THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Such as the warbler epills . Real Good Coffee | 2 Dorin 1 | Forth caroling his gladness 1 g y } i In the April hills. s = nd CHASE & SANBORN'S | a EE Laura. A. Kirkman Editor of Women's Page, Tele. flicks, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss ;Crocuses are old wives' thoughts 2 3 - one 248. Private 'phone 837W. Doris McK Miss Helen Strange, | Planted in the fall | - Eh . a ™ . un. Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Laura |When the laughing young folks i TOMORROW'S MENU I (or one-half pound of strawberrles). Inve. ATannas Breakfast Cut the berries small anz prace {il iss Ceci acned, Major | Think not of spring at all; Kilborn, Miss Cecil Macn2s, Major i Pineapple them in a bowl; mash and beat un- Cereal til they are a mere pulp, then stir on he knowledge hat Salil |\otherpoom Capt. 'Lee, Capt. |Then they walt all wintér day will bé the last meeting of Whe Brownfield, Mr. Panet | April's lilting call. Colles ish Cal ay . Da Garrison Badmintcn Club, failed to | LD Em is akes n em a yolks o . saw . | 22 Wholewheat Muffins well beaten, five tabrespoons of sug- Sold only mn %, 1 and 2 Ib. airtight tins. | | ut many members to the 3 : 5 ; l : - prine om Ba aTeong. those |p The glorious April Sausite 2 fie Bui ning iar, the strained . juice of one-half Whole, ground or fine ground for Tricolator or Percolator use. fresent were, Col. and Mrs, Vicor {knowledge that the cadets of tho Dreaths of coming fragrance Lunghses |emen ang, She hale teaspoon. of CHASE & SANBORN, . MONTREAL. 40 Anderson, Mrs. Francis Constantine, Royal Military College were engaged | After winter hours. Sere Rade - - ? Sav Srey Samay : int 3 Major and Mrs. Victor Tremaine, |; "0" gio contoo opi might be [Fre the flame of springtime | CTamDis "Bee a 8 niixture Rie ? re Mrs. Alan Powell, (Ottawa), Major | witnessed by their friends, encour-| Into beauty towers. + 4 Wi ' Letiges Jan peo Jish, i630 $1230 the Gish 53 4 = and Mrs. Dobbie, Mrs. J. I. Pres- a0. some of the parents of the boys > { holewheat Bread Jam jsaucepan containing a little bolling {aged some o Pp ys | * Cocoa water. Place the pan over the fire ton, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mrs. R W. land girls of the younger set to mo- Crocuses aro children dear | and stir the contents of the dish till » YX * * y ile s . {Sith | r ' ag + on ES SE DE retro wor Aros Tough deve Paes iter nnn [| Jo oint Electrical A liances er Burdics on the campus, through Br aM o ry i Clear Soup with Rice When thickened, remove from the b LES [the gateway in the wail of Fertile, in BE Ley BH Broiled Mackerel saucepan of water and cool.. When | Praderic ; 3h arihw {Till the earth for shame's sake | Parsely Potatoes guite cold, fold in the stiffly beaten See us for your HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GOODS--HEATERS, rederick, over the earthworks, | ging at their amaze. Buttered Beets whites of five eggs. 'Turn the .ars- IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. N Time to Get Rid of These gi,npi 4 a a { : 5 No I he Re Spots. ag nig Wig ee] HN ya] Lettuce : ture into small individual custard DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS ¥, s . ! Coffee Lemon Gelatine cups and garnish each with a ripe There's no longer the slightest includ av | Ww R } E E | ed the avenue leading to the! asha r A i ------ wl y . om a as OChi Br ength Holt rink and Navy Bay. The scene | Vogue for Black. {ORE SPRINGTIME RECIP SITE NIersy SL iy BU K C reckles, as Othine oubleé strength | | 1 MO SFRINGTIME RECIPES Asparagus Eggs: This is really no . A OVO ese Was a most attractive one, the grey | h late re 8 Paris | rE i oF § i Ho a A FES I st hate oe To. the 2297 ]..12 the isst rovoria from | the |. Bhubagh Meringue Dessert: wash [different than ordinary scrambled 72 PRINCESS STREETS PHONE 423. homely spots. : rons " : 2 {comes the news that many cf the , ink rhubarb and cut it n- leggs with cooked asparagus tips ad- - Simply get an ounce of Othine -- [dancing in she sunshine and. the lads |smartest women who are beginning roo tans s eel ac; 4 ' " : | s - anv. drnzoisl isk. thes . wal 1 e bo inch-dong pieces. Stew it in alded to them. To make it, beat your double strength--from any druggist showing bp their riding the :excel to be seen about Paris upon their re- ios ; | : and apply a little of it night and |jence of their training =e Seen ahone i ; eaving |) little water WHI five able- fg I} We paal Way, add 1o-tham morning and you should soon see that 7 vu [turn from the Riviera are Feary {spoons of sugar till tender, then a tablespoon of water and a couple even the worst freckles have begun! Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Kensington [CCSt0MeS of black. The small Back) tram the juice from ft into a bowl of tablespoons of milk and turn them to disappear, while the lighter ones | Yetta or 1 I ibe > Milan cloche--~trimmed in the gros-lapnq pup the fruit through a sieve [into a hot frying pan with a gen- have vanished entirely. It is selon: [37E : lini a, sma A on a grain ribbon cocarde is quite the Return the Juice to the fire and lot ferous lump of butter and a pinch of n i sede > esday r an a 8. « 1 : , i thet more han en ounce = Is sled Byron. Ottawa. | nt: Mrs. A. lucual thing about Paris just now. It it cook till only a half cup of it re-lsalt. Begin scraping the a beautiful olear complexion. I. is seid that many of the black €os- Imains. Mix this half cup of jwiceltom with a large spoon and after a double | > {tumes were made interesting with | with the fruit part (which was put !minute or two add one cup of diced Be sure to ask for the double! i. ,ng Mrs RW Leonard a : q i strength Othine as this is sold under |, °° ~~ ak "oc Ce thi i 'h » {the touch of color in the hat. For in- {through the strainer), add the yolks asparagus tips. Continue to guarantee of money back if it fails to | rant oo : : aries WhO |etance, black Milan, satin and felt {of four eggs well beaten and the scramble the eggs till they are firm remove freckles. jsaued Jor "RElanc early in APT, (were trinumed in bunches of colored [grated rind of one lemon. Turn |and serve. - [* spend Sofie time abroad. |flowers or ribbons. | this mixture into a buttered emthen| | Miss Christine Macdonald, |" or otier sniart closhe Was of black | dies 'and bake for 20 minutes in a Tomorrow--Household Hints from i oe 17 rarity y i. | {Queen's Tuiversity, bid luave for {felt with a five petaled cocarde at [moderate oven. Beat four egg- » Readers, \ {rer home near Regina, Sask., this {the side, made of cyclamen mauve Whites stiff and beat into them two . | -- week, : |ribbon. A great many black felt tablespoons of sugar. Spread this All inquiries addressed to Miss Mrs. Whitman, Canso, N.S, spent {shapes were banded and trimmed in [meringue over the pudding, «ust|Kirkman in care of the "Efficient a day in town this week with her | over with sugar and return the | Housekeeping" department will be - A -------- : { Crocuses sn i Lfficient » ; Canada 's Household Name fo' . eo) : ra a pera aoter | AAS Rr . FOR Life's Social Side |e isimm Gh ORT 7 I ---------- 3 of bicolor and sometimes niece, Mrs. Arthur Dalton, Rarl socarday bigol > | earthen dish to the oven for ten | answered in these columns in their itricolor ribbon. i tree : i z a yn | turn. nside street. Both London and Paris report a Minutes to set meringue and brown | n This requires considerable i c { {22 Miss } e Lens, Queen's Univer- : lightly. Serve very eond. time, however, owing to the great u h Miss Minine Lens, Qu hiack. At the ses. 3 3 € Er ption On Face Itched sity, will return to Hamilton . this Ereat yorue {oF hisck 9 se | «Delicious Strawberry Custards: | number received: So if a personal | sma s / i ce . i ; : and Burned. Lost Rest. | |weex. London gases disthuetly favored th | (This recipe, like the preceding on, | or quicker reply fs desired, astamp- 1 a | HOI: OR uae i Paris Cor [calls for a good many eggs--but av [ed and self-addressed envelope must *'A small, sore eruption broke out Principal 8. W. Dyde and Mra, |2!-Plack cos Ame, Wiles Marly x least for a guest meal the house-|be enclosed with the question. Ba on the side of my face and: kept Dyde, have taken a house near Gan- respondent TI: at thing to wear | KeePers will not find it too expensive | sure to use YOUR full name, strect Spreading wl X wag the size ofa anoque for the summer months. : Black he nigh: | a WeAT to serve.) Remove the green stalks | number, and the name of your city quarter. It was roug scaly, AT OON-- , silk crepe, | ; a at times I was most crazy RT the Miss Marion Blackburn, Y. W. C. faite Mirman i - ope: from one cup of ripe strawberries | and province. --The Editor: ¥ y ' simple | 2 and burning. - 1 lost my rest [ (A. will return to Windsor this black satin dress goes with a small | A AAA A Ai nn : Washes "W ell itch at night, and my face was terrible to. | * | yee) | : . i 2 hat; ith i3 | ay C ag, Prof. and Mrs. Duncan McArthur, biack seliv ecloshe hat; neither | Kingston is helping along the good "1 tried different edies with, i : 8 has lor eck | . any vied d i hogleg Without Earl street, leave on Monday for Fines $18 Wom an 0 X We or What the Editor Hears ork a . : in any ater Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I London, Ont., to spend the summer. [which will_be perhaps a slim dia: | That slveady 156 Cataraqui golf 3 : ' purchased Soe, and ater using one Miss Marion Matthews, Queen's {mond wrist watoh, while pearls may | Saee-tttttteee-eesassssesd (links is @ favorite spot and is even : 8 With water hot or cold hard : ' cake of Cuticura Soap and one box iversity 14 of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) University, will return to Babe, {be round the throat, on the ears That the gifts from the royal fam- | visited by moonlight by the enthus- Miss Eleanor Beekman, Springdale, | | Que: this week. long pearl earrings, and at the waist, a y to the Duke and Duch £ York |iasts : 5 . so ong y to the e an ess of Yor or soft, SURPRISE gives all eA thinll ¢ ' ¢ |fastened on by a clasp, a hanging are goorgeous. The King gave Lady --- and | WC tioap: Olutment Whisdinisnadiinind Won reek: rocket with a stiff flap, showing a | Elizabeth an ermine cape, a diamond | That the sight of the old limestone Semple Bach Piue! i hae day for Miss Florence Stewart. long pearl and diamond pendant. Or | tiara, with necklace, brooch, ear-|tuildings on the corner of King and " ey Aes: every. Mrs. H. W. Richardson. "Alwing- there will be a plain black crepe {rings and bracelets to match. The {Clarence streets, being demolished Ba EE op RET 'op " Toft for Wirnipes oa Wears dress, close fitting like a princess Queen's gift comprised a diamond [to make room for the mew Bank of om BL We a ED ov dl robe of the 'eighties, high to the {and sapphiis necklace, brooch, brace- jMontreal offices, causes a pang to nn son, Jack Richardson, who A0COMm> chin, with long wide sleeves With |let and pendant, a full cutlery ser- [many of the older Kingstonians who panied her to his home in Winnipeg, Geep soft white frills inside them, a {vice and ancient candolabra. regard these old land marks as wit- where she will spend some time with White jabot hanging from the throat | The gifts of the bride's parents in- [hesses to the dignity of Kingston him. and no jewelry; the hat wil! be a cluded a diamond tiara, pearl and [the middle of last century. Venetian tricorne worn with a shor! {diamory necklace and rope of pearls. stiffened veil, and while frill-em- | Princess Mary's present was a quan- Silent contempt is often the iy ne Woman You Tintorell, = broidered gloves. ftity of linen, initiated "E.A." sharpest reproof. MAKE YOUR WORK EASY agreeable things. 3 5 Forest Fires. That women wear Jarger shoes 2 : : 3 + She did not give way to her nerves i J The ol a 0 Yer norved | - A sovarnment piblimtion. one lang reo they di Not or | FN Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your or friends. [rounces that in view of the approach- much perhaps that their feet are y your : . He ends. whatever work she had ling season of forest fire danger, fed- {larger, but the vogue of today is { 4 home. We have Very thing you may néed ta_ to do ¢ nial. {eral and provincial forest protectiva [tor rather loose gloves and shoes. ) 3 -- Our games represent tho las|iO 00 conpental rol and provincial forest protectivs [for sather to 0 gloves gud shoes, bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. . word in Optical Science. sions. to combat this great destroyer of for- shape and the gloves that make a \ ° ° They are earefully fitted to your| She helped the miserable and |est wealth. Everything that modern pretty plump hand look lke a sau- 4 Halliday Electric Co. individual features, are stylish, and [sympathized with the sorrowful. |science has devised will be used In |sage have gone out of fashion. \ : da | ' perfectly 'adapted to your vision. She was beyond vanity and above [the campaign--patrols, look-out -- i \ ' i PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. deceit. {stations, telephones, télegraphs and { That the Ontario Red Cross is Shoe Polish . A painstaking optical service [heliographs, portable pumps, gaso- nobly coming to the aid of Cochrane, Suves You for discriminating patrons [lene trucks, power boats, railway {and is meeting the call for supplies Yay : : Red Cross Wants Workers, {tPeeders and aeroplanes. These are \for the typhoid stricken town. E To meet the emergency call from (411 vamabie aids, but the great en- | R. Y, 0. Cochrane for hospital supplies for loinc for fighting forest fires is pub- | VISION SPECIALIST |the typhoid sufferers, Kingston 18 io opinion. | sending bed-pad. More workers and | e a ti 143 PRINCESS STREET more old linen are needed by the lo- Nearly all forest 'fires are caused | 08. ums lessness 're Phone 21 cal Red Cross at their headquarters, be B EN PRS BO ey are Noy. D . - Sap ne et Open evenings by appointment. [over the Bank of Nova Scotia, cor I¥ against this carelessness +d oles E&I: mer of Princess and Wellington [/ to be a crime against the nation, a : i The Highest Class Talking Machine a large part of the cause of fires will : . disappear. Patriotic citizens can do | A : : in the World a great service for Canada by being | y 3 . {scrupulously careful with their own use of fire when in the woods and | by helping to build up, whether they | live in the city or in the coffntry, a body of public opimion about fires which will deter the careless and strengthen the hands of those who protect the forests. Curried Eggs. If there is an English dish that is always popular, it is curry. Try . rg La -- this way of making curried szgs and : ! |b . serve them with scalloped potatoes. } : £5 EVERYBODY'S MODEL Remove shell from three hard- 18 boiled eggs and cut lengthwise. place cach half of an egg on a small A THE plece of buttered toast and cover § i : EL | with the following sauce: a Bg 1 » ) * Take 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 ; Eas Sele 5 tablespoons of flour, salt, a few A Te of . » For those who really cannot afford a cabinet style, and for grains, up milk, pepper to 10280, 1 ABIESPOOH ot ar those. who own a large Sonora, but need an instrument which : y¥ powder. | can. be conveniently moved on Picnic or other trips, or even Melt the butter in a sauce pan, ] i taken on the porch during the warmer season. stir in flour, malt and pepper. Cook = until smooth and bubbling, stirring : $90. constantly. Add the milk gradually, | i A N' one-third at a time, cook until the : ZASY YEnus aTRANGED. mixture bofls, stirring constantly. Before removing from the fire, add the eurry powder, blended with one tablespoon of cold water. Note.--This white sauce forms the . ; . basis of a groat many dishes and it | g LADY SHARP. . one knows hew to make it, one may # Mes. Margaret Lreden Ham, a native of Odessa, Ont, shwave be sure of 4 variety of diehes "THE BRIDEGROOM AND HIS BRIDE. whose masriage to Sir Henry Sharp, secretary of the Indian : ¥ 3 ; . government occurred early this month. THE Bons Toes mon Elispiace Alert, the King's second son, and his bride, Lady