f 14 THE DAIL XY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923. GRAN Well, Here is the Surprise of the Season ! Kingstonians Have a Chance to See Real, Big Time Vaudeville (CULTURAL VAUDEVILLE CIRCLE Presents 7--BIG ACTS---7 EVERY ACT IS A FEATURE. FOR BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE NOW YOU HAVE IT. PRICES: 25c., 50c., 75c. and $1.00. WATCH FOR SATURDAY'S PAPER. YOU HAVE ASKED ALL NEXT WEEK || AMUSEMENTS Mats. Wed.-Sat.. we What the Press Agents Say About [+ Coming Attractions ! Big Time Vaudeville Coming. 'The management of the Grand Opera House has secured "The Cult- {ural Vaudeville Circle" for all next | week. The programme consists of |seven of the biggest and best vaude- ville acts ever offered in Kingston, including Tameo Kajiyama an early {product of the mental evolution | foretold by W. S. Jevons. A little {reflection will show that knowledge {in the highest perfection would con- sist in the simultaneous possession of a multitude of facts. To compre- hend a 'sclence perfectly. we must write a book and we must read it SEATS NOW ON SALE successively word for word, but how ers of thought if we could grasp the 'A dog I thought it was your knittin' -- until it Adapted by Mary O'Hara from the play oy J. Hartley Manners Directe by Kirg Vidor Miss Taylor created the role of Peg in the original stage phy, | which has been perf more NO ADVANCE STRAND 4 | sciousness! Compared with the | brutes, we do possess some slight | approximation to such power,, and [it is conceivable that in the indefin- jte future, mind may acquire an in- || creased capacity and be less re- \stricted to the piecemeal examina- tion of a subject. But I wish here to make it plain that there is no logi- cal foundation for the successive character of thought and reasoning |i.unavoidable under our present ||. mental conditions. We are logically | weak and imperfect in respect of {| the fact that we are obliged to think || of one thing after another. The Principals of Science, Chapter 2, Page 34. { -- | BERNHARDT PRAISED | LAURETTE TAYLOR While "Peg O' My Heart" was | playing in New York,"with Laurette | Taylor in the stellar role, the divine | Sarah Bernhardt arrived in the met- | ropolis. After watching Miss Tay- 'lor act, Bernhardt wrote: "One young artist {has not allowed herself to be blind- ied. She has worked hard and 1s it is, at that, jredy a very agreeaable comedienne possessing humor, emotion, and a rare thing for her age--power. 1 speak of Laurette Taylor, who will | become within five years 'the fore- | most actress of this country." It is this same play, 'Peg O' My then 15.000 times. House Completely immortalizing « on Get Your Tickets Early, completed Sold Out Last Night GOLDWYN'S MAMMOTH PRODUCTION THE CHRISTI Photographed In England The most talked of picture ever shown in Kingston. The most dramatic story the ALLEN To-Day screen has ever shown. Matinee ..... 2.30 Evening ......8.00 USUAL PRICES a adhe J.D. GODKIN & SON RAXI, LIVERY AND MOTOR BUS. MOTOR BUS will start its service Sunday, Apr. 22, at 1.45 pm. . TENDERS FOR DREDGING. Sealed ders addressed to the un- ah Ta endorsed "Tender for 5 ng, Bowmanville," etc., as the may be, will be received until 12 moo 1 nuired at Bowmanville, Mid- etanguishene, Port Hope, ; Bte. Marie, Point Traverse, Ont. [oolet, River St. Charles, Riviere du pup and St. Pierre les Becquets, P.Q. nders will not be considered unless on the forms supplied by the De- nt and according to conditions h therein. _ Combined specifications and form of ender can be obtained on application e undersigned, also at the offices 243 hy District Engineers, Equity Build- §; Toronto, Ont., Shaughnessy Build-| Montreal and at the Post Office ng, Three Rivers, P.Q. Tenders include the towing of the plant to m the work. dredges and other plant which intended to be used on the work have been duly registered in Can- att Mme of the Bui after th Bulls in Canada filing of ten r. tender must be accompanied vy| ted cheque on a chartered bank le to the order of the Minister of 'Works, for § p.c. of the contract but no cheque to be for less than hu dollars. War Loan of the Dominion will also be ac-| a8 security, or War Bonds and gues If required to make up an odd t. order, R. Se. ent of Public Works, wa, April 23, 1923. C. DESROCHERS, cretary. y, May 11, 1928, for: * 8 ried AUCTION SALE Friday, April 27th Rugs, Antiques and other furniture. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer, Phone 1721. AUCTION SALE Friday, Apr. 27th, 1 p.m. At 192 Bagot Street, Consisting of 3 bedroom suites, wal- nut get of drawers, rockers, arm and easy chairs, rugs, carpets, settees, couches, parlor set, writing desk, clocks, mirrors, tables, crockery, glass- ware. Williams plano sold at 3 p.m. W. A. TWIGG, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 226 Princesa Street, Saturday, Com- BLUNDERS In what way does this traveller show that he is careless? The answer will be found among ing at 1 . Shrine ms today's want ads. Balance of Keeley's, Jr, Jewelry Stock, consisting of all kinds of Rings, including few Diamond Rings, Watch- | es, Clocks, etc. MONDAY, 1 P.M. | Fixtures, Tools, etc. | W. A. TWIGG, Auctioneer. | eee AA ra Sold in sterilized bottles. Place your order with Willew Park airy. SHARP BROS. ' Phone 1300 r 5. CATARAQUL ston will = urth an- The Odd Fellows of Kin, mark the one hundred and niversary of the order by attending Di- vine Service in Cooke's church, on Sun- day morning, April 29th, at 11 o'clock. The members are requested to meet at the lodge rooms, commer Princess and Montreal Streets, at ten o'clock. All members of the order are cordial ly invited to attend. : W. HIPSON, Secretary of Anniversary Committee. IMPORTANT SALE Antique and Other Furniture at Mrs. Corrigan's, 224 Johnson Street, Friday, April 27th, 1023, at 10 o'clock. Se -- 4 TRANSATLANTIC SAILINGS Seasom 1923. List d Rates mow ready. Apply C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Steamship Ticket Agent, 36 Clarence St, Kingstcn, Ont. Tel. 568w. DAY AND NIGHT TAXI PHONE 116 DOMINION TAXI SERVICE 283 KING STREET Spinet desk, walnut arm chair, small chairs, walnut and rosewood carved tables, large Louise settee. small gettee, old English oak table and carved oak chairs, wine cabinet, hall rack, large late mirror gilt frame, pictures, paint- Faas: mahogany and walnut beds, brass! beds, springs, mattresses, linen, wool- len blankets, bedding, pillows, orna- ments, rugs curtains, pol linds, cutlery, dishes. glassware, cook stove, home-made preserves, lawn mower, lawn hose and other articles. WILLIAM MURRAY, } Auctioneer. of Service Always" our I SUB-OFFICE 260 Princess Street either side grows warm with pt, the wisest man gives over QUEEN'S HOTEL La Special Attention te . } and 1 Sunday Dinner Special Price Soe. i Rooms and Board by the day or week. Meals and Service guaran- teed. J. ROSE, Prepricter infinitely higher would be our pow- | whole in one collective act of con- | me ------ screen for Metro, under the direction | fot King Vidor. This brilliant wec-| {tress has had a career of eminence in the theatre second to none. on | =| LOCAL NEWS. | the stage she has alwass been an Brief Items of Interest Picked | interesting personality, whose divia- | Up by the Whig Re- tions from the ord.nary were mars: rs. i ed from early childhood. : porte { She possessed so much vitality ana . | imagination that if nothing was stir- was hot Predicted. ring, if it was dull, monotonous day, L Ki ve R she soon managed to enliven it .n! Bttles om open oi 2 , | Sunday from to 6 p.m. one way or another. She would do | Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders such things as--well let Miss Tuylor ! £ | tell it herself, Speaking of her |TocVed at 100 Clergy street west. |childhood days In New York, re-| RESne 384w. {cantly, she said: ' Quite a number of citizens have » : {already started to clean up their | "One Sunday I was walking] [through a deserted street in Harlem. {rack yards. poarers are engaged in [Nothing stirred. The dead silence | "COTE ashes, |wss too much for me. -The only fllving thing besides mwselt was a | °nds purohasing a farm near Tren- {horse tied to a post. I untied him, jton, as he does not like the extreme ; " ld of the west. {gave him a switch and yelled; "Run- |? {away horse' ¥ ; When ordering Javel Water, be | "Instantly the whole street ig asd ask for the new brand, swarmed with people. The horse| "uP® Ro. chemically tested. | was caught, no harm was done, and| Rev: Dr. Gandier and Lady Fal- {I went home satisfied. coner, Toronto, have been called to "In those days I used to imitate Newburgh because of the critical 1ll- {somebody all *he time, or play a |[0€SS Of their mother. |part that pleased me better than| 'illlam Drury has received sev- |my own. When I went to a differ. erai shipments of coal and is taking [ent school where the children dil |Orders for immediate delivery, also [not know me, I pretended to be a | booking orders for future shipments. summer is Rose Tea 2 " S. B. Warner, Dauplin, Man. in- | AUSTIN I ---------- Prompt Delivery Phone 230 | DRUG STORE "A Clean Tooth Never Decays" Medical and Dental Science have shown beyond doubt that the cause of ill-health in many instances is directly due to poor or neglected teeth. | {foreigner and talked with a strange | Ruth, the eldest daughter of Mr. faccent. Some of the boys wero very | and Mrs. L. M. Hendrick, Frank- | {much impressed till one day the ac- | ford, is very ill She is suffering | cent fell and broke. {trom a complication of diseases. | "Then I mastered my imitations LL. A. Guild and Mrs. Constantine, | [to the stage at local entertainments. Kingston, have been appointed to iI spoke pieces and sang songs. Some te sowve lire vf he Navy times the was as high nve Ol Canada, just concluding | Pay 5 gh a convention in London, Ont. | dollars." | The photoplay, "Peg 0' My Heart," On Thursday morning stone cut- | ters commenced work on the stone is a screen version of J. Hartley Man- ] ner's play, directed by King Vidor for the new Queen's library buiid- |and appears at the Strand today, |IP8. The work will proceed very We feature the best Dentifrices and have a complete stock of TOOTH BRUSHES. PINESTRINE PINESTRINE TOOTH PASTE |An ideal antiseptic solution, stimulates \the gums and assists \in the prevention of An antiseptic paste impart a pleasant | in New York | still working, although she is al- | | Heart," which Miss Taylor has just! PURE MILK AND CREAM | Friday and Saturday. {INCOME TAX OFFICE HAVING BUSY TIME o. | {Just Three More Days Which to Pay the Dom= | inion Levy. Thisgis the "open season' at the {fecal offices of the Dominion income {taxation department, and the King- [ston staff are busily engaged {handling the scores of rc uras that {are being handed in daily. The final | date for the return of the forms fis {April 30th, just three working days «tway, and as the closing date grows the near the general rush increases in a --mnry | corresponding measure. In conversation with Inspector C. E. Millar on Thursday morning, the Whig was informed that very little trouble was being experienced this year in obtaining correct returns---- at least in comparison with the pro vious years during which the act has | been in force. Citizens at large, mer- chants, professional men, farmers, land men and women in every other |walk of life, have become educated !into the mysteries of the income tax [return and as a result the life of the tax statistic expert will be prolong- |ed thereby. The Kingston office has {open in the evenings for the past |few days in order to assist those .people who would find it inconven- fent to attend to this necessary year- {iy routine in the ordinary working | hours. The various members of the | staff have worked untiringly in their | efforts to assist in every way poss- ible, and the numerous courtesies | been | | spector down to the "cub" | have been greatly appreciated | the Kingston public. Ie reply to- a query as to the | probable increased efficiency in | book-keeping methods that might clerk, by {be brought about by the income tax { necessity. Mr. Millar stated he was certain that many smaller business | men and farmers had derived a real benefit by the new act. In the first {years of its enforcement many of {these men had no accurate aceouyt lof their financial standing but now everything is different, and there are few indeed who do not keep books of a sort at the present time. With only three more days re- maining, it is expected that the re- turns' will come in very fast now, as it is clearly stated on the forms that late returns constitute an in- fringement of the act. SHIELDS PRESENTED. Ta Members of Queen's Champion- ship Rugby Team. On Thursday noon the eighteen members of Queen's senior rugby team, which won the Dominion and Intercollegiate championships last fall, were each officially presented with a shield by the trustees of Queen's University. J. M. Farrell, the representative of the board of trustees on the athletic board of control, made the presentation. At first it was thought of having the presentation take place in Grant hall, but on account of the students writing their examinations the event fum. A large nymber of students were on hand. The Canadian Rugby Football Un- fon championship shields for 1922 presented to the members of Queen's team, consist of an oak panel with a large sterling siiver "Q", inside of which is placed Queen's crest in en- amel. Underneath on a silver plate Jo name of the playe; is inscribed. These shields were designed by the firm of Kinnear and d'Esterre, jew- ellers and silversmiths, Princess street. Something like home that is not home is to be desired at times--it is to be found in the house of a friend. Strawberries 30 cents box, Friday and Saturday at Carnovsky's. in convocation of Trinity College, To- in | extended by the staff, from the in- | was held on the steps of the gvmnas-. quickly on account of the corner |stone having to be put in place on May 9th. Rev. A. H. McGreer, M.A., M.C., B.E., had the degree of doctor of divinity conferred on him at tho | jronto, on Thursday. Dr. McGreer is | head of Bishop's College, Lennox- | ville, Que. He was rector at Barrie- {field for a time. NO CHEESE OFFERED. {At Opening Meeting of Frontenac' Board on Thursday. The Frontenac cheese board met jon Thursday but no business was | transacted, and it adjourned to May 10th when the factories In the dis- {trict are expected to have a quantity to board. This year it was stated, the cheese boxes will have to have the covers | nailed or wired on, otherwise the railways will not accept them. The nailing of the covers with one-inch nails seems to be the method pre- | ferred. Those present were Edward Brice- land, Wolfe Island, president, Will- jam Pillar, secretary, Joseph Cram- er, C. D. Cramer, Glenvale; George Smith and i. Hamilton, Parham, John Cibson, George Thompson and L. W. Murphy. Hotel Dieu Euchre. The weekly euchre given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu |in the nurses' recreation hall on { Wednesday evening, concluded the | series which had been greatly enjoy- ed by all those participating. There were fifteen tables, and the lady's prize was won by Miss Uneppa Cav- erly, and the gentleman's by I. Plunkett. The trophy for the en- tire series, donated by Charles Don- |oghue, was won by Mrs. F. McGuire, {161 Raglan Road. The convenors {of the committee Wednesday even- ing were Miss Nellie Kirke and Miss | Madeline O'Connor. Suffers Fractured Arm. Cameron, who was engaged in repairing a gasoline engine for Howard Keyes, a farmer on the | York Road, on Wednesday afternoon {suffered a serious injury when his jarm got caught in the gear. Both | bones of the forearm were broken. He was conveyed to the Hotel Dicu where the bones were set. | Mr ---------- If you would be pungent, be brief. {For it is with words as with sun- {| beams--the more they are condens- ed, the deeper they burn. odor to the breath. {Pyorrhea. Small size Large Tube 35c. |35c. Large size $1.25 Brushes of all sizes changed for a perfect 11b., 49c. King Street, We carry a complete stock of Tooth Brushes for the children as well as the regu- lar sizes. An imperfect Brush always ex- CANDY SPECIAL for the WEEK-END W. E. AUSTIN King and Princess Street, Kingston and shapes; small one. Price 25¢ to 65¢. 3 1b, 25c¢c. Gananoque. DISSATISFIED OVER WAGES. Number of Men Quit Jobs at the Col- lingwood Shipyards, A number of men employed at the Collingwood ship building company's plant quit work on Thursday after- noon, and it is understood that they are dissatisfied over their wages. | A Whig representative called up one of the officials over the tele- phone and was informed that the company had no information to give out about the trouble. "The .men quit their work and went home," said the official. Entertained Young People Junetown, April 24.--Mrs. Alvin Avery left last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) B. T. McGhie, London, Ont. Cedric Scott, Bath, is enjoying holidays at his home here. Charles 'Glenn, .Escott, and Mary Scott, were quietly married in Brockville, on Tuesday. Several from here attended court at Mallory- town today. Mrs, Haskins, Athens, made a business trip through here today. Charles Glenn spent today in Brock- | ville. Farmers have completed syrup-making. This season was short with a continuous run of sap. W. H. Franklin was in Lyn on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herbison very pleasantly entertained about thirty young people of Rockfield and Junetown. Warm sugar was sefved | and a very pleasant evening enjoyed | by all. Misses Agnes and Virlin | Horse radish roots for setting out at Carnovsky"s fruit store. Green spent Sunday at E. J. Kahut's, Calntown. A. M.P.P. LEFT $13,000 ESTATE. Widow of Late R. W. Fowler Sole Beneficiary. Napanee, April 26.--*T leave everything, real and persoral to my wife, Rachael Ann Fowler, and I ap- point her sole executrix of this my last will and testament," says the brief will, drawn up on 15th of Feb- ruary, 1923, of the late Reginald William Fowler, M.P.P., Amherst Island, Fenian Raid veteran and Gean of the Ontario legislature, who died during the winter. The will has just been probated at the local surrogate court and dis- poses of $13,000. The property con- sists of balance of the late member's sessional indemnity, $1,100, promis- fory notes and book debts $120, in- surance $1,256, cash on hand $300, cash in the bank, $46, agreement of purchayz> with M. Silverthorn of Cochrane, Ont., $910, and real estate $9,430. This last is made up of 175 acres on Amherst Island, $5,600; an- other forty-six acres on the island, $1.300; unimproved land in Lam- arshe and Glamare Townships $200; Fenian Raid grant in Crawford town- ship, $80; lot in Glakmare, $50, and three parcels of land in Alberta, one valued at $200 and the other two at $1,000 each. I ---------- An inward sincerity will, of course, influence the outward dc- Tortment, but where the one is want- ing, there is great reason to suspect the absence of the other. nd at once. . distance haulage. rebuilt. new $2,700. Sell for ery May 10th or 15th National Steel One Oldsmobile S Cost new front fenders, running boards, dash, etc. distance truck. Solid tires, in 5x ood condition, $700.00. A real bargain when complete. V Pigg Bargains in Used Motor Trucks One McLaughlin four-cylinder Motor Truck, in good running order. Has self-starting motor, electric lights, canopy top over driv- er's seat, windshield, delivery type body, tion, one spare tire, and cost $1,600 new. Sell for $400.00. Delivery 5" tires, good condi- h peeduaggon with open cab, large oversize Stake Body, Electric Lights, Starting equipment. Rear Springs, extra Tire. Very Extra front and strong, fast truck, suitable for long $2,600 new. Will sell for $700.00. Deliv- ery five days from order. : One Fulton Motor Truck in excellent condition. cab, renovated like new, side curtains, windshiel ' Thoroughl powerful long dlights. Cost at the price. Deliv- Car Corporation Ltd. Hamilton-Toronto 469 Johnson Siveet, Kingston, Ontario ario