Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1923, p. 5

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THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | COAL | is not going to be any cheaper or more available for next sea- Fill your bins now while Orders filled son. it is coming in. as we receive them--for STOVE OR CHESTNUT COAL W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street > Telephone 67. ~-- 'Real Estate and Insurance : ¢ Insure your Motor Car against | Public Liability, Property Damage, | Collission, Fire or Theft. All kinds of Insurance at lowest rates. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell | Phones 326-806. 56 Dreck St. DR. A. W.WINNETF DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johmson and Wellington | -- Streets Phone 363 + ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. C-------- . For Moving oL SAFES EIGHT, FURNITURE, S, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. vhome 377. Evenings 2231, 153 WELLINGTON STREET. A AA A AAA AAA AAA WATTS People's Florist ' 177 Wellington Street. ! te bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1137. re --.-- + Na Sn | NOTICE Any repairs left with R. J. Rodger will be sold unless a de- posit is made at once, L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham St. Just Off Princess Street -- a © WR Neha: & Co. GOLDEN LION BIOOK. NN em i a Simin | SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove lnm Yard Phone 133 Fruit and Vegetables ois Er, wn Grapes, good variety Vegetables, Lettuce, Radishes, Celery, ete. See us for good things to cat. BON MARCHE GROCER Corner King and Earl Streets Phone 1844. . All materials for buildings at lowest Prices. I Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STREET E PHONES 836 and 837. | A -- 1 i 1 '. | big garden and barn. { den and garage. ! toilet, all H. Good garden. Liver and Bowels Rig t--Always ee] Fine There's Vue Sight ay to Speedy vung |iner. PHONE 32 } Kingston and Vicinity Summer Street Cars. The well-known open cars of the local streat railway company are be- ing overhauled and painted in pre- paration for the summer season. Transferred to Ottawa. Sergt. R. J. Brown, R.C.D., Tor- outo, formerly of Kingston, has been transferred to the school of jrmusketry at Ottawa for the sum- { With Insurance Company. | D. J. Day, Montreal, a former {Queen's student, now with the head! office of the Sun Life Assurance Company, is spending a few days in the city. PIANO- TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing ana Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine ~ Street. PHONE 1819w. [y------ - Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S, Wellington and Hrock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington Sg. Evening by appointment. PHONE 87». Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. 2 The il FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR COLDS. COUGHS AND BRON CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF MUSCLES. SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD VARIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, DR THOMAS' ECLECTRIC DR. H. A. STEWART Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Corner Princess and Wellington | | usual spring work at WHY: Try to make yourself a hew Hat out of materials that are as common as postage stamps. You spend from $3 to $5, spend hours in the making of it and what have you got when it is finished? Something your friends laugh at a block away. No doubt you have a Hat you used to like but are tired of the shape, Let us reblock it up-to-date. You will have a Hat when it is finished. It won't cost more than $1.50 and probably less, The Kingston Hat Cleaners UPSTAIRS 163 Princess St. Phone 1488. ~~ The Market Augmented. With the steamer Wolfe Islander ! making regular trips now, the local | market should be greatly augment- ied by the addition of residents of {the island who have produce to sell. | | May Flowers Are Out. Already the May flowers have {commenced to shove their heads [above the ground. In the course of a couple of days they should be (out. in large numbers. ! | JP. W. O. R. Training. annual spring training of the {Princess of Wales' Own Regiment is progressing most favorably, and lit is expected that the first march- lout of the season wid 'be held { shortly. Fine Weather For Farmers, The farmers of the surrounding! district are in the miidst of / their] the present} (time, and they are all hoping for {another two weeks of good weath- |er at least. | | See For Yoursell. | We carry a large range of made- | io-measure suitings, blue and black iserges and English worsted cloth of {the best material. We guarantee {first class fit and workmanship. | Frevost, Brock street. | Hugh Glenn Makes First Trip. | Hugh Glenn, Amherst Island, | made his first trip to the city with !his boat "Bthel" on Wednesday and |returned in the afternoon with a {large load of freight. George Wemp, tW: Smith and W. Willard returned i. {with him. Mr. Glenn reports that the ice has disappeared from the en- trance to the Bay of Quinte. He in- tends making his semi-weekly trips from now on. Purchased Plate Glass. George Boyd, purchased all the plate glass in the buildings on King street, opposite the Whig office, which are being torn down to make way for the new Bank of Montreal building. -- Inspector of Construction. Prof. L. T. Rutledge, of the staff of Queen's school of science, has been appointed inspector of construc- tion in connection with the building of the new Queen's library. John Tomkins, a final year science stud- ent, is acting timekeeper. Getting Plant Ready. The county good roads plant, which has been stored at Tuttle's Hill during the winter months, is being overhauled and will be taken to the Woodburn road where exten- sive work will be done during the summer months. Wants Lots of Help. Anglin-Norcross Limited, Mont- real contractors, who are building the new library building at Queen's university, are giving work to all the men who apply. It Is the intention of the company to rush the work along and the best way to do it is to have a big gang of laborers. Moving Picture Entertainers. Mr. and Mrs. F. May, Enterprise, moving picture entertainers, spent an enjoyable winter with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and | Mrs. Edwin Magee, Hay Bay. They leave this week for Athens, to spend a few days visiting friends. From there they will go to Sharbot Lake, to open their summer tour with a two weeks' stand in Community Hall. After that they go to Arden, Tweed, Havelock, Lakefield, then to Toronto to fit out for a tdur of west- ern and southern Ontario. Died at Cape Vincent, N.Y. William H. Ruttagn, one of the best known residents of -Cape Vin- cent, N.Y., died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Gardner. Death was due to hemorrhages. He was sixty-one years of age. Mr. Ruttan was born in Picton, and had lived in Canada much of his life. He was a travelling salesman. There probably no one in Cape Vincent i was | better acquainted with the history of Lake Ontario than Mr. Ruttan. He was a writer of considerable ability. -- Died in Alberta Province. News has reached Athens of the death of a former resident in the per- Wiltse, who passed away after J. W. Wiltse, Lacombe, Alberta. De- ceased was Delila Boyce and was born near Lyn. She leaves one daughter and one son at Lacombe, Alta.; also one sister, her son, C. H. Wilson, and who is now in her ninetieth year. Interested in Oil Strike. Richard Aykroyd, a cousin of Dr. S. Aykroyd, of this city, organized and is one of the directors of the British Petroleum Company, which has made a big strike in the Fabyan- Wainwright district of Alberta. It has developed a flow of 6,000,000 feet of gas. Samples of the gas are being taken, and will be chemically examined. The dominion govern- ment is being asked to make an an- alysis, and tests will also be made. The well is six miles due north of Wainwright, and about the same dis- pany's Fabyan well. been going on for several months, and at a depth of 2,015 feet the drill struck the gas vein that geolo- gists have been sure for some time past Hes under the Wainwright country. Millhaven Wharf. ' The Millhaven whart is reported to be well advanced toward comple- tion. The contractor has only to finish the top and it will be ready for service. The residents of Wolfe Island and the mainland are delight- ed to have this wharf which has been a long-felt necessity, especially to the residents of the island who desire the shortest route to Ernest- town station. John McGee's ferry service is expected to increase and it the passenger traffic warrants it he may put on a larger boat. The people are particularly grateful to Mr. Sexsmith, M.P., for this wharf. Many of the farmers on the island are sending their entire output of cream to Kingston daily by the Bath stage, which picks up passengers and freight at Millhaven, mn | ain f arf iy alle nel i AY flit Gap AY ht f 1 Al, hs I a 2 1 iT le ik it (! FOR SALE | $2500--Blacksmith business, tools, 2. Storey shop, 6 rogym house, barn and! garden, in good, thriving country. | Good proposition. | { $3200--7 room house, 3 p. bath, good | South. | $4600--6 room semi-bungalow, 3 P B., hot air, hardwood floors, good gar- South, W. floors, hot air, elec. | $5000--6 room brick, 3 p. B,, a! South, | Wanted--A corner Brocery store and | house on the South side. E. L. MARTIN 111% Brock Street. hones: 229. Res. 2260J. Res. 1150w. ace Powder - Compacts In metal boxes, neatly de- signed in White, Flesh and Brunette shades; can be con- venlently carried in your purse; complete with mirror and puff, $1.00 each. Also refills for Colgates, Day- || dream, Hudnuts and Seeley's. [if! i Hi i i 3 i Brunewick must be licefised under the Board of Health. A 'soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. v ~The Bible. en Ltd | Small House With Pleasing Roof Lines TTR TI u EW + 153 . ee ] in J £4 Farm The long sloping lines of the roof give this house a pleasing character, || 2cross the front, just above the first story windows, a strong | | the appearance of the house and at the same time to Increase | This gives a front of good proportions that is not | 'box' that d= so often characteristic of small two-story houses. To further this pleasing horizontal effect the windo: striking fs the group of five large windows in the first Place, giving a most unusual wall treatment and maki the full length under this group of windows, offering | | where' they will show to the best advantage, both { The first story walls are of stucco on hollow, til i y to the exterior in the contrast of bo shingle walls and roof above. A small reception hall, a living, a dining room, This porch has a cement floor and the openings are si lending vartet; Cost about $7,300. Complete working plans and specifications of this house ma Refer to House A-63. Building Editor. and sunshine. SECOUD FLOOD BLAM Py horizontal effect is obtained that tends to lower the apparent length. stilted and in no way suggestive of the four-wall-and-root | 'Ws are arranged in groups, symetrically placed. Most story that centre in the living TOOm, Opposite the fire- ng the room bright and attractive. a tempting setting for geraniums from within and without. es, giving a most effective background for th color and texture the plain wall affords in kit*hen and attractive living porch complete the first floor. y 0 arranged that the enclosing of the porch in the winter months is a most simple matter, giving another room and t After May 1st all hotels In New On the second floor are three good size bed rooms and rooms have group windows that given plenty of air one that is delightful to live in. | @ bath. Qloset space is not lacking. All of the bed Sons an rer and with the %lood that extends son of Mrs. Delila Wiltse, aged eigh- | ty-five years, wife of the late Anson | al brief illness at the home of her son, | Mrs. Sarah] Wilson, who resides in Athens with! dance from the Imperial Oil Com- | Drilling has | } ood Split Pulleys For all sizes of electric and steam power shafting. In stock at all times. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 EVERY FIVE SUFFERS + MALNUTRITION ? ARE YOU DOING YOUR DUTY BY YOUR CHILDREN? no YOU KNOW THAT ONE CHILD IN FROM I8 YOUR CHILD PALE, LISTLESS, NERVOUS, NO APPETITE, FRET- FUL? THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH YOU, GIVE THEM OLAJEN. SEE THEM ROSY, RUDDY, PRESCRIBED AND ENDORSED BY CHILDREN LIKE IT. AND ROBUST AND STU RDY. LEADNG CHILD SPECIALISTS mm-- RATS WANTED GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street ~ " YouCannot See Them In The Window! STEP INSIDE AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE FINEST SPRING SUITS, TOP COATS AND GABARDINE RAINCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE IT WILL MEAN , YOU. A BIG SAVING FOR TWEDDELL'S Clothing House A flower box extends and hanging vines | 0 ¥ be obtained for a nominal sum from the WN Plain and Fancy GINGHAM , in combinations make pretty Dresses. Our stock is very large in the new Checks and Plaids with plain shades to match--all best Scotch makes and wide widths at 25c., 50c. a yard. 30c., 45¢c. and CREPES for Kimonas and Under- wear--fine English makes in dainty colors and patterns at yard. NEW VOILES in 35c. and 39c. a the latest Egyp- tian and Paisley patterns at 50c., 60c., 75c¢. a yard. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store,

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