Acme o highest level--and the beautiful cry \ A Opp. Princess St. Methodist Style and Quality. But they are also | of Ruth has given literature one of! |i 4% J. L. RA WBON & SON Charch made with the patented f f | SEN NIGH (5, patented feature of a its richest gems, and has voiced the i WELLINGTON ST., KINGSTON, ONT. i OPEN NIGH (S, spring support--a hand shaped insole { loyalty of a myriad hearts since: : d : ; . HEAD OFFICE, NTO. ¢ We deliver to ali parts of the moulded on a true foot-form last. | "Entreat me not to leave thee: } and to return from followl Bad aap at oy [persed gorhy a thee; for whither thou piri but by the spring steel support De Tynping will go; and whither thou lodgest, the insole, extending from the heel to right I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God shall be under the Scaphoid Bone which is the keystone of your foot arch. my God; where they diest, wi 1 | | i If you have the slightest degree of trouble, 4 die, and there will I be buried; { Arch Defenders will give Jou quick relief. Jehovah do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part thee and me." mesma Sold exclusively in Kingston by J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | She Crt Demian, Courageously making choice, Ruth | dared all consequences. She had { tarned her back upon her old homs, | upon her kindred, upon the possibil- Pe St. James Hotel > or} 2 AS . ity of a second husband from among Sh ote on! osep Goodwin, general mana- | her ow le, mn her an J. BLACK will be taken over by the Canadian |ger of the Detroft Street Rallwa, | faith; aud she had elected to share | 5 D*PutY amit: Sf Taunigration, Wa Pacific Railways and converted into|died on Tuesday at his home in | the fortunes, good ar ill, of a lone | 000 British men, women and children sh AR wffiea hutiding Datrait. 'widow. Naom!'s home. Naomi's peo- np Ajo. wader the Emutre settle. |